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Show w The Home Sentinel, SMALL- - rox. - - P. 15 ?ss!t Dr. Rauch, prqdictsitiut the small pox JL will this .summer spread over the entire United .States west the disease has been introduced by immigrating ChiA Weekly Newspaper, nese and front east it is imported with Devoted to the general interest o immigrants from southern Europe. Sinof the disease have already Has had ten years experience at the people of San Pete and surrounc gle cases been found in the ery heart of the his and has been working in ins counties. United States, notwithstanding all means in Gernjfe.ny Manufactories Wagon to prevent it both on the west and the east Coast. If we remember how rap- Denmarkand the United States anc REMARKABLE MOVEMENTS IN THE idly the dread epidemic overruns vast is now prepared to execute al countries, during the hot season, we kinds of work belonging to his CHRISTIAN WORLD. must admit that the prediction of Dr and satisfactory Rauch has more than an appearance' of tra,de cheap P. P. Bathkey, , A thonghtlul observer of current events probability. 15m3 to the con must, it seems to us, come elusion that the era of universal peace EDITORIAL NOTES. predicted by ancient and modern pro W. H. Olsten, M. n. H. Lind ley. M. D. brilis us. a Many phets, breaking upon ' of the long-talke- d Ml. laraut of Ephraim The hame liant ray o( light can be seen on the will b e Ltah at evening Ogden paper horizon, forerunners of that long exDaily Luion. Mr.C. S King, the editof, pected glorious day. And although the states that the paper will be Republican masses of the world seem to be unable but Democrats every fad lity to give to comprehend the real meaning of the ventilate thetheir principles through its PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. Work of the Ruler of the universe, yet I11 local matters it will be this meaning ought to be plain to the columns, too. is rather incomplete, though, iberal.This Surgeons of the S. P. Y. Ry., few, who really live for the promotion of we should say. As the paper will try Gods purposes Office : Ephraim, Utah. ' ' Half a century has hardly passed away, to be both Republican and Democratic in it ought, for the sake since the announcement was made to of public politics, be both Gentile and to consistency, handlifl from of world a the the saints of God on this continent, that' the finie was Mormon in local matters. Andthenthe would have the satisfaction of UN DE RT AKER drawing near for the establishment of paper , universal peace and righteousness upon knowing itself to a special entitled to AND ' CITY SEXTOS. this earth.'according to the Divine plans. chapter in The Worlds Wonders. Will take the entire of Wagon Maker, M2V1NTTI. a re. vi ra n r-- u 4 Lindiey, J. C. T Oalioon. jjJ And the announcement on this continent was, so to speak, seconded by a similar announcement on the European continent by a religious body, that never made much progress but seemed to live for a time for the express purpose of crying a word of warning to men. Since then, preparatory w.ork has been going on all the time, and is so still, fur the accomplishment of the great event of the near future. Fifteen years after the foundation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaints, the idea was conceived by the Christian world to unite and with each other in philanthropic work. This idea was embodied in the Evangelicy The papers some time ago, contained notice of the marriage of a Sweedish Prince to a girl of the tanks of the people. By this marriage the Prince became dismembered fiom ,tlie royal family, and had to give up every claim on the throne and tile crown of the united kingdoms This was not much of a sacrifice, however, since said toys really belong to his older brother and his children, and the chances of getting them was not very great. But the Prince has also been excluded fronij the "church-prayers.- " charge DdJ -- Has a good And well assorted stock Off Goods . i UTAH. ' . Pi - - , ! of- - The Murray Menolll( Neplii. Groceries And a jpecialifj the Iliglmst Price. call, and be onvinced J. P. Meilstrup, Prop. sal DOTIUS, or address HjdeVt WLltmor 'L ' ' email. HEtlEIt fc ' ' . IX parlor, HeatiugCook, St0. and Ranges. All Kinds. of Extras and JL Outt LOW JFE2:OE3.t. at Produce taken - , Ready Made Clothing G rates, c.osspieces ' s I Frou f Tbuks, Etc. to a, kind of Stove made. ' In ordering be sure to giV and exact No. of Stove. All. made 20JV below S. L. mic.V fore purchasing elsewhere givf call. Satisfaction guarantetj Spanish Four, Utyii P. 0. Box Cl). ROBERT ROBEF Dealer in -- work-guaranteed- ' 1 e Hardware, Crockery, Glass-War- e, Hats, Caps, Boots, & Shoes. J. F. F SLOAN, MACHINIST. o, guarantefdcurf ' such &s , t Fowtr, Uy.tena, l.a .. Kavk, XtrvouFr..-tra-- i Leucorrhu;s,l uiu 'Wl.. ImjMttf,!, v power ot the Generative uU euseU by ludis, return rw, ,. , ultimately lead to premature $1 a b..iur consumption. ' by mail On receipt ot pn, e j.!.",' ' pamphlet sent to every a plicam ' We f?uarante aix boi. p, , cnae. lor every ord.r send a written guarantee tor,ie,i,'. iw, ' if money , - ' !' - Address all comuiunieations t. ti1:1 manufacturers, Call on H. R. The Lutheran clergymen SILOING A SPECIALTY. throughout, .the country every Sunday Priced to suit the times, and all gobble, ur a kind of prayer in which is of Lord of the the existence reminded first an association which was al Alliance, Her MajesTwo and a half blocks east of formed with the view of proving the His Majesty, King His denomiall ty, of Royal HighQueen unity spiritual protestant Manti. nations. The association was at once ness, the Crown Prince, Her Royal i'l; His Crown the Highness, .RoyPrincess, joined by the most piominent men in al ect.. etc. iligliess, Prince every Protestant sect and has accomNow die poor Prince has been excluded plished much good. In the- last years the Alliance has from this list because he married beneath ! shown a remarkable tendency to em-- his rank. The clergymen have no lona .to exremind the Lord of his brace also the Catholic world, a tendency ger right which was most prominently exhibited istence. It sounds like a joke. But it at the conference at Copenhagen some; is a serious truth. Poor Prince! . But, )RALS in all kinds of Mnsical after all, pemaps he is better off, being-lef: five years ago. Merchandise, stationery, out, since it must be unpleasant to And more. The idea of uniting the mentioned in connection with bad scattered churches does not restrict ittoys, Ladies milline self any longer to the mere spiritual company and by priests, the last class of would be likely to take ry, Etc.,Etc., Etc, people God unity. The demand for a visible, solid 0 and outward unity grows stronger and any notice of. . stronger. You Forget It,J)o This month at the meeting of the Arbitration league, the question BRIGADIER GENERAL I. R' BROOKE. The only genuine I O will be discussed, and a call will then be all arbitration leagues, peace made by see portrait first page. societies and churches everywhere for a Colonel John R. Brooke, who was reworlds conference to meet at WashingSewing Machine is sold in l ton next year for the purpone of de- cently appointed to be San Pete Countv by in place of General Crook,1 promoted, liberating on mans moral and social Frederick Christensen of relations. This conference will then is a inuve of Pennsylvania and was born '' Faiuview. so has of om he 21st the mat 1S3S. issue address an to the July, world, probably of die basis not a reached it him as which a fif.y. Upon card by mail. were, age yet containing, Drop upon an amalgamation of the different church- the outbreak of the, civil war young Beware of counterfeits and inferibe Brooke was- among the foremost to or imitations now es, in the view of the conference,-cagoing the rounds. effected. This conference would be obey the call of President Lincoln for be deceived Dont as in cervice conference the by them! The to the great 1892 volun.eers, entering of a three months regiment, the Genuine Domestic still leads, and If the religious world thus comes together and honestly debates the ques- fourth' Peniisyfvati'a. At the end of his endures all tests. 47 tion at issue, we will find that they, will erm he became Colonel of the IBs commission as be led to ihe conclusion, that what they Pennsylvania. of Volunleeis did not Biigadier-Geneia- l above all need is a direct commun'cation fiom heaven to guide come until the summer of 1S64, but it them right in everything. And this con- tiien brought exceptional honors, being Music Dealer, clusion once reached, the road is sttaight awarded specicallyTor d's.inguislied sernhd easy to find. vice during the recent battles of the Eagle Rock, Idaho. a While thus mighty powers are at work Old Wildetne..s and Spolls'lvania Court Send for my New Catalogues of MusicIBs brevet of in the leligiuus woild to unite their House. al Goods. Prices the Lowest, goods' the many fragments of religions, the friends of Volunleeis was dated from August of univetsal peace ate at wotk in their ist.'iSog. and in iS67' he received the best that can' be Made. Agent for the in the regu- best Brass Band Instruments. Send for brevet of Brigadier-Genera- l direction. In 1S92 a great convocation will be lar army. At the reorganization of the large Band Instrument Catalogue, also held at Washington to consider the army after the war he received the high of fine Guitars. of the feasibility and piacticability of com- rank of Lieutenant-Colone- l Infantry, was transferred to the mencing a general disarmament of the various nations of the earth, and they Third in 1869; took promotion in course hope to be able to commence this to Colonel of the Thiueenth in 1879, glorious vvoik aheady the following year, and was again transferred to ihe Third, 1893. We know' that old soldiers like of which he has been in command till WII.L, SELL ' Moltke laugh Scornfully at the idea of now. his being at Fo.t universal peace and that they assert Shaw, Montana. The special distinction that the war party is growing stronger involved in his selection for the is lrom the fact that he every year. But we also know with the that Was lriends satisfaction of the only eight highest in relative great peace have grown more numerous every rank among dhe colonels of the line.and year, and ihat when the right time conies that five colonels in his own arm, the init will take but very little effort for heav- fantry, outranked him. The well known names of these offien to overthrow all the tyrants of the earth, whose rotten thrones rest on cers Colonel Rank, Ei0lu Cavalry; ColFTHE BE ST. bayonetles and are soiled with the bloocj onel S. Hatch, Nimh; Colonel Grierson, of innocent millions. Peace is coming. Tenth; Colonel Andrews, Twenty-Fifth- ; Colonel C. SC. Smith Nineteenth The Prince oflVace shall reign. indicate the qualities which Another lemaikable feature is the K N O W N 3 open profession ot many Jews in differ- ColonelJBrooke must possess as a sol- Manufactured and sold at the Vine ent paits of the woild, that they accept dier, and his fitness (or hard service in Jesus as the Messiah. This truth, once any form of duty that may be required Bluff Plaster works, Nephi, Utah. embtaced' bv leading Jews, will soon in order to be passed over their heads Also on sale at I. Bales Green GroThis spread among the humble ranks and for promotion. Colonel Brooke is uni- cery, Main Street, Nephi. an excellent otficer. cause a movement among that scattered versally regard-da- s is to other superior any by plaster people, leading them homeward. And its in of slowness reason givsetting, to hasten as if the powers wete anxious their gathering, they expel them from Georgie is four years old. One ing aiwone who can use a trowel their hoiqes and foice them to seek a day the youngster had been taken time to use it and it makes the fincountry of their own. Russia, for in- with a (sacked)$l ; slight attack of prevarica- est of work. Per cwt. stance, has recently decided to expel all 75 Land Concrete cents; plaster, the Jews from the capital of Finland, tion, and, wishing to impress upon cents. 40 his infantile the plaste, llelsinglors. understanding Palestine is the country of the Jews. sinful ess of telling fibs, the father This land has been ded.cated to the Lord by his chosen servant Wilford relating the story about George Woodtuffl It is almost in the hands of Washington and his little hatchet, Obtained, and all Patents Business the wealthy Jews, as it is hardly prob- closing with the remark that attended to and for Modable that Turkey will ever pay the George Washington was a good erate Fees. Promptly office is Our money for which the land was givep to boy and never told a lie. The U. S. Patent Office, and we opposite can obColonies as the Rctliclulds security. are established and everything seems child sat in deep thought a moment tain Patents in less time than those favorable for a speedy gathering of the and then said: Papa, toodnt he remote from Washington. Send long rejected but never forsaken nation. talk? We advise as or Model drawing. of these and What is clearly the lesson to patentability free of charge ; and similar events? It is this, that the time make no charges unless patents is drawing near when all the predictions John, dear, "she said, yester- we secured. We refer, here, tc the of God's prophets shall be fulfilled, is boot-jacI covered your with when universal peace shall prevail and day the supt. of Money Postmaster, and plush and painted some Order Div and Officials the curse be taken away from a sin silk of the L. and flowers on is it world. stained it, perfectly For Otlice. S. Patent Circulars, lovely. You will be delighted when references to actual advice terms, know. see I it, you T1IE CHURCH SUIT. clients in your own state or county Ive seen it, said John. C. A. Sxow fc Co.. write to You have ; when? The Supreme Court met last WednesLast night. I threw it at a cat. Opposite Patent Otlice, Washington day, when a petition of the receiver for an order to command the defendants to was Why Will You cough when Shilohs give up the contested property Shilohs Cure will immedatly relieve Cure will give immediate relief, price heard and granted. Boreman and HenCroup, Whooping Cough, and Bron- iocts., 5octs., and $i. Sold By I. B. derson concurred, while Zane dissented. chitis. Sold By I. B. Brunei, Manti and Brunei, Manti, and H. P. Larson, Fph-- j notice of an appeal to Sir. Young-gavP. H. Larson, Ephraim. raim. States. the United the Supreme Court of - EPHRAIM CITY, 35 te , . Plyase give me a BLACKSMITH. Blaeksmithing in all its branches. i Murray's Sp-- 'r i5 Fu-S7era- Machinery of all kinds repaired, or new parts made to order. . A trad, Drs. Ofsien " . Monuments, Head-ston- es, . Tablets, Etc. c. smyt'K StOne Exteutedi.i Cutting SJWiiite 1 MANTI, o, 1 Style tmd fron the" the NVves Oolite tone beautiful of San Pete. t , , MAIN STREET, MANTI. P. O. BOX . . . o(Dont I ' DOMESTIC Biigadier-Gene.-a- r - pie-limina- ry Cap-lai- n Fifiy-Ttiir- d Alma Marker. and-certai- Major-Genet- ' Thiriy-Sevent- h head-quarte- &Son. John tho Lowry S.P.V.R. R. Co. rs GEIIE1L SUPPLY HOUSE, COAL, CHestor rrrDealers Ata3J5 oerton ,7? Plaster of Paris ! Patents k in. STOVES, fiTsTOVE FURNITURE, o y juoiajuii Sae3pgj The BUYERS QUIDS issued March and Sept, each year. It i3 nn encp of useful infer, jelopedia xnation for all who pa chase the luxuries or necessities of lile. V can clothe you and furnish you wit) all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to churd or stay at home, and in various site out styles and quantities. Just figure what is required to do all these thin? COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fan estimate of the value of the BUYERS QUIDS, which wiU be sent upot receipt of 10 cents to pay postage MONTGOMERY WARD & Cft 4 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, In H g Etc. Furniture, HVtain Street, j Tdry goods, jestgro- - CERIES, tfCTHOUTE TRiMMINGT, r mo MotiTtmtrwsi sxsvraft omrro 'Ban sama iaaKisni txvxaaii nvjiui; ma.ntji . i tho Jll-11- Do what is right. to use home It is right in preference to imported It is right to furnish people employment. It is right to patronize stitutions exclusively. products articles. IN THE WORLD Are manufactured and sold for the by our own home in- THEREFORE It is right to purchase the Boots and Shoes manufactured by Zions Mercantile Institution eshecially as they are moderate in price, elegant in style and superior in quality. SOLD BY ALL HOME DEALERS bnsnojj mis rai-i..:- . lea--'- , e1, I |