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Show ' ; V 'le -- el ivu.ti.-e--..-accustomed l:gt:.e i M..ry's d. lies to -h.tii L.- - n.oher's i.fitime teens. Though he had s1 i.c r . ow tin m of late. ! lias -- immon-d. ..I. :a i t :.e gen tl,ro..h . Mm-- e e t. Bertie 1 lie e.oe,: to j l.te to m liU'e K-tneive. 8'ephen i:i No. it wa- - empty a.-tv me home. , ltriitg. t. vou mu.-- t run for the tor. It is moonlight, ot, wont long." M The Holy Virgin prose no if I stir fat out or 'he il L tn, it re an itsHi-.otiie night. had ami toe faiiaes and eld si'..s -- Cr OLD. Mo have S - o; p d i h H r. K v JIKI M, tia. o, i . i Tome, Aro na rave u a? d fRNO fr si-t- er iu M would die Bri-.ge- t; Come. urw up y .r ea-- y chair bv mine. ChaKU SWINP.I HNK h.lS L And o r ftt t r, t. e n.f v? ; ed tMOfl to write a po m oh the et fee. cu e : re tue sweet tLr.li we a Lew Fritut Henry of IhtttenU-When tins, w tn he fire uht t. 'U, Our cr,air t ..er we baby. Tills look) as thoujh Sw ii.b t'-ftly drew 1b Lfce wooiUfe' Ua t'ene by. a wk d succeed Teiinys.n j o t laureate. Thea, 8 nt w my darlin. tne warlock At d s Her lore, my own, whde the wintry a.rt It u.iS h ft li ivt h ::i.or: ,ii.d la r. g to L'.' V u;i wiitei tfOlltt W ii ti.at d.sV. triomplied iH V..v .1 i.in-- of trial. gi-e.- V I Jt't'u. IF? It ! i'arty llli'-weakening; j arty ho ally s ' u-- re a v ,s ir : r. iuorr.tr. g dawned languid, but otue ;; IM (,n j,( IHESI sri:.y now. Aijti nit-- ' iniv lie t " xUv e Jiow pciixti nt Hi 11 tciMo iaorti ir Ml tiui r A ;.ni making hot t,,a-- t tor a:tt r in- - right - w Non, Be.t e. , !V all r ght, ' .? qu to s'id, anil a 1 partial aiul Dollar trr romp i Mar, give to tn bo I thoa Keuipt t'lmk-Zi)- v, nil! give ,'oq oiuo hrmorning. Mt-- s llaniin,1 Margy, re. a Fed to V, by the gathering aro', -- 1. of tin winds DBA' The go :p f the wa- - shaken. JoK Howauij says the majority of Were moaning the year's farewell, Halda Rot n new the an iva. Hud corrti-t;oBut her; ah w.th carefree been what different There had trickery tiOwn-TuiLouis'. Jk!r the rich men of New York city an nut find tnouchts We tmi- -t village hea itle- - to York n.v in our mhls, adm.t it. Fiat tho too, dortoiDid we aici at their eer'e spell. i educated, hut their faculties are shaqe t Wa C, Malb, m their pra.-our skir upiioid the glono :s A. H. AJfXM ilit' air, aid fned on the line of money srettiu. With our heattft so burdened aud brimming c.ear -, iia- - a- winde--a!- e windowii oven - of 'he L. ii era Jotio (I banner!oer. lfgh'! u w ;;i Their principal amusement out-hi- e A of ones an et untold. it Though wi to i'r.n11 pie tind 1! !.t, her a- - tlnu Pi F. deletion . A 1 never a dre.un nut of love, sweet love. is iu devotion to hori .e d.d hear, in S Hat T. who so stauiu li as tcidt'--a John--- ! !u: lit a- lien eoiv. la the woo i, j ilfsf old. fcaiuuel n in that lad l'r. lien u. I he Me) tala, of f,tn,ii!ni 'o. freet is ilege prii Hr.ii g.ui tuffen t ii.- - t tract ice, and ht vr Laiilais InrEit, one of 1 remember 1). ll hv bashful and straue 1 felt. felloii aa'.t .111" he Cob(.S A (ill! p had. -- liii repeatitig I 1 L. stead, y bo dr rvv. ii W.ureii Warner e, the la-- t surviving Polish romh.ituiH AsHut .' ion 'mm a ii fe; la- -t and tell ng our gior.ou-privilege, imrht after audit m the ruddy liyht CarbouatH of INlo, died on the 2:hl of Mime ?tiv!i iiaiiiB. ii.nl moved itPo I hitched still in .n r to Lou L K rep, at, tt to April, at you comli..u-e- : it n srood bt., Baltin imt ed nunem a- - lie reaelu d hs her doctor's tile nctiier your pit nVhtstnde, lie stopped Kapporwyl, near Zurich, where he And the i arrur o :e frun our Wm. G. A or Hire, mind. of out and A lcr day Ft'le gi.te, cloaked j'ire depo-- ! pletely lad converted his houo into a kind of As no , i uj a nt' iu:i gale. i i woui ed ga-- ; to at need tin M looked ng' her, San the -Co., again rgy ho 'eil, going ini nmi down the .aort Ituoa'tcr, iva'kit.g ii" !,v up the long Poi.sh museum. 1L took part also To keep i;e .n t.a- aut fire. ClKrnt'e 1. It w as bar to a i e h.tn. :t her - eh'Ui. of h and C.ds Kill lie mo, out i stophim. that t i'n oiifronted ,rf r walk, o tic uf I r'iiit"MHr tue it e Yo t liui e. I u lien I v ntured first E C. W hful To Itl' i" me! .Margy, is tha? o i1 p:ng to p'it a -- eer.et .. af into ttje bain, heln m t ho bn m !.t. . T1 fnnu.e ( Flith.u. i m Fettr Brn ge getup I'lien 1 mu.-- t go. 've I mi of j of lier litt'e gray iiat, -- he was over- And vo ir t .1 .bar n w1 n r i r?t rnv arrn How nil startled me, chi!d! I tlueight L.:c. un expo-e- e and sit Bc-i- from Lowuod, Fa hor-- e. iak-in- g turnand Steal tremolin.u round o ir wa'd ; roan Black. in taken out th the Vi"'au were l.y you I u. ted Stale ed, Saa I r And a.dl ttiur otner. inr, llic-- e flannels hot audit L s qi.ii-tlvous yet. to good-tiio- r Keep ? red ? the t to ed eoa-sav wig eu be'ore A ling a ! dpo-'t)- i i"c loi.al, W vcnuido laud, K.ti lin.j. f:ii h(i rather ',ruh tin w OrlM chest. ;,, m. Tacy. M.irgy And, of ran rp keep unde,, the veti face and read, r I kissed uni ere von were quite aware . 7 Mary hal a good day?" B M !o turn implied, a 'd. 'i .;a J. Ctucajso, astoni-lie- d en tire." tioU n,'ai Most In tlie wouiuo dak s of ool. site pointed to the lowering practitioner. I Mutely than live in the castles of Spain and brou n a Throwing on her gray waterproof said she would coiiie l3 First atl when she Yes, I see, clouded over. K.tin was sky. all of nkdit onn. rt,sn. that 1'dttui ... nights peerless ('has. " make salaam. straw ha was lifej in aoknoivledg- - cloak, and drawing' the hood on r her the .doctor ivotti i -- end ft Geo. Him k. before tnorutn , I gue-- s. When whispered my leva, and vou j he expects to Bomliot A s or Vouchn.id the ..ssent, to my people con-- t her nient, and a pair of brown eyes, binil-in- g head as she spoke, he pa t d saiftly stairs. strangely Steplien," lioiv delpbia, Fj hit of doors all n..s nt. down the stairs. so. (TO returned lias voice ' over a sounded! it Ian A. Johns ny R. NriNug, Stephen. That kindled me through anti through, t looiilight, in broad the ton, Maas old as sleeping softly the come!" passher queer gig Then our wcoim was ended at last, I felt, greeting Vaarironer Hkx, A Canal Through c- - D. L. ColliiiaA Vk;iv ik Vkuvois the And up the wide, roaring Hue The notice from ed by. Mie always "anted to laugh at as she ran up the narrow !;u:e leading What; new Prussian minister of war, is The winter tire leaped human no The Holme. A con quo-lio- n of form.; higher and higher Apparently Committee? You the State npoin see, the ancient vehicle, which looked as into Allen Bros , A reclinen line of nai im:' ion that nig lit. iineular to state, of French origin. He A we closer and closer drew. there'll have to be manipulation; they though it had been slapped on both being was Mrs. Tbom was burn on Herman soil and entered Bo kiss me airain as of old, my dear. Phladelphi want to have me for delegate; but it's sides in early youth, to keep it tall and ing cow raised it,-- head to look at her Lake Huron hv lyl;i. The love of those davs survives, curioti-l- y as she flew pa-- t. and a dog the Ottawa ami Fivn. h rh SouttnrtMHM time the 1 'russiau army as a youth. It was and tie fixed this and I'll to narrow; got up slyly. pretty straight pbia, Fa .. Though we have ben inarriel many a year. harked furiously from the hou-- e in th gage the attention of tLi H. Sehoitzer she uid sit down in the hedge-rohe whom King William scut down Mart for headquarters And must even outlast our lives; A Robinson. The picture of her sister's life with when the gig was out of sight and give hollow. If it would only be as i.u.et parliament during t!iepi(' Mrs M. Bm from the heights of Frriois into Jscdan j And though we are grayer and wiser on the turnpike. The town going The idea is by no me;i;;s a J. ( Tolson. grown man flamed up again within her. way to a ringing peal at the unexpectthis to summon the gam-o- n to suricmh-rB The memory ne'er grws enld market-wagon- s, with inbetheir s.t-e-; y surveys having been n.a.. Vicksburg Iu his ed and the contrast his biand utter inditlerenee, apparition To the phantom firelnrht brightly thrown Marx Hard tavthe did not but Nat she First in Us U) tilts to establishment and fear; tills sacred drivers, IO'st hour: tween ancient From ill'' v the wooing davs of old. competence grasp SlU.JlIMN 1uvn.ilh, h, n,. w John H. Wo 1 he oat ti.e work h,ie'Kl(t D. HHborn. buoyantly tri ling oitr the awful its new ineumb. at. That "as Wednes- ern, pray heaven it be shut. niinit. r iit W.i'liiiiiuii, rum (liv.it -- lie was ami burred, its iignt Walter Miuniev, atnl was shut Market tavern life on had a where and dear night gone depths Friday day, busy Britain, U to tv panl !.!a,iin a year Isiaod Ot.v h down! with circular- - and appeal-- . The chil- extinguished: and an outcast ho's , ,r!:e engineer- - ,, Paml Haven for hK mti u hi a liis ruvarnmaiit E. H. Warke a Abruptly then, since he would have dren hud had a long day's nutting in stopping to drink at the trough betorc no'e. comp Uro 3iii1h him ia lamN,., scri'anN, anil mui- it so, and sternly nlnui't, Mary died the woods on Chappel Hill and had the door, was the only lounger there, po-e- d no. a lor tiie infoi'n, 3G. McGowan ttiitoi Irie'i. wi'iinutii rant, of axpant- to R. Rothstein as a cowat live;'' tiien rushing away from his gone early and tired to bed. An even- bhe tried to laugh at hcr.-e-lf auu in t;; Mar? E. 'I t CH VCri'.K I. Kimi If. I'lia Mt iim from uhirh Sir her-ein lf seemed forms lie and did to but to not come wait commerce. Aeei, riling q, v Detroit, M hands, stumbling up ing very ard; How should This now the stair, she took refuge in her own often, and she prepared to enjoy it for her among the road-id- e Julian mt-- . promot .,1 (hand..? s, him only' tiie e -t" V ia W. Sei Mich love so had llmiit is.in hi ;i y ,.:l.. and a low frown into her hoart that room, bolting and locking her door "ith great deliberation. 'a! and ( iiieago iioaid bough that slrueit Britton A Ki to part from it now was like rondina Mrs. his made her shoulder her as one cries, treasure had in start a l.ong pastmidnight life, against though by - iit miles as eom; ;ev: PacificJohn I Margy bod-VBank To l,ut it from hor she heard him in loud groans and student's St. Luii ranee route. tha aotlior, ,oul from Kmum, l lamp, with its pure porce- a hand had eau,ht her. Memphis Na h"t the now joy and sobs, calling upon his darling wife, lain shade and shining brass coils. No But she saw no one, met no bchred flow r, mi, lio i ..w yrk. , a m,.m. of stues that tho.r nd to his angel, for one look, one word more! hand but hers niu-- t touch and tend it; traveler, and the old brown hou-- e between Montreal and I.,,. her of the Contmy and Authors elubi-- . I ?llldness l!11 h!ld BRA life as well. Another Should she not la-With his wife almost and it shone for her now, lighting up at t, and in I)r. Dewlap's LSI miles, 3.V? miles ate a. The bank of lay joy that and is always a liifmv. think of him? All his old hardness mute and deaf to his imploring, Let the square table it s.ood upon with office, joy, a light was burning! bbe navigation, requiring no in- Two Daponi with his Iona, luxuriant hair and end Co.s Bank doubt, his little faith in woman him call, lot him cry, site said in If the cool dish of moss and tiny vines stopped a moment at the window to land that it is Chas. Fisher, heard, which are very dark, but are and less in man, all that perfectly is his fault that she is an gathered from out the woods that gather breath before It T. Davli mocking bit- - aloud. Geo. knocked at to improve the He is terness that had vanished from his remaining A. Asterita, just bccimiino to turn ;ray. and not a woman still! out the clear color the door. The angel she morning, doctor, bringing young the vuniert "hole drain of German Nati aid to wear bis hair longer than any life when the pales opened to let her For a few necks after his wife's of the one red rose that stood in the remembered him with a start, now a W. Haiterrnt navigation for man in Christendeu, and Henry Ward In, would they not return aeain, seven death it Natu seemed a that slender -white it vase beside seemed. really late hours, it ohagne But he was els, and to reduce the leng-- Second kept Margy W P Gretdn Heeeher, fortfottnijf his name for the fold, should she fail him now? of heart had come to Mephen Johns. never would bunch her flowers, nor not C. M. MeClun in any abstruse scientific ling to fll miles, exdu-ii- e engaged o! 3. H. Dicksoi Hut the ehildren; two years, was He came home early from the store give them other moment, once railed to him in praver background than their study, apparently, for he lay back in a chine canal. The e, Alpena Natic Mary died? It did not seem the village store tit Holme, with a own green leaves and making the lounging chair, pipe in mouth, watch meeting1, Como up hero you slmggy t: Bh attainable, and "hirli he Rational 10 b,n T10 chill November day, tha new and surprising interest in the square old room in its Boston, Mj man. And of smoke that curled up the ing responded peaceful as rings glow Dr. W. Di best H. to suited the cap g afternoon, the look in children that Mary had left to him. seem almost like a shrine. to the call. Geo. W. Sewi A queer, clasped book the to the ceiling, was route, for calculated how Hamilton Nu faee, plainly she saw them lerhaps it was awakened by the sad The drab sofa was wheeled well lay on the table beside him, that was ljffiu tons burden ' Mary's with lot. Ind 'Tiiic pope rein, lined in lied a few now! There was small need of words little train that followed her to the within its light how -The long, 4.3 feet wide, with!:'! - AHr,'J H' 1!l Margy's (Junker all Margy aw, for the smoke. Depositor, hours later than usual the oilier morn- between the sisters. This girl of sev- - grave; perhaps it was the whispered ancestry revived again in that room of next minute she rapped; a chair was on the mitre sill-- . Orleans, L Tbe with the dying and respectful sympathy of the neigh- her furnishing. The tall chairs, pushed back, a quick step on the floor work is ing, says the Koine enTespomlont of enteen, sitting alone VXeI m'T at the London Standard, in consequoneo woman, understood it. all. The gentle bors that accompanied the group, covered a iso with drab moreen to and the door opened. Isaac tt Him t worn to down Taee sister, the and rest, with lying l'heeb', baby Margaret match, with their claiv feet and stilt of a slight iiKlispo-itioi- i. Can iou come at once to a sick PhRadelpb tin finding' burden from those patient elinging to Aunt Margy 's skirts, uhiie backs, stood Crawford's Canard A r"TOB1r. stately around the room. child?afterward that his illness had been hands! dropping Margy found breath to say. The clock on the stairs ticked Bertie clasped tight his fathers hand, Iho n t here is it?" asked the young C In the New York World o! Theo" wjpri carpet, a mueh talked about, he asked a ingrain, solemnly, yet how fast the minutes looking ivitli timid, childish scrutiny had toned down by time into there appeared a column a the doctor, ania, :ed at the unexpected appersonage how the fact had be- flew! Ltn Fraud up into tlie blue sky oierhead, whithter article devoted to color. Rut was it not of all prevailing a parition young lady at that hour come known, to which (ho reply was If Stephen were only here! She er, of they told him. his mother had drab-tintet room. He that of In the cosy night, alone at his door. A that it was iptirkly spread in the Vati- may have something to toll him: some gone. window hung Margy's bird-cagwith young hidy, with hooded cloak falling entitled "The Two Oflentg- Mrs. B Bomi can from the fuel his holiness had not word to leave, that even he will re- Even Margy, shrewd observer as bows of M!rtin' tie poet Longfellow. TL , M Nfttioim ribbon tied all about it; from iier shoulders, flushed cheeks and City celebrated mass for the family (as his toemher. she was for seventeen, almost began to the two bright til6 IS matter th? Ni Merchants that Fox and flying hair, with a world of tender Rut he did not come; and when nt believe a wholesome change had come. Abraham engravings, George immediate circle is called) at 7 oclock affair was a put UP .Rational Minn( Lincoln, crimson in hung by her anxiety eyes. Paul, that morning. J.eo XIII. quietly re- once a hush filled the room, Margy She opened her eyes wide when he sug- cords against the wall: and on the Yellow house on the hill, first lane tiie World by E. ,S. Crav C C. Diidint at cold and silent at the foot of the gested that Iheebs hair needed to be Chicago Nati mantle shelf were piled the pinkest to the rig-hteditor of the plied: They forget, sometimes, I bod. Will you come quickly? Saginaw pressing her cheek against the cut, and showed an unwonted interest and the believe, that I am 80 years old. pearliest shells that Grand- Its the croup. Im afraid he will die. East Saginaw, who con.r Franciwo, hard, carved post; with almost rebel- - in Tracys sums at night, and when father Johns home from Nothing that I've done has been of scheme to po- -t Clarenco Lada: Rous her heart that the end had he actually hears a geography les- - the Islands, inhadhis brought wild early days of use. 1E Lmperior v,; ,11mm has present- - come,joyandIn her I must go back to him, but you talented loung .awver, virA. Bifrvs A Co., sister was son free nt four evenings in succession. last. of the poets association and ohF-BuCd Prince IUsmarek with a will come soon?'1 magnificent What it meant for her she did not , Selma, A In Rut it was but a spasm after all. I he little figure that cult court iommFi'ioner, as r First Nation one mastiff of the Llm breed to replace the strive And occupied to think; hut, gathering up her cloak that to with the Ilis grief became an old story in the corner of the safe was all in rank his poem with t: chancellors recently deceased pot. strange keeping was falling from her shoulders, she new-hor- n a strength village, and he soon dropped into his with the surroundings. Davis writes fine Dressed in a would have d The animal is named Tamerlane, and, sorrow out she p.etr, hv. did brings. not old ways. Long after the little houseagain quickly. posed a book of ptems as ho has not been trained to live ia P,ulso nor cry out; not yet, not yet. hold was astir and the children had simple grey merino with some soft But he stayed her with a word. ruffles around throat and wrist, so far How far is it? by Crawford, who eunnink; Albert Leona the house, he is very unruly, and the Very quietly she moved about the started for school, fresh and cheery he the traditions of her mothers sect letter filing- that the enel Little more than a You an room, will Other day he terrified the Princess closing mile, open drawer, setting would descend the stairs. Bless me! suited her own taste well. lished poem hv Longfellow t Geo.'E. Bart Hair of not be long. I came very quickly. lUsmarck by growling because she sud- aside pillows, medicine bottles; all Is it after nine? Ilavnt time to eat a chest-nu- t folded brown, close Indeed you did. my child i bee posed .30 years ago and such useles WBtoS? m! e denly entered the chancellor's library. strokes of rubbish now; counting the crumb of breakfast. Just a around her head in shining your pardon. Miss, Miss' young lady with the male F. w. Smith, ? clock. the Fivrl Was it? egg and a cup of coffee, Margy. band-- : wistful blue eyes, with a childPrince Rismarck began by chaining would ask her; she must re- Don t trouble yourself, my child. Or she answered; Harding, and that it was not to he puMK'.e, c.'v! Merrily' Tamerlane to a table, but when the Stephen like !o ik in them, which the scornful She gave it to htrk my the member; Mary died nt five! brother, a childs if is request. have father, it hamiy. chop you curl of her lip went far t i contradict. chancellor left his chair t ho For a moment she dropped wearily Johns. I forgot to giievou who now gives it to Crav g ive Steplien There dg was no one in the Did the scornful lip come from the village a leap and brought the table and every- into the a depositor. turned it over to the name; but you will not need and pressed her could talk so upon governmentmuch on contemplation of Mephen Johns? it to World. A World reporter,: the hand over her eyes. Rut the chil- al issues and interest-- . Iron! It was Character-readinthing cannot miss the way. crashing ground. g had come early to dren's voices, down stairs, brought her only a pedestal for his Miss Harding, my wagon will be poem TO J.ongleilow S brut'..- flnnS Natt.in In eloquence. rgaret; and we t e the wistful eyes ready in three The barbed-wir- e patents, which nnck to the keen and near realitv. depicting the magnificent minutes; please sit in thought it looked like his of but the protest (if her have nettl'd fortunes to their owners, She could not tell them yet; not until his native state, eighteen 1 this chair years Fargo while bring it to the door, except in a fow jiartintiai' and furnaces against all this helplessness and imforges and I sha'l take you home, so that have an interesting history. The first Stephen comes. So she went swiftly were as nothing to his heat: while loei;i is now going the ruu, Vrabk j.'kn'. the you her lost providence, sister's legacy? If may be of use when pre-- s throughout the eonr Johnson .w patents wore issued tea man named ,lown to them, playing their noiseless kitchen stove needed mending sadly, it were so, these unconscious you get there.1 witnesses eotmmmts upon it. C Ruit. set) u m out as he spoke, some many ouring Kelly, living down oast. About two Kf,rnp, , 'n ,be dusky hall, as their and smoke would come through the were all. drops revolt against into a glass he Margy s !? pose ff" put it into Margy's it seems, is willing to years later farmer at I)e Kalb, III., Out in f l1lne'i8 bad taught them, broken pipe and bring tears "to his Stephen s shiftless only and , Bobber ways kitchen the was hand. fire and Drink shrinking children's x this .cTiite Ba (Oinplisned light, conceived the Idea of keeping hts un- - ; eyes. he valerian, prevaricator said Railway of prubiems, household duties found vhl1 the flock fh litt'e gathered expression quietly, and Margy obeyed him, with sake of his friend Davis. together moving of the crops, called forth his in the more tuly cattle in the pasture by puttntg nn(1 mm,e them COmfortable finest powers of statement; but it took her own. In vigorous performance of a tired, childish oblivion of posed to be ignorant of Cr w ashtnirtoi hor barbs on a wire and then twist- - with a warm her JHvwKk Nat practical disappro-- n but that there was help at everything cheek even to six weeks for him to remember to supper; trying last. And of ,H. D. Ma.llsr his long morning naps, she she sat in Ing it with a plain wire. I his is smite nt the hnppv faces around the the great chair, and looked home the buckwheat meal rose at Co, Quincy bring nown in the market as the Gliddou j tab's - she would not cheek the mirth Rt early dawn, and was in the at the brown meerchaum F.ditor: That little item l. Erank, wanted for her griddle-eake"get that lay upon milk-pandairy s busy among the as the table, and waited wire, being named after its inventor, that was so pitiful, with reminded me iW 5 d yesterday Many a dollar from Bridget, her maid of all tranquilly some of JeKh. 3 work, brought enough, but in Joseph F. (Hidden. One day while he Dlother lying dead Margy 's three hundred a year the in the Shaksperes work.' foaming pails. Or you might amazed herself, tillstupid fashion that man (blushing): Ah, thank J g,:aw'HHr8' till Stephen did not come: and sisters had inherited the same was experimenting with it a neighbor the little see her, if you passed that quick trot of a L J1 L. Mnlnnc, SO. way so horse came round the corner. Tiien is kind Of VOU . to SaV Joe, you better when ,hy sat together before the fire. capital, but Marys lias gone long ago going by shouted: of Co mi . " the r;,.. rack early, south through the older kitchen if 0,108 she I mother would found Its way into shoes and stock: was lifted in and tucked a 'Iloitur, spoet, be out harrerin in your oats instead of may inquirer ' window, framed sweet-bria- r, in away kneadOrican Waslu.urwi '0"'d hoar no ings and creature comforts for foolin away your time with patents." N it V,'!0,' , f Mary's ing the fair white loaves, piittinc and under a great gray blanket, and the age, principally. , avinc L iMiohirran should suddrtn children. doctor sat beside tier, i, ,h?.m iu j For one year his royalties excooded , .urging his hoiv-- e to moulding with her rosy finger' until so fast that I; butst. and thev nil cried together Is this all there is to be of Cincitmati the houses Algeria. H7itvxn and trees it?" and satisfied they her artistic t for Hat sense while. Oli.o1'1of fields all seemed to us on litto thought Margy, tig a softly n,.w oricRin tear went by. what a loaf of bread should be. fly ' while she What's the matter with il'1 ftntl ano,her nodded, and even Of life? Fire, light and clean sat still in numb content.past,The her mime to Shem.inv.-- it Evertbodt who is now admitted to Taee elothes: was doctor a true reformer. She said Margy and Flieeh began to dry their for there seems no room n audience of the pope must have Vork or time for sought to re nothing at all to her at first; but btar Saying's. ' tears and grow drowsy, she lighted hape the coarse materials when Now, children. said anithinge.se." neared the crossroad he bet.kM(!;J'vi a they document by them with previously signet, around her, that the children might gan to iisk sweet, coaxing words, mi I rout the dissipations of Simla koctiic which the applicant pledges himself the chill and ques'ioa after question creasing his fare with a ;,nJ hao pure find sweet kint-istairway, and village sieighrides Miss llnrdin.q as until the surroundings, about Bertie and is d and smile, neither to k anything of his holiness at by them till echoing symptoms, and ' the ugly yellow hou-- e was fresh hu t c mod ms be hands relaxed she was called in Holme, held H ore she came for him; do you think I am a i:1; nieii, g herself and dainty within as her cuvn fair nor to publish or repeat anything that their clasp of her's. tiny self. aloof. Would it not be better, na i Mie Heedless Young (in i',"',uL''rc Rut his holiness may say. There was a after she was very tired. and Stephen .Johns was away at a eaueus-meotin- g nil." she sometimes Cause we don't know you- ' j h.mfs jumped out lightly, as they questioned, to let Mie had meant to read, for fearful fuss the other day when this when his wife died. He had lace and lheeb (hnmelo with a' go the the stopped let it lay on the table in gate. paper was placed before the Duke kissed her that morning, as was his he simbonnetand gingerbread rest, tempting paper I hi re was a lamp on the stairs and 'I here is something exq1' for liOsutm, a Spanish grandee of the wont, and lingered at the door to ask Mary kept me out of it; she said them? covers she would, buy a book or two a it was if eewering figure sat beside it, croon-n- g American's reply to the Europ ' t u4ffie if he should bring her first class, who subscribe about anything out the Quaker in her that would walk it. she darned her stockings thrice for and wu.il, ng while the little if he She had meant to sew, for Bertie's The mournful eyes alone girls eler who asked him Wal. f a year to the Vatican treasury and from town." in their consort with ratherjthan rude trousers crossed the answered had him work-baskwith a Alps, clustered mute entreaty; lay atop the s. I used to tell her that on above who declared that he had been grossshe was the sofa beside Quite terrified Margy climbed call my attention te it, t ss I c' Tjwbei but the pale lips framed a patient ana) aristocrat but instead of he; bia, p under ly insulted, and that unless an ample past Juiethem, difficulties; but either she yielded to the soft no; and his wife turned upon her hwen seizing the light, and the cross risin ground. lamp- doctor oiiowed & (1. e. nio- -t abject) apology was Imfur the light, and "U- t.1(1S0. bia,Pi I!ut t pillow, murmuring to herself: It is Children " ivouldn I PTlie her face with her shading Tommy: JaUBQ, 16 8,lme ,rouWed mediately made he would at once go nothing; he will not understand. hand, she dreamed a girls dream for Am sleep, which the preacher's little ' ofsrton ould have been hvVnTt, the PiC'nC "'a0nS would go a little while. Good-baway. Of course he was overwhelmNothing? stupor but for the tlen; he a ' Tommy; t 8a the haish, morning, ed with apologies and one of the good girl; and. Margy, gee that she girls in their croaking cough that came at r eapont and hundreds of ntervals: and laugh- ' and Ban streaming What rhamberlains 1'emurked that no one wants for nothing. overthe was Bridgets alarm wa- n. sitting in the laps of their escorts customed soundit? That harsh, unacThey are scattered all Comn In that debonair good-bcould have expected that so noble and Afl Em that easy he sheep-facethat wakened her so Terra Haute Express. -?young farmers o rudely? Upstairs? n, (W and indifference, the exhausted look a would in have drivwealthy personage Wife: Hubby, will you fare Ni Yes. She listened a "as 00 s bade the eVnnl!11!": onTafter raidnMht en quietly up to the door in a common Ms Hubbymoment; it doctor to marvel bn8)" in assisting the with me 0 Ban came then at the skil? and again, a croaking, cab. size have the ''ationi j told. He never did understand One of the children Bertie" sympathy with which he cough. nt'ner his measures f shop lifter while Im standing Butt for relief and she was at his bedside in a mucliaS. Ha waiting for you?" Not 4 -- -h ; ha.-tL- v: Fin-ait-- 1 tle-.li- C- ) -- . i . 1 1 j r i v j 1 11111 1 ri-i- -- v i h,.-v- . v . j iru-in- 1 i . j 1 -- mo.i-taeh- e, ir a-- tir i H-- w i I ) iLt;-- . l f ur . t y tin-lie- 1 di-a- b- i swe-qiiii- j Ink,.-Claik- .' ed '., j s t 1 j slowly-wearin- ft- - well-wor- couti-denfi- al 4 . Auglo-Calif- sea-farin- . pa-se- AVe, r-- three-minut- Amrio-Ciiiit- &Lt'B easy-cliai- r, wi-e- ly AsTn - - ! ' iai s. well-save- up-stai- rs . i-- i , 1 . w r. tdc-r.i- c h sun-bake- a-- ' night-dresse- s, y, ,0Uh d rXofMalvjS S Z !! to-da- S balf-chokin- floor-walk- lltl York.IournaL r,-b- |