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Show "-t- t -l S f i - X 's o tv MANTI CITY, SAN PETE COUNTY, UTAH, TUESDAY OCT VOL. II. TH3 HOIIS SSITIKTIL- Elder .Vraham u tp-ipf- ' , beau-mani- irtert 1 v ! 1 i I 1 .p n , . , e- ' "1 - n,..'. a;, .in.- - 1 C ime ill l.-- Rich-aol- 1 I - I 11 4 11 ( l. ' . L Iwitr i o'i.i' . s i o i. . 1.1 v si c-- rT Su.i.er all 8 diy 7 i ij v o 1 .rop cal heat. nte a number of S urns from MAuli, tne other st .'aments ut Su.i PeU vue been at Conference. i .n J 1 rIr. J lines Petersen is supplied with a ve.y g rod Sioclv of musical instruments. G .e mm a call. Professor Smvth bus tuw opened a very u.ce music store on Mam street Call and see him. ills ad. a ill appear Li our next. The hinds at the past office of Silt Lake Cny are very p due ; t le puboc. Some p jstniasters a id p js., Distresses of S uj Pete would be all tne better far ' taking a lesson. It deserves to lie mentioned tint President Smooth of Utah Sta.ce, when seeing that oar cictluen from Sm Pete c ime to meet at Piovo and answer to the charges agrinst them w t.ioiit being prep i.ad with any le; v a lvisei, an with jut hivin' a, iv aloce a h never, instructed a lawyer to conduct their defense, staling that lie would be iesp for the expenses to tiie a mount of 1 nsi-bl- e $500. The train on the U. C. was del tyed last Wednesday night cm u- way to Salt Lake City, on account of a that had happened near D. a abort time befoie the n jrtn b)u,.d tiam was due there. An express join ' so, un hid collided with a lreight tiaia. Pue two engines stood there Lneast to breist, and round abaut were semi the rums of wagons, a proof of the stiength of the two combatants. No hie was lost. The residents of Chester are worked up over the removal of their p st office, and consider it an outrage. As an instance of tiie inc jnceiueiite we are subject to, the Sentim-itnrough Chester going north to Moroni, then back through Chester to Spring City, and we are compelled to travel a distance of 10 miles to get our hnl. Many tons of hav luVe been destr jyed this year, also an abundance of feed, bv the fires in the mead w. set througti carelessness or dice. Some one shouldbe prosecuted. 1 1 . ac-.Je- nt 1 pns-.e- 111 esterdav morning a sheep was running across the Main stieet, bleeding from a cut in its t irost. ' Upon inquiring it was learnt that the sheep had just escaped fionf the butchers knife and was in search of a place of refuge. It was followed by its owner, Mrs. Tooth, who in vain asked several gentlemen to assist her in the capture of it. Finally the sheep was caught three blocks west of Main street. lieu last seen, ittvas deprived of its black skin. Been ESTRAY NOTICE. J have or MY POSSESSION: one loan heifer two vears old branded P V on the left hip, white tinder belly, some white in face tail white, under slit in left ear. One lined back brockle face" heifer two years old branded Tl on the riat ibs and V J , on the left hip, both hind legs 'hte, white tail. If said animals are not claimed and taken away they will be sold to the highest cash bidder cm Oct. 20 1887, at 10 oclock a. m. at the Sterling Estrav Poundkeener San Pete Countv. F. tY. Snow Precinct Poundkeeper. Oct. 11th. litel. - Iain lemmded su.igj.ist now rendeied, uiatGod fives lie w.l! fir the last lime prune to tne com.ng U's , n iev in d p.ejjaiaio uf t .e s of G id as a m.ghty conquerei, W.ieaeveiy toil pie shall col.less L.ml Jesus is C.nist. i nen they will also jvvled ;e that j isepli Santa was h.s prop. let, mat Bngham 011ng was hs successor and that onu Tavloi loliowed as tne ch jsen piopiiet of God. Dunng me 57 years of the ex.sieace ol mis Cnurcii tne Samis nave gamed tne experience that mis w rk cannot be vvmch Every place through the Church has pissed lias snowu us that tne designs of our enemies have beeii overruled for the beneut ul the faithful. Tire speaker concluded by savin, that the piesent tune was one of tnab Men suifeied i.npr.son neat and n.110 coascien e saxe inconveniences for i ue dav would c anc, however, vv.iu freedom would spread ovei ill s gjod! land, w hica had been dedicated t j imci-ty- . Tue ngateous h id iintiUu to le.n but the wicked had muen to ie.n, fni Jay of teinule jadgmems is a,ipioauunB Let the Smuts ic.iew men fiat llnh.e.-- s and keep oat of their ireuiis e.eiy anmijsi y t vat J ie v a e Apostle John Henry Smith: i I have. not suttem i .n ic.r uiouluaui grown to in uiiiood same me a.i.v .1 i tne Saints 10 tnese vale.vs. ,1, been instructed in tne pium ples i Gospel liom l.ilaucy and l icvaio s.. tome. Lie nave bee une part ol mV liR The Lord nas lavoied me wita a n.i able testimony ol tue tiutn ol mese piiuipiv. and I look upon tnem as above ever, price. Tne p.inc pies of the gospel n ive oeu. levealed ! n uie bene.u ol ina. li.nd, a..o it is a ,n over ot smpiise that so lew men under-- . and tnem. We have cause loi we have mat mg asoepied vims rej Ellu-iv t ie J vcob Gates. 11 n ac-x- '. cud n jw, bin nights are i.itlier i d 'C. i'J Vllil i .e by. mt'-Scott, has occ.i a Agent. He is an ti r -- e. and collect b.ils dni n. .. Mao.'- -. ovei-throw- .1 iecl-ingo- f 1 1 u 1. lnig t by i. i -. 1 vi. u nave never been laugni ai,-me Lldei s but w nat is susia.i.e l S. upturns ai.d by uatuial teacil live, ioibeaiaime a... to ail. I Ins is t.m cnai.i..-u- l la.v-la- .' -s gospel. Ill tne heat ol eoii.iovei.--) we u i.e not alvas been so coiisiue..i in d- - vlmg wita me views of otneis .to iv, st. .aid be. But tms was 110 pan ul La, Gospel. vVe were sent out to exp ninu tr ictnnes to our fellow men, anu u jt t j .ncJJie with their leligi jus be-- 1 efs Lns msti uciion bad no. alu,s Ti1'- - -- i Thesp.r.tof cti contcr.tiuii abroad and lanor stands arrayed against capital. We lmve not been visited by these evils yet. but we may expert them, and ue should prepare to meet them. The Lord does not want one man to be above another, 'lne Saints shuuld De united also .11 tcinpoial things ; for it they are not, they could not be united in spiritual tilings. Some pay too much attention to The accum ilauon ol wealth. The Saint? had rev el.it. 011s their ailms, guiding them and if they were followed tliep ror would be exalted and the rich humbled. Ihfe speoker expected to see these revelations followed yet. Epm k Elias Moirrs spoke ah ait the gospel as sufficient to our guidance all truth. He claimed that eei. .f tne Bible should Le destroved it would make 110 diiieience to us. e would iiave tne revelations from G d equally tiue and peiiect. Joseph Smith did not know in iich about the Bffiie when God lust Yet his doctrines weie spoke to m peifect haimoiiy wall the Bible. God levealed eveiytmng to linn gradually'. No lorce tha,,Ciii be bi ought to beai upon us can ever destiov us. Victoiy will ful low us. Tiials may come. Bui they will only prepale us fur glorious .riiligs m the fumie. PrEsiDENT F. A. Hammond had been laboring for alxait two yeais m San Juan County, lie had felt a desue to attend this Confeience. lie lelateJ the circumstances that led to las cuiivei--ioin the year 1847, and uthei experiences m connection with the Chuicli. The choir then sang: ' Jerusalem, mv gl irious home. Benediction was lien piouounced by Apostle Heber J. Gia,.t. THE SECOND DAY OCT. 7TH 111 ve'sons of Zion lli ill" O' A k1 let it piaisethe Lu..i, s f'er vvauh Vpsde Franklin D. ut.eied player, invoking ill well tfrll.iiis: K e uti )i'l ! i oleitel wolds me blessings ul tiie Lord f tiie Church, the e conmiiiuir dion- to the oeip m tneol t .leience, U11 ted States and their tue ,pie PuINTlNtJ A' ihB "i M'INKi, iuLrs, and up in ihe iti ms abroad, t 'oMI Y, d l.e Cn laeii tail I kiio'v that my Redeemer lives i. Box .37. M.uui. U. i' Tiie vast congregation ,was then J T. J K. r M W, I'1 Cannon pointed to the d.siHimn that seems to thrca the vaiuus nations vi.tn almost is . 1.1- H. 111 VV 11111 n, naei-estm- g 1 Taylor V y then lie leteticd tie ai 0 the manv tr.als w rich tne Sams had met since they weie last aoemblcd in ta. s place. VVe Ive 111 a time when every Saint sli. ud be filled with tne Ioly Spun. VVe need coml at and J ae ffilu e ul tiiut Sp t is t lead nit tin n. 'i in sc that n ive it aie not ms!ed. '1 he speaker would not 1 anything that could Le cuhstmed aaack tip m oilier lehgious but w hen uev all piofess have the Holy Spirit, how is it tha, so many hundieds of var,ney walk ans directions? I he tesjinonv ofjesus .s the Spirit ot Prophet y. Hence it lol-- I .rave the Sp.nt iws that th ise uh nave pi cphels am mg them. It we ask lie sects if they have prophets, they sac. No Paul says fli.it j man can say that jesus is Cm, st except bv the Spun. It is .heief jie cleaily the Spmi tint imparts lie testim ji.v of Jesus. Paul m witng the Ephes ans enumerates thevaii rus ' fts, and am mg these is the g.lt ol oiopnecv Those that have t.us g f' snow tiiiigs to c mie. Lie ancient iropnets saw th.ngs in the future. But neie aie different decrees r f tiiis g ft. M ces lnd a desire that all Gods pe ple were prophe.s. When they all have nat Spirit, they aie one heart. one rrliiid. The speaker further ex sited a present u seek this gift. By conforming to the tiles of the gospel he would promise them to receive the Holy Spirit. A day would come when the power of the die Spirit would be felt in its iniluences throughout the world. When the world had been d sabled through its many sins, men would turn to Zion. ELDer Geotgc GonuArD closed with a few remarks, w hereupon the choir sang "Sing with united voice nd the meeting was dismissed by Partiarch John Smith. ..iv as an 1 1 111 11 1 1 1 i j round up your shoulders, and bear off this Church and Kingdom of God before heaven and earth, and before- - God, angles and man ; and if you dont do it you will be damned. And the same spirit that filled the room at that time burns in my bosom while I record this testimony, and the Prophet of God appointed no one e'se but the Twelve Apostles to stand at tire head of the Church and direct its affairs. NOTICE. Dr. Olsten wdl start for Cache County on Monday next and probably be absent about two weeks to visit his family and lneods. The tup will he one of pleasure and rest. Duiing his absence Dr. Lindlv w ill attend to his practice. NOTICE. Those who are indebted to the are heicby respectfully requested to settle up the.r accounts at the earliest dale possible, as by so doing they w .11 save the trouble of being called upon. By order of the Board of the Co-o- p Co-o- p NOTICE Is hereby given to all.part.es Indebted to Tuttle K Co. to please come forward and settle the same befoie their accounts are turned over t the collector for Collection. Conswldtn m and !ijie in the maLt vf Respectfully Tuttle & Co. the tiorbles. Jesus filed hs mission with di;nity and honoi. He nude ' o LOST. cuinprum se to g ve'1 up any pimcipie A colt five m mths old dark brown vu wnicti lie field. hose who use the in Ephia in two weeks ago. Any aut 1 nry f trie to their own lost or giving h.fmm ition about one finding aggiaudn.cmcnt w.Il Ude to meet and the same will be bbeiallv rewarded by set le tiie at counts ni tiie gieat day f Chnsten Anderson Kjolbye will d If we we lidgnea.. wioi.g, Utah. account Lr it m tiie day ol Ephraim 1 d pue-sMoo- iaeto judgment.' he clivjn then sang an anthem. Bt ne diction w.,s pumounced Seymor B. VoT.g. s, Mr. John Bia thwaiie, the shoemaker has removed to ihe shop, second door west of Mr. Tuttles butchershop. He is prepaied to receive any kind of work in his line, and guanantees good work 1 b THIRD DAY OCT. 8TH. ice.i followed out. Tneie is no fui uui eldeis to assume a spirit G aggressiveness but rather a sparL 01 conciliation and k ndness. Tins is tne only means wlieiebv we can gain tntn (or tne truth. Elder Milo Andrls, expressed his grat tude to God that he was still alive and could take an liuciest m tiie woik of tne Saints. The speaker had tolluweU the Church lor tne rst 56 yeais, and he had only one aspualion, that lie could bequeath to the coming generations, a legacy ol sound faith. Eheie is a great lesson given us in the history of Job afteunoon meeting who was deprived of all Ins earthly The choir sang: means and stricken with illness. But alO, Jesus! the giver of all we enjov. ter he had endured the trials, God blessed him temporally and spiritually with Apostle John Henrv Smith offered more than he h id ever had before. An- prayer. Glorious things are sung of Zion other lesson was drawn from the experiwas then sung. ence of Jona. PresiDenT WiLLiaM Bt'DGe then adThe choir sang an anthem and elder Elias Morris pronounced the benediction dressed the meeting. He was impressed with the importance of the occasion, and AFTERNOON MEETING, had listened with pleasuie to the addresCommenced at 2 oclock p. m. ses of the previous speakeis. The comThe choir sung : mandments of God should be understood by the Saints, for otherwise they Awake, ye baints of God, awake! Prayer was then offered by Bishop could not keep them. The counsels of Samuel A. Woolley. the authorities tended to teach the Saints President Hugh S.Govans address- their duties. A Saint was unpopular in ed the congregation. He said that we the world. But he had many promises are here in this life to learn the way in that were realized every day. The outwhich we should walk so as to return ward pressures solidify and unite the to our Father in heaven, and to find the people. The present was a glorious way.vve must have the Holy Spirit. Our day for Zion. God was lifting his people lives must be righteous. The unwary up. VVe should continue to sustain ourare easily led astray by doubts. But the selves before God. We must cease to Lord wants to lead us to a higher sphere, do evil and persist in doing good. far above the things of this world. And Bishop W. H. BroxS.EY acknowledged if the spirit of God is in our hearts we the hand of God ovef the Saints. When will discern the good from the evd. Joseph Smith first proclaimed the gospel, will enable us to under- the announcement startled the world. It stand whether we are traveling on was a marvel that th3 F'ather and the the road that God desires us to travel Son had appeared. The sacrifices made in. VVe must be prayerful, have faith in by the Mormons lwd exhibited a God, keep the sabbath, attend the meet- wonderful faith iu the gospel. The VVe Saints could say thy know that tiie ings in our wards and quorums. should pay our tithings and keep the gospel was true. He contrasted the laws of life, that health may abound and condition of peace Tnd morality thatpre- nece--sit- va.led in Lha.r in former times with the present attnrs of immorality, intrudin'-ed bv Gentiles. He concluded bv tlm lffir the knowledge of the tiu h. Pros lctvt Annus M Cannon was rejecting on the high profession we make and would ask: "do our actions justify our protess.on ? I have an impression that the Lord will shortly pour out IBs judgments. How will my wouls and actions appear in the judgment of the land ? Christ says, Let jour couveisa-tio- n be vea, ea, and nay, nav; tor what vesay more than this conies of ev,l. No hvpi cricy will satisfy Ills demands as legards our conduct. I low about the associations we have formed, the speculations to popp'arie ouiselves with tlte wot Id, giving ouiselves prominence, our Master? Who shall abide the day of his com ng, and w ho stand w hen ne appeals? ou wdl find seventies, h.gh pnsts, and elders erecting houses and tenting them out to men who sell oiewater, enslavmgand ensnar' ng otliei men. Thev rent houses for the most inlann u.s puipuces. They take revenue from such sources uid pav tithes fi uin it. How can the stand bef re God? I have often thoiignt, what would become ftn se tint tesuh against the bret iren and Sisters? Clnl-d- i ell die w hose m itl.ers aie m h ding. I ne property ,,! men is being taken from tnem and tr mole ai d angu sn is e ng biou ,nt to then soi is. 1 ut tf.tie is joy Mol NIN'G MEETING. The chon sang : Glorious things ol thee a'e sp iken. Elder Joseph B. No de ottered prayer. Z. ul stands wila mils suiumuded w'is then sun ;. VpostllJihn c NO. 25. 11, 1SS7 I that our lives maybe prolonged. TilC GENERAL CONFERENCE. - A c .rdirgtu previous announcements Conference the 1'iftv-r- i ; it Chun n lesns Christ of Latter-lacf of tne rW it t the general c o ured n the Tabernacle S the (f S.m Ietean.l surround lSau a,nt 10 a m. October iii" jo Mil s. me 6l: v me stem Anost'e On tie 1...1. (uMid-i- l every rri.iey Lorenzo Enow, jx le Fiankhn 1). John Richards, Apostle ilemy Smith, : sex urivLUMEXT Apostle Haber J. Giant, Patriarch John suvt 1. and others. PwM2h!k1 ex?ry TucIay Apostle Lorenzo Snow pies deJ. Tilt MORNING MU UNG. N erljilliiii to li ,: lii me .ting was opened witn the V. 2.' A Weekly .Vt hie A MoRlUUG Song: "Gieat is at moderate MEETlllG. puce. the Loid' Tis good Mrs. Brunei has just returned from Salt Lake wah a ciuice selection of F. Wiiitnev. Song "Four, with her ten thousand Millinery and Fancy Goods in all the doWi-- i s latest novelt.es for the coming season. Mrs. Brunei respectfully invites all the , Afosile Euasius Snow was the first Mantr and the surrounding Lad es a lead thb of 15th lie speaker, part call and see the Goods. to district of the Corinthians to tue cqnstle chap ei Mrs. E. Brunei, of the resurrection Witeie Paul speaks Coiiipunng I. to tiie sawing of a AN 10 NEST OPINION. ie dwelt upon the diffeient goiiu '1 '1 base that emple office, Manti Utah. Christs n. aie Bro. C. E. J ohnson. wnl tiist films, wmle others will 1 take oe ins at n s coaling. VII wdl be laised pleasure in attesting to the Merits of Johnsons Essence of Life, 1 heie is to be a m iiieii oidei th.ngs, and tlieie aie some having used it personally, and also in w, lose sms shall not be wiped out until my family, with the most gratifying I consider it a safe, prompt and tieJizoi redemption hascjme. '1sub-he efficacious remedy. Vp ,s le d. veil at length upon tins Jno. B. Maiben. ject and proved from the Wold of God Johnsons Essence of Life is sold at tlw mat tneie is a woik of salvation to be p Manti Store, price socts. pr. botpeiloimcd lor the dead. At t.n; cl ise ol the speech an anthem tle. w.d sung hv the choir, and D. II. Wells piouounced the benediction. I beg to call attention of the trade TIIE AFTei NOON MCeTinG. Vf er tne usual opening exercises, an that our stock of Spring & Summer Ep sde from Piesidenf Wilfoid Wood- Clothing, Hats & Gents Furnishing ruff, in behalf of the Twelve Apostles Goods is now complete and our was lead by B.shup Ois.m F, Whitney. customers supplied at latest Eastern The epistle touches upon the death of solicited. HonorOrders Pies dent Tailor, the responsibility of prices. tiie Apostles, and other topics of vital able treatment guaranteed. L. GOLDBERGS, impoitance to the people of God. 207 Mum Street Suit Lake City, The following is President Woodruff s Last Testimony to aft A aliens. to praise. Piaer bv Bishop Orson . 111 1 b-,- restota-iioiiuia- ll Co-o- I, Wilford Woodruff being the last man living in the flesh who was present upon that occasion feel it a duty I owe to tiie Church of Jesus Chrst of Lattei-da- y Saints to the House of IsraeJand to the wh le world to bear tins my last testimony to all nations, that in the winter of I843-4- , Joseph Smith the Prophet of God called the Twelve Apostles together in the City of Nauvoo, and spent many days with us in giving us D B. Funk, Sr. FISH, one and two years old, to he had ut Funks Lake, between our endowments, and teaching 11s those loth and 20th of October. the rewhich God had glorious principles vealed to him. And upon one occasion Yearlings 10 cents and he stood upon his feet in our midst for 20 cents each. nearly three hours declaring unto us the gieat and last dispensation which God had set His hand to perform upon the eArth in these last days. The room was filled as if with consuming fire; the III vx Ll III UlUUIlUj Prophet was clothed upon with much of UlulMl the power of God, and his face slrone and was transparently clear, and he PHYSICIANS, closed that speech, m time or in eternity, with the following Fish Lake, Ssvisr County- ttvo-year-ol- language: Brethern, I fcavehad great sorrow of heart for fear that I might be taken from Djseats of Ladies and Children the earth with the keys of the Kingdom Speciality. of God upon me, without sealing them 19 f upon the heads of other men. God has sealed upon my head all the keys of the H I tmi'i . u . W. 11. Oijti n. V . . Kingdom of God necessary for organizJoilia-HlJit. i'lt i, and of building up the Church, Zion, ing and Kingdom of God upon the earth, and to prepare the Saints for the com& Drs, ing of the Son ofMan. Now brethren, I thank God I have lived to see the day that I have been enabled to give you PHYSICIAN S A SU UC E0X s your endowments, and I have no sealed upon your heads all the powers of the Aaronic and Melchisedek Priest- Surgeons of the S. P. V'. Ry., hoods and Apostlesliip, with all the Keys and powers thereof, which God OJii'c: Ejnraim, Utah. has sealed upon me; and I now roll off all the labor, burden and care of ae 3 vU and Kingdom of God unon vour M r f v I iHtr icl j tv t iFtr tV ip shoulders, and I now command you in dcirlu0 f iK4b.r Lali ini'i" the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to pm ' V f Ut r -- r IIUAlri ' v, Vf 4 r' j. Olsten ch Lindie mR CHAK' I i 1 - V V . 1 T t |