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Show C"5 ta I l ail c u g I poll "I SEVIER COUNTY. at the fitid of and iirmillion chfu uj A glance V TICE t, . . ii e. . 1 r a 1 in- ; htoi k etok. - will 'ue i ! pOnsibiUtl i.iic. !, c r put in .'em. -- hi- - will be take: up Manti Cam on. Terms Ur ml fur t u1 ktii,'kn. I munti abti-tcPsu.. thtir probabilitns , r -- a! $2p-- i. : i I m-- , - . !, tin ami ; cu-or- -e . . ' ', FURNITURE, . i- J. (K)PEH, d we-te- Is tlie R. st Agent, 1 TlilS I! Tin-wai- All A'in (Is i MiijiiisU8 btayner Dssk For terms see our Jas. T. Jakemnn. e, HOUSE. 1 it'. 1 The White Gr JJIE y WAN 1 - 'i' al . tli.-i- l -- -- 1 - n I ; , j v tr - CENTRAL i ' : : , j Had 1 . m' - rill! 2 :f cm nt did not' complain of the local papers utrdimss. One of the Tesnsiuitiii'g and reviving features of Salina, the future Syracuse of Fiali, is the prosperity ami thrift of the Co dp Store,. under thp immediate' direction of Mr. IlmsGottfredson, the lately imtiited palesman. Mr. G. evidently acts on the principle that politeness and courtesy cost nothing he alos has hanging conqoieuously in hi store Small profits and quick retunn aud hq.--- nte the Inundation of his succes-sThe Salimi peiple boast pi oud-lof a dramatic and literary , club., They say however tjiat the Sentinel has tjaid nothing about their efforts in this , liup much as they would tlesVre a notice They promise to send ' items oa this and efher matfett ani some of their busines? friends' have expiessed a deVito to be ' represented through the qplunans of the SE.nm.---a- n other evidence of the good taste and judgement of the Salmi people. bor& . y " , ue-i- ! Mt. Pleasant PLANING MILLS I. am prepared to do all kintii! cuAom wotjk in t)ie line of Rlanirur, Moulding and .qfa iiiiz on the 'hoi t est: possible nolii'0,aid On reasonable ter'ms. Also all kin'll of. Lumber, Rickets, Miiildiijirs,an t listd for linusy tioislmg.everything BOOT, SHOE, and IIARN ESS X AKERS. Harness, SuT Hi a, Harness-Har- d ware, Whip-- , Bridles, Noie-bag-- i, II ii b.fs, Etc. Reaiiing tronqitly att. tided tu California Leather. Mat a St rot. Rirhdrld, Utah GIVE ME A TRIAL. Bkni' ltN-i()N-, Main St,, Mt. Pleased, count , Rrop Pete U. T. Bartons Lunch TEASDELS House. full I EX SE .1 pertinent of Candies, ,1 Canned Fruit , Fish, 'find XutSy Mr a is, Crackers, (VIvrJ Fi p , - i j . 1 R RI VAL S. and YOUTllS CLOTHING I Tea and. .Caf.fEtc. MM ?IENs3 BOYS Raisim,PrUfr,rirk)lri aiii Sinters; Tub trro and C i yies Rob'ijii.t Sait', Hot i i flOi m cue ' t i 1 - Mar 2 of Epssialties iLlSo . h t",o11 w; . uouei for Lt k'l Trades 3r3a?iiifg cr i f to ilev Carden C y Cujper alkin.g and S.ilky Ihows; 1 Tne Eatest Impri.ruJ and Improved Guile rhowj Jr. ( ultivaiurs ani Ilnnel Be&t Chilled R.ofi'i J Acme Harrows Hard u oo.i t ir ilci pie e ; e I sbj Schuttler Wagonv; Mowers and Cord 11m lers Bu gies, and Road Carts Wa ms f,Vtv P1 i jL )u Spfq 8 ra e W. T. Jack, SVi anti; J. P. Meilstrup, Ephraim. Attyi all kindi t. :v,- - Tt :v v llO ; ariafagrE.aaE3hlg!3-ftgiaiBEllBaatMHWffl5iaagMBMrrBy- . Attached to the lunch house U a neat lLrbcr Shq where you can get an 'cay .''have and your hair cut in any style.1' Main Street, 'Manti. t For Fall .and Winter C alio , Boots In V & e as d e T MainStreet, SahLake Cilv. I It it i jbt. Geo. T. J. F. Grant, II. J. Grant, Picsident. BtmillS erv aan Od-.ll- , Secty vice-Preside- w v. I & Trei P01 f01 f CD.ij, 'W" ect General Agents in UTAH and IDAHO For The 3ain bat t th Mi oliell hl WAGONS, tC-- . No. 2210. o- 23l X - re ievt ito And Champion Machines. LandOfiice atSaltLakeCitv,Utah, Match 4, 18t6. and Gale Chilled and Deere and Moline --- Xj- -- S3.-J- J&.i'lgtSXtloUver notice of his intention to 1 m.tke final proof in suppoit of his clalrn,?nd that s.iid proof wiil T bemade befor the Judge or Clerk of Millard County, City, on April 21, IsSG, viz : Adalbert B. Pack II. E. No. 5031 ior See. 25 Tp. 17 S. R. 8 the S, E . G 1 0- tW- P- I O L xclf 1j and K Ci A j K wit- tlnU .uoirfnf it i sfardwood lardivood land, viz :Satnuel Western, Isaac Whicker, John Allred and Joshua Bennett, all of DiS'iet, Millard county. Viz : William Stewait, II. E, No. i07G for tlie N. W. i,See. 2i; of, said vfaftoti plate Stock of Extr is for ah Send for Tp. 22, S.. Ii. 5 W. Ihn-u- ns l Go ds and Rr e i eci E;s ix a tUe elioi t -LAKE'''1 a sd . tzr: .is, Traveling Agent r ' r- -, ibn-un- , i 's Alt 2 y r 33 ifii- -- - A Wgons,-- 7 V. He names the following wi nesses to prove his cnnt.nu nii -- residence upon, an ciltivitiou of, said lan 1; viz : Olof J. D a John Dewsnip. Joslua Pan- nett an M thonri 5f. Bi non. 4 of Deseret, Millard bdUnt, Utah Territory. D. Webb, Register, f dUil wU e CSrNT. ODELL SALT He name-- the his cullin', uus neisus to residence upon, and cvilivat.u ,d of, said land, viz t JoCj. Fisher, James Du ican,.Jr., lien y G. L and WMliath II. S ,l; all of Meadow, Milafd Utah. Viz : Andrew Pe lerson, II. E. No. i2o2 for the S. UN. E f a W. S. E. i, Sec, 32, Tp. 17.S , ti. tk UTOT difofnia Concord Harness. VC-- ' V U i abet y t tit.di aterial Q ApecialtJ aterial tj lipecialty ?fae;on ) ich 1. dd( HAY nesses to prove his continuous residence upon.' and cultivation iev( ii r, RAKES S p r I n gWhgons,C mt ages,Et Russell and Buffalo Pitts W. . 1 id-so- n, JiXc M -lo l---4u 1 NOTICE ... f, CT3 aCT- t ifp r j TO CREDITORS. In tlie Probate Court of Saa Pete 05 A County, Utah Territory. In tl nutter of the estate of William Bench, Sr., deceasi-d- . Estate of William Bench, Sr., ! street a ia hereby given Notice deceaJed, i Are celebrated for their lightness of 'dr&dght, b t. by till undersigned adnunutra- tor of the estate of Win. Be ich, and durability. A fall lino of our niaaufactuers can 8r., d; ceased, to the creditors of, found at the follmHrin agencies: . , and i persons having claims , SaA Pete cout P. J. General AgeAt 3Ieilstrup, Ephraim, again! t the said deceased, to ex-- 1 Hansen & Thurber, Richfield, Sevier COAA y; hibit hem with the necessary The Studebaker Brothers Manufg Company, builders of voui-within ten months' 'rs, after ae first publication of this notici to the said administrator Phaeto1 at hi residence in Manti City, Farm, Freight and Spring Mbagons aAd Carts, San jete County. Central Branch Repository, ' Cabriolets and Surveys. j William Bench, Jr., ALT TJTAIL LAKE CITY', Administrator of V m. Bench, Sr,, dAMES B. GLXsS.Mana 1 y , J- l Carriages & Buggies J deteied. D.itt at Manti City, Marcli 31, . 188C 1: COAL! . gi'scES Shoes SP.V.R.R.Co. KlfLSJMyL C04LAT Iverv Variety d in, ttfl v ci, urrH. He names the following c TnT-Li3igsiarqTC1E- 207 Main S ect , alt Lake City. BLICATUN-NoT.CE FOR P file s aru ber nd ! is herebv i' fvr!a r has uiel i h wintnat ion to make tin .1 or f la u xvtM u hi cUira, alii lint il 1 p t or Cir before tilt Probat County, T. at Ri hT 11, ou m.v viz Ruj al U. Bsiu.y, H au itfii j pi rv th- - ne t U. i1 a e i, anil ii w lie timnH tho f i"'V ut ine'i his i oiitiQU'JU? rst n ,l . l ks i n- j r111 Of, SA ti IhD t, VIZ J I t i 1 h irston iiio H, tuii, all ut Aimatfll!, irvu i C amt . i vi' the t'U rh On same lat aU, b tJ- n n. v ouimtj, Lriah. Chari b B -! U. w e , , ami o J.nw s t pr ,v J wrtu w. He neine tae foilovsl ti c bn ount nooii resitieure u wi sud aui hz H. P And ue l aci- u a1 ii P te an, ;oha Jo tutton ja i R mu 4 ,'erier county. D. Wt'Bii, It. 4ist r co., n it- -' or ing-ia- A ie ismiLSAi iPiiiitis JX.1SI1D . - 1 tttBB, : 1 Cie tir-iv- in Common with all othc RVIEVAY iiizens ot the Ter.,- While XHW TIME CARD. they condole with tko legislators Jul v 9th, l88fi In losing theif per diem otmsidei Trains leave Nephij Passenger that in the dec ipitation ol dailv as followis lois Murray the legislatures at 2: Id u. m. South loing tha Territorys gam. Who will ' 11 1") a. m. Noiih succeed the Beautiful and who' atSaltLake Arrive at t 10 p.tn will reloi in his taciics? Leave 7:20am , Auroia, a thriving district Axel Einerso leave Trains SyTasscnger Salt, C.A. MaLori, and lutwecn Sadna i&rjwiij for ihe Lake to son fl liiinrson North, daiiy, Vermillion in Sevier county is connect with tin U. P. lly. and an air Ijinrson importtapidly assuming the U. it N. Ry., at 8 a. m. ; ance and real growth ,Junde! the Dealers in ROCK SALT and and arrive in Salt hake at 7 foO dir timi of tts eiUct'iulsing MOLASSES. m. y o u n g R i s o p M r. 1 la r r y Pay n e o(The Best in Utah )o Freight trains Lav X phi ThC precinct has a population of Manufacturers of the ml a about 40 families, it has a good ; . 12 ;l2 h p. m. sabbath school, a daily mail, and tfRAXeis Coi-Letters re- and Orders promptly Cun. F. A . Ayt like its sister towns and people spondeii to. Jolix Sharp, Uen. Snpt ts evev anxious to. make peiti-nbAtWrcss: . cm M niii S tint Salt Madson & Einersov, queries lb to tih4 SrN'TlXKLs Lair City. welfare, unlike their StUiha nebb Gunn;son, U ah. it IX 1) HALER ue KrdL.Or VO I ICE 205 Jtrnei' con-siste- 2-i,l-t - Wu find the largest and best se-leot d s oc t of Clothing Hats & Gen s Fur i shing Goods at low-- 1 est .rices at I,. GOLDBERG'S, - red. The good people of Rihlbld , -4 X 1 'Mi.nnon Family lint' in tlei cent e of the City; and has the indor-- e nent of many of the I.e tdie'g .Men of the Country - ' - jltnvJ i poa, WHOLESALE only . . No. Laud OiSieat Swilt Lake O.ty. I Tsca. i viluc.i-tinon- 'a t e-i- . f ''imm m3, Att of On 1st East Street, between Second and Th'rd South is the y ul done as good and as cheap as c m All be don j in the E ist or kinds f pav taken. 1, City HaH. vri q'-'ii- to-da- ' Portrnits The Spencer 1 & SWDarb Rriees are Reasonable the Aeeomiuod.it ions are luhlii Ib.iise m the equ il to aRicthren Territory. coining from the St ttlements with 'leim- - can find all Ai coinmodatioii' ne ded Being on the Ro't-- t Mh e Block ne ir .11 tie Wacoit and and rent hou'es in chile pans of the i Machine few some distiict the people Shopi makes it 1 E A C A RT E US for bio desi ra end Q their unihd elbrts years ago built a i andiome entral school Cou try Vbiturs iiit $ I. building at a cost of of All SEWUdOund liana. Ts TZ.1L they are reaping Ilarncsh! Lbortheir of rewind the ING MACHINE 4. See it by tvimessiiTg their ehil Irons lapid before buying anv other tlie liaroei-- i mn:i r, is advan eimntin a good graded (iuinu, evi-rline iiih af in -tlimg NTS T E D- .School. At present Mr. It. W. roi-SiMiiml linn linmn-- i jii'ie s v Sta For HaMiss farther telle 'inUHen and taken in exeli mne inr new. High particulars address iti's lire thv priiipaf teat hers est m'lre pilid fu- irntlme, Hnlci, Sowles ife Miller, waiuaif. pelfs, fius) iimf The idea of gradation in n (nil nnd be Sail Eu.t City. in ittt rs does not fi mi (onvinetd Hpecnilty vuu ("in jel gfici-AGEWT it ter.nin il point in the dudrict work, elieaper than 'lionp, anil a JACOB F IKS TAD, school' It it aches in to ihe xuare deal at Cninni ilnimsii o'1 tlie Me ttni; Saba ith School, and ititit h rt d.t SiliSp, ilireet'y Ct ill House, phraim, l'onl-foil dae Sup a Horne an R. Si. I will not 'a- underm! ' for the etlii.mt manner in any other harness makin-- vnil' i which the schools of tiro two Utah. i'rv me aim See. wmls are managed and Cigam Ri.-hfi- t I I). Tin Ro iling Careful y Executed. Retth me an of Price, E uv.ry coaii.v, I Work'. 'Jabbing re-4- 1 s. rn i! u, ORGE A lKJ jJ n mo Oit y, Utaii. fr kfJ Sired, Manufa uurer of all kinds of A'l kinds of Water-poutand tlutttrs a In fact Sjieeialiy. Anything in ibis line. .Hutu ill .1 fol wias! Hi ln e 1, vz Oreta hisoimtiu l of. an Ittu P j Hanli. TJ tUe u He heron-Norma- n latent I t UJ J A " lTe-rles- tu urr aui mil r oi vtill be Ji' e c n.'it. or ill tun aWa e lui I tj"rituvi - , tier of kuii"1 count . L". i . ,iU cour H us at C lt iiaL , I A ?it 11. uiiatrrt f Miif lv , Vi. 4uhn vVwl, ' f r mt n L. it. N. my w I a s W '1 C 20, iil I W . . .r 'ip I4t iC it) e J un-Nor- The last twelve month-- have marked quite a change in tn Sevier Valley. Not only are a number of the towns materially general improved; but the land ec pe or contour oi the county is changed and tiamslig-ureby the bt caking up of new branches of land and the rt claiming of some of the arable plains. At Richfield the people are building up sanguine hop s tor the feueciss of the new canal which is designed to br. n g watei from the Seiier River to the valvarious parts of the of Efiii.oie ley in the vieini.y and Richfield. As a result of this, tire fire tract lying immvdiatly noith of Richfield lib mgbiokeii up and cultivated with an entagy that is almost Among the iinuiovements at the county scat ol Si vn r is a new building, tiie new millmeiy establishment of Mrs. n,n Elizab th Bean, t lit? of one se tiou of the new uti hall amt th eommeneeinent ei the nw Stake Tabernacle. n Id has a tehool which is icred. t to her p o.do and to the. county generally. In place of bitildina several small ieu This tiled vjs 1 I ' I i : reby 1 nb 1 Prices wliere Lint at Whole-al- e .lie Cash aeeom games the X m ii Ym-- cei.e'c far D trr,nni Mr. J.i. W. Ilogan will ke; .1 n id Don't lb a Fufijtt It!' S ahi h s ler' ' Peerle-i- , . at his rodd, nee in i mi t n re Ct-Djiof 1850. Man i dating (hesta-o- n urudtire p. Ter. m.. $tl and I 0. Wholesale an. I Retail Dc!-r- s. - a One Lc.or WV.t of Tempie Clock. sa' Lake. pur t h o HVn Imree lj ..nds iiigh and weighs Our Folding OlM.idi. 1,0 noth;:-- t - 1.0 I ev . Sill J s U and auv in tlie lei.-.-r- , . U I i IMU R 'e It :U IuT ft' of He M Is tliarjl o m.u.- . M CHESTER AT 1 4-----; - C. Uckennann , Proprietor , . One ami a hMf blocks east of Main St.5 EphrMu- - L 1 Planing and Seining 'dote to order. A till line of j I Lath in stock. Home Made Coffin's in every style constantly on also have facilities for chopping till kinds of grain. anjl Oajtuleal cumiyc on hand. firkuO pe? tcriO Give Me A CalU , |