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Show THE EDMUNDS RILL. an SAN PETE Valley RAILWAY company V 17, 1SS5, amtl ifler Auguxt 0,i trains will leave daily, Sundays Gamy north excepted, as follows: at X :3-- a. v. Lear? Ch?st r 9 00 leave Moroni FoumainGicen1 UijO 11 Arrive at Xeyhi , ' ' going south. at Leave Xcphi 12 in. Fountain . 1 :20 p. m. Grocn Leave Moroni 2 :00 2 : jO Arrive at Chester Stages connect at Chester fortall parts of San Pete and Sevier. S. BAMBERGEIl, Manager, S. KERR. Superintendant. . t gv II. Stenk -- of TA,e World! the The f.illowing fiom the Lid caster (Penn.) lutclligcnvcr hows ho v some of the sensible papers of ihe count, y iewil.e Ed mu ini's Bill. The Bill, if it becomes law, will establish a dangerous precedent, and other religious denominations are beginning to see through the mill stone : The natural result of the Edmunds bill and oilier iiraiioual an unnat ural leg lsation against the Mormons, under the pretense of assailing and eradicating the ir is to raise odious social of constitutional law and religious freedom upon which the Mormons will seem to be right and their antagonists wrong. The result of this will be to strengthen the polygamists rather than to weaken them, to help more than hurt. It is a 8 id mistake to try to do even the right thing in the wrong way. So I tmd Ihe Sew York Kcoli-chVolkMnt ', an organ of the German Catholics of the country, of Boiue keenly appreciative phases of toe Mormon question, which religious p do not always seem, pole to comprehend. No Jody, I suspect, will accuse a Catholic newspaper of sympathy with polygamy. This journal says, in betr German than the English of this 1 cu-dom- s, ipie-tio- ns c d DENVER RAILWAY. WESTERN UnivH-x.i- l I v GRANDE RIO & conceited lo be the fiouto 'R.11..".1: TIIK BETWEEN EAST AND WBi'f. The only line between Salt Lake aud Denver without ciiT--s. Change ATK' ; The only line between Salt Lake ami Chicago with but O-- feC,; en ti tier it E-. N Ul CaTSi Between Li,ue Ths Only We?t and the tlie Running Through Salt Lake City. VULLMAX ntio;; PP"it id fI pTC Cor Utal',: iyk BUFFET and SLEEP1XG CARS . . On all Through Passenger 1iainx. , "l'he 'Only Line from Salt Lake City Running S.eep-mCar.s Free lor the use of g '"Passengers holding Second class and Etnigr uit tickets. j niryj. The Atlantic Express. IN, to ivs Ogden daily at 9:B)a. m. ; Irew . . - E w. ng itinu Itiva1. lhoa I ' .SaltLakeCitj l DLvt connection is made at Kueblo an t Denver lor Omaha, Ka..sas (Juy an i ill prints i ast. Tne Pacific Express Ariveg at talt Lake City from the weE at 5:15 r. no and leaves for i at 5:10 p. in. making eomrecr troa with the Central paid tie for tlie O.-"- C. i Local Tuais. gisla L': a ppl ; Salt Lake City as follow's : r' Bingham and Alta at 7 :30 ?:? V a. rn. iE. For Ogden at 5 :10 p. m. r ve at Salt Lake City : te h IF oi Bingham ami Alta at 4:30 l oil Ogden at 10 30 a. m. a of . "lickets for , 4' ousat v eft if,o Dai L. li City, iC at vii f , 1, iiU i :.Nu- , Iti ECVLES, S. G, P. & T. Agt. Banckot'iv Receiver. JTAII Stir, I Tr l'lsr.' Unto central RAILW. XEW TIME CARD. July 9th, 1885. itanie j f, Trains heave Nej daily as follows Going South- at 2 :15 p. North 11:45 a. Arrive atSultLake'at :40p enger )ptrUi a - ipertr f Js,! istr-- House-Corner- - m. tb points East affi West can her purchased a Depot oflicefaiHl City Ticket , Whiter Salt t t f k :iW C 7:20r Passenger Trains leave S Like dahy,- for the North, connect witli the U. I Ry, a the U. & N. Ry., at 8 a, l - da;i Dept id arrive" in- SaltLake at 7 p. ra. i -- 'Freight tr..n' feave Xe Lr the north-a- 7:40 a. m. a ter the south- at 6:43 p. ni. y,Oi. FttANcis Cope (Jen. F.,0 P. . Gen. Si n ih central 0 ces Main Street S iprh Lake City. f - - lion : iort c Citf r 6, v u TBE33 10' G.i) n VRrfRrCo, VILL SELL COAL AT ,05!- idertN f, w U1. dj cu f gij HESTER Dt O A.T A .00 per ten. translation . : Tue Mormon question is unmistakably one of the leading questions of the day in the United States, and in a religious sense naturally attracts the special attention of Catholics, because it concerns persons who maintain that their religion orders We and justifies polygamy. examhave, therefore, carefully ined the bill which has already been adopted by the Senate and now lies before the House of Representatives, where it will in all probability be shortly taken up, and we have come to the conviction that it is by no means 8o praiswortuy as it would see-tfnoiild on a hurried peiu-a- h this bdl be adopted by the House of Representatives, and then become a law through ihe signature of the president, there wouid oe cre.ned a most dangerous precedent which, remembering ilie fa na.icism and influence of oigu.s,- could pos.-ibl-y at some turned a.,aiust tue Catholic church itself,- for the old and thou I proverb tune be - to-d- ay which has held good times so numberless, will always anew prove itself tiue. In so far as tlie proposal recommends legally and comstitu-Lonall- y allowab,e means for tire it suppression of polygamy naturally lias our fud approval, for it goes without sayuig tout we thoroughly dislixe the Mormon sect on account of its immoral cnarac.er, and earnestly approve of the strict measuies lencii.g to a radical disposition of the system of 'many wivctf. But this bill contains propositions in winch we can in on wfoe concur, for they are neither in harmony with the common principles of rigtit lmr with ihe provisions of our consuu-tion- . In its provisions this bnl o Bends not only against the rights of the citizens of our cou itry, .n thait provides that persons what have made theineives guilty of no orfen-sof any sort however, may be taiien into custody on the ordei of federal courts, judges, commissioners and grami juries, meiely upon suspicion that they will not render obedience to in proceedings against Mormons,- but also in that it uisiegard-- i the r gilt belonging to every citizen of lawful protection against unlawful search and seizure of 1113 private books and papers, for it empowers feJeral otlicais upon the pretext of an order ot any sort to break into a house anti take possession of writings and documents which' poss.bly might serve to bring about a' edhviction of persons accu-e- d of polygamy. k mally the pr'csitleiit of the United States" isiRti'orized, Oh the advice and' Wih'the consent Of the Senate, to appoint co.nnils-siotforwho ate to take the property of th9 Mormon church into their possession; cdiitrol' it, erfforce-niciitofa- Lme-tialiow- ll ed sub-puen- ' oof it with- .1 S'.cs oi ns r uii hi .iiu-i- - pro- rig tful Visions the i 1 01 laps upon ti.U Stored and hist a, uied r gilts of cit.. 11s of our mnd, although the cons iiut on, m clear and unmistakable woids. declares taese inviolable. This is, too, the only the chief, not do reason why we do no concur in the bill, although it is directed against a sect liwith whose faidi we tve no sympain addnion there is also but thy ; to be remembered, a- - a further y consideration, the that ii tins bid slmuld become a law- it might be made to serve as a starting point for other unconstitutional measures whi h, for the same raison, should under no circumstance be approved, even though, as in the ease in question, they had a praisen of worthy purpose. such soit can m no wise be enand dured. Secuiily of per-o- n of propei ty mu-- t he held sacred and be prelected in every way, unless one of the firmist and most important foundations upon which the state is built is to f dl in ruin. The proposition to seize the property 01 theMormon church and put. it under ihe control of oilicials to he named by the pi evident and confirmed by the Senate, means no more and no less than confiscation of this property, and we have seen in Prussia how far a state comes when it with a high hand takes to itself tlie control of church property. It does not cme to our mind to draw a parallel, between the Catholic church and the Mormon sect.. We .wish enly to call attention to thL, that an unlawful act. though perpetrated can by the government-itselfnever biing good fruit to. the government, for it is a proof either of impotence or of nn entire want of the sense of law and justice. Moreover, as has been suggested above already, there might sometime come a willingness to essay, with reference to the property of the Catholic church, the same procedure which is now proposed in the E Irnunds act in ri lation to the propei ty of the Mormon 'church. It would be dangerous, there ore, should such a precedent become established If the provisions ot the Edm tnds statute are not sufficient to dispose of tire evil polygamy, and 111 . gt - s, llarnes-- , S then- let devised, but let not the f lundations of the law and constitution be' dep.irled from, for what is not permissible 111'ui h 1 the individual is by the more forbid len to the state. Oh M ral,ly, how many crimes are cammit.ed thy name! in NOTICE Jas. W. his Perchet 1 iggan will keep Stalli in Peerlc.-,8,- at liis residence in Maud during the season of 1846 Pe rles-Terms, $6' and 10. man is a pure blood Iercheron-No'- i hmse 16 hand' high an I vve'giis 1.6J0 pounds. Mr. H NOTICE ! the undersigned forbid any gathering sala-rai- u person or pei-of ora1 our land known as We ns the Mailt Salaratus Beds. John L wry, i J-t- , Pet kk - Anderson, Jens Madson, Joseph 3n6v, f 7r H.- Wm. B. LoSvuV. The Spencer On HOUSE. 1st East reel, between 8, Second and Th'rd South is ihe only Mormon Family Hotel in the centre of thb City) and litis the indorsement ot many of tilfo' Lending Men'bf the Country Settlements. Pi ices are Reason- able the Accoifihidtda,ion3 are equhl to v Public House in the Territory. BiethVeii coming from a-- the Settlements with Team- - can fifufall AecomrUbdatiohs ne ded Block Being on the aud uear all' fl Wagon and Machine Shops makes it a most desirable HEApDiJATiTER foF Po-OIfi- 6ouiitry Visitors! U 27, m. ifc 1 st-- t tj-tii- air 11 x L. btayner & Laud ,,ef. Offi e at ,Kef. .V No. IdH). Salt Lake City, - - ej -- These Orsrans are celebrated for Volume, quality of tone, quick response, artistic deaifru. beauty in finish, perfect construction, baking them the most desirable oryans for homes, schools, churches, lodges, societies, etc, ESTABLISHED REPrTATIOJf. EXEQCALLD FACILITIES, SKILLED WORKMEN, BEST HATEBIAL, 3 Ati'y ConiulidA e.l i.i jlloati,,. COMBINED, v 11 mailt-b,-to- r , 11 11 M.VKB THIS THE POPULAR OBQAH U. me umow- hj, tik.l Uuri.eui - '7 bi liitentiaa t mHae u.ul pront iu Ills claliii, a uil tu it .Saul p out nlsupport r o t.ie Probate Judge or Clerk ot Isevu-r U. , Mt ituliuell, Couuty, ou may J, lsat,, H. llaiuty, llii,u,ateail ytz:Kyal Emry ,u. a e 7yio, lor lUe e Jt a , a e la auil w u e L4, heo i J, a. K 2 v. at lpwitueaaea to He Hulouowmg prove bis coutiiiu.ms result nee upon, ami cultaatiou o', aaiil laul, viz- Jam.- M L'H.k. J U tull-meWilii ou ti. I uurstou an t J.,s-pH. f tiurs-toallot au tubrlla, Couuty, I tab. Ou same tl tv, also, b 'fore tlie Clerk ol Sevier county, I tau. On irtes Jeuseu. u. a a iiw tor tile 1 In 'i -- Utl n ,a a W 'a , nee 11, l'p a it t w. He names tiie t.ulovuug wit u. saea to prove bia cououuoua reatg iiu upou aui cultivation o.- Said tail J VIZ. al. p. .Melseu. bo Uaa F. Pit rseu. John Joiiua m auJ Hauseu all ot lttlmui)il,oevier couuty. junta H. WEBB, ReJ.ter S W Darke aco., Attys 3 - Instruction Books and Plano Stools. Catalogues and Fried Lists, oa applloattonram CHICA6D C0TTA6E GR6AN CO. Cor. Randolph and Ann Sts., CHICAGO. lUi - u, 1 A orice . for IMPROVED T7U"1:licX Sprfl Bpginej PablictUion. No. 2231. Land Office at Salt Luke City, U ah, April 2, 1886. NOTICE is he ebv given that the fob owing- - lame seiller has filed notice of liis i.ifemion to make final proof in support of his cl. dm, end that Said pioof will be m ide before the Judge, or the County Clerk of San Pete County, at Manti. U ah. on Wednesday, May 19, 1886. viz: Lais Larsen, II. E. o2'74 for the NT. S. E. Sec. 2, and W. 4 N. W. i, Sec ' 24, Tp. 13 S., 11. 4 E, He names the foihi.ving witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz : R. W. Westwood, John I A. Piitchett, John A. Erick-e- l,IALLr,AELE k 77KCUGIIT IRON, Ko Swelling or Warping. Slit-inking- , Tnv Lioktfst Rcnnino, Stri 'Ngest and Easiest Feoi i.a mt IVivit J.NGfsR ill ibe llOlti.I). 'lbs liLST m CJa LAP. fel. Bend for Circulars to the SPRIMOFIELD LMGIHKE COj Springfield. Ohio, n, and Cajeh Hartley, all of Utah. 4 I). Webb, Reg 'ste Fair-view- ,- Xoiice of Final Proofs. No. 2227. Iand 1 cou-stitu.ion- al Man Itw tm .4, llow r H.ta filed lMiUc o Ur lo to uiitke tia.il pr ii 1.1 itoao toll) a d nuol wU Ue luaoe be re and ttiat lVuimte ,j or mi ilia abstain the coaoty I U tlie couiiy cleik, ol uuiii.v u bit., L. iub-- , I. , on Saturday. cou t Hooe at PoWv H, U, loim rudi r ai t of A. May lai, ia: may it, 1n). h. E. No 5 a, tor the e a e a w t a a v. u w l4 aec 21 Seu 20, and w Tp 14 s, U 10 e ue names the fotnv ii 2 v l u u e apu.ial uli.va ion his eoiitimoua VY. Haul e vu: of. Ur Ailnu. Kobe t A. laud, Powt-l- l Lpumiu.u msaui Fit1".d h. O.aa'e, ail of Fru'e, Fine ycouu,j, L. y, ! U. T C.t, ia DaliUM it be thought that moie stringent neces-af- No. Land Office at Salt Lukt Legi-latio- be - lor 2ublitllou, No life VOl'lCE 8 tins attained 'a standard of excellence which PdtnUs of no superior. , li contains every ImprCVenlent tbfttlhTentwe (reuiua, skill and money can produpe. e- - measures are Idles. ILiniexII ir,j 1 ware, Whips, Bridle-- , No-hags. II 'hies, Jte. Eepaiiing promptly att- nded to Caliio- ilia .Leather. Mum Stmt, Rich full , Ut ih pos-ibiiil- as - fcOQTjSiioE, and HARNESS X AKERS. us other means CAGO COTT AGE ORGAN IH O'fiicv- - at Si lt Lke City, Utah, March 20, 1886. NOTICE is hereby given that se.ller-- i the foil living name-have filed i o ice of their intention to make :in ii p of in support of the r lespe live cliims, and secure final emry thereof, and lliat said proofs will be made liefo e tl e lhobate Jude of San P. t com y, II. T., or in liis absence before the County Clerk of county, on SaturMav SO, at the Court 8, is, day, House, Manti City, U. T. Archibald G. Livingston, II. E. No. 4317, N. I X.E. b Sec. 24, an.1 S. $ H. E. jg Bee. 13, Tp 14 and names tlie fol 8., lt.2 E foiling iiitnesses to prove his continued residence upon, and cul.ivation of, sad Ian I, viz: Joseph S. Ot.ison, Elizor Chap-m, S iinueMV Chapman and Willi up Livingston, all of Fountain Green, San Pete county, Utah. - i TheGlipperTricycIo Tho leading Wheel Plov on the market: There 13 nothing that can compare with it in Lightness op Draft, Strength or Excellence of Work-- ' 1LANSHIP. Endorsed most strongly by every has used it. 6ne who Write for prices, terms or descriptive circulars to JABLIK & OREHMIT CO, Manufacturers , v Also r CuTurators, CANTON, ILLV , make a fail line of Plowi,' Harrows, Ac. Ac, m FIRST GLASS Grocers Keep It Petes Lflrst-a- , H. E so. f.r Lie W, V. See U, T. 4 names the following to h1 iiUOBS coDt Drove Witnesses reeideo e upon, and cUi tivntioa of snio lao-d- v,zt Lnuretz Lafs u, Frants c. Chmu9en. Mrb Andersen, Sr.f hikI Mads Audtrsen Jr., all of Mouut Pleasant, Utah TerT2orL William r. lbomas. H E. No. PW3, for the S. E. V ec I9 Tp S: li J E, and name the ipilowiug witneHses to prove h'S conlvunous tsidenee npuo; and cultiVaion and land, viz; Nathaniel Edumu.ia edmnd Edmunds, Thomas LiliO'inds and David Thomas of wales, ban Peie Couu'.y, Utah. 1 And at the same time and plnce befoie the county clerk of said county. Louis Johansen, empt ofl declaratory S w 4 and a st.iteuient, No yj97. .or ihe s bee 3. ip I4 Ss K 4 E. jud uanrH the )5 8 b following witnesses o ppove h,J con inuons residence um, aod eetnv. on ol, bi id land, viz: Andieas Manse John Coats, Joae.ia &eely Nnl m. Nay 0 inouuk PJeaas t, ban Pete couirjr, Tcah. od recta a oy llianis p' iohn Statement No. 9137 'or tewhfXiio soutn-eas- t a V 8 eV 'L no od d iMM tue following Ji 2 19, l p,i wiVnesR lo p ove his con neons res den. e I a tic' vz:Cjuisi an upodundeu.t vatioacusVu Ba.'1? and utadsen, Hen;y Jensen, Vo n Dder.ck o. Alt're4 I. ayheid, baa Pete Utah. county, D. TYEBB, Ikfeisief , 2 7nllim T- Reid AtfjT te ApplicanU Pre-Cm- js.-.mT- - . ... .Wert washed with ELECTRIC LIQHT SOAP IVithnnt Rnbblna , -- First Class Housekeepers fise ft, . 1st,', Wathiiiiefothei in (flemaat manner. Is decided I y bant work, it weurf yon out and the clothes too. . 2il; Try a better plan and in rest In-- i flreveents bar of ELECTRIC. I.IOIIT SQAP,.,.8nm, Time, Labory ftloney. Fuel aod.AJothes. Cse as (Lb reeled on the wrapper of each bar. tD,f AticinS soAp go1.' INDto'At OLia M, ' -- O It D Lij' AD L 1 4: IT |