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Show i n I I I COUNTY COURT. December term of the county Court convened Monday, Dec. 3rd. Oifice pre sent: Hon. Jacob Johnson, Judge, pre- siding; Selectmen Wm. Luke, John Carter and James Metcall. Petitions of Mormon Miner, of Fair-vieand Thos. Patton of Sterling applied for a remittance of their Taxes. Applications rejected as this term of court had no jurisdiction. Petition of R. R. Lewellyn and others of Fountain Green for change of County Road, rejected Taxes of Swen Neilsen and J. G. Bleak were reduced. It was reported that Marten Neilsen was Considered insane and formerly in charge of the county Actum laid over. 'Selectman Luke, reported the Ephraim Lane grade completed That he had built 6 lods oi grade and gravelled i5 rods more than bids stated. Appropriation made to cover extra expense. Certificates were ordered issued to Andrew Beal, of Ephraim and Annie Stohl and Luella Allred ol Mt. Pleasant for admission to the Deaf Mute Institute. Petitions of Dr W. H. Olsten for appointment asCounty physician, laid over. Demands made upon the Territorial Auditor for the amount of appropriation made for the last Legislature had been complied with. Clerk request to communicate with auditor as to the mode of collecting warrant. Clerk requested to communicate with Utah County in reference to the Indian Wise. The sum of $64. 80 was refunded of Julius H. Christensen of Gunnison on account of his property having' been assessed twice. The committee appointed to draft an order lor the providing of indigent. Sick and poor reported, and order SMYTH, A C. MANTI, DEALS in all kinds of Mnsical Merchandise, stationery, toys, Ladies milllne ry, Etc.,E pEtcf i w p. P. 1igS&t Wagon Maker, MANTI. Has had ten years experience at his trade, and has been working in Wagon Manufactories in Germany, Denmark and the United States and is now prepared to execute all kinds of work belonging to liii trade cheap and satisfactory, 1. P. Ilathkey. 1 doorea3t of Tuttle Cos Mill. ' i 38 15 I Carlsons C. F. SHOE FACTOR ' Y Has a line stock of Home Made Boots and Shoes. also prepared to do all are They kinds of repairing. Store 3 doors South of P. 0- Music Store. A.Marker, EAGE ROCK, IDAHO. DEALER IN ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF Musical Instruments, Strings & Trimmings. Best Brass Band Instruments. All kinds, Orchestra & Band Music, Sheet Music and Music Books Send for my new Catalogue Just out it has a sketch of Ole Bulls Violin Playing in it and much good information in for musicians Send me your orders for what you waht in the Music line. , ALSO Watches, fine Gold au4 Rolled Plate Jewelry!" Cultery, Etc., Etc. Motto. Square Dealing Fair terms Standard good, low, Prices. r o(Dont You Forget The only genuine D O 3 E It)o V T I Machine is sold in Sewing San Pete Countv by t 1 t MANTI CITY, SAN PETE COUNTY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1888. YOL. IY. 171 C Christensen of Fairview, Drop hinr a card by maij. J?REpEt;icK ) of counterfeits and inferior imitations now going the rounds. Dont be deceived by them The penuine Domestic still leads, and 47 pndures all s. 1 te-t- NOTICE. THE PUBLIC OF MANTI. I will keep a .Supply of Beef at all Jimes at the Snow Stand, Manti. The highest price paid for all kinds of Hides. ' Call on Mr. Geo. (Street, Manti., A. Snow, Main Lowry, Jr. H. GPERRY, HAS OPENED A 33arberSore,SIiop JnThe Ladies main street, Give him a call. Manti,. Atty-at-La- Manti , San Pete Co., Utah. at Court House. Dr.H.H.St. John Physician and Surgeon JISH LAKE BOSriTAl. SEVIEB OO. Diseases of Ladies and Children a specialty A healthy W. J. Hosford E. T. ITosford o MJ,&E.T,Hosford, SURGEONS. ACCOUCHEUR. ' Late Surgeon in the British Royal Wary. Office at residenceTwo blocks north of City Hall, Manti. Telegrams promptly responded to. W.n. Olstn H. Lind ter, M. M,D ' Blthaim. Dis, Olsten PHYSICIANS D. Pit. Pleasant k Lindley, S URGEONS Surgeons of the S. P Y. Ry., Oihm : Ephraim, Utah. BO. Secretcry THE Vo By virtue ol an execution issued out of the District Court, First JucFcial District of the Territory of Utah and Conn tv of Utah, wheiein Singer Mfg Co. plaintiff and PeterC Christensen and F W Blohni defendant upon a judgement lenderecJ the eleventh day of December 18S3, for besides coils and inthe sunt of i46-7terest I have this dav levied upon all Holies ro-it- f) n 4 1- -4 4 4 - , 4 4 4, 2 4 4. May-fiel- I T 'J 4 i Flnul Proortt, V I I 1 1 i NitH' nUjiu ieby given that the mu ',. i v d ieis have filed no nee f tot d ini'!,4 hi to make final proo claims ant in s lieu p a sicme in. at aiiiy thereof; and that saic wi'l be made belore the Judge o pn-,ie ouiuy Com t i, f Sanpete Co. Utah. ! foil v- i I 11, MAIN OT HOLJXTSZrDT. f i 1 01 hs m the County betUie nb-enc- said Couniy at the Court house usu, Utah, on Saturday, the 5th day oi hilhp Maix Jr. 11. e. no jabu.uy 1089. 5720 lor the vi J of s. w J sec 21 and wl sec zS rp 15 s k 3 E, and names o! n w the j owing witnesses to prove his lesiUence upon and cultivation U ill, am Danielsorfi 01 said land, vizN els C. Neilson, Isaac A. Reynolds and OLen all of Moroni Sanpete j'c.o O. Utah. County C. Christensen HE no I .is M sec Sd.z for the s 1; I of s w and names the following 17 i; 19 to piov- his continuous residwiuience upon and cultivation of said land vi? Ne.ls C Soiensen, William Metcalf, Ludvigscn and James C Sorensen all of Gunnison Sanpete County Utah. Ole Larsen Deseit Land Entry no 1772 of sec iS Tp 19 of s w for the s w s r 2 E, and names the following witnes es to prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of said land.viz.- Titus Chris? tensen Peter C Andersen, Peter Peterson and Theodore E Christensen, all of Gunnison Sanpete County Utah. D Webb, Register. N0V51 Dec26 Bird & Lowe, Attys. Cleik i t J 1 I Do what is right. home It is right to use in preference tp imported It is right to furnish people employment. It is right to patronize stitutions exclusively. products articles. our own home cqn-liinio- us - 4 in- sRir - - Fred-eiic- THEREFORE It i3 right to purchase the Boots and Shoes manufactured by Zion s Mercantile Institution as they are moderate in eshecidlly price, elegant in style and superior in quality. S OLD BY ALL HOW DEA LER S k 4 4 - I j Consolidated Notice For Publication Desert Land, Final Prorf. NO, 3U4 I.ard Oifice, Salt Lfih') City, Ctah, V i'll, bt'r 9th, 1888. Notice Is bereb given that Artuur A, avlor, of Moab, Emery cuuty, Utah, has filed notice of intention to make proof on hie desert land claim No U71, for the F.J ,of N Ei N E4 8 E'i k Lot 12 3, 4 Sec. 84 Tp," i5 SR 21E before Register k Receiver. US Land Oifice at Sat Lake City Utah on Friday, the 2iatday of Decen)tipg, 18s8, He names the following witnems to provtbe said land: complete irrigation and reclaimalton of Philander Carl J. Boren, John Shafer, Nlel Ray , 11 of Meb, Emery county Utah, Maxwell, Proof will be made before the County clerk of Sanpete county Utah at Manti Sanpete coctab, on Saturday December 22nd 1888 viz, Rowland Iliaithwalte Commutation H E No 8o98 for the Uto of N VCH AEMofS Wto Secl6Tpl8S RajE s L M Utah He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence npon and cnlti. vation of, said land viz: Azarlah Smith Thomas BoyingtonJohn trawtord LarsCKJ ar all efuanti Sanpete county Utah, Any person who desires to protest rgainst the allowance of such proof or who knows ot sny substantial reason under the law and regulations of the Interior Department why euch proof should not be allowed will be given an opportunity at tocross ex. the above mentioned time and place and to offer amine the witues.es of said claimant f s j Vniftnl fdlOWERS STAGE JOHNR.filEt.SOri L. SOOT twcenThistle Station arid Fairview Tuesday & Friday of each week Stages leave Fairview for Thistle at 5 a. in. Arrive at Thistle at 1 :00 p. in. Every Wednesday and Saturday Leaves Thistle for Fairview 9 a. ni. arriving at 5 p. m. and connects with the Mt. Pleasant Stage. Connection is made with the G. Ry. at Thistle. . I have opened a shop 5 doors Lowrys Store, Manti, and am prepared to execute all kinds of custom work, both neatly and durAll able Good fit guaranteed. kinds of repairing done within 24 hours after the job is received. J- - R- - 38 4 Temple Office, Manti Utah. Bro. C. E. John son. I take pleasure in attesting to the merits of Johnsons Essence ok Ltfe, having used it 'personally, and also in my family, with the most gratifying results. I consider it a safe, prompt and efficacious Yno. B. Maibe . remedy. Johnsons Essence of Life is sold p at the Manti Store, price 50 cts. per bottle. S.P.V.R. WILL SELL and Ranges. OOA1. At d3.75 Der ton Cliostor. Jlj Kinds of Extras and Stove Outfits, Grates, Crosspieces, Lids Fronts, Backs, Etc. to any kind of Stove, made. In ordering be sure to give name and exact No. of Stove. All home made 20 below S. L. prices. Before purchasing elsewhere give me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. All P. Spanish Fork, Utah. 0. Box GO. 1 evidence in rebuttal cf that submitted D, Webb Register by claimant. Novi4 Decig T. C. Bailey Attorney, Shilohs Vitalizer is what you for Cousiipation, Appetite, Dizziness, and need Loss of all symp- toms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cent per bottle. Sold by I. B. Brunei, Manti and H. P. Larson, Ephraim. Porous For lame back, Bide or chest, Shiloh's Plaster Price 25- cents. Sold By I- B. Brunei, PLarson, Ephrum. Manti and H. Cough and Bronchitis im The undersigned will take any num- V Croup, Whooping relic ved by Shilohs Cure. Sold By I, mediately head 2000 to from ber of sheep 25 up B. Brunei, Mauti andH. P, Larson, Ephraim. from individuals and the herd them on ter Sleepless Nights, made miserable by that for shares, paying the dividend in cash or rible cough. Shilohs Cure is the remedy the products of the sheep. For further you. sold By I. B. Brunei. Mamt and U. P SHEEP HERDED. NOTICE TO Co. JDK1LEB IN parlor, Heating, Cook, Stove1 Co-o- TlioR. Nielson Tmobtensen, ft. AN HONEST OPINION. it SHOE I1AKES. west of to d, cross-exami- j .t i Fay-eite- , e ' - ' i.s.v-Notic- ;y 1 1 105-0- Of A No. 3157 Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah Term ny Nov. 17, 18S8 Notice is lieieby given that the following named settlers have filed notice of their intention to make final proof ill suppoit ol their respective claims, and secure iin.il entry thereof; and that said proof will he m ide befoie the Probate Judge of San yete County, Utah, or, in his absence, bef ire the County Clerk of said couniy, on Satui day the 29th dav of December, 1S88, viz' John Young, 1.EI No. 5596 for the s i n e sec 24, Tp 15 s, R 4 E, and Lot 2, sec 19, Tp 15 s, r 5 e He names the foil iwing witnesses to prove Ins continuous tesidence - upon anJ cultivation of, sa,d land, viz.- William Averett, Charles 1eleisen, Edwin And erson and Alma Zabnskie all of Mt4. Pleasant, San Pete County, U. T. James Hansen, H. E. No. 7123 for the VJ ol N. E.J Sec. 15 Tp. 17 S.R.3E He named the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon: and cultivation of said land, viz- Soren A. Soiensen. Soren Sorensen, Henry Gicen and Jens Thygersen, all of Eplfi rami Sanpete County, Utah. Elizur Chapman h.e. N0.6255 for the s. e. J of N.W.J S.-- N.E.J NEjNK 4 sec.30 Tp 14 s. k. 3 e and names the following wit nesses t piove Ins continuous residence upon ai. d uluvdtion of said land, viz Orso.i A. Dt pam, James C. Livingstone I)at,i C-- k. l.iuiiiz Christensen all of Foum i.ij ? e.. San, eie Co Utah Frede-ickse- Fied-rickso- Publication. 8175. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah. Dec. 6. 1888. Notice is hereby given" that the following-name- d settler has hied notice of his intention tc make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge 01 County Clerk of Emery county, Ltah, at t astlt Dale, Emery Co., Utah, on Jam 5, 189, vizi Jus Nielsen. H. E. No. 6074 dated January 26th 183 for the V. X N. E. 14' N. W. to Sec. 13 Tp 17 S. R. 8E. He E, names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upou, and cultivation of, san land, viz: Delos D.Crandal. Charles Brown. Ervin E, Howard and John L, Brasher all of Emery' County, Utah. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and theregulv-tmnso-f the Iuterier department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given au opportunr at the above mentioned time and pi ice to eroe, ty examine the witnesses 01 said claimant, and tr, i dor evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by D. Webb Registei. claimant. T. C. Biney. Atty, dacidjanlfi SHERIFFS SALE. the tight, title, claimand interest of said defendant Peter C ckristensen and Anof, lit and to the foldrew lowing described real estate, standing on the recoids of Sanpete comity in the name. of Andiew Fiedet ickseti, to wit." parcel 8 being 2 rods East and West by 8j North and south 'containing one in plat A Manti city acre and survey sanpeie countv U T. public Police is heiebv given that I will on Thursday the 311J day of January 18.S9 at eleven oclock A M of said day in front ol the county court house door in Manti citV and county of sanpete U T. sell at public auction all the ligiu, title, claim and intetest of said defendant peter c Christensen and Andiew of in and to th.-- above described property, or so nuiJli theieof as may be neciissaiv la sd sufficient means to adopted. satisfy s.gijju Ijement, with inteiestaud Applications ofj. R. Baxter, of Spring costs to HiVe Highest and best bidder lor ' City and Reuben Carter ol Mt, Pleasant cash. Jens, p Latsen for a reduction of taxes, refused Datedutc 6T.1 1: sg. sheriff of saftuele co. petition of R. R.1 Lewellyn and 19 others for relief of Rasmus Ramusen. of FountainGreen, who has been sick for a NOTICE. long time, referred to Selectman Carter. I11 t ne Probate Court of the county of The Couit explained to' the new As- San Pete, i'e: r. d" Utah. sessor Canute W Petersen, the duties re In the Muter of the Estate of Sarah quired of him. Deceased. Order Appointing Ellis, The clerk was authorized to furnish his office necessary blanks, stationer, Time for Proba'e of ill, and Directing publication of Notice of the atne etc. It is hereby Oidered, that Monday, The reports of the lullowing Road the 24th day of December, 18S8, at 11 Supervisors were accepted A. M. of said day, at the Court Ephraim. Fountain oclocx Spring, Chester, Alt. Pleasant, Room in said court, at the Court House Green, Fairview, of San Pete, U. T. be, and Mayfield, Wales, Stei ling, Milbuin, Mauli. in the county 1 he report of the Supervisor of Moroni the same is hereby appointed the time was referred bacK for a more intelligent for proving the last WrfPand Testament of Sarah Ellis, deceased, and hearing statement. The cleik was authorized to make a the application of William Major for demand on Utah county for expenses in letters testamentary and any person interested may appear and contest- the. Tweed, caseinsans, aud resident of said Will; and may file objections in Utah county. to the granting of letters testawriting Appropriations. mentary to said petitioned. For Roads; It is further ordered. That notice be Ephraim Lane grade $77 75 thereof by the Clerk of said Court, given 19 00 Fayette not lesf than three issues by publication Manti (workdone) y 00 before said 24th day of December, 1888, Chester grade 30.00 in the Home SeNtinel, a newspaper Road Supervisors ( services) 6.10 printed and published in said San Pete Chester, County. Ephraim, Jacob Johnson, Fountain Green, 9.00 Judge of the Probate Court. Fayette, 3.25 1888 10.75 Dated, Noy. 19th, Mayfield Utah of Territory IPales 8.50 of Sanpete 16.50 County Sterl.ng John Reid Clerk of the Probate Cqur1 Milburne 6.00 in Iand for the aounty of Sanpete, Terri" Manti 30.25 of Utah, do hereby certify that the tory Courts. Justices foregoing is a full, true and coriect copy Manti, the people vs. of order appointing time and place fur Vorhees & Hoggan 16,25 the hearing of the ' petition of William Davis & Daniels 19,60 Major of Spring City, U. T., asking that Spring, the people vs, Letters Testamentary issue to him in the Ellen Major , 5,95 njatter of the estate of Sarah Ellis deMoroni, the People vs. as appears of record in rav ceased, Marx 16,95 office. Commissioners Court, Witnessjees In witness whereof f have hereqnto The people vs. Hyde, $5, 00 Set my hand affixed the Seal of said " Larson, " 3.00 Court this 20th " Bellington, day of Nov., 1888. 4.80 Reid, Probate Clerk. John Couniy Officer, for services. Etc.) . 35 3 v pros Atty; Reid 90.00 Selectman cartef 178.20 " Metcalf 96.20 ' Luke NOTJCE FOR PUBLICATION. 77.40 Sheriff Larspp No. 3166. 156.10 Bee Inspector, Brjtithwaite Land Office at Salt Lake Citv ' T, December 1st is hereby given that the Surveyor Hougaarc 50.00 Board of Ex, ofTeachers 20.15 ing named settlers have filed nonce For Sundry purposes 1432,83 their intention to make final pi oof in support of their claim, and that three (3) Total 1446,28 of said proofs will be made before the Notice of Final Proof. probate Judge, Cor in his absence, the County clerk) of Emery Co. U. T. at the No, 3179, Land Oifice at Salt Lake City, Utah, county court house at Castle Dale U. T.. December ro, 1888. on Saturday, January 19th, 1889, viz: Notice is hereby given that the following-n- Christian Peterson, h. e. no 5671 for the s. s, Sec ai & W. J N. w. amed settlers have filed notice of s e 28 Tp. 14 s. N e their intention to make final proof in Sec 27 & N. E, ioe, support of their claims and that said r. He names the following witnesses to proof will be made before the Probate his continuous residence upon of San prove Pete or in his Utah, Co., judge absence before the County Clerk of said and cultivation of, said land, viz: Charles county on Saturday, the 19th day of Johnson, Green W. Allred, George W. January. A. D 1889, viz: Henry Olsen, Eldredge. George Downard, all ol price H- E- No. 5493 for the Lots 1 & 2 of Sec Emery co U. T. Also John P. Horsley. HE No. 6460 for the 6 and Lot 4 of Sec 5, Tp 15 S, R 5 E. He a S. W. to N. W. & N.E. to 8. W names the following witnesses to prove Eto HSeeN.j7 W. Tp aO 3. It. 7 E. Ho name the lollow-in- g his continuous residence upon, and cultiwitnesses to prove his continuous residence vation of, said land, viz: Hyrum Winters, upon and cultivation of said land viz, William Sen. William Tayloo Jr., Hyrum n. StevRichard Brown, August Andersen and Taylor, naniel Henri e, all ot Fmon, Emery (Jo U, T. Thomas Brady, all of Mount Pleasant. ens, Also Peter 1. Olsen under act of May 14th And at the same time and place, be- 1830 II. E. N o C4OS for tlieS. W, to S, E. to17 8. E 8 4 N. E. N W. to Sec. Tp. fore the County Clerk of said county. to11.SS.W.H. H10 Sec. E, Ho names the following witnesses Andrew Michaelsen, D. S. No. 10135 for to prove his continuous residence snd culnpon of said laud, viz: Caleb B Rnoades, James S E W N E the N W and tivation Gay, John B. Fairley, Henry Babcock,, all of N E of N W Sec 25, Tp 20 S, R 1 D. Price Emery Co. U. T, E and names the following witnesses to The following proof will he made before the his County Clerk of Emory Co U. T on the day and continuous residence npon and date prove at the p'ace aforesaid, viz: David Fredcultivation of said land, viz: Henry Jen- rick, and commutation of II, E No 7934 for the N. E.H sen. Frederick J. Christiansen. Theodore N,E.K SOC84: W.Jg N. W.tf 4 S, E. to R. W. to Sec 91 p. i7 R. 8 E. ICO acres. He names the Olsen and Christian T. Balle, all of following witnesses to prove his continuous resiSan Pete County, Utah. dence upon and cultivation of said land.viz: Hans John Peterson, D. S. No 10174 for the Jensen, O. A. Smith, Jens Madsen. Martin Black Emery Co.. U. T. Lot 1 and the S E J N E J, Sec 3, Tp 14 all of Huntington, Any person who desires to protest against the witR names and the E, S, 4 following allowance of such proof, or who knows of nny nesses to prove his continuous residence substantial reason, under the law and the reg. Ulations of the Inteno- - Department why such upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: proof should not be allowed, will be given an Amasa Tucker, Jr., Frederick Danielson. opportunity at the above mentioned time and the witnesses of said Henry A. Mower and Samuel Porter all place to and to offer evidence in rebuttal of tnat claimant, of Fairview, San Pete Co., Utah. submitted by claimant. D. WEBB, Register, D.WebB: Register. Decs Jau9 j Bird & Lowe, Attys. Deci9jan23 Stayner a Simmons, Attys - resort for invalids. KoMce For J. H. WODSKOW, Lake City. 4 Any one wishing to buy an organ or sewing maching can make a good bargain by calling at this office. We insure cheaper and better terms that anybody else. 1, W. K. Reid, w Office W. T. REID, President, house-servant- s, 12-7- Beware TO Wanted: Good steady women and girls for all classes of good wages paid to and reliable parties. Apply at Mrs. McE wans Employment Office 69 W. First South Street Salt NO. 36. SMALL SHEEP OWNERS. particulars address: Abner Lowry, Jr., John L. Peacock, Walter K. Barton 20 Steiing, San Pete Co., Utah. Larson. Eiirnim. Yon Suffer withDyspepsla and I irerCome Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to- cnr. .old By I B. B unei, Mauli and H. P- bar ihraim. T I a f ! |