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Show Martin G W rLf t" ; i t - 1 fcw t li r: VOL. v r i L. I ' 5 rm r - ii' (4 .- -- 1 IJVGj f - V tj M f it j r rv3 t I 3 H , i 4 I Vr; iJ - ! i u Lj t MANTI CITY, AN PETE COUNTY, UTAH. FRIDAY DEC. 0, 18S7. III. X 31. r H ;ip J f ) A I 1 1 fifiiG J ! i t U P 41 0 pniinp 0 J 5,1 : , I ATTEMPTED ROBBERY. tig iillv kept 1 eked, and hence, anyone isuihg to go inside lias to hunt up the, sexton or climb over the fence. Ladies have been Compelled to lesort to the lat er method. The city fullers should budd some steps n either side of the fence, near the gates and thus accommo- i ! !lOL An Attar'pl to P:ml ! j r 1 . 57,-Mant- j, rj,OQ4t ITEMS. a 4 Manager Bamberger of the S. is to do n Moroni last Friday. r. V. PlJiliAlM CITY COUNCIL. The ITEM?, 5 1 r. i . Deb. 5th. 1SS7. City Council met in regularsession, Mayor Hougaaid in the chari General routine business disposed ot. Petitions of some parties asking for the remittance of city 'Paxes presented and disposed of. The Supervisor was inatiucted to notify S. C. lansen to place a foot bridge over hi mill race on 1st. south stieet at once, said bridge to be not less than 3 leet wide and substantially bu.lt The City Marshal was instructed to arrest and empound all animals found running at large in the streets of this City. s The committee in charge of the reported that the reset voits weie not completed, but were in condition to be of material benefit m next session litigation and that iu consequence of the severity of the weather woik is suspended on then! for tiie winter. his The City Recorder presented quarterly report for the quailer ending Dec. ut. Sundry bibs weie presented discussed and allowed. Therebeing.no farther business, on motion Council adjourned. well The snow has stayed with us Success, Epluaim Dramatic Co. ' ice the fust fall. It still stays. Business is very biisk and lively in our Fro Musig will be in Mt. pleasant with city. Some new business, it seems, jupply of grass seed for sale, next week opens now and then. William Zabriskie of Mount Pleasant, Tuesday Evening Dec. 6th. The Home s been appointed United States Dramatic appeared before a full house in tiie Drama East Lynne. Proceeds for the beneiitof C. R. Darius who on VI r. R. ot the Rullo, J. Nephi Jstsign a mission to Norway. s over on a visit last Friday, Satmday ' r C. L. Titoipe of Ephranit was anested diStmday. last P'riday morning Dec. 2nd, by Deputy T&e Choir singing was very fair at Clawson on the usual charge. He appear-btfoi- e jftrence Prof Smyth is d.fing some Commissioner j. Johnson at $d tva;k in Manti. Spiing CityyesterdayJ and was bound in the sum of for Tuttle on farm the water Joiing for the piesent, been discontinued Many improvements have been made in Ephraim of late. Honorable II. Gree.i, tug to a bent pipe. City Supervisor, has been eng.iged in rfinti is neaily out gf dour and the leveling the roads and removing ail filth sfclj frozen up. This suggests a steam and dirt from ofithe stieets and side Jihe for winter use. walks. Ephraim will no doubt, be an t - dr G. PI. Bench run a nail into his ornament to San Pete Co. 4 some three weeks ago. He caught j;l in the wound last week and now lie i'AtiUIEW ITEM?. ieailv lamed. Coth-gsione- , DYER TAKES THE BOOKS AND PAPERS. RECEIVER , i . delightful fall, but ihe c jvers the ground. taS not yet been received we will give a tur next, Very good and veiy nluoik needed imhave been made on some of provements railroad man offered to bet one of ourstreets this fall. This is commendareporters a new hat, the other day, ble, and we hope the example will be fol1 the D. & R. G. R. R. would be run lowed from time to time, as opportunity next year. "So out it and means will atliiid. . into Mauti s ' w i Fairview disl'rct schools ended theii teacher at Ft. Green, told a Senti- - first term on Friday, the 18th. The second reporter the other day that it was term began Monday, the 21, with thiee i years since the Supt. of schools had teachers, and about one hundred and ted the schools in that burg. How thirty-fivPiesbvterian pupils. The his? school, taught by Miss Fishback, is a Iso in session, but as usual the attendance " Te Civil GoVe'piment Class is taking is small. for the reading of the constitution There has been considerable sickness I winter. Come along boys and get' uainted with the constitution of your heie the last few Weeks, and five or six deaths. Typhoid fever, and typhoid ir.try. pneumonia is more prevalent now than The Lesser priesthood meeting in the ever before, and seems to be very seveie. j;h Ward Assembly Hall last Monday Whooping-coughas nearlv compluted will ht was well attended. Meetings the round of our little town, so that very-feheld every other Monday, alternately are suffering from that annoying h the Elders meetings. affliction. I Theatriacal Company has been in Nephi. including some ot the CORRESPONDENCE. t talent in that town,' They thieaten .ve San Pete a Heat during the' yer. Come along boys. Editor SeXtiXel. In youi; issue of is near as could be understood from the 5t!i inst. y'ou state that it has been reading of statistical Repoit in the objected to the class (meaning the Civil ctmfeience there is 1710 Latteiday Government Association) that It does ats in Manti; 2, no families, 12,764 indi-a.- not Work in harmony with the authorimembers of the church in the ties of tne Church, and also that it has been used as an instrument of political nty, tationd Theie is no truth in ether ag Ytmian's Work is the name of a new of these and I should be pleased J.cation issued at Athens, Geoigia, to know charges the sources from which you deMrs. Ella R. Temient. The paper rive information. The authorities sis to be ably conducted and stionld of tireyour v. lunch have never taken the least circulated. Its puce is notice whatever of the Class, have never :tS. a year, to my knowledge either directly or s he Statistical Report was ditiicult reedy expressed a wish concerning at our its cuiuse either in public or privately madeistand, when read As conference. Prest. Maiben rightly to any ot its members. Local political are strictly forbidden in the jived, these reports are very impor-E- , subjects hence they should be read by one class. Such a course would be and is, fi r best readers. foieigivto the object the class had in view in its organization. The ostensible, and only object had p. 0 Bowing wells have been struck fi Manti. Ope, belonging to H. J. in organizing the class, was to try to .teiisen jit the depth of 130 feet, pro-- t induce the young men of Manti to in t25 gallons a minute. This well is 4 form themselves, in a general way, of Jf N.W. of town. W. P'. Maylett the laws of the land and particularly o feet obtained 12 gallons. The two the fundamental law or Constitution to are within half a mile of each the U. S. National politics. Parliamentary-lawand usages and history. These vveie its objects its sole objects, and .it H. r.Vm. Olsten of Ephraim receiv-- " has strictly without exception, followed the cotuse. If there are individual memj Moud ly his appointment as Examining Surgeon. The bers of the class who take an active part .4 hiinselfhas served as Surgeon in in our local politics, which of course Army, resigning in 1876 aftersix years thev have a perfect right to do if they services and is consequently fully So desire, I can not see that the associalalmed w.ti the routine business tion can, in justice, be held responsible :t his office will require of h m. therefor.' The association exercises no whatever, over mens actions r.J N. Nielson of Salt Lake Ciry is authority f canvassing for a work, entitled outside of its meetings except that its members must be men of sober, steady rtho.n! and Motherhood or Tt n habits. And you will please observe, Woman's Life , by John D. that as a 0 will see any of rule, i'iM. P. From what we have seen of its members you theirnever time away on loafing J lunk we can safely say that it is a the street corners or arraigned in the P 'Well woita having, and we wish Mr. for breaking the laws. b Tii.siiccess in lus labor to circulate police Court I can not understand that there is Now j muie detailed lev iew of it will be anything in this not in harmony with ; .aier. the auth Jiit'es of the Church, if i 1 is, I fed confident tha- they tie should be a st, le at the ceme-- I will liieie in1, out the error to me, that it may h acconodate p who pedestrians I like to look at the graves of the be corrected. F, R. Xe.n.nkk. fneiids. T.he main gates are 5 i I e 5 h or-liz- fl J y 4 e J in-- u - y y 4 e ff d ;s i- Le' r. -- d, s 4 Unit-Slat- n. 23, isd ika nr he ice at o rta: H .ft to va- - ee jns, for .1 8 T fing pftt . E. n( ' how-eve- i, - fc b-- Receiver Dyer and Attorney Peters were obseived making their way in the direction of the Pies. dents olfice yesterday afternoon, and a few moments later they dawned upon the gaze of Messers Jack, Irvine and otheis. Mr. JailiesJack, it will be lemembered, in whose charge the books aud papers belonging to tiie Presidents office were, had refused to surrender them on the ground that the books and iccoids asked were private property; that they did not belong to the disincorporated church, and as a consequence, the Receiver had no right to them. The Receiver, however, viewed the matter in an entiiely different light, and seized the. books and papers that have accumulated since the 3d of March last, and carried them to his olfice, wheie they now remain. This action suspended work, and the clerks took an enforced holiday. The two safes in the olfice weie also opened, but were found to contain nothing. , These U'ere not removed, neither was some other prop-et- y of minor importance, for which the Receiver took Mr, jack, s receipts. The guards who have bfcen indulging in a soft snap for some weeks pst, were also removed yesterday, there being. said the Receiver, nothing to justify their retention, and I do not desiie to run up expenses. S. L. Herald. DEATH OF ELIZA R. SNOW SMITH, Eliza R. Snow Smith, whose critical condition we chronicled a few days ago, died in the Lion House a few minutes past 1 oclock yesterday morning, Deceased was the daughter of Oliver and Rosetta Leonora Peltibone Snow, and was born in Becket, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, on tne ?ist of January, iSo4, being, at the time of her demise, 83 yeais, 10 months and 14 days old. Her death was nut due to any special disease, and will cause but little surprise among her immediate ft tends and relatives, who had been painfully aware of her physical decline, and who knew that the end was but a short distance away. She had been closely identified with the church iu its eaily history, and was with the leaders during the troublous scenes in Missouri and other places, and in 1847 came to Salt Lake, closely following upon the heels ot the Pioneers in their great journey across the plains arriving here in October of that year in the company led by Jedediah M. Grant. Before and since that time her life has been prominently before the public, and to enlarge upon her kindly qualities, her literary abilities, or her worth as a woman, would be simply to repeat facts that nearly every one is cognizant of. S. I,. Herald Dec. 6. r I r-- i D CONGRESS. December 5. Tiie gnlleiKS of tiie Senate Chamber weie tiowdud at an early hour this morning. Tiie Piesidetit, Mr. Ingalls, called the Senate lo older, stating that he would place beiore the Senate certificates of appointments, elections, and other papers received since tiie adjournment. Aider this had been done, the ceiemuny of administering tiie oaths of oilice to the newly elected Senators was then preceded u'ilh. Harris presented a memorial fora constitutional amendment, prohibiting the manufacture, sale, importation, exportation, or transportation of alcoholic drinks in the United States. Resolutions were adopted to inform the House that the Senate had assembled, and a committee, consisting of Morril and Morgan, was appointed to join a committee of the House and inform the President that Congress was ready to receive any communication he might be pleased to make. In the House Cailisle was elected After having taken the oath of speake-olfice he addressed the House, thankin for glie honor conferred upon him. lie also touched upon the questions which he thought would demand the most Careful attention of legislature. A revision of the revenue laws and a redaction of taxation are absolutely necessary. The oificers of the House weie then elected, and also a committee, consisting f Cox, Randall and Cannon, to inform the President that ihc House was now organized. December 6. In the Senate the Secrfe-tarMcCook, lead the Piesidents message. It occupied 25 minutes. In the House tiie fitSt business transacted ..wis the submission of amendments of the rules, after wu.ich the message was brought in and read. . 4 y, TKiiurroui At.. Salt Lake Citv. Mr. Rudger Clawson, one ol the eailiest victims of the antipolygamy laws, has now been paidon-ed'UiPresident Cleveland, altei an imprisonment of three yeais. The pardon was gianted 011 a petition, signed by Zafe, Dickson, Dyer and otiieis. y Ogden. Maishal Dyer went to Ogden last Monday accompanied by Attorney P. L. Williams in order to take hold of the church property conveyed to Weber btake by the trustees of tne church at the time of the general transfer last March. Tne demand was not coin alied with and the gentlemen returnee! to Sajt Lake Cityi ProvoU The artesian well that has bee,a sunk adjoining the tank on the Utah Central line, by the same company is, we presume, the largest ofits kind in the Territory: It almost lenands one of the boiling springs iu the Yellowstone National Park. We do not recollect ever having seen one to equal it. It is calculated that it will throw out at least 100 gallons per minute, and creates stream enough to irrigate a quarter-sectio- n of land. It i A giant. The depth of the well is 170 feet. 1 inquirer . AMERICAN. Chicago. The Anarchist case has cost alliiogether fioo.ooo. The friends of the condemned men paid 176,000 for their defense. A party is. arranged to be held on Dec. loth, the proceeds of which will be given to the families of the executed Anarchists. More than 12,000 tickets have already been sold Columbia South Carolina. A remarkable event happened recently in this town: A cdoied woman took ill and apparently died. Everything was prepaied for her funeral. But when she was on her way to the grave yard her friends heard a loud noise in the coffin. Th hearse was then stopped and, as soon uS the Coffin Was opened, it was found that the woman had given birth to a child on her way to the giave. The fuiferal was thus interrupted. Mo'.hei and child are reported to be well.. Washington. A dispatch states that Senator Palmer of Michigan will introduce a bill for the purpose of legulating and restricting iminigtation to the United States, by keeping out peisons who seem likely to be undesirable citizens. The bill will provide that all persons coming from foreign countries for the purpose of residing here shall be provided with a certificate from the United States consul for the district of his residence, setting forth that the said consul is satisfied that such person is a suitable and desirable person for citizenship in the United States, that no certificate shall be granted to any convict except th jse convicted of solitical ollenses. nor a lunatic or idiot or to any person unable to take caie of himself or herself, nor any Anarchist, Nihilist, nor any persons hostile to the principles of the Constitution or foim of government of the United States, nor to any believer or professed believer in the Mormon religion who fails to satisfy the consul upon examination that he or she intends to and will conform to and obfcy the laws of the United States'. , EORF.IGN. France. President Grevy has' resigned his office as President of the Republic of France. He has held it tor nine After using your Electric Lini and, during this time, has securedyears for ment in our family for 10 years, we his country peace and prosperity. In his take pleasure in reconnneiuJing it message he expiesses the wisii that the Republic may not be struck by blows to the public, asthe best emedy aimed but that it may issue at for Rheumatism, Colic, Cramps, triumphanthimself, from the dangers it is made J. G.Collrtn. Eeq. Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Cuts, etc., to incur. and for, children with Summer. M. was elected Preident last Saturday. The election was held Compiaintit cannot he heat. without riots of any kind, and it i to be Jos! T. .McEwan, Sardi-Carn- huiiDA X. McEwai) l'rovo, Mai eh 2G. I860. ot Doped that the new President will prove as worthy of his important office as his predecessor. 9 4 VJ icser-voir- 1 h't expected some data in regard .to We had a late sister provstgaaids deatu but as bea itifal s.J j, Hu.ti m. 5 . ' n' two Last night between one ocock, Miss Ida Jones, was aroused from her sleep by an unusal noise, pioeecduig from somebody trying to raise tiie window. Though frightened almost lo death, the lady summoned coinage enough to rise and investigate the situation. Upfui so doing she found that the window had been raised about six inches, and two men, the features of whom she could not disShe cern, were piepaiing to enter. bravely commanded them to leae, and the two scoundids on perceiving that thev were detected disappeared. Miss Jones then went out to find some help, and a gentleman in the neighborhood immediately came to the office and filed a gun as a signal to die nightly visitors that an approach nesw was nofsafe. The Sentinel, among the numerous fi lends of Miss Jones, congratulates her outlie escape from the attempted villainy, as well as on the noble courage she exhibited on the unpleasant occasion. Ye can only wish that the disturbers be detected and punished as they deserve, and suggest to the city council to promise a reward for their detection. m isenibly Hall. - -- 1Otit C'f'C to the tenoral mUre-- t of date people without permuting stock of h'rPVTr.nd Purrou.id- - to enter. j. lil'O-- i More cloth peddlers aie going through f the county. It would be well tor the people to be careful about their good and the obligations they put $2.00 bargainsT?) themselves under. Our local merchants l'Jo aie our friends and will not take ad.7o vantage of their customers. Beware of these uho pietend to gi.e two dollars for one as no honest man can afford to KaiV4 on AnpHralion. ds it. Lj iJilff.' communications to the Br. Smyth has just received fronl Chicago another veiy fine organ of the tfK rXTlM-a- (,o.MPAXV, I F. O. Box ceiebiated Storey and Claike make. It U. T. is a grand iifctrument. The case is of Jas. T. Jakkman, :j great healthy, solid and substantial wood U Manager. while tile elegant turnings and elaborai tely carved panals, renders it a fit ornament to grace any pallor, or saloon in the land. It has nine stops, and for purity of tone cannot be excelled. The Liuk out for our Christmas Number. Prof, lias also just received a fine assortment of school furnishings, copy books, I .V. Doiius, Esq., of Ephraim was in books, pencils, inks, school buys, tvh Monday. straps ic. And will have in a few days a nice assortment of toys and Christmas in the South Waid Dance goodi. Call and see him, the gentle-. i- 5 Canada. Sailors, arriving fiotn Labrador at Montreal, say that the inhabitants of Labrador are in the utmost need. Many are without food and without raiments, and it is to be feared that many wJl die from want daring the winter, unless speedy he!p is given. Pan ama. 1 1 is reported that the labo have stopped entirely now, on account of the contractors being entiiely out of funds. The project is considered dead at present, and it wilt take all the genius of the immortal Lesseps to revive it again. England. English newspapers, commenting on President Clevelands message, ate ui.aminottS in their admiraavs tion. The stone now set rolling, will not stop until the Daily Aetrs, the idea of protection is broken in pieces. Austria. Th military measures of Russia on th ftontier are in this country considered at variance with the general desire for peace, and it is held that, unless Russia ceases her gathering of troops, Austria must take similar measures. Prices on the Bourse at Vienna have fallen considerably, owing to the rumor of war. argument, af vr 1, h he message continues to s.iy r..nt n u J le qu.re on the of Congiess gicat labor and care, pait as well as d sicg.ud of sich local and selfish claims as are umeasonable and reckless of the vvelfaie of the entire country. More than 4000 articles are subject to duty, many of which can be added to the free list. The necessaries of life should be greatly cheapened The radical reduclR of the duties on raw material would serve to largely reduce the revenue, and give our manufacturers a belter thauce on foreign markets with manufacturers of other countries who cheapen their wares by free material. 1 11 LOST t small brown cow, 4 years old, branded P on left hip. The cow was lost about Nov. 1st., 10 inilea north of Fairview. The finder will be rewarded by addressing. David E. Thomas. Fairview San Pete Co A ESTRAY NOTICE. J PRESIDENT CLEVELANDS MESSAGE e To the fiftieth Congiess is said to be the briefest ever sent to a Congress. It opens with the assertion that the condition of the national finances are such as to demand immediate consideia-tion- . The amount of money received from industries and otherwise, largely exceeds the expences of thegovernmen', and it is plain that the exaction of more than is necessary is a wrong indicted upon those who bear the burden of taxation. The public treasuiy becomes a hoarding place for money withdrawn from trade, ciipplmg our national energies, preventing investment, and inviting schemes of public plunder. Notwithstanding several operations of the Treasury Department to release the people, our surplus revenues have continued to accumulate and it is expected that June next it will have swelled to f $140,000,000. After the amount pointing out that theie now exists no clear aud undoubted executive power of relief, should an emergency arise, the President goes on to consider the justice of the tariff or duty levied upon importations from abroad, and internal revenue. Our present tanff laws, the various inequitable and illegal souices of unnecessary taxation ought to be revised and amended. These laws impose a burden upon those who consume domestic products as well as those who consume imported articles and create a tax upon all our people. This is set forth in a remaikably clear and forcible 111 l p One red yearling heifer, white spot in forehead, spuare crop off and underbit m left ear, no brand visible. If not claimed on or before Dec 19, or it will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder. Hans Nielsen, Register. Spring City, Utah, December 9 rbS7. Notice for Publication. No. j74L Unitrit States Land office Salt Lake Citv , ctah. Dec. 6, 1887. Hutu e ta hereby giveu that the following-name- d wntltr has hied notice of his intention to make final liroof in support ot his clami, and that .said his abproof will be made before the indue or in sence the Comity Clerk of Emery county at Castle W ilson viz: 1888, on N.li 14, Saturday Jan. Dale, S W k of H K 4l9 for the W k gWK.SE 2f E. He nanus the iollowini; Sec- jti Tp 23 S R witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, slid cultivation ot. said land, viz: Lewis A. Moore. Leonidas I Crapo, John N. Roberson aud L. It, Bartlett all of iionb, Emery county Utah. D. WEB It Resister. T. c. Bailey, Att y. l)ec Jnu 12 r'0 I beg to oalFattentiun of the trade that our stock of Spring & Summer Clothing, lints & Gents Furnishing Goods is now complete and our customers supplied at latest Eastern prices. Orders solicited. Honorable treatment guaranteed. L. GOLDBERGS Jb3& 307 Main Str et Lake City. The Boom IIhb 0 0 HAVE IX MT POSSESSION t and really struck 1anti, dont you forget it. To prove thia call into ' C 0 ES P E C HARDWARE STORE and see his On Time Cook Universal Heating Ranges o o p OTHUrO U and I iirLU UI Tinware Of all kinds kept in Stock and Made to Order. B "WOIiK iu Tin and Sheet Iron Neatly Executed. Roofing and Guttering on New Buildings a specialty. gZJ-JO- Manti, Utah. Main Street, $ u 0 0 14 4 McFarlane Parian GTOrJE-GUTTE- R. MANTI , UTAH. Tombstones, Monuments, o Tablets, Sills, Etc. ALL WORK Neatly and Promptly Executed and on Very Reasonable Terms. If HITS OOLITE Bfona .... Por Sills This Beautiful Building Stone wilt befurnishod in shape or size to order, and will be delivered to any point in the the county on Scot 1st N. of St.' Mock W. of Mainj |