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Show line The A Weekly plar X: Balm ot Gilead shade trees for sale at Funk's Lake, delivered to anv part of Sanpete Co , on reasonable terms. Alt orders received bv, Chaklcs Mlsig. Sterling' Sanpete Co., Utah. 1 hat tired debil tated feeling, so peculiar to Spring indicates depraved blood. Now is tiieumie to prove the beneficial It cleanetlects of Aver's Sarsapanllv. ses the system restores physical energy and every hbre ot the body. On March 13th, Mat S.mmons suicided bv sir mting hmnelt twice in at the left side, lie had been accused of weighed s'e ding cattle, and the evidence was unvery much against him, and he He leaves able to proi me bond-iuicia w fe and five children. Seniinel. Xewspaper, Devoted to the generd interest of thepe6pieof San lete and surrounding counties. abrlptla: - One year, Sax $2.0o 1.25 .75 - months, Three months, - Pr-c- AdtertlNtuf Ritioa AppIlfttUa FINANCIAL REPORT. EPHRAIM P. DEPARTMENT. Manager - Jos. F. Dorius, Mar. Utah. it, COUNTY TAX ACCOUNT. To Balance due ib$9 GENERAL CONFERENCE annual conference of The forty-nintthe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaints will commence at ro o'clock on Saturday morning, April 6, iSSy, at the Tabernacle, in Sait Lake city 'the officers and members of the church are hereby cordially invited to attend. h v WrLFORD WOODKI H-- , In behalf of the Twelve Apostles A BAND OF BRIGANDS. We wish it d.stidctly understood that the following is a clipping from an English paper, and is not therefore aimed at Marshal Dyer and those othei gentlemen who are handling the Cash nee School lunds "Anything more snotkmg or shameful then the impunity with which solicitors can rob their clients can scarcely he We have before this ex conceived pieced an opinion to the efiect that n w ould be quite as sale entrusting yotn purse in the hands of a notorious tinel as your money in those of a lawyei Subsequent experience has conhnntd the distrust we felt in the honesty oi those chartered rogues, notwithstanding they are supposed and proclamed '1 to he heie the servants of the Government. may be a few honest and trustworthy men in the profession, but we suspect they are m the same proportion as good ones in the populations of the Cities ol the 1lains. No effort is made by judges or other legal luminaries to remove a scandal that rellects infinite disgrace and discredit upon one branch ol the profession to which they themselves belong Lawyers are permitted by Parliament (Congtess) to make laws concerning themselves, and hence the gross and degitevous methods wherebv they can spoil and rum those who have transactions wuth them and escape the penalty awaiting other unprivileged rogues and rascals. A cletk who embezzles a sovereign of his employer's money is sent tu prison and to hard labour. A lawyei who does the same with ten thousand pounds entrusted to ins keeping is simply struck oil tre rolls, a penalty that in many cases lie cares nothing for. Ol late, several of these scamps and scoun-dreii- s have been thus let loose upon the public, and, under the cover of another lawyer's name permitted to putsue their nefarious proceedings' On Monday a most nionstious case ol fraud came under the coguiM.mce ol Justice Huddleston and Mamsty, and ending in the tuslomaty way. It appeal ed that one Joseph Dodds, a solicitor, ol Stockton, was employed by an old ladv named Meytiell, w ho entrusted him wuh securities to the amount ol 313,000, and the result of this misplaced coulidence was downright rohlvejy, and is desirib eel by Baron Huddleston m dehveung his Coivs Senator Moiril and Dnector Kimball aie earnestly supporting a hill to change the f.uee of American c image once it twenty-fivhey say the piesent si)lcs aie years. inartistic. A new dt s gn for coins would not he unla votahlv leieived, provided it was a real nimioveim nt, but it sullment importance does not stem to make it compulsory, 'ihcre were very lew i ompelitiuis when designs vveie adveitised loi some tune ag ) and some of the engtavmgs weie neither attislic or symbolic, andshoulJ be h ilh 1 tie very slight iehet given to hguies on coins, makes the work very dilhmlt. Ntw Mint 1 1 OUR PRIZES. We have decided to oiler a set ol from valued at tiom$6to 3 to 5 premiums, $75, as prizes for the best contributions he history of San 011 these suhtects Ate, or anv town in the County, or auv incident unlimited with the histoiv of the County.' Biography of the leading men ot the County or ail) town in 'Industrithe County, dead or hung; es of S uipete or nnv town m the Comi"Kesonesol the County, e.tliei ty. general or t tal. Proofs of the various artu les w ill he sent to the authois for their criticism before being published 'I h s proposition is made genetal and further parbculats will he published next week. All those who have not declared 11 to contribute, who desue t heir intentl to do so will confer a favor by making the tact known as soon as possible. units anti ('liins. ti Manti Temple will be dosed on unsday, Apnl 4th, until lhuisdnv, aril rub, next 1). H. Wti ialtLake and other papers please copv The i, Dur farmers are to be congratulated having most ol their small giam in fore this ram. The Sanpete County Teachers Iusti te v ill meet at Ephraim, March 30th, nvenmg at 10 a. rn, Miss Nettie Atwood has quite recovered li om her severe injuries and is flow walking about convalescent. Aveiy fine quality ol Iruit tiecs wills be lor sale tins spring at Joseph S Six blocks west ol leuiple 4b Manti, Judge Judd has more than hiived tli it the rciorm sc I100I at Ogden w ill be the place ol punishment for second wives who live with their husbands. liraith-vvaite- Alma Greenwood, principal of the San Pete Stake Academy, pxSM.il through Mun.r cm Sunday last, enrunu lrotn Fillmore to Ephraim Now is the tune to attend to the A lute duly and ot tnui tues pruning it vv ,11 be too I ite, and there - sc ircclv an orchard m town that does not ntcJ it. On Wednesday 'ast Chules Hnnip-shnea h j,hlv icsi'c ted citizen it At Ile n mt. w as semi need to 12 d 1, s 1111 s oil enl In unlawful cohabitation. fr He pie id guilty . y , Mi i"ss . nu.i I he 'll well Kiiou nuirvd was me B.t'cr. pi v.up an tit.fn'ie )'hr In nig pus "it. 'ii.' I t , y s 1 s i a.1 i t J I ,t wiiks am a ' 90 50.15 75 00 00 057.80 0' 0 20 1.820 55 312.43 29 00 90.40 178.90 County Recotder &r's ... $ 5,711.00 43.01 $ 1Y88 ' . . By B " nice on hand 5,712.45 $ 5,902.81 FXH1BIT OF LIVE STOCK. To Bil nice on hind June 1, 1883 g Amount an sale of estrays .... tiu-ir- County Warrants redeemed Servueof Treasurer To Balance in Treasury .$ 499. 4 8 104 95 , By 5 $ $064.43 00 ?i8.83 , $604.43 ur I r i i - e -- Pe 11 toim vour zicie Us v t u v tMiuy v C C Ifii At pc is n who vies v me allowance of agnist w Ii i knows cl sa lc 1111 Ii t- - 1 t o' nor ! 1 It p .ay yiil iho i' o i. , John Reid, Clerk. Territory of Utah ' I. John Reid, Clei k of the County County ol bain ete. Couit of Sanpete County, Utah, hereby ceilify that the foregoing is a full, roe a id correct copy o the inandal Report as approved bv tne County Court of Slid County on the 5'1 day of M tidi, A.D. 1839, and now on file in my office. it n my band and the Seal of the County Court of San pete County U. T,this 12th day ol Man h A. D. 1889. John IIeid, y AL County Clerk. 1 I -t -- & S IS Monumental 500. Esalsrs in Mantles, Plaiter Busts Center Pieces Etc. (Oj- - Owners of the Famous San Pete Quariies. STREET MAIN SATI. of nierev, Andrev Whitlock and Iters Emma Hev warden behalf ol their sisters presents the Supt with a 'Ibis was most invaded yesterday bv a stmll host of cordial pair of elegai.tlv emtfidered slippers "MY HOME MY CASTLE. btetliren and sisteis heavtlv laden with the presentation yvasHel.cately done, alike graceful. cfn ice viands and most cordial gteetmgs the speech of 1 hey took tins me'lrod cf showing I ather Iune would hub' 011, and all too their apprecution ot iliej ihor of Sun- soon tf e Indicator ainomshed us to f day School. Superi.'.tendent I.lderDav.d ndunirn, Under the inp'nt'nivm rcndereJ Candland, and vvrh a dexterity that women disp.'y on such occasions, 'lire by Bro. Mills and son.. t tne S S. choir acc-'ptat- 1 tbiis weie anancdaid groaned un- and the voice of pra.t and pra.se this came to a close der the dilnacRs pun id 'd, At the m 1st dtl.ghtlnl liglrt and Fit ot! lie sc it of honor sat with henry shake 1 f land, a fervent Gud bless in 1" the gists went forth, Lnl r Cm ituisen and Hans jotsahn, Cat dV d c ott "lied then C II, lack wbi e progressing recovery the t F 1 5 ( -- m ul b a nt, t. it t i 11 vsspyle t ir our rV istin , bun quiet A n 11 - ta Ti Ti tic la Grand Opening fof the of te all kinds the, best as well as cheapest ever brought to San Pete. Also DRESS TRIMMINGS Li 0 n an endless variety. Store City Brunei Drug has the best assorted Mr. I. B. lot of Drugs south of Provo and also keeps on hand the best liquors and J 0 PURE LIQUORS, Bi or Medical Purposes. Ti i NOTICE. There will be a meeting of the share Hetd-mholders of the Manti Institution held in theCouncil House Manti, Utah, on Friday, the 12th of April a d. 1SS9 at 7.30 p m for the pur pose of amending the articles of association of said association by reducing the capital stock of said association from he sum of $5,000 to $3, 500 also, l'or the pm pose ol voting on the proposition o' selling a certain parcel or parcels of land belonging to said association, described as follows, town Ail of that poinon ot End lying west of old field commonly known as the ox pastuie ard containing 270 acres, more or'Iess, aho that portion of land west of Datnsn held situated 111 James Ciaw fords entry, and containing 73 acres, more or less. A two thuds vote of the stockholders being necessary for the above purposes A lull attendance is requested. By order of the board of directors, g Hi U AT 7c Vm. Luke, Prest, John Bench, bee. Stone Cutters, res to pr test s', t, ci Iroi'i su pi , itn! ,1 J ,0 be p.t 01 m i su To the Bishops of San Pete Blank "Reccommends to the House of the Lord at this office, Price; 50 for 5ocenK 100 for 75 cents; 150 for $1 and I2.50 fdr Main street, Manti. g CURED. 1 Price (1 ; six bottles, $h cigais 10. 0U 1 Si RELY s Our friends will please remember that we want wood, bay, wheat, potatoes, ham, cabbage, store orders and cash at this othce. Very Respectfully 11 1 V MILLINERY 210.28 1,000 00 $11,615.20 " Terril Appropriation for roads &. bridges By County Warrants redeemed at Treasury 1 1 T J. C. Ayer tt Co., Lowell, Mass, Mrs. I. B. Brunei has opened winter trade the best line of 2,774.88 7,530.00 58.70 41.50 Lie use Arising on T'anoientSheepHeids " 1 1 o Cherry Pectoral, Bold by all Druggists. EXHIBIT OF TREASURY. rilLCAKSTO CHESTER C V PREPARED BT Dr. 137. b7 232.50 1 1 sa pe'e, who I t , ' in h if c'., o i. 2t,20 1 iiotcvcii CON sL'MII ION 1 Oil 18 To amount on hand June 1.1888 tecetved on Paxes of Fines Here an opportunity while seated in '1 lie Cab, was altoided me to interview" be Wiper, "ne gteaseously vouch-- s iled sonietinug like tins, "I am blessed ill know wueu the road will go on, "v oil see lie U. S Ky has raised their hei,hi late 110111 45 cts. to 55 cts. per s or less," and some of the scream-ei- s 100 lor a tail road have kicked and now to hilt Lake. Big induceteam ments amt they? I smiled. I asked him how these kickers did when they wanted to liay el, lie said he did not know but he presumed they would want a Commercial Rate. he said waiving Ins Waste dramatically, Id be biessed it Id give it. I smiled an approving smole. But dont vou think tne D 6. R, G. W ate the pet ot the banpeters and when they come into this valley, some people, kicheis and all, may be happy yet DRS. FREEMAN & BURROWS Butting his greasy digit to bis nasal will visit the following places profession extremity, he plated a sort of tattoo illy; Moroni, Saturday, March 23rd, Jolly wuh his lingeis and whistled Sweet Intel, Mt. Pleasant, Sunday and Mon- Bye and Bye. ti iv, Mar 23111 and 25th, Neilsons Hotel AT CHESTER. I pln.um, Tuesday, Mar 26th, Bishop Here no stage connects, as per Dorms; Manti, Wednesdas Mar, 27th, atuot and alone I ined to Snow I lotel. hev will he piepared to tieat club a house near by and loimd a son of tnv feet, hip and knee diseases and hump esteemed tuend, Candland, who told bath-- , ye ear, catarih ol head and nose me he ubligmglv kept open bouse and ativ old ukets or chiomc disease of anv teadv teams lorjustsuch an emergency, Do not miss simply to oblige lor pay, drummers, kind, and tit spectacles. this opertuiutv as it costs you nothing pleasuie scekeis and such. Soon I was speeding lor the.Metropohs to liaye an opinion ot your case. ol Sanpete, Manti, 1 hinned through the plague strickiii Ephraim, to lmd Maim tpiaiautmed, was permitted to ERRATA. enter, I lound the Bench House a drum Anon Bv an oversight the County Financial tilers delight. Repot t contained stvcrnl typographical and other tirois Among the uoist In the wete NOTICE FOR PUCLICATION County Tax Account, 1XS2 should have read I8S3, by rem.t-aNo 32SS. e the aint, should have been $175 32 Land Oilice at Salt Lake City, Utah. in that toll w ed vv uh h il nice $1708.12. Match, 14th, ibsq. In hsimrsementx the item ot $45500 Notice is hereby given that the iollod-mtor the Prosecuting Attorney vv as unlit-!- ! named settler 11.1s iiKd notice ot his I he correc'tuns have been made I md the Repoit is correct m tig ures in inteuti n to make tmal pnw m Isuppoit ot Ins claim, and that said pun will be tins issue. made dole the Jud,e or Cleik of the County Couit of 1 mery county at Cas le Dale, tali, on Saturday, April 27th, u,oy, NO I ICE I LCfURE ! uz Wnh.un J. Powell, ill, no. 63,5, X). s. No ,3o6 fir tile St j oj Dt J Km ; w ill give .1 1 tt tute m the tt jusmuted N w and Lo.s 2 j and s w 1 4 n r Tt emaile next r iv evening, March ami 3. p 19, s k 9 S. L. Al Utah, i le 22ud. commencing at hall past seven the (lowing witnesses to pi At othuk Su ue t 1 ,ic ii u.us mantlets, names Ills until. u Oi.s tcsKiit e i poll and cul-ti- v etc., c f tl.o chetokce Indians ition ot, said land, xiz Siivisur All aie inv ited to attend. iv in Wilson, Uni, Hans P. Abusing, and 1 hum isR odes Jl ot Lmerv cuirmv 1 in on Mmdav, to a I he aU tir was 173 350 0 455.00 37.50 In circulation December 31, 1888.. could not resist the intimation to inspect! the interior work being done I le m ili.s beautifully located house giet that I did not beam the names ol the two rn )st excellent carpenter, who, with chisel and olam with skill d.rett-ed- , are doing some artistic vvoik, too hue to be obscured by that sacred auxiliary, the Sacrament stand. I hope they intend to nmoviate on the custom and place it oil one side of the Mam bland, now nearly conipleated, while on the lett stan that needed adiunct, a tepoiter or clerks table is, I hope, piojected, the space between the pillars on the south end tilled in with oigan and chon, surmounted wuh a click, the the admirable home nouse seated v, made scats as per model and with us vestry, who shall say tliat Ex Bishop Bradley's well chosen site was not most ailmiiably conceived and this splendid diluea worthy exponent of Moronis t i.ili, puise and zeal 1 11 290 20 1 MOROM MEETING HOUSE. ON -l d 1 1 flU.UH.-- 43.SG $ Warrants in ciiculation June 1, 1S8S 5711.60 $5,755 46 since June 1. 1888 5,712.45 Redeem atTie.iSury sinceJune 1,1888 road to the Cemetery. I venture the gutsi that the installing again of the judge as supeivisor and city water master is a just recognition of the right nun m the right place s, Ci rn Sul veil, Quarantine Physician Board of Tteasurer Bee Inspector Board oi Equalization Lunatics and Indtgenls Road and Bridges County Office Bounty on Scalps Expense Account Records f,,r County Clerk Transient Sheep Herds Ctiminal Prosecution 1 BRIEFLETS. lanll Locals, Ftlllorlnl states, .... Examination wanted the as such. judgement .... Sheiitr 1 Tilt for which I believe it to be the greatest medicine in the world." James iIi!Rr, Caraway, N. C. My wife had a distressing cough, a with pains in the side and breast. tried various medicines, but none d.d her any good until I got a bottle if Ayer's Cheiry Pectoral which has cm,d her. A neighbor, Mrs. Glenn, hail the measles, and the cough was relieved bv tbe use of Ayers Cherry Pectoral. I have no hesitation in recommending Robert Horton, Forethis medicine man Ileadlifht, Morrillton, Ark. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured me of a severe cold which had settled on my lungs. My wife says the Pectoral helps her more than 'any other medicine she Euos Clark, Mt. Liberty, ever used. Kansas. Treasury Proput Judge Selectmen County Cierk Piosoeuti-Attorney Supeiintendent of District Schools to-la- I)r. E. Hosford and mvsell killed today two large Horned ow Is and captured one alive whose w mg we broke. 1 he largest one measured 53 niches across the wings and 24 inches fiom beak to Is not this tail, and weighed 6 pounds an unusual si e as well as an uncommon bird in these paits? Wm J. Hosford Lung Diseases, i. A DISBURSEMENTS. 1 dug-wa- 9,9oloo $10,011.24 Compensation of Aisessor and Collector.. By Remittances $1,i08.4Z To Balance unei.il services were held in the F L. Morr.s, m. D. Brooklyn N,Y, ernatleand quite a crowd of Ir .ends life. their and relatives were tlieie to pa In the case of E. A Bilbngton, Spring last respects on earth. City w ho was a( cased of compku enev in the attempted Nephi Bank Robbery I he Jury were out four days and finally FOR SALE. I he Jut) returned a verdict of gniltv s united at farm for A 11 one to good are informed, stood, so we 65 acres ol farming land, with water. the entire four days. For ur her particulars apply to, S. Atvv ood. going Among the few improvements on m town is the one in front ot Hill X. l'oltons Photograph Gallery ' he dreh has been nirelv walled in with well cut A FEW ITEMS. and matched O due sione. How pretty In n tow ditches all if the A GOOD SUPIRUSOR. it would look Seated with John is a desideratum. were arranged in like manner. Larson w ho carries the null from Alt. The last assays from the Alex ruder Pleasant to Moroni, I was delighted to of a large mine m that tmd tht: county road between those two gives promise be cannot 'I lie exact figures where quarter. cities at a place on the ascertained as some of the owners are some few years ago, my hie was imperilwe do this blit as silent as railroad men, ed iroin a lianow ill constructed road knovvit is over ,o silver with some wav It was amply broadened and we of lend and copper and a trace gold all correspondingly gladdened. I made it a point to hnd the supei visoi on was surveying Surveyor Hougaard and was indeed glad to hud lodge Hotel ol k the the him east Temple ot poll tax and county the arbiter Latter ditches and walks He was laying He was road donations, m Moroni Ins is the hrst step towards planting in tilln g ravines, small busily engaged m an iees ami laving out the grounds but very annoy mg as going 1101th they irtictic manner. This is an improve ate numerous, as hejoculaily remarked inent the Sfnkinkl is pleased to note lie dead to have a smooth saved his 1, 1VS3 By Amount paid into B i. it June Asaestnent of 1388 LOCAL ITEMS. Address cominunications to the Schools are m running order and Home .Sentinel Compnv, seems quite tayoiable. eyerythmg P. O. Box 57. Manti. 0. T. satisfactI wo deaths occureJ last week, Mrs. Jas, T. Jakf.man, "Ayers Medicines have been rnv lice, an old ladv, died alter an me to prat throughout Johnson, Manager. ory of some time; also a young man, especially Avers Cherry Pectoral, winch has been used by many of my patients, las. Micknian, d.ed very suddenly. labone of whom savs he knows For all diseases of the Throat an I Lungs, no remedy is so safe, speedy , and certain as Ayers Cherry Pectoral, An mJ.speusable family medicine. I find Ayers Cherry Pectoral an invaluable remedy for colds, cough,, and other ailments of the throat and M. S. Randall, 201 Broadway, lungs. Albany, N. Y. I have used Ayers Cherry Pectoral for bronchitis and 1 Al hadn, s ml ti s t iirnu t ted Utth this paptr in Ephraim ill' t It tranmeted throvglt the manager 0 thU department. Ephraim, Best Gough Cure. County Clerks Office, Sanpete County, Utah, December 31, 1388. of Court County, lT. T. Sanpete To the Hon. the County Gentlemen: ts I beg 1 submit to x our II n Body the Financial nepv.ro D.cember 31st ,f Sanpete County from tl.e oitt of May till the lbS3, 'sit. Dated this 20th day of March, A. D. - 1889, 5i-4- FAIRVIEW TOVVNSITE NOTICE. To all whom it may concern: Notice is herecy given by the undersigned mayor of the city of F'air view, San Peie County, Utah Territory, under act of the Legislature ol Utah of Feb 17th 1869, that he has made additional Town site cash entry No. 3115 embracing the r. w. of the n. w. sec. 1 Tp 14 s. ft 4 e, of the Salt Lake Meridian, in trust for the inhabitants and occupants of sa i described land for town-sit- e purposes, for which patent has been issued. That each and every person, association, company, or corporation claiming to be the rightful ow ner of possession occupant or occupants, or to be entitled to the occupancy or possession o' said described lafid, or any lot, block share or parcel theieof, slia'l, vv itlnn, sa months after the hrst publication of th Notice, in person, or by his, her or then agent or attorney, sign a statement w w nting, containing an accurate description ol the particular parcel or parts of said land m which he, she, or they,ci.ii to have any interest, and the spec M right, mteicstor estale theicin, which he, she, or they claim to be entitled to receive and deliver the same to the clerk of Probate Court of Sat Fete Couii ty. at Manti City, Uialr. that the Ida g said stritement shall be cc nSidLri.i Notice to all persons elann.iig ai v tnd, 1 i U'evlaE of the any filing the same and a pt" 11s l.ulaigty make mid deliver such f t me .nTuied ia,enieiit w.th above mention,. u,-'- h o' Lelorevi barRii the right ct i h-- tii.s m rt cov rag H e ' k mii A h( S st Pla tior S wat VV Jew goo 3Er Ho I Tm I I 1 id 1, , - u -- Tw ot ,erc-- el 01 O . that t , oes, cash I e , r Ti Rei Lore c i t j . too |