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Show A' Co., p.p: Jensen A i SOUTHERN S WPETF S ow, A Co. II have all ommein ed work with EnjToK Sentinel.. Vacation j I'uhliehi nt tin ir thresh ng mam. iocs. Return from ehet water-- J Bam digging d'klie-- ' that wit in the Manti, San Pete Co.U. T It is idMtir-He.ii: ii go- d. but Hh mvood east l.avt back. Faber th stiff a letle t Ytck'nj .i irsj.in t:r, fa a. am subpu-- ed to appear eels . clumsy. Dsootfi! to the general interest of before the Grand Jury. Reieive my Seniinel tonic iif of ritn Pt-- amlsurround-intAjoautieThe carpenter work on tho regularly all the time. I believe west tower of. the Temple is be he doctors'1 have elilv added,, SUTiSCniT TIO.V: ginning to i.?aume conspicuous i little more lspir; ami spice f late. Anyhow, it tastes betDuo year, . $2.00 proportions. ter. These purely tenij eranee The .Sterling people wish it tonics dont suit Six months. 1.2.1 my eonstiiu-(ion- . understood ' will that do . they Three months, A little stouter .please their own threshing with their Doctor Danl Advertising iatenni application. own machines Who wants a home? The All Communications intended reason why I ask L that I know for this In vvliere many can be f und pif.tr iou li headdress I Jar The Horns Ssntin A W 1 Co., a son .1 .ri-o- n, fypHRAIM -- n Lubrieat- - h ! f 1 ui-e- e JERCANTILE . Ify Shoe and 1 II a r n e t .n Joiners and Carpenters Makers I in Oiis LJ Head ',u E m p or ium iters -- s. The Ephraim Low price. Square dealing ve 'A Asociation, Ephraim. Ha cc mi found and Attentiveness to the Erst Interests o f their Numerous patrons 'Mercantile G-.- iiLkM (w BO. 1 d "T.'.k 1 Should new consult Our Pries List of Lubricating Oils and Binding Twines before buying where and thus Save Money. Sentinel. Iom k complete Jas.,T. Jakema.v, Manager LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. the igor of Life gives us lore, And coming events cast their Hindoos before. Oh, my .'tie 1 TTTVTrrilT Will find ourStoik SHOE and HARNESS Maker's FTjin-poriuS and always Bottom prices. JOINERS and CARPEMTEIlS lEeadquarters. In fact tho Place where you get what you want and at Figures never above its value. Wheat, 7V o o i , Etc. filways taken athighe-- t Market Price. . ZiGC. COLSON, uperiten lang m. - Vour Honor1 has come to have a very fin iliar sound with Dr. St. John. President Territory of Utah i In County of San Pete) Cot In the matter of the est.Henning P.Pet 1, Deceased, y, for Pub'ication of time apn j ed for proving will, etc. Pur-uan. p10-- has G'evela-ti- fr ui his AdiTond va tuion bronzul and' hi arty. k 21-- Tho Ephraim school Trustees have adopted the very wise p.au of fiaying their teachers a fixed salary. Henry hamptonof Bountiful has succeeded m obtaining a fin a ing well on the ivuvavilte Sana Ilidge. - rtee Eh. Thank you- Democrats, von Republicans expletives of the Wig of Life orators. Notice of final I, Day and Mi-- s Anui Chri'tt usen as teachers. tii Cah ndar of the Court provid. s for twenlv-dn- e t ho S n term;' jpt: Si e i Manti City Cohneil give not ct that they will re' eive tor the eoniplK ou ot t a carper ter wo k film inlerlo' oi the City Hall up to Pi o clock, noon, of Saturday, ihd lh.h d of Sepr., pm-pmai- , s The f wilieh late Chinese took plpce very poiti Th m. and several of the Indligermt mine marks a good beginning, but inpris-iomen- whether tie t igorous . 2071. ' ' Oh-har- . V-Rn- . , Wyo. lias- placed t... yidicets of that Ter. in arrest . given L Land Office at Salt Lake Ballad bv'BrotherTeasdale, ;SonK .V Brother Teasdale it City, Utah, Sept. 7, 1885. Notice is hereby given that the is the way" iri which the of Ho;, of Life named settlers pave Co. following program igr filed notice of their intention to their Nephi member. makP final p'oof in support of Specimens of fruit peaches their claims, and that said and plums recently re eived at proof will he made before the this office from, the of Judge, or in his a licence, before of our Fellow townsman, Mr. F. the County Olcfk atNephi, Utah, on Saturday Get. 17th 1885, viz: Edward Elmer, II. E. 7008. for the W d N V nod N j Allrod. afid Jens Hanson t S Mr i see. 23 and N E S E 1 of City, San iete Cour Spring see. 22 T. 15 S It 2 V. Utah-Tor.f . He names the' following witHomestfe Jacob nesses to prove his continuous No, 5735 , for the W U residence upon, and cultivation Entry j X E 4 and N 5V of, said land ; vjz : James T. 25. Tp. 14 S It 4 E-- and nan . jr., George Howard,-Hebe- the following witnesses to pn B. Ockey. Thomas J. his continuous re.--i deuce l" .Schofield jr, all, of Nephi, Juand cubivation of, said land- ;b ab, Co. Utah. Win. Burnside, Thos. Also proof will le ' made beand Jan Shelley, fore the Register or Receiver at Pie. s Salt Lake City, Utali, on Satur- Camjibell.all of Mount Tor. Saii Pete County, Utah day Oct. 17th 1885 ; viz : George II. McMaster, W Boyd, II E 61 IS, f rthe S E for Applicant W.M.T.REio,Attv. f S ' i Wj sec. 3G, Tp.K) S R 17 2G and iots 2 and and S E 1 of T. 11SR17W. SMjSecl FOR PUBLIC ATP1 He names' the following wit- NOTICE Ao. 2050. nesses to prove his Continuous LSnd Office at Suit Lakh residence upon, and cultivation Utah, August 13, 1885. of, said laud, vizi Mrs. James Notice is hereby given thet Ferguson, Enoch W: Tripp, following waned settler kJVVU.V All Samuel Boyd, Francis J. Karney notice of hix intention to noon' peddling nuts about the streets. all of Ibepah. Utah. ih support of his chiorfThe Crop is not bountiful this II. McMaster, Register, proof that said proof will he inode hj season, but the nuts are larger T. C Bailey, for applicants. the Atty. i r o nd rcccinr of.' sit Hey nxhc Record, T - Spring-- s NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.' LOCALS. makes no Hugh Enough in'eresting stim ilientr relative h the Dover sm plus him!.' "items in ano'.htr edlmnn. LakeCi: s S. U.- Notice is hereby Hon following named sett have filed notice of their in i tion to make final proof in f port of their claims, and ec.j final entry thereof and each ! said proofs will bo made he. the Probate Judge of San F ? County Utah Ter., or in his sence, before the County said Cdunty on the 17 day October, A. D. 18S5 at the Manli City U. T. Mads Nellson, Homestead I. trv No. 5057 for the S W i 21, Tp. 15 S R 4 Ej and nain the folio wiiig witnesses to pw; hi-- i continuous residence cnltivation of said land uj Neils Neilsen; J. T. S. Allred-B- iiir-Disiiie- trial of W; pruue 2070 U.S. Land office at S.ilt U. T..Sept. 4th, 1885. - The At-LA- at Court Office a Tho E.iirviVn- District Si f w - ! Manti. , Sanpete Co., Utah. - la WM. X, llEID, ATTORNEY- "'Thank ll'm-A-j- r ;, ff ' and Chc.-kt- a ladys Uuek coat The mviii r tuny get it by cabin, at tins office. EJi A. " ance to them of Letters try when and where any per interested may appear and c test the snme. .Dated September 1st, 1885. Joi-i22 Reid, Cle:: Among its late' arrival m has a goods tin Munti Co-o- p lull stock- ot school books P,rt Ween of-'- Court, made on the first dav I September, 1S85, n. .tir e is her ( given, that. Monday, the of Septerab r,188o, at 11 ,;!, t a. m. of said day, at the G Room of said Court at ! Court Ilopse, in the Countrl San Pete, U T. h is been appo: f ed as the the. time and plaw proving the will of said Hem ? P. Pee!, deceased, and forhe iri the application of Hans PouJ and Laurenty Lasen forth-is-- ? 2J - Found. to an order t Kauai has recently bmi indulging Li i! e luxury f of an earthquake of Pi recomls liurntiou. slates, " NOTICE. lilbil-th- o i . . Cnri-tense- 1-- 1C 1-- Bel-listo- n 4 , r oiheefs Vih emit nue uu ill of the oileuders are brou.Mi to remains to be seen. j. - ju-Jic- ; Burnii-Eitmuel It seems that Hon. Aloxande - ( Ramsey of tho Utah Conilni-sifs not altogether in sy input with the methods ami jirae ie of Judge ane ami Pr. ctit ti m Ro' s( Attornev Dickson.- In an t with a of ai Eastern naper recentlv, l.o i credited siith saying that Jmh Znuo and .Mr. Diekioii had- no made a decided success in the .add that their method inti-vie- - torres-pimden- . cru-ml- e bordered oh being extra-judici- al i . , I , Through an egregious error i some of the officials of the Thir District Court the Grand Jur which met in Salt Lake oi Monday last was summarily di ch rged, as (lie day on whi they had previously met (Aug 3rd) and e fleeted an adjoin n ment was not a legal day for of court; hence the on meeting .Monday last was illegal and Judge Zane wa-- 1 forced to make the humiliating acknowledgment to the Jury which was accordingly dismiss- ed , ( City , Utah, on Sat" o' September 26., 1885, riz: iAUf Harmon, D. S. 8411 for Lake EPIIRAIM .DOTS. r P LAN.XG m ills, I am prepared to do all kinds of Mr. Billings representing the custom work irt the line of Hahlmr, is in town canvassing. Sentinel Moulding and Sawing on the Mioit-eMBs llldlcn E. Armstrong rep)ssihle notice, and on reasonahle turned home yesterday, after terms. Also all kind! of Lumber, rickets, Mouldings, and everything visiting friends on the Sevier. used for house finishing. Dr. W. II. Olsten has gone to GIVE ME A TRIAL. Nephi on professional business. 1-- X. W. 1-- 4 , lot 4 find I V-' -- ir. 4 See. 5, tp.12 S., BA Hr ;i(t mes the follow i ny u ' to jirorc his continuous rof upon ; and cultiratioii oJ,uwf riz: Richard J.BurrastoP.H'' I). Sirpz cy, of Mona, I ' ' Elia II. Ihirsons, ' Clartc lSons of Salt Lair City, fif'-Bft.NT IIan.-oProp. II. McMaster, Main St., Mb Pleasant, San Pete S. , 1-- . t -- The Ephraim ectioiTL begin MondAy next". will ! ! t - . n, eouuty, U. T; T. Dailey, Alt' y. f |