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Show v- STOVES ! started from here at once which met Thev preach at Ephraim this evening THE HOiiE thepnnci the team with the corpse about tenor Church Schools was one of mdes from Thistle. 1 he funeral pal themes, and was one in w hell the twelve A WEEKLY NEttfel'APLR The deceased people ot the Church are most interestwill oe held man. Such sermons as were preached ed. Devoted to the imprest of sun 1ete and fur was an honest, upright, young s evening are ca'culated to make betThe railway people did all in then rounding counties. E- ter people of us all, and we wish there power. 'Subscription! - 6. t xere more of them. 1.5); Three StarMonth. Ephraim, line, Year ou. .Months, as formerly Parley McFarlane returned from Cleai asH Down J2, $1.27 and FOUNTAIN GREEN ITEMS. He savs there was Jieek last week. Application. Advertising Batten perhaps 35 lbs Sep:. nh, iSS me small rock, weighing Home Sestisel Co., Publishers that was estimated as being worth Jrooo, weather now, t 57, M.U1U, Utah. Pleasant Placers ,ound iu one of the mines. Js. T. JEEMA!i, Manager S. H. KELT, Assistant Manager. The hum of the Thresher has been pave been discovered not more than ij nifes from the narrows in the can-irohushed for over a week. and from there they extend some MASS MEETING. Mrs J. P. Smith whose husband died 15 miles. The southern end of the nvn-erhere last month died in two weeks belt seems to be near Lake Pufler, There will be a mass meeting ol the after Then Beaver the burial of her husband. Council County. m ths ot Citizens Manti, held sevenis an left orphan, child, (louse next Tuesday evening, to consid- youngest our extend We symA SPIRITUAL FEAST. ot age. er the question of securing good waiei teen years bereft. the to pathy now Moroni, Sept nth, iS6 lor Maun. Our City Fathers are prepuiied to bring tins matter before the was a Spiiitual Feast in M, There miens in order to receive their sanction Dr. Isaacson Pleasant last Sunday. did end'iisement in an effort to secure to an overcrowded house at tins much needed article. Rumors of a desperate fight come preached 2 oclock after We hope that all little predjudices and from Price canyon where a gang of men the afternoon meeting at ,te addressed both Saboath Schools in Will be laid aside on this ocGrandt Rio the bickerings are at work broadening the morning The teachers and pupils of casion and that the entile town will Western gauge. The row occurred be lie S null school formed in procession water. us Let have and of one good the say unite tween Dagoes and Italians, inarched to join the North schoul i liat the cay lathers are willing and former drawing a gun and shooting twt did a Here the doct ir spoke with gieat powfor m all do their to inpower anxious Italians, one of whom died almost neccessuv move, weaie stantly. An attempt was made to cap er and Veiy encouiagmg. tins most The meeting i.i the afternooon was for the now and remains it only certain, tute the murdeier, but the Dagoes very mteiestiug and much enioyed by or shall not we snail, citizens to say around and pievented the on- I ic multitude The spirit of gathered. make the attempt '1 he wa wounded mn slaught, a Some might withuld tiieir vote be- brought to the city last night and depu- Ins testiuiuny burned like tire and the . n.giegalioii was h.ghlv delighted. cause of the prospect of the extia tax- ties started lor the scene. In the evening at 730 a crowded ation to covet llie expense. To those nm-.gieeted brother Jsaacsen in the BLOOD POISON we will say that the extra taxation need e not be an excess, as the money can be Is very liable to follow contact of the ratr View Ward wnere again a piolii-diltune wasei.joved. secured and yeais given to pay in back hands or lace with what is known as All dav Monday 'he doctor visited and vVe d ) not know that tne Cuv intend to poison ivy, especially in hot weather 01 idmiinsterei to tie sick aud 111 the eveTilt in but it freelv h the funds idv the city, is by raise bonding peispmng anv Case the taxation of the people trouble nnv subside I ,r a time, only to ning went over to M .roiii. he spacious meeting house was need not be burdensome aud we do not appear it aggravated form when opporciuwded witli people fioiu Moroni s mink it will. tunity offers. The great purifying pow-eiol Hood's Sarsaparilla thouroughlv nid sol luuud.iig settlements, and it is Fi tends, consider the necessity of this that not less than 1400 people question, to the health and wellate ul eradicate everv trace of poison from the estimated me people of tins city and when you g blood, as the cures it has accomplished were pri sent. Heie, as in the other places, he to the meeting on Tuesday evening, conclusively show. It also cures scrofthe congregation with mighty (winch every one should do) be pre ula, salt iheumand ail other affectations Ins tesmnouy to the pated to sav to the City fathers, "give arising from impure or poisoned blood. power,of healing the woik 111 which he is engagtruth us good water and you shall not only ed with the L. D. S and predicting a nave our consent to do so, but our 4101 ms future to this chinch. .hanks and blessing if you succeed. The congiegation left the nteeting-.iius- e much stiengthened and instruct-- J Joshua Clayton, of Kansas Citv and praising the Father for such a reported !v many papeis a.. killed in a stage coach accident, agrei H. L. ,uud time. blv surprised his friends by turning tij yesterday. ES I RAY NOTICE. o visa Item of Iuteresl, Clipping anti 1 have in my Comments. possession one spotted roan shinNEL. Purchasing Association. see the Heating stoves, Parlor stoves. ,,A greater variety than ever, now on' hand and will be sold at a verry small profit. The people of Sanpete Co. would do well to give me a call, before going else-wher- H e. J. MORTEN SEN. Spanish Fork,' Utah. Boots & Shoes. h e Best! The Cheapest! Made and Imported; All Styles, Varieties and Prices. Home ili'A'SOH a HAKSSff, Mt Main, St, Pleasant Pleas, t. Jw Music $Store. Marker, EAGLE ItOCK, IDAHO. IN ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF DKAU--- Musical Instruments, Strings &Tiim-mings- . AGENTS wanted. J. II. blater, West. Manager, al Territorial. ' 1 rk TEMPLE HOTEL, Mata Street, Manti. Western. Jianti Items American. and L. Candland, Esq , of Chester, wete in Mann yesterday. Tlte Manti Roller Mill has commenced woik again, and the town is once mote being supplied with Hour of a superior grade. last The Disrict Schools opened Monday with an enrollment of 250. 1 lie Ptesbyterian school also commenced with a good, full school. - Drake. . IRESBY ERIAN CHURCH. I M1 IMPORTERS & BREEDERS of in the year. A few Notice OT llAtneatead Final Proof lor Publication. No. 99. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah September 9th. I8sj. Notice is hereby given that the following uauied settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hisclami, uid that said proof will be made before the Probate .Judge, or in his absence, the county clerk, of Sanpete Co , U tah, at Manti, Utah, on October24th 189, viz: James L. hearnes, II. 1, No. W19, R. 1 for the Lot I, Sec. 1. Tp. W, and Lots 4,5, and 6, Sect 6, Tp. 20, S. li. 1 . ve.us ago t He Central Labor Union, lelegate body of all the unions, began S. L. m vuu. lienuuies the following witnesses toprov the piactice ol holding its annual pieinc his entmuouH residence upon and cultivation and parade on the fust Monday in d, said land, viz. Henry A. Kcarnes Heiov At first, only a comparatively Kohbitis, William Robbins, J. ALKobbms, u of small number could take part in the Gunnison, "taupete Co., Utah. FRANK D. IIOUHS, Reged celebiatton.and the public at large hard- T. C. Bailey, Atty. Sept. ly noticed it; for in a great city like this, 1 pocessions and celebiations are taking place all the time. Labor Day grew rapidly in importance, however, until tiuee years ago, it was made a legal Since holiday by the State Leg then it has become a general favorite, aud all classes ol peopfe tecognize it as i a ved tribute to those who earn their bread bv the sweat of their brows. The parade to av promises to he one of the laigest ot the kind evei held, it will be one, nut ol men aiiaveil to si iv. their fell but a paiadi ol men of honest toil. well-dese- A GREAT NAME DISGRACED One of the sensations of the week ha been the stabbing of Mrs Donnelv, a nurse, by the wile of Robert Ray HamMr. Ilani ilton and its developments illon, who unenviotislv figuies in tin of Alexandcase, is tile er Hamilton, tile talented stateman wh was Secretary of the Treasury undei Washington, anil who was killed in the Dm us duel with Aaron Burr Thai such ail honoiable name should be trailed in the dust is a matter for much re giet, though it seems fated to sensations bum the time of its luunder. Not only was Alexander Hamilton killed in a duel, but also was his eldest son two ye its previously. Another son, John C Hamilton was arrested years ago lor a public misdemeanor, and that too caused Fountain Green at the Bishops ho Friday, 2. p.m., September rgth. I one day only Moroni at Bishop Irons, Saturd.n For one d p. m., September 14th. only. Ephraim at Bism.p I Julius, from U Jav 9 a m till 8 p ni September 16 h 11 .use. from Tues Manti at tile ifem-Jay, 9 a. m till .Vcd.ii-su, 8 p in, iMii. eptembe 17, b ,1 , . 1 sensation. Nevertheless, the llam-ilton- s Chapel. LATEST. We shall issue an extra as soon as possible and so increase our news mat- ter. The Ephraim Co-oare just receive-in- g their wihter supplies of Woolen Goods, Clothing, Ac. Tuttle & Co. have a full stock of Coventry dress flannels, tricots, beydon, etc., milk silk plush and velvet trimming in all colors to match. p Mr. Palmer, the tailor, has removed his shop to main street, just across from the Tabernacle, where he is prepared to wait on his friends and the public m general. ... . jincutiimuU thereto, that he tiaa uate a i r ''l al icuuMte cash Eu?r No. rth Weat quarttollowinft M?tli & ol Nec lUauU South Eat quarter of the Norf& t ii 9,1 of Sec Township 5 Souh $,i quartet 3 hat of Salt Lake Mtruimu in trunt torti! ana habiUDta orcupautttof tnU dew m.edULdfo towii'bite purpoiO'ii tup whiU vn.-u- i Ls n. uim? jariued, that taoki and vvi ?: company .or corHrdlion claiming Vt U ful owner of pobseasinu, oc upatit ur h ' or to be entitled to the oo uinm y tr of said described and, or any lot, 4iitH k, or pair thereof, ahull, withi i xix mouths the tirbt publication of this not.ee, m person!! by his. or their ageut or attorney aigu a a ment id writing containing an accurate deatnn lion of the particular parcel or parti ot said uL in which he, she, ortbey claim to have anv in terest, and the specihc right interest or Mur. therein which he, she, or they claim tobeentitl t to receive and deliver the same to the clert m the Probste Court of Sanpete count v at Man! city, in Itah Territory, that the tiling of statement shall be considered Notice toap pJJ sons claiming any interest in said described lard of the claim of the party filing the aims persons failing to iu ike and deliver sue ttei menu within the time limited asabove uicnuun-e- d shall be forever barred the right ofelaiiume or recovering the land claimed by them, ortiiv interest or estate therein, or in anv pirc.ptrctio. share thereof, in any court ot Law or equity videdtbat when goo came is shewn uuViu s ateuient could not be filed wuhiu the time herein specified, the Probate Judge uuy extent the time not exceeding one year lroiu aT pu'dicHliou Ait this notice. Aug 15, A, D. 1 H,). irt Published a. I.. Aug Mayor of Moroni 'kticcessor to Jens city. r. NielsonJensen ' Oct .51 of purifying the blood canblood not be overestimated, for without pure you cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every one needs and euricn good medicine to purify, vitalize, Hood a the blood, and we ask you to try Tb, Importance 15- tor Fubl7cUuii !ouioUdtttd Notice No, 40. Land Office at salt Lake ity Utah J uly 3 st, hereby given that the foiUiwm Sarsaparilla. It strengthen r--. named settler husfiled noticeot ins mtentuTa to iiiMke tinul proof m support of )us claim, and builds up the system, and that said proof will be made betorr tin creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, Register and Receiver at Milt LakeCity, UUh while It eradicates disease. The peculiar on September lfith, 1839, viz. James h l.Uqir-IE. No. tW77, for the N. X of W. combination, proportion, and preparation an(u W. i ot S. W, B,Sec. 1. Tp, 2 S. R. 21 E.,S L of the vegetable remedies used give to names w the He Utah. M., -following itiies. Hoods Sarsaparilla pecul-- ry. If to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation of. said land, viz: LcuukLuL Ur curative powers. No Wui Crapo, Win. ti. Gibson, Alum Lutz, other medicine has such a record of wonderful Emery ro 1 1 tali Pierce, all of Moab. cures. If you have made up your mind to Also: Notice i hereby given that tilt fot Induced to settler has died noneeofhm lowingnamed boy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be intention to make final pro..f in support of take any other Instead. It is a Peculiar his claim, and that said proof will be marly Medicine, and la worthy your confidence. before the Register and Receiver at '.tit Lake all druggists. Hoods Sarsaparilla is sold by itv, l'tah, on I7h, ss, lx. !i E No. 5rw, for the N. illiatn G. tiibon,cpteini.ar Mas. & Prepared by C. L Hood Co., Lowell, of S K v, Sec 35, p. 25, S. K. 21 K. S L ji Utah. He names tile fallowing witnesses u) D0868 Ori Dollar prove Ins continuous residence upon ana cultivation of, said land, viz : James li. lat. On.er of ace of Hotel iNtnte. ter, Leonidas L Crapo, Neils Olsen, Arthur A. Taylor, all of Moab, Emery Co , Utah. In the Probate Court, uf the County of San FRANK L. HOBBS, pete, Terruory f l'tah. T. 0. Itnilt, In the matter of the Guardianship of the Claimant i for Atty Person and hstate of Hannah Christensen, Incompetent. RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILOrder to show cause why order of sale of WAY. Real Lstate should not be made. Julius H, Christensen the Guardian of the Ocentc T tne of the Worldl Person and hstate of Hannah Christensen, an lue of the cenic 'orldl Incompetent, having tiled his petition herein In Effect from and After July 1. praying for an order or Sale of the real estate, of said Incompetent, for the purposes 1889. therein set forth TRAINS. It is therefore ordered by the Probate No. 8. No. 4. Judge of saul Court, that all persons interest- Lv. Ogden 5 trip, m, 8.10.m. ed in th esate of said Incompetent appear 7:06 a. Lake m. Ar. Salt 9:30 p. iu. City, before the sod Probate court on Monday, 11 10 a. m. 9.10 p. 10 the 3Jui d is of September, 18h9, at 11 oclock Ar, Provo 4 35 Green m. a.m. River Ar. in the frnoot i said day, at the court 4 00 a. m. - d pr d.ite court p: m. t Room at the cotirt Ar, Pueblo 7 15 a. to. Ar, Denver M inti 7 45 p, m. House of to show county Sanpete, TRAINS. cause wuv m r should not be No. 4. No. 7. to the 8tt a ii u, II Christensen togranted sell so Lv. 8 00 p. m. 8 :00 a. m. Denver uuielt f t .) of the said Icnom 1:30 Lv. Pueblo a h n p.m. as be i,! potent ccss.iry 10 45 p. m. 9 90a n. Ar. Green River Amith i. ,i ji oj his order be published . Provo Ar. at least fou. .$ p.m. weeks in the HOME 7 40 atn. m. Sentinel pruo.i tlul published in said Ar. bait Lake lty 8:30 p m. 9 15 a.m. p. Manti, county oi anpete, Territory of Utah. Ar. Ogden AND ALTA TRAINS. BINGHAa Jacob Johnton, 7 40 1, m . Dated August 19th, 189. I'robate Judge. Leave Salt Lako ty a. Arrive Salt Lake fty Territory of Utah, 8S BENNET . D. C. DODGE, J. n. county of Sunpet. Pane. Gen. General Man ager. Agt I, John Uid, clerk of the Probate court in and for said county, hereby certify that the foregoing isafull, true and correct copy of he original order to show cause why order UTAH CENTRAL TIME CARD. sale of real cstateshould not bo made in Mav 12. 1889. he Matter of the Estate and Guardianship of Nephi dally apjtollo; annuli chitstenwen an Incompetent, as the PaBBecgcr Trains leave 2ft & m zud 2 p. m Going North zt cm1 appears of record in my office. m. and 8:30p. m 1135, Witness my hand and the seal of Going South at at Lake and m. Arrive Salt 1010. Opnit ( the Probate court of Sanpete ; A D. Leave Salt Lake lty 7 10 a m. and R.oOp.ifi) it. T. tms 2Jnl day of August,county Passenger Traina leave salt Lake dai ly, for the North, to connect with the u, P. Ky. and the U. A John Reid, I Probate clerk. N. Ry., at 6.00a, m11 andl!R0p, m. and arrive 40 a m. and 3 Latt Lake itv at p. m. Vtty. Freight trains leave Nephi for lor the North at 7:35 a, m, and for the south at 6:25 p. m. ii i in s n ai Bishop Madsons, from Fbancis Gope, Gen F. & V. Agt i' iv, 9 a. m., till 8 p. m Septein-- 1 John Gen Sunt. Sharp, u. General Officea, Main Street, Salt Lake City. City at Mrs Hydes, Saturday, , , till 8 p. m., September 21st. Ii yod have no use for this advertisemt Pleasant at Mrs. Nielsons, n Sunday, 9 a. m., til! Monday, 8 p. ment, please give it to whomsoever it j Nu agents or peddlers September 22tid. and 23rd may benefit 'view at Mrs. Petersons, from emploved Consul ation by mail b T dav, 9 a. tr. , till 4 p. m., September Address: Dr L. Gaht.ki, 573 South First West St., Salt Lake City, Utah. C Notice Is reCUIIar I. coif . S 100 AuaS-Hcpt- EAST-BOUN- WEST-BOUN- ut.t'c 1. - ; - . 23-- , -- i' 4 11 -- n DR.L.GALITZKI. A gieat-grandso- Foreign. r.tii-rux- Bartoor Sliop d County Lake Herald. Andrew A. Anderson, ion of Andrew Anderson, of this place, was killed Wednesday, the 4th. inst., a little after 3 oclock in the afternoon, about twenty-thre- e miles east of Price, on the new Bom 17. Frofot ltr l'nti, 7 grade of the Rio Grande Western He was working on the track. Near by were other men blasting dot. When the blast went of! a heavy dust raised and when it cleared away, those around saw a man fall. They ran to the spot and found this young man lyA HAS OPINIO ing dead on the ground. A big lump of dot had struck him on the left side of the head, which caused instant death. A telegram was received here on the Two Doors North Of Co-o- p Store, evening of the 4th, giving an account in btiefot the accident, and a team was - Manti, Give him a call. M. H. SPERRY, Editor Sentinel. Being the fiis Monday in September, this is Labor Da and the workingmen of the c.tv ate doing their best, not onlv to enjoy the Foi holiday, but also to celebrate it. n months past the different unions making pieparations for the pa rade on tins day, which is coming to be more and more as one of the egardt-impoiiant holidays Toumikceper. 1889. DAY. LABOR a Easy terms. Visitors welcome. Corresqxm dence invited. We have the largest and fine lot of Blooded horses in the west lienor uia ked with nnder and bit in iettear, unintelligible brand on blioiilUer, left hip knocked down. One Fayette, Sanpete Co., Sept., 9th., New York, September 2, now hold, as they always have, a Robett very high position in this city. Ray .Hamilton, who has been arrested as an accessory to his wife, lepresented the "brown stone district of this city, in the Assembly lor a number of yettrs. His lather, Schttvler Hamilton, bears and is one ol With a feeble appetite and imperfect the title of Major-Generthe leaders of the famous "400, or New for is it the digestion, impossible body York Ed. Arlington aristocracy. 10 secure the requisite amount of nourishment. Ayer's Sarsaparilla not only stimulates the desire for food, but aids the assimilative organs in the formation of good blood and sound tissue. "Jack the Ripper has perpetrated a worse atrocity than anv of the former KILLED BY A BLAST. murders in White TIjlo ipt-- a George Fawcett Rowe, the actorand Mnt r d heifer marked with dramatist, died at the Gleuliatn Hotel. n psotf both ears, branded jg' on right hip. New York City, last Thuisday evening, If the above described animal are not claimed within fliteen days from date they aged sixty years. .ill be sold at auction to the highest bidder iu Monday the 23id. inst., at lo oclock a. m. NEW YORK LETTER, John C. Mellor, Set vices as usual next Sabbath even Text, Gal. 4 6 mg at 7 3 oclock. Topic, The Holy Spirit crying, "Abba. Suffolk Punch', English Shire We expected to receive more paiticu and Cleveland Bay Horses. of the unfortunate killing of Andrew lars and Horn Short Shetland Ponies. P. Anderson, of Ephraim, from our Holstein Cattle. Stock for sale at agent, but not having receivtd any word all times at Living prices aud on we copy the following from the Salt Tonsorial Artist a h.iv-bee- H. S. Kerr, Esq, of the S, P. V. Ry.. Found. North of Richfield, a mans coat. The owner can have the property by calling on W, W. Billings, Manti, and All it osh visiting the Temple paving for. this advertisement. should inquire for this House. Messrs O. Sorensen, Jr., of Fountain Fret mover nnee to the Green and Fred Samuels of I'inlic weie in town yesterday. -- T. They were here pie everv duy-Al- so at some of our mining properlooking and Grain Stabling Hay. ties. Fhiu: Iksmcn, Proprietor We acknowledge the receipt, from Mr. B. Bachman, Jr., of the First l)is trict Court Cafenear for the Septembet l" R SALE 'erm. '1 he Calendar is in a convenient Two !I i i irod Oil noe French form a pamphlet of 66 pages. Merino Rams, one year old, born Mrs. Sarah Vorhees, Mrs. Jens Hanand raised in Dtah, ranged on the and Mrs. Geo. Fox, each added desert duri mi the winter, bred from sen, one to the population of Manti la-- , the best imported rams ever bronght week. The fiist named was a son, the to the Territory, and from verj other two guls. All three mothers, all French ewes, noted for three babies, and all three papas aie high gradwell. both won! atid mutton. Applv to doing Jos. F. Wright, at Atkin & Wright, If yon Could see your own scalp Main St., Nephi. thiough an ordinary magnifying glass, 26-- 9 Utah. vou would be amused at the amount oi dust, dan. null, ai.d '..dead skin thereon ccuinul.it rd. Tne best and most popular preparation for cleansing the scalp Ayers Hair Vigor. & Re GENERAL NEWS. First Class Accommodations. Martin lv -- w Notice or ol ntory.1 rltory 1 n. at this utiite. Boot and Shoemaker. First Class Custom Woik and Repairing done. Call and see Mr. Br tntzeg as is truely fust, class in even particular. Prices Moderate, .uni terms easy. Shop at Residence 2 blocks west of Tuttles Store Manti. ult Lake City. Utah. 1 Best Brass Band Instruments. All kinds, Orchestra & Band Music. Sheet Music and Music Books Send for my new Catalogue Just out 1 he weather is most beautiful, it has a sketch of Ole Bull's Violin Playing in it and much gOwchjnforina-tio- n Bru. Warehdtn is very feeble. He has in for musicians oecn confined to the house for several Send me your orders for what you Jays. want in the Music line. Apostles John Henry Smith, and F. ALSO I. Lyman, were in Manti Tuesday and fine Plate Rolled Gold and Watches, Jewelry, Cultery, Etc., Etc. Motto. Wednesday. Square Dealing Fair terms Standard Wanted. A good boy, 10 or 12 years good, low, Prices. old, to team the punters trade. Apply P. O. BRANTZEG, of denefits. Thoutnuh 1 e KOFFORD AND ALDRICII. General Merchandise Dry Goods. Groceries. Notions, and a full line of Gents furnishing goods. The cheapest store in the County. Call and he convinced. 2 IjI'h ke Sooth of Co op, Mt. and Circulars Senb for 1, Cooking stoves, tiv Chicago - Jlofnt Cityuy Towni.te tti,n concern. To all i... distinguished German Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Catarrh Surgeon, from Chicago, will make, our town a professional visit, and can be consulted for a limited time at the above Hotel, on diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Catarrh. The Doctor has treated and cured thousands people, and has the highest recommendations, and all those troubled with the above diseases or desiring to get well adapted Alaska Crystal Spectacles, or Eyeglasses, are cordially invited to call on the Doctor. As his visit is limited to such a short time, it will be to your interest to make use of this rare opportunity and call on the Dortor in time. Remember that the Doctor is a specialist and has, therefore, much experience, and is confident ol being able to help you. Those having been given up as hopeless are especially in vited to call. There is no need of going east to consult a specialist. Such diseases as iritic, keratitis, granulated lids, cataract, cross-eyes- , and ail the other eye diseases, too numerous to mention, can easily and permanently be cured ii those who are afflicted with them will Consult a specialist who treats nothing else, and who naturally has a great experience. Cross-eye- s can be made straight either by an operation Or by using glasses for some time. If any one in your family is afflicted with cross-eydo no not let it go on, thinking It will be outgrow n, as that Is utterly erroneous and surely will lead to entire blindness of the cross-eyBut consult the Doctor and hear what he has to say. Df. Galitzki is agent for the celebrated Alaska Crystal Spectacles, of which he carries with him a large stock suitable for all different Visual defects. The advantage of the Alaska Crystal Lenses is, that they are pure white, have highly polished surfaces, never tire the eyes, but rest, preserve and strengthen the eyes so that cases are recorded where people Were able to do without them the rest of their lives after using them for some time. Thev are acromatic, i.e., do not make rainbow Colors They will enable the wearers to use them for hours by lamp light and yet the eves will not feel strained. The lenses will cure Presby- Opia, or old sight, Ilypermetropia, orf.tr sight or and floating spot. The Doctor has the finest Itnd mos-- 1 delicate instruments to properly test the eves and those whowere never able to get properly of e I I and make use of the Doctor's visit and consult him and get his Alaska Crystal Spectacles, and find Out what a blessing well adapted glasses are. Often people are wondering w ny they have to change their glasses so often, or why their eyes tire after using them a little while. Now, the eyes of these people are not mates, that is, one is stronger than the other; in fact, statistic show that this abnormality exists in 8j per cent, of the human educated race. You can find out for yourself whether yours are mates or not. Take very fine print and close your left eye and read with your right one only, then close your right eye aud read with your left, and compare whether the vision of both eyes is alike; if not, you need glasses Containing lenses adapted separately for each eye. When this is done you will be able to use your glasses for hours without tiring your eyes. Ladies who periodically or constantly suffer with headache, neuralgia, dizziness, etc., should know that the cause of this unpleasantness is due to defective eyes, technically called Asthenopia and llyperme-thropia- . It is like this: The eves of such persons being not perfect, have to overstrain themselves, which constant strain and constitution cannot stand. But if the eves would be put in a state of rest, by the aid of glasses, they would not have to strain themselves as well as the constitution. Artificial Human Eyes inserted without pain, which look and move like the natural organ. HE TREATS CATARRH. No matter how lortg standing vour catarrh s fie the Doctor will l,ouj speedily give vou ami cure the catarrh permanently with the aid of inhalers, lcJcal applications of medicine and with other appliances, and effect- lveLv medicate the Pharynx. A few ments w show you that your catarrh can be cured.- evm if chronic and of several years treat-Myopi- stanilillg- 6f SYMRTOMS CATARRH a dlstnci lives in j that here, where a great majority of are subject to catarrhal affections B1. down the windpipe and into the tubes W These convey the air into the lungs. sen then swell and cause an oppressive fullness about the throat. They with mucus and the patient cannot 8 freely, but suffers frequently from me of breath. The posterior part of iVifF gets inflamed too, In many c.ases.1jje sound of cracking and chest. At this stage of the disease the ing is usually more rapid than when The patient has also hot flashes over The pain which accompanies this c , is of a dull character, felt in the hind the breast bone and upper F , head. The pain may come and go days and then be absent for se'e The cough that occurs in the firs m((4 bronchial and nasal catarrh is ar.v e , at intervals, is hacking in charac usually most troublesome m, arising or going to bed at night be the first evidence of the disease into tile Itings. Very often there c coughing induced by the toughLA11, violent as to cause vomiting. con mucus that is raised is found to particles of yellow matter, ir.dica1' small tubes in the lungs are nc With this there are often stieaimixed with the mucus. In 6011 patient becomes very pale, ha app pectorates before and cough Occasionally small masses stances are spit up, which, who tween the fingers emit a had o'"' cases particles of hard, chalky i up. The raising of cheesy indicates serious mischie- - a lunfi:. dally where the patient I6'-01- ; - -- Apostles Lyman and Smith to .Id g. should nol mi to a large and appreciative pteached audience in the Mattti Tabernacle last " evening (alitTh of the Nose K'owder 11,1. Blower,. all ! other oppolnmiiy and j fo, v -- I'1 " fetest prl1' S.,- -:. npllaiieen Gxy V Haruiicarti!- -, Bmii: uJ witblu lUe rw'" ji , |