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Show Martin Rev VOL. V, MANTI CITY, SANPETE COUNTY, ;the Atty-At-Ln- home 20 K:r li'Mb RoaH.A'a.il., W m. T. R e i d ALL NO. 31 IS, I8S9 UTAH, MONDAY, NOV ATTORNEY T3 A Q-- IE 3ST - N- , ca-- uii h Application. aavTiXBL Co., i Us. u. Publiliers JiKtiUJ J'. H. I BIT, A.a i Uau. OAQ COTTACS OKOAfvl i Jl.M; Till' in advance MolilBa, (l.uu. par cent. Sescomit fur at Court House. X.A. 3T sentinel, n Mmitlia, Tear, Ji.50; Manti, San Tele Co.r Utah. PKOBATK V U.J W. K. Reid, w Office G Manager B RINIS Probate business promptly attended to, and titles secured to . Land under the various of u ntt lined a m! 'd : exeell mv winch atbmts ot no eni'-It contains mii tout Inventn ojy i tive genius, sLjv nn 1.. ni y ui pixMUce. Ik Pt. dtU Draws ail kinds of Atnvfmi-mrs- , Arti! , Iuoorporation, Attpliuftiton luri'eu O P t Kte. Salt Lake liy.l'tah. BomIt, uu 4 cle f .a Li,;, r S nit i y Fill Tuk Si S l.uJi-'.o- i - n A i 11-- X hi, in- , u:'!'-- i til.- 4!i, - i'.wi, i ti Drain- are busy p;e: u.n ; f Me c mi.r ac.i Mis. H.iuis i) lus u week's sin ppm.; mi New V k wlinc HE EAECIIED WITH SIIEIEItlAN she will eiiik-.i- v r tx secuif g. ni s Urn TO TIIE SEA $ sli.ill u.ili e tiie UomL-r-l il ; .viiiti"- - i Tru'M'O'i cl! tlip way on foot, over mminwn I ' ,1 , ( a' j, Ete., nh eofTrf IVi t ortran? pre eeobrntodfor a m y oi iont,qii ck o1, r, vart u iiuUioinui fiMicuv v mill civ if eoiMmction, nukuur tiie m a ir mental and Luna st si hooN, ciiurebes, lodges, WKdeties, li ' k K I i Illlei u i! el, th'iiu.;ii ! e i i m h ilei's ,ois v, i., ti ..ii.e i i ,i.s vr n , ss m j, p., . f. .mesne duMiS ,i'l jii !i t cip.ltl'jll HI s- If (H-- K ' 'ill'll..! maker fun, !v, liist m - .', ! . ; s no' ie expected fiotii ill- ends enteiprisin.! lields, amiomii'es In h Mon of Miss Wctiiam n; ;, i., . , I : - - ss, . -- ... ' Me n tea next Frid.iv i imilv w ill not be ki. s .Mrs. In.et' r's i inter. u! i napped up m her inval.o : is now with Inin m Vii1 i, m sh r v go u itli bun i i i!ie In k s even the climate ' f VV.i n i niter is too variable fit t..e MI- ' iivs'he.iltli. A niece ufSeiicUiv n , . jr will represent the li iiistn "ireitamnifeiits os aie a!,s .In t '1 he a iv nig home which Seen to Aii-- k has tented will lie m .ce-- In n ex ile and ted daughter. 'I he Rusk-Aaslnnglon lor a slim: time dm in ; tin in lair neiei Cmigie-s-line lie was housekeeping el.- ,te This nui'ii for the c.i e I.Mii.hes tli.u u are new to Washn; a,ni',f. .ice everyone kn vis all .. i i and the Windoins, i' u t them in VVaslin,' many yeats ' t t a- - du!1 .tie coming season w.m i.f'-i.i an of ut ti ;a,c. iepeliliou . fm ihese other women w a! defeihe first time, vvli lit u. v. na-uce everyw lieit pi 'Uclied u it n miiij t nets for ; f. ...t.iers for ai leu dan ;nu i . liS.T I wut ud c uukdmg. KRIAI.. 40-l- , b SOLE PIANOS, STOOLS, BOOKS. aborted t outb of Irovo, and on braid the best liquors foi medical purposes. Drugs as-keep- cigar. Al-- o Main i COTTAGE ORGAN CHICAGO Manti Dr.THEJ.GREAT Kins;, INDIAN IIEAiTIL Office one block west ot Office, Manti. litbing The doctor will now remain at koine, ami's prepared for patients local, or from abroad. i.,i-dsi- I m t , . ,i- -- ' r- , hemse'1 1 es, expeci t .s . m ,.p toe. Il U'lien lie, ms simile!',, in.. '. i ivn.tu. .. i.ule weariness l.- ent comes ,t vvib u, n the step, all' lie ulu.g m die eves, attenlies will ha.t bad then out ih MACTICAI, OBSTETRICIAN AND MIDWIFE. Deseret Hospital. Carries Firs' Class Recconiends OSes at ReMd nee, ltihor north from t lasts af!South .Vain 6't,Manti.2u ., Co-op- Dr.W..5.3.TACEY ZDoxxtlst.. Manti. jSSTOffieu at Leuch Hou-e- -- - FIUsT-CI-AS- W.'RK S And Gentle Treatment' Guaranteed U DR. F. outing. l.uvf nd, the uovelistv Franc. s Mar-mis to settle in U u'I.eie lie vul! w. :k Mr. Craw continue ins ford n a singularly fortunate man. IPs artistic lasts are an iui.eri ance bum his fatliei. tne setil)t u. wh i I n many years lbs li'er-ai- 'r was a leading aiti-- t of R. me ' la'e. ' was rated ni rite host Schools and taat he h is trave'ed tar am! v. t.,e to go.-'I Ins pm He is a splend.il bo.ks aipiecao. ' e ta t careful alien m, m pins " ai to exeii tse. e d!y fencu.g has f til v eveloped ii is giant. He is voting, and must be nappy. if ul Add to Ins j ,m I.,.,! be li is a and accomplished w fe, ac i you will see life his is that complete. Mrs Crawford is the daughter of Col. fterd.in wiio in the eaily patt ul tiie war organized a tro p of sli.tip .hooters lively ,,a who f night m the Atmv of the p ,, an .c ii members IP-- i dans sharp ftc-mi- i cd, tCEfJfJER. S?. QU AT ANTIN' K PlfY ICIAN, lyctn J. CT 1, CO. PORTABLE Hosfor 1 i g ; is- -, .l.spi se g , ' I v , , i.- i T- i , t v .kb I'm! uo!.'1 r . ; . m i c ri ' 9 surgeons Surgeon of ' : j IS FOR 1 1 to!!.. wing appear "t si- t In' s ot - are I that rs - esi. . on in thin rota ncihans, with i! iiit' it, l.i't'ti fj eet'i veil et . ' Eilttr,' i.,o ."Milne of IjochIIv Aj pi ed. F-- . haw-no- BRANCH HOU. - Ogden L igan Angle Rock History of Manti. (Tins is different irmn 'he oiler, having been written by anot t'r .aid before the flr.-- t ajtj eared it, lii.-lo- hre-ii-e- , - AT - .limit . . Utah Jdali tv J. P. Christeiise.i, Agent, Ephraim, Ufca.ii, J.P.Christemjn, .Jr., Traveling: Aent, Faufiete ud Seriar Ceanlie? print.) Resources of San Irfe. Life of Bishoti Brnddev. Hygiene. Besides flieae we hope to av histoiies of Mt. Ileasaut, iCt!iriim and Fainiew ; two or more sketches of the Indian urns; other arli ees on hygiene, education, romance 0ARMER3 EXCHANGrri G eta. Evervone interesed in San Fete County, its past, present and future, shotil d'subseribe for the Skn tinel during the publication o! these art'cle? A Weekly paper and Suppi'-inen- t making it a paper, at $2 dO j annum, or if in tidvni y $2 0". is ir " year. Give on: mime In o'ir ag- n', cr .lor ollic :i si nuul. semi-Weekl- Over 25 Year y r MUl T-- ! i in Practicil as i SHAKE. CHAPMAN & CO, Madison ,Ind. ' i Dr, W. H. Olsten tbs S. P. V. Rv., and County Quar Ratine Phsician, will practice in Gynecology and Surgeonry. Dr. W. W. Woodring Late of in the Kansas City and graduate of an had the opportunity of a lifetime of State. His of Secretary position "Ohio College, will, as heretofore, brilliant home was graced by his wife follow general practice. and daughter. To day both steep forol is a thing His political power the past. It is to be remarked wilh proA- - L- - DAVISON' M D. found regret that lie could not even carry Delaware, where the Sailsburvs and Physician Surgeon, and the Bayards are the salt of the earth If by self inspection and prayer Mr. Utah. Ml. Pleasant, conBayard should ever be thoroughly infallible, a short Will treat all kinds of diseases in vinced that he is not over his own signanotice to that effect, in a ikillful manner. Diseases would ture, in the Willmington papers men of attract favorable notice among .peculiar to females receive b both partes in Washington. Catih l. special attention J.PviVieilstrup.e p ARMERS EXCHANQCJ p 11 over the World-N- o generators or extras. Can be op. crated hv a child. Best pnre soda wa ter. Will stand by any $4000 (las Fountain and sell live glasses to its one. "tye sell the finest NICKEL TLATED G is stock ot n v and fr(s.i Gnods a t litwi bt pi every week, our boot', nnd shoes in gieat low priecs cannot bee- e .'ed. Our (Rax arietie-'-n- d 1" rocker, ware and k (1 Dry aim ah. carry nod Hardwate ai - a' cnotlimg. short, cwrythiu m t slock long to av,i li .i we have. Province taken at (be highest pric j. also Studei-balter Wagons, Buggies and Car gent for tin- Celebrated Cheap for tT.ruh ages ; also for all kinds of farming implement. ure is v u- j,i john F. F. Dori i e b ave ,v iai ge amd iei'leii!-b'- d I ( J i 11 ,t- i 00A L ! - - Cheap and Good Coal at the M inti e Canyon, 4i Miles Coal Mine, Sooth of Manti. Six-mil- Coal at tho mines per too. $3 5 H. 1 - ir; i Co homas 2aTR James i4n SQUARE.hY ITT.1- - MO. SI.LUUIS 'jy OALLAS.TEX OX-IHSlISI-Pi Utah- - ai x obtaiced, aud &U n(f TraG?-toon. for roiwliict Moilrat. j;ot-pau- Jn p.icS p , l IJKT 2x CvUlb ho-- . Address, rrjniT Seif-- !. oTh i Kunpis. C.O. ?. ikig sCri.'Bi.i Pen A Pencil Stamp INK, ARKINO 1 iOIE TO MAFIAS AMVTHi'NO c . S&irofoHan 4J Harrra Anv 1 u toue'i ul it J ' fV., .a- : A 'r- tl - - mu iii iHiiii Site ininw Tt'li yoiirt' kG'ulifA.' i rnoiu(oc lie, LUJ.) 25e 4$ VtirrtD S U. iai John 1. Chriiteiiron Robbins. outhei'E Osatral All traveler north or louth bound, find us in their wy, no more because we are on the naot direct mute between the great Ho ol Producing regions of Snu'hern Utah and their railway shipping points best because they find we keep a bandy tVui Yard, and the boss store on tiie roa where every can thing desirable and f lie bone ht at price irresiet.tble. We seii for cash or its equivalent only. No sciipt! No credit! Ne discount Quick time! Dollar for dollar. On this plan only, can w from ave you on all purchase 25 to 33 per cent. ! N'ctkleJ J'al.'c, unabndea, 15 ct. A 'nerVrt IltitnorijttJt, Twain, iviiiV.ihl, M 'ci s pa;u r i .ms cl bi 73 etc. J v T . aS cl tn Ji 00. Imitation of CUritt. Tt frt-a- v ori receipt of price: Slfftrt of Aftirn. , I ir !1:j jt:d intructive woric. ' A latent I live i OppouM t hve no anb eswnta, all buineM rnee can UiUiSact patent buuu es? in Uioi remote froa at U: with dwrtjpj .ode!, drawing, or if ratentalde or mt, P secured. a'PDt nil Our fee not cue j How t Obtain i utci is. "dn Je'c m your fetal, county, oi actual ebcnti! it BOOBS GOOD Siit M. Utah. upply Station . Two 2G- -9 . City, Ephraim jsc cj w&od'.vtwtK Tkxey attachments FOR SALE Hundred Ctioice blench Merino Rums, one year old, born and raised in Utah, ranged on the desert during the winter, bred from the best imported rams ever brought country. Cards aie out for the edding of Mtss to the Territory, and from very .Mary Clvmer to ex secretery Bayardt high grade French ewes, noted for which will be solomnired at the resid both wool and mutton. Apply to ence of the brides mother in this city, & Atkin at Wright, on N0V..7. Agreat many changes have Jos. F. Wright, Main he Nepln. St., Four Mr. ago years come to Bayard. ever. AG EX !!. J article we shall of jinnie 10 to 20 ih'if Hint ar j lit "i u i ' j 1 e Physicians T. 0,i, . COAL! COAL!! f i F M. i.i m in, ifn. km ti. v, .1. K. Wt i..--, ( 1 1TUZE ARTICLES. sxTa.,' ! i i the c - o'. erunie'.' I r ,. m . lie n of the ti ended the c s ; . i o.io ni'tske - ,1. d no K ussia a ,t 1C and uec mmous. I in m ai'' Itj I I G.b - 1UU ,ami ; nis. n beaultf u Jaugh er be went to SURGChS f.iKev, where lie lecame a le idiug k Accor the B Lat Surgeon in b Bn! ugnein court cncles and taught uiks some vert pretty tucks in waifaie A'ary.J ior a consideration. The daughter adQ"ts at residei ,'oTwo Mocks north ded for her beauty, and her latge gray-blueves, the soit ol eyes Mary of Scotof City Hail, Manti. to land had. wete used to conquests befoteIt Tsiegrams prom) tdv she met and married Mr. Crawford life cf l.OWri-- , ll.D. W.W.WOOSMN, a.. . is like a page of romance, the Moroni this beautilul and gifted pair, and now. Ephraim. like true fairy f dks, they come to live and happy ever afterward' in their own Yf. Ci.int, Finit ii, i i Christens Ludvigson .1. F Celebrated Mitchell ( ,t m Ji'hn Deere M niiie S Oliver A Gale Chilled Pi- a it Gale, A. Wood and Cli Tiger 11. iv Rakes. W.ilu r A. Wood II arvih'iug Machinery A-- Ilav Rakes. ( initid ik Austin Well loriiiti Maidtin- - V, Piping Ac. Ruell A Co-- . Saw Mill, Ilur-i'o, - and Automatic Eng: ms C h ,.'i r. Concord iarne s. C tx, F. M. Miller & lln 'u A Ha.'ie, ' xnd Otlier Stand id Burii tor Scales Whitman i! Common Sleigh-i- . Riei-Spring d CuRen, Wagons. Bed.: Ci v CHICAGO, ILL. eiises, no ni.irter of how kini ' I II. .) e , . - Street, -- I : Watron-- . uiw, by our 2 I Utah- - Tin Catalogues on aiiplication, Fhf.k. 1 i Dr. Brunei i.S. lot o. 1Ia th best Box East St (i.-- ' after 6 p m . THE POPULAR ORSAH DR. SAGES CATARRH F?Er.?EDY cures the -- t . i . 1 T. II. Hniitli, J. F. (ir it,!, VV. Biter, C. S. Bit fm', Jas. Shin p, . if3KO 31 AI COMBINED, MAKE THIS jv Salt-rheu- . , K. Sait Lake City, DIRECTORS KIITATfOX, LABIAL;:! fAdUTJCS HIL1LLFD WOIlliLX, blood-taint- ,. . ; K.T.im t 1. ... .1 i.orn, cart intr knapsack and g.;n, 'ii rush heaps to keep out of tun tr.Hi, .ih ;Lf eolJ, from the etlecu of whicli t.s li. He iln.uidlit he would never recover. n L.i ,re: f slow coneimiption for many l)r. llerces Golden Medical g'i advertised in a newspaper cni le tatcnnined to trycountry it. A few bottle wonu d a chan ; six months continued use cured him. Ahvajs too independent to asic hie country tor a pension, he now says bo needs none. Ho helped save his country bo saved himself! (onsumption is For scrofula, in all its myriad forms, the Discovery" is an uneuualed remedy. It cleanses tne pystem of all s from whatever emiso arising, end cures all Pkin and hcaJp Uieasi. Tetter. Eczema and kindred ailments. It is to benefit or cure in all diseasA9 guaranteed lor which it is recommended, or money paid for it will be refunded. Sold by druggists. Copyright, 16tv3, by World s Dis. Mrd. AssK. r.iii.Mi 1, , to 12 S . . .1 - el al . : wleiethe li steis. (iie AI. 'heir liist ep r ii les. i.asoii. Hie'!)1!;.!'!' rti Ioo-rr- Chemicals. i! tint spiel. iii, I l,nlv, .Mrs Mo..'. The .Hi ly of Set iei.iry N . h p.e sjitled i.i liiesi new h. me liv ! ten in e: Ml V ! P.iints. Altdi-une-- Drugs in - Machine Com pan . !.. i 1 Li ml utl r. th-- C i H.P.LAR30:2,P.P.1. Asst msm Stct. .t'lrstis. Wascon and 1 HIGH LIFT. r "V. Appli. ((,,'iV, Leading implement House io Utah fuo-operct- ive Tie id D.S. I 1 T. C. BAILEY. Nat ary Public i.and agent and attokey. atoms fop promptly Mtmrl Manager. , Court House, Manti. Utah. Inters Cl. T. (hi.-- .. , entries-Ofli.ce- nti an for fill A jnuult url Lands and aUfii la t t rouiMted Lanl CMhHS. Mal.es Maps, r.ieui- J. p. (iraut, II. J. Uraal. President. J. I.S nit Vice Irest 1 T J.V BOBBINS i CHRISTENSOi;L Xtit |