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Show ifsrt ia Jlev Q ty r5', 4A li IM0E1 VOL. V. MANTI MONEY TO LOAN BANK BY THE PREST. GEO. O. CANNON. CITY, SAX PETE COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, I went from OF SALT LAKE Afotay I.nniiig, Jane 5, On long time and low interest on Choir sang. We thank Thee O God improved farms, with good for a Prophet Prater bv Br Earns water rights in San worth. Singing, Come all ye Sons of Zion. IeteCounty. PREST. (,H1 Q. CANNON For terms apply to J. II. Ilougaard. Manti, sad, I feel it a great pleasure to meet with my Biethrciiand Sisters on this Agent for Sanpete County. lie-- e Chester among the occasion, it has been several years since I have been in your midst. I and am glad of the opportunityappreciate of looking on the many laces, and trust while w e are together, I may have the spirt of God. I have enjoyed myself very much at the Conference in Manti and believe that all have felt themselves well repaid for attending I suppose all who have entered into and made covenants before the Lord, Lumber, Pickets, Mouldings, &.c. realize their and that thev canAll kinds of Custom work done on not serve theposition, Lord for a time and then short notice. think that they can spend the rest of Orders by Mail Promptly attended to. their davs in vice, etc., but that he and Bent Hansen Prop., she, only that endure to the end with Main St. Mt. Pleasant. full purpose of heart, will secure the prize, to those whose earthly career not deviating until we have finished our course. Are we all prepared to answer the question, are we pursuing the right course? if not, it is now tune for us to repent of our evil deeds; if we do not, we cannot seek the approval of the Lord. When having hands laid on you have vou received the spirit of the Lord or Flesh Bread, Cakes, Pies, Nvts and have you been absorbed in other things because men were too poor or Candies. and wayward? Is this your position or ctioned, weak to contend against souless Incorof the are you enjoving the blessings Ice Cream, Sodawater. porations. Holy Spirit51 Sec 2339 Revised Statutes U. S. disDo vou, when coming here on Sunday Milk Shake, Cigars and Tobacco, Etc. tinctly provides for the sacred holding a and taking the Sacrement, do it with of prior and vested Water Rights. . M. C. Kroll, Prop , clear conscience? Can you eat and drink Sec. 10 ot most of our City Charteis Main St., Alt. Pleasant. if vou hav e w ronged a brother, without for this same consideration. Give us a call. Or if you eat provides feeling a condemnation? Sec. 2340 of the statutes of the U. S. when not in full fellowship, not having holds inviolate the truth as brotherly love for your neighbor will t to ditches, reservoirs samegieat Ac. to carry or renot bring condemnation? tain the water thus acquired. It is the duty ol all who have sinned be-- f Sec. 1SS9 of the Rev. Statute of the U. re tlie Lord to go to him in secret, not S forbids tlie HOW TO SAVE MONEY granting of any especial l.ke the Pharasees go on the street as to the dearest r ght, priveleges yet s to corners on the house Save money by buying your goods and tops, it is granted to cities while the water, m self his deeds and herald good member can be emphatically cheap for cash from oraise unto God- but prav in secret country dried up, because forsooth, our home. 'hat vou might be rewarded openly it is claimed have given all The thought of the supreme majesty of Legislature the water Avvater courses leaeing to the our Lord and Savior brings to us a to a city council and mcrporation. sense of our nakedness when we think city Yet the charter makes a proviso as to of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the Dealer in vested, water rights, but besins of the world. The spirit and desire acquried, cause lucresing emigiation, area a scope that every servant should be to pay un-- o of cultivation is required by a rapacious Dry Goods, and Groceries, Boots the Lord a fair tithing. In ancient these acpuired rights ate Shoes. Hats, Stationary, Wall-papdays the people brought the first things Incorporation; ignored, personally discountenancing ot offered their herds docks and and up these legal alternatives, I am absorbing-- y & Notions. burnt offerings unto the Lord but inteiested in a vindication of the The only house in the County do- since the great sacrifice has been, we in all mattees. law, physics, and right Buisness. Cash a strict a should bro with come Lord unto the ing water ken heart and contrite spirit and when It is just possible that this town with a man goes before the Lord with a broother places similarly situated may be ken heart and contrite spirit, he feels happy yet by some mumiecnce from pure and full of a desire to confess in the plethoric Treasury of our dear Unhumility, seeing in your own judgement tie U. S. how you had erred- and where contrite Even a may be wonHeadquarters for Boots & Shoes spirits are, you dont find division, little derfully depleted Treasury by this most judicdifferCouncil City misunderstanding, Main St., Mt. Pleasant. ences will not grow to any magnitude; ious investment. The Augmentation of land entry's, but having a spirit like unto the Sav ior improvements in multiplied homes Having had 25 years experience meek and lowiv. Such spirits aie will- taxes, soon return the principal with n the manufacture of Boots and ing to, and will, return good for evil; would dividend. heavy do to suffer than wrong wrong Shoes, we can select abetter article better I returned home sighing for artesian for the Money than the average ifPray for those who despitefully use you water, Aqlarius so for your enemies; how much more Clerk, and will give our customers for our brethren in th same faith. the benetit of our experience. I hope that you people of this town POINTS FOR BREEDERS. have heavenly peace like the angels Con e and be col vinced. and in all these settlements, in all cities Good olood tells every where Breedand in every habitation ascend to Heavers of draft horses do not pay so much en in our praters, it is to bring these re- attention to the quality of the blood as sults, that it might he done on earth as they should. For a brood mare it alit is done in heaven, that these things ways pays to have one with a cross ol are taught. Main Street, Manti. go id blood somewhere in her breeding Kow my Brethrem and Sisters who As for the stallion, no one should think I the so near the t mple presume of breeding to anything but a pure-bree- d First Class Accommodations. are most of you have entered and have had horse, if one is within his reach. V hen mares are selected with regard to gieat promises and gieat blessings prodenounced upon you; Language cannot their breeding, as well as the stallion, SFA11 those visiting the Temple scribe the joy, peace and light recieved then theie are hopes of improvement. should inquire for this House. by man and woman in entenng such One of the worst features in handling a place to be baptised with fire and the stallions is the fact hat so many cold Free conveyance to the Holy Chost; fills one with the spirit of blooded ill shaped, under-size- d mares God, and if you live faithful vou can aie bred to good horses, with the idea wTemple every daylook for all promises to be fulfilled You that any kind of a mare ought to bring Also Hay, Grain and Stabling have the Dower to recieve your salva- a good coit from a pure-bre- d horse; and tion but the devil will bring barriers, when the results are not what they us and then lead Ebbe Jessen, Proprietor temtations to estray ought to be, the stallion has to stand desert us but the Lord wi never desert the blame. Select good brood males he us. As we draw near to the Lord, as well as good horses. Mate them with comes nearer unto us. The harvest is a view to producing just what you want. not yet past and we must not be like Study the matter carefully, giving the the foolish vngins. waiting; now is the matter the attention it deserves, and Dry goods and Groceries, if we profess to do home breeding and raising will be pro TinWare, Boots. Shoos, Notions, time toandlived right, not ve up to it we aiehyp fitable and interesting. right 77 &c., kept constantly on Hand. I heard m Manti a great many Manti. ocrits. Main Street, were mortgaging their farms in this , 10-county-Brethren, be advised, dont do A VALUABLE OFFER. it, keep out of debt, do not borrow if a how meet to without vou know it, Messrs, Martin & Drake have sent the man cannot pay these debts it is only following letter to the Secrectary of the making m rtters worse as the Interest in D. iN M. societyTo the Stn ttdry of the Society. Dear can not be p .id and s' m cases soon your homes are gone; he warned Sir. We desire to oiler as a special Boot and Shoe Maher. fS S then before taking such a step. The ad- preimium at the Territorial Pair one vice he would give is not to purchase young puie bred, registered Holstein new machines, etc. Will heifer, valued atjffoo, for the best matchAll kinds of Custom Work neatly unnecessaries, not dwell further but desired to be ed carriage team raised in Utah, weight seech you to go fo your Secret places of animals competing to be not less than done and a good fit guaranteed asking for the spirit of the Lord to rest 1100 pounds each. Also one young pure bred, registered, on you, humble yourself and he will short-horne- d Durham heifer, valued at Repairing done on Short Netite help you out of these difficulties Have your family prayers night and $ too, for the best grade Shire or Cly5 Doors west of Lowry it Sea. in Utah, morning and not too long so your desdale draff team raised childsen get disgusted, pray for what weight not less than 1400 pounds each. Yours truly, Manti,. Utah. you wish. A short prayer from the heart Martin a Drake, is better than a long prayer. Mv desire is that God may help tfs to Provo, Utah. be faithful and that we may gain a seat in His presence is my prayer in the name Some lien's eggs that were ac of Jesus, Amen. i, Pleasant Planing Mill. BAKERY. a Territory of Utah, connty ofbanpete John Reid, Clerk of the Probate Court 111 and for said county, hereby certify that tlie foregoing is a full, true and correct copv of the original order appointing day for settleftlent of account and distribution in the matter of the Estate of George Crisp, deceased. . Witness mv hand and the seal st al of the Probate Court of said county, this 17th day of Mav, A. I, D. f er Matson & Hanson. - TEMPLE HOTEL, - 1 Mrs. C. Brown, - 3 JAMES V. STEYEXSON, 1SS9. John Reid, Probate Clerk. Ephraim, Utah. i Repairing a Specialty Block South of South Co-o- 35 p. 14-1- 8 ETC. Salt Lake City. Spring Wagons of Every OcMription. Buggies, Iinad Carts and BuckboartN Advance and Minnesota Chief Thresh ir.g Machines. Buckeye Cord Binders O Bucket e tt Crown Mowers. Ilaines and Hnndoiph Headers. Aines Steeni Engine. Lane Saw mill, Shingle mill and Wood Baker and Abhley Barb Fence jWire Working Machinery. Railroad Contractors Supplies. neprosented. toyManti. George Snow, F. G. Willis, T. J. Morley, Sal in a Morni TIIE rjrianti A -- 0 Co-operati- m vCZ ,1. Q INSTITUTION. In the Probate Coust in and for Sam pete County, Utah Territory. In tlse Matter of the Estate of Lars A Andeisen Deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Petet Andeis.m praying for a decree under Chap XII Sec, 19 of an "Procedme of Probate Courts 111 the settlement ol estates and in Guardianship, appmvtd March nth 1884. It is ntdered that Monday, the 17th day ofjune, A D. 1889, at ri oclocka. nr , at the Comt room of the Court House in the city of Manti, said county of Sanpete, be appointed for hearing said petition, and that ,the clerk give notice thereof by causing three notices to be posted up in proper places in said Sanpete county and that a copy of this order be published in two consecutive issues of the Home Sentinel. Dated June 4 th, 1S86. Jacob Johnson, Probate Judge. Territory of Utah I s Sanpete countv, I heieby ceitifv that the foregoing is a full true ami correct copy ot tile original order of cou.t on tile m mv office itne-- s mv hand and seal this sfal 41I1 day of June Ail) 18S9. John Reid, Probate clerk. Win T. Reid Attorney. (j MERCANTILE J. II. WODSKOW, W. T. REID, President. Secrettry New Supplys Constantly Arriving. ffSySumnier Goods, Straw llats for Ladies and Gentlemen, Dress Goods...... A Cashmers,Cassimers, Etc . gjer gjer summer suits. syilardware, Groceries, Glassware, .Drugs, Notions, Stoves, Wagon Timber Plows, Bolts, Etc., Etc. 3VE-A.X3N- ST. T I. Ii. MA-iNTI- . PAEEY I Notice Time Appointed for Proving Will. In the Probate Court in and for Sanpete County, Utah Territory. In the Matter of the Estate of Jorgen Christansen, Decesed. Notice Time ap poimed lor Proving Will. Notice is hereby given that Monday ihe 17 of June, pSsg, at 11 oclock A, M of said of said day at the Court-rooCouit at the Court House it) Manti City S mpete County, Utah Territory are here-n- y appointed as the time and place fir proving the will af said Jorgen Christensen dece ised and for hearing the application ol Christen Jorgensen for the is simue to him of letters testamentary thereon. John T. Reid, Probate Clerk. Manti City, June 3 18S9. Wui. T, Reid, Attorney for Petitioner, Monumental Stone Cutters, Dealers in Mantles, Plaster Busts, Centor Pieces Etc. (0; Owners of the Famous San Fete Quarries. STREET MAIN MANTI. I1 j NOTICE. In the Probate Court in and for Sanpete county, Utah Ter. In the Matter of the Estate of Richard Graham, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that bv order of tne Probate Court of said county, Monday the :7th day ofjune A. D. 1889, at 11 oclock a.m. of said dav at the Court House in MantiCitv in said county is set for hearing the petition of Elenora Graham widow of said deceased ask ing for the substitution of Lot 2, Block 4 Plat A., Fairview Townsite, Utah, for a certain piece of land set forth in the Decree of Assignment of said estate, dated, July 9th 1888 said piece of land acres containing 1 John Reid. Probate Clerk. ci'lentally covered up by some men Dated June 4th 1S891 last at Cal., Petaluma, plowing Win. T. Reid Atty. summer, were hatched by the heat and the the all important question one of the sun upon the earth, that agitates the Civilian and the Con- noise made by the chicks led to their discovery and release. gressman. I hope the Senate Investigating ComOne of the Duke of Buckinmittee will studiously look into the favorite amusements at one question here in Utah and by timely to the Congress of the ghams to get into canvas overwas time in cool million, U. S. spend in Utah a a locomotive. drive and alls Wells, Reservoirs &c. This is Keeps a full line of Harness. AN LO Dealer in LEGAL NOTICE. - WATER-ARTESI- A. Schuttler Farm aud Freight Wagons. - M. G. Rolph, ORGE E Probate Judge. Dated, May 13th, 1SS9. con-les- John R. Neilson, NO. 9 13, 1SS9. oil a tour of inspec-- t LEGAL NOT ICE. ArtesiIn the Probate Court ol the county of an Weils, fortv two in number. It was a source ol pleasure to see the Sanpete, Territory of Utah In the matter of the Estate of George bubbling water, to hear the gurgling sound.to see the limpid streams flowing, Crisp, deceased. d iv for settlement permeating silently among the grass run- ofOrder appointingshow account and to cause why disning by rows of trees, gladdening man tribution should not he made. and beast. There was nobody higher up on John R. Baxter, the administrator of the estate of George Crisp, deceased, the stream, no prior, a Ripairan Rights no water master but yourself, having this day rendered and presented no turn; but a day and night stream, for settlement and tiled 111 tins Court his producing luxuries of the garden and hual account of his administration of the tlie field. Y hat a magnificent scope ol estate ol said deceased. Also setting that said estate is in a proper concountry lies all around tins place that forth dition to be closed and that a portion has so assiduously been dned up. The chances of Reservoirs are most ol the residue of said estate remaing excellent in the mountains and in the to he divided among the heirs of said bed of Canal Creek where two Reser- deceased. It is ordered that Monday, Mie loth day of June, A. D. 1669, be and voirs now are. 1 saw one well among the 40 that the same is hereby appointed for the tlowed, caifully measured 80 gals, per settlement of said account, and it is that all persons interested in said minute, the owner lelt like a little king estate be and appear before the Probate as he gazed on this diamond well Some wells have hut a How of 10 gal. Court on s nd loth dav of Imie.A.D.ibSg the general run is 40 gals hut even at II oclock a. m. c f said dav then and there to show cause whv said tinal actins go jd to garden suss". 'I ne day is not remote when the count should not be settled, and an orRights, the Wrongs, the assumptions of der of distribution should not be made the poweis that he municipally will be of the residue of said estate among the heirs of the said deceased, accoidmg jud'cially investigated, and the control to law. of all the water courses regardless of It is fm the: ordeied that a copy ol who made them, whether Nature or man leading to the City will be had this order be published once a week for three successive weeks before said 10th for review and precedents established The injustice in many cases had bet diyofjune, AD. 1SS9, in the Hows. newspaper printed and pul ter he corrected while it is day. for the time commeth when a 7 years ap- iished in Manti, Sanpete county, Utah. Jacob Johnson, propriation ah. initio will not be sanon m West At I pin aim. JUNE ,r V - --- f xV-yill-i :J ' 11 1 1 il - J - M f Df A Y ! S CHARGEO Pen Self-Inkin- g WITH fNDEL'BU. 4 y a. i J X V ' I ,3 Yi--i fi FI t Pencil Stamp, INK, FOR MARKING CLOThU. With your name In TOWN KEIROPOUTAS AND STATE MsS S CT AGLNCT 45 r25e lints St. 1 1 d 2 - v i.vj f t ; i IWI fi N f jrI J 1 41., 1 IHm MARKS I . ? h d? " 5- -5 L If p II II B l S r-- 57-16- 0 Nickeled jlf' ' UU i- - y j- ? - 5 j "A V S' r J.V'v 5 k 13 jUr'f i |