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Show 'eV j,iatwu V.' V YOL. V. MANTI CITY, SAM PETE COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, Dyspepsia PORTABLE lives of many people miserable, aid often leads to Distress after eating, sour stomach, sick headache, heartburn, loss of appetite, a faint, all gone" feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irregu-01 41,9 bowels, are some of the more common symptoms. Dyspepsia does not get weU ot fiselt.lt requires careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hoods Bursa. parilla, which acts gently, yet surely and efficiently. It tones the stomach and other organs, regulates the digestion, creates 4 good appetite, and by thus e CK overcoming the local syrup. toms removes the eympa-- nGHdachO thetic effects of the disease, banishes the headache, and refreshes the tired mind. I have been troubled with dyspepsia. I bad hut little appetite, and what I did eat distressed me, or did me little good. In an hour . DUm after eating I would eipe rlence a faintness, or tired, feeling, as though I had not eaten anything. Hytrou ble, I think, was aggravated by my business, which is that ot a painter, and from being more or less shut up In a room with fresh paint Last spring I took Hood's Sarsa StOmSCn rilla took three bottles. It did me an immense amount of good. It gave me an appetite, and my food relished and satisfied the craving I had previously experienced." Geobgb A. Page, Watertown, Mass. Distraea After Estln?a deavor to monopolize even the life giv I blush sometimes mg air we breathe. ai the thoughts and disgrace of being OurPflzeftrlicIcs, Mes the an old settler Let the old settlers rejoice that they "obeyed counsel for the wisdom of that counsel will yet become apparent. Meanwhile possess your souls in patience Stand still and see the salvation of God, make use of the old motto, Share and share alike." ( To be Continued .) INTO. X. t Whitten nr A. B.Ci.i HISTORICAL. Reminiscences of the Early Days of Tie Indians 111. Goody ecu's Story. ire indiana still had their encampment near, and the settlers were obliged to witness many heartrending cruelties practiced upon their prisoners and objectionable members of their own tribe. The squaws of the chiefs all wore a round' black ring printed in the center of their foseheads to designate them from the common squaws. , .."''Ur One poor little boy, not more than five years ot age, an emaciated, motherless, little captive, with scarcely one thin dirtyrag between iris tender flesh and the chilling frosts of early spring, came night after night, close to our homes and built his lonely little campfire, of hwn from the logs, which the settlers had been using. When the earth Sold by All druggists. ; six (or f5 Prepared only 25 Year in Practical ns the fire became sufficiently, bj C. L HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Hass beneath he would carefully remove the over th World V warmed, 100 Doses One Dollar Ko generators or extras. Can be op coals, and with the patient stoicism of of his race, lie down to sleep. It was crated by a child. Best pure soda vra ter. Will stand by any $4000 Gas Boon apparent to all that he was slowly dying of hunger, cold, and neglect. The child thin and Bell fire glasses to its one. ren of the whites occasionally divided .We sell the finest NICKEL PLATED on receipt of price : Sent their scanty morsel with him. liut one In the Heart of Africa.- morning, by the lifeless embers of his A most thrilling and instructive work. a8d little campfire, he lay dead. pages ; paper 85 cents ; cloth fi.oo. Poor little motherless forsaken one, The Imitation of Christ. be this thy epitaph. CHAPMAN & CO, By Thos. i Kempis. Paper, unabridged, 15 cts. " American Humorists. Walker, once in solemn conclave wiih Madison ,Ind. Selections from Artemus Ward, Mark Twain, the conflicting passions ot his bwu turetc. 179 pages paper 15 cents cloth 75 cents. bulent soul, decided that his mother, a Vrise Metropolitan Arjncif, 43 iVanen bt., hew lock withered, wrinkled scrap ot a woman, who looked as if the first mountain TIQ Any book in the world f ir" WPlTr Tfl nIUiL 1U UO. Dished at publishers price breeze might annihilate her, had cumbered this eat ill long enough, attempted to end tier li.e; but she was a quick, wiry, pluck hide creature, and though well advanced in years, after receiving several vety severe cuts and bruises at his hands, anv one of which would have ended a common mortalsfcareer. made 3EGKEB, LESSEE, good her escape, and remained hidden among lie bulrushes of Sjrnpitch swamps, for a week or more with no known means of sustenance, until she concluded his wrath had somewhat subsided, she came crawling back to the wickiups, and was permitted to drag out a Suit of attenuated existence a few ts yeais longer. and Correspondence solicited. ggT-OrdeOne more incident of baibaiiiy, I cannot forbear ineneuuoning. Miles Goodyear, the wealthy raucheio, who owned a large pan of Utah, under a grant Irom the Mexican government, and of whom Capt. Brown puichased the northern portion of the Territory for the sum of Oddi . G. T. . K Grant, ,IL J. Grant, j3,ooo had married a young, handsome Ass t man. Ute squaw, whose native grace, beauty President, Manager. and amiability, won the admiration ol B. S. Mis, Sect. & Trees. . Smith, Vice Prest. all who knew her. By this woman Miles, had two children. After Goodyears death, which occurin Utah red soon after the purchase, his widow married Suampitcli, one of Walkers stalwart brothers, and came to Sanpete with the tribe. Billy Goodyear was a hne manly specipo-operati- ve men of a half breed, but poor Bill! and 1 his little sister were treated with such brutality by their stepfather, Saampitch, that Prest Young, with bis customary magnanimity sent for the children and treated them as members of his own family, sending them to school, and ex. tending to them that kindness and genli4 to 128 ft. 1st. East St. )J( P. Box 251 erosity, for which he was so noted. One day Saarnpitcn in a fit of jealous rage, and with a consuming desire to exterminate something or somebody, vented his unbridled malignity upon his DIRECTORS; wife. My mother, as site Ire H. J. Grant, quently did, as they were old neighbors T. H. Hmith, at Sessious (now Bountiful) Salt Lake J- - F. Smith, J. F. Grant, Co., happened to pay her a visit next M. - F. Lyman, W. W. Riter, day:; she found her lying helpless upon Geo. Romney, her couch of robes and skins. My . S. Burton, mother returned home for bandages, 3. F. Wells, das. Sharp, etc , went back and washed linament Geo. T. Odell. and dressed her wounds. She had but left; partially recovered before the, band her life was brief; we never saw her but SOLE AGENTS FOR again, but occasionally heard from the , children. Tire Celebrated Mitchell & Bain Andrew Goodyear, their unc.e, took Bill with him, back to the old homeWaffons. John Deere Moline Steel stead in Massachusetts, where the boy Plows. Oliver & Gale Chilled Plows received a collegiate course. While we and Chieflived at Sessions settlement, this same Tiger & Gale, A. Wood Andrew Goodyear, when on the eve of tain Hay Rakes. new, moving his camp to pastures Walter A. Wood Harvesting Ma-& of a bucket a mother made present Gould my Rakes. chinery & Hay of flour, (our diet consisted of hominy ' Austin Weil Boring Machinery,a and corn dodger straight ) and I have & Cos. Ihresh-ermanv times and quite recently, heard nry Russell &c. Piping and mother say, her heart was filled with Powers Saw Mill, Horse more unalloyed happiness, intense gratCalifornia Automatic Engines. itude and sublime joy, at being the reConcord Harness, Beebe Carts, cipient of that gift, than she could poSj sibly be, at the same bucket heaped and E. M. Miller & Hiram W. Davis, Vicpiled with shining coins of gold at the Standard Baggies. and Other time. present Presses tor Scales. Whitman Hay Then and How, and behold the ingrat itude among this people toward God, Common Sleighs, Racine Spring Cutters. Feed the very midst and presence of all his in Belle City Wagons. munificent gifts and blessings. Oh! the selfishness of the human heart! Listen at the at the grumblings, the murmurs, A BRANCH HOUSES of stream over every sparkquarrelling down the ling water, flowing freelymountains to :::S5k canyons of our magnificent p fertilize and beautify these valleys the earner glorious chambers of Zion; the settlers (not earliest) refusing to share reUtah. this free gilt of God with the more J. P. Christensen, Agent, Ephraim. I sometimes elect His of cent arrivals wonder if these sticklers for human rights will not soon en and .Christensen, l Heart Hoods Sarsaparilla 1 GOOD BOOKS post-pai- d (BULK SHAKE. " iiiT'in ; , MANTI ROLLER MILLS. 10DIS 1. Manufactures The Best Grades of Flour. Custom Work a Specialty h The Leading Implement House A A and Wagon Machine Com pan Salt Lake City, - Sev;v"v.v::....iw Utah. Beat Stock of ClotBlng la NOtleo Continued.) CitAPTER NO. 19. AUG. 22, 18S9. Is hereby (riven that in pursuance of an r of the Probate Court of Sanpete Utah Territory, made on the 80(h day County, of April 1883, in the matter of the Persons and Estates of Elvry Helena and August Poulsen lelean Minors, the utinersigued, Guanliau of the Persons and Estates of said Minora, will sell at Private Sale to the highest bidder foreash, and subject to continuation by said Probate Court, on Saturday the 24th day of August, 189, at 2 oclock p. m , at the residence of Osker Andersen iu Mt. Jleasaut, Sanpete County, Utah Territory, al! the right, title, Interest and estate of said Minors, in and to the following described peirc or parcel of hind, to wit: Beginning at a point 15.09chain S. of the North West Corner of of the N. K Sec. 4, T 15 S R. 4 Hast, thence K, 20.00 chains theuoe ft. 5.00 chains, thence W. 20 00 chains, N.4,85 chains, containing 9 138 100 acres, situated in Sanpete County, Utah Territory, 10 per cent, of the perchase price, to be paid to Salesman on the day of sale, the balance on confirmation of sale by said Probate court. Deeds at the expense of purchaser, Neils M. S. Ney Guardian of the persons and estates of Klviry Delean and August Poulscn Deleaa. Minors, Dated July 81st 1HS9, M&nti. TUTTLE CO. V VVm. 193 o( DEALERS IN)o Merchandise -- General -- ) Are Still at Their Old Stand,- - ill Main Street, Manti, Utah Zabkiskir, Attorney for Guardian I II s the-chip- Order of ttaleot Heal Estate, In the Probate Court, of the county of Mmt ete Territory of Utah. In the matter of the Eatate of William P. Moueley, Deceased. Order to show cause why Ordez of Sale of Real Estate should not be made. Isaac A. Reynolds, the executor of the Last Will and Testament of William P, Moualey deceased, tor an having bled his petition berern order of bale of a part of the realpraying estate of said for the decedeut, purposes therein set forth It is therefore Ordered by the Judge of said Court, that all persons interested In the estate of said deceased, apoear before the Saul Prolate Court, on Monday, the Itith day othepteujber.1889, at 11 oclock in the forenoon of said day, at the Court Room of said Probate Court at the city of Manti in said county of banpeteto show cause why an order should not be gramed to the said executor to sell go much of the real estate of the daid deceased as shall be necessary. And that a copy of this order be published at least four successive weeks in the Home Sknti NEL, a newspaper printed and published myaid Sanpete county, Dated August 12th, Jacob Johnson. Judge. Territory of Utah j 8S Sanpete County j 1, John Reid, clerk of'tlie Probate court li fend for said county hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and corn ct copy of the original order to show cause why nroerol fetle of real estate should not be made in thij mat Ur of the estate and guardian-hi- p of William P. Moualey deceased, as appeals ot iviuiit i i in othe. Witness my limui and be sal of the i probate court of hhiJ Una ldth day of August., n. 1 JohnI'LiD, Probate clerk . Win, . Reid Attv CONSOLIDATED NOTICE FOR TION. f TS & SHOES at PRICES'. BOTTOM jyJ Do whatis right. It is tp use home pro Jucts . . - . te - V right in preference to imported articles. It is right to furnish our own people employment. It is right to patronize home institutions exclusively. PUBLICA- No. 21, Land Office at Salt Lake City, U. T. 12tli, J889. July Notice is hereby given that the following named settlers have tiled notice of their in tention to make final proof in support of their claims atid that said proofs will be made before the Judge (or in his absence the Clerk) of tile County Court of Emery Co U, T. at the County Court House at Castle Dale U. T., on Saturday, August 21th, 1889. viz; Janies Marinus Peterson, 11. K., No. 6450, for N. W. the Lots 6 fi and 7 and S, K. bee. acres. 6, T. 19, S. R. 9 K.. R0 He names the following witnesses to prove his oontinuouH residence upon ami cultivation of, said land, viz: John Dunaldson George Buldleconi', Andrew olson, Boyer 8. Peterson, all of Castle Dale. Emery Co. U. T. Also, Ulrich Brj ner, H. E. No. 6402 forth N. W, 14 Sec. 17 and 8. E. N. E. E. See 18. T. 14, S. R. 1(1 K. and N. K. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land, viz : George Robb, Henry Euipey, Eugene E. Branch, feeren Olsen, afi of Price, Emery Co. C. T. Also, Albcv V.. Sherman, II. K., No. 6547, for S. W. Lot I, Sec W and Lot 4 and S. J.. and S, W. 4 & K. sec. 7, T, A7 S It. 9 E. 168 acres. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence ujkid and cultivation of, said land, v.z: Erin A. Howard, Charles Brown, Samuel Grange, Anthony Humble, all of Huntington, Emery Co., U. T. Any person who desires to protect against tlie allowance of such proofs, or w ho knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regulations of the Interior Department, why such proofs should not be allowed, will he given an opportunity at the above mentithe oned time and place to witnesses of said claimants, and to offer eviclaimof that submitted by dence in rebuttal FRANK D. HOBBS, Register ants Mavner & Simmons, AUys. 0-BOO- THEREFORE It is right to purchase the Boots and Shoes manufactured by Zions Mercantile Institution eshecially as they are moderate in price, elegant in style and superior in quality. SOLD BY ALL HOME DEALERS 4 , 4 ARMERS EXCHANGC G a 46 .J.P.Meilstrup.efe-- fi LJ ARMERS EXCHANGC -- o' !3 f jlyl&-aug- e D KtUc C m United States Land Office, at Salt Lake City, U. T. Julv 22nd 18'4. is Notice hereby given that William J. Warren, has filed notice of intention to make final proof before the Clerk of the County Court of Emery Co., C T., at his office in Castle Dale, C. T., on Saturday the "th day of culture applicaSeptember, 1889, on Etimber tion No. 1(9, for the H K. YV. 1 4 and W. No. 17. in Town8. E. of section quarter Range No. 10 Last. ship No. 14, Sovth He names as witnesses MorriJainesGorley, (diaries Grames, JohnCo. U T son, Levi Sukiwons. of Price, Emery FRANK J). HOUR', Reigster Jly2j-Au2Stavner Simmons, Att'vs. Consolidate Nolle p m p e t3 ft p- jfi O O Ct & 25 K tt r o W p ft pf CL CO TO So CD Ct- go P sT (i) O go Qd 5 0.00 e p 2 TO v S3 a cx 2" a o p 2-o- " cl Q ? (7Q r So I. -- o 2. TO r DO 3 oto V jj O L 3C-- 23 D Slow CD 3 i.;s0. n O l-- o rh CL CL P CD o44 n P 09 S" O 33 tn ei j- s. 5 r a O pi- - a. si o p 3 8 2 D Cl r; pr. sr c as 4J H S S5 H P 3 3 Cm 80n ai $ p CD -3. c- p ClS '5- 5 o- S p ft o 5 0.- go O - - 2,; jy re il5 J O 5 n co c ' TO 2- - O B - tr x o pr co TO CO D tK o Cl j.oqft, q 8 CL CD t P2 s?.l Ephraim City, Utahi fbr Publication No. 40. Land Office at Salt Lake City Utah, July 8Jst, 189. that the Notice hereby give settler has filed notice of fcis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Lake City, Utah, Register and Receiver at SaltJames H. Luster on September 10th, 1889, viz: of a. W. H and 8. It. E. No. 6077, for the N. Is so era 09 a S cross-examin- e Timber Culfnre, Final Proof Cor Pobllea lon, No 84. 2. er cs following-name- d c p ft of S W, , Sec. 1, Tp, 26 S. R. 21 K., 8. L. W. M., Utah. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz: Leonidas L. G.tiibson, Alina Lutz, Win, A, Crapo, Wm. of Moab, Emery Co. , Utah. Peirc., AllNotice t Also: hereby given that th fob! lowing-namesettler has filed Dotieeofhis intention to wake final proof In support of hrs clwm, ftd that said proof will be made J I U ?1 H dlHi 1 &&& im I Mk b i j:. 2 ft j 'if 8alt Lake beforethe Rcgisterand Recoiverat !Hrt9, vis: o September 17th, Uah, William G. Gibson, HE. No. 5658, forth N. Cftv, of S. F. yi Sec. 85, Tp. 25, ft. R. 21 E. S. L. M.f Utah. He names the following witnesses upon and prove his continuous residence cultivation of, said land, viz : Jaines H. LusL. Crapo,Neils Olsen, Arthur ter, Leonidas A. Taylor, all of Moab, Eincrv Co., Utah. FRANK U. HOBBS, Register Atty for Claimant Aug3-feepl- : ) :vr'i . 'i, ' - " I nr 3 HsaSijIi r.t c r emTmdi t A mi j? - |