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Show ! inn tu r LJ Vol. fil Q GGU uwr l-JL3- 1. MANTI SUSCJ2Il - . LUCAL AXI 0Ti;i':;!" cmj, !si:- - $2.wO Six Months, F- -' -, Three month 7,i .tea on Aiiveriitiiijj ;v;fifariou. iriciLis. i - Jas. T. Jaklman, Manager -- ot d Galbraith. the of M.mti, w ites to some of li r pupi s that Uhambersbui g. it it:.,, unit is U 'ii with her the . s o-,- f are selections : OFFICE T t Ui J Ii 1 1 V 14.J ill i v. 8. ntaPvos. A. If. Lund, a and A, D. Thurber Pt, ( rd- r, .F..II..K..A..I..M.. Dc tiers 0-- In Tre surer, Geo. Ih Cox, Manti. ij .il, pining for freedom and I j J. II. llog.nd, M.mti. Surveyor, city, each time the key tarns in John Carter, Mt. S. hetman, bathe lock jumps and crows in Pleasant. by glee, expecting that deliverSunt , of schools, W. K. Reid, ance which never comes. Manti. P.F.R A.T.I.V.E. 0 It is all very well for the owners of buggies to have them L.ok but considering and E R C A. N T. I L.E. qice the fresh, of Manti that depend penpe on the water that flows sultly Merchandise through Ihe city ditches for cul.S ft O.C.I.A.T I. O N. inary purposes, as well as irrigation it would at least look a little better for tho-engaged in Main St.., Ephraim. the washing of such vehicLles, to go to the extra trout le of c s the water to the buggies, Cheapest place out. Bust Goods to Customers. in-- t ad of wheeling the buugi s sold on smallest profits. into the water, an tlmre dome: A good fore-- of the necessary cleaning. Thom clerks to is a great ded in appearances. wait on pa' . e bir-gain- 1 - af-ab- le trons. JfXCall FRISCO MARKETS. General The Associated Press Correctcd by brook A Co. Hol- - Bennett, wholesale prices. Flour. Oats. $2.00 to $2.50 per cwt 1.25 to 1 .00 . . Barley, . 1 00 3.00 17 to 22c. per Potatoes, old new Butter on foot Bacon B ef, 9c. Ham Cabbage, Cal., new agent at . . . our On the half-mastin- . - i eil t i I k Pani,-1-'-lake- Harness and saddles. irlu fho-ewh- 1 nJ n e T for AN e 1 TV 26, S. U. 21 E. Re names the following w .1 nesses to prove bis contixmou residence upon, and cultiv.Tio, 1 of, said land, viz: John diafer, Cornelius Ray, Malter Moore, all e ' Mo .b, Utah. Also ai the same time. U fi r the It' gister or Receiver, L t Tavior. I). S. No. S.91, for b S. 4 of the N. W. I aiVi N I Ern-tuettn- EXE for THE er, SBORNE -- 1 th-S.- W. , 21 E. i He names the following vn nesses to prove his contmuo upon, and cultivatioi said land, viz; John Corneleus Ray, Ern Buettner, Walter Moore, all Moab, Utah. H. McMastef, Register, T. C. Bailey, 1 , Atty for applicants. ce of, 1 am tie pared to do a'l U nd work in the line 01 il h 011 Moulding ami a reii-.'H anu Doihle otico, Ot l.u I' AImi all viSBORl Q Sec. 35, T. 25, S. L .A7REAPKRS, MOWERS, and TWINE "BINDERS. XComilcte Supply of Extras Constantly in (a IS , TAKEN -- phraim, V,, ah a V VUA 1 N : A P UU A Y M E N T. Utah; ; I M 1 -l giek-li- -, MouMir.fiH,mid uh"il for Iioiim 6 mshii'g. ' evt-- y l iOHET LOYSY & SOBI, GIVE ME A TRIAL. Ur Mt. MiuSt., T. fount., j n r Han'skN, ilea-ai- d, I'm Importers and Dealers in all kinds of T -.an U, er ' P residence upon, a..d cultivatioi of, said land, viz: Lester Tay lor, Arthur A. Tayloy, Eru-- i Buettner, Cornelius Ray, all 0. Moan, Utah. U A so at the sa n - time befothe Register or Receiver, Art bn A. Tavioiy D. S. No. Sbo7. to tbe S. W. i of theS. E. i Sec. 1 , Unfed States. The newspapers are bringing back tbe u,rh!.d i(ni-,tctLiritC.-;.'lies under double bead lines, llarnr!! comments. with all sorts of However, all sensible editors and stafeamen will 0 able to look at Quill't, t'lP hirm-K--. i.ir.k. I', line corn irises ; it in a proper light, and see i it'jr every liitil ip m:- lie'e at heij Fined line of winnings, :v that even, Mormons have a r'ght !n.k prirt'. Full line of Calicoes, 7 toS cents. to mourn. The western "papers iuexelianee tof new. c-- t Best Ginghams, 12 cents. price paid fur prod nee. Hi 5 are generally disgusted by the pelts, fars) ami oan wanted. B. T. Cashmere, only 12 cents. a speeialty. Call and he. mighty howl that went up from that you can th syndicate of shcoles agents eoitvini-ework cheaper tnair cheap and a IT located in Salt Lake. deal at Quinn's Harness square M ji'K Shop, directly east of the Meeting Kphlaim, Utah. At a meeting called for the House, Is complete. P. K. I will not tie undersold by purpose' of hearing the financial any other harness making scrub in Carpenters, Harness and Shoe" report of the trustees of Manti U tah. Try me and see. Q. makers requisites in large varie- school district and electing one ty. such as Hinges, Butts, Screws. trustee for the term of three years. Ilanes, Bits, Carriage Bolts, There was a very meagre turncul. S: ;dlles, Port and Ring Bits, Col. F. R. Kenner was the only Leather, Rivets, Ilamesetc., etc. person put in nomination, but A call will convince you that the vote was not unanimous. and all kinds of when the Sentinel gives the When the ballots were counted it w Mahers alarm it is time to be up and was found that two thirds of Skollub:r'i, and o doing. voted east their ballots Supplies M. L. OLSON, Supt. for the nominee, while the one v to I ish cal) tlie attention of the third had declared their choice public of Manti and San Pete counby using their franchise in favor ty generally to the fact that I keepi of J. II. Wadskow, Esq., Col. conantly on hand a lull l.ne of Kenner will be school trustee for Leather, Harness and Saddles. Prices as low as the lowest. the next three years. Give me a call. L. C. KJAR. u Frank Leslie of March 14th MANTI U.TAII.. says of the Mormons : As propo-gandithey are more zea ous DRUGS! DRUGS!! DRUGS!! zi than the majority of those having a pdrer faith and less repul- A Jrt?MADSv)N A OCKE1 ,s ti sive social usages. The fact DEALERS IN that their zeal is a zeal without ure Drugs and Medicines, Fancy fa knowledge, only makes them the more successful with the igGodos, Toilet Articles, Toys, norant and debased. They have Statinery, Candy, Tonow missions in England, Scotbacco, Cigars, Etc. land, Wales, 'France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Sweden. Norway, Switzerland, Malta,' Gibral- Orders by mail prompily attendLJ tar, Ilindoostan, Australia, Siam; 3 ed to. Ceylon. China, Chilia, China, the at Located Manti, two door West Indies, the Sandwich Store anufactuierh cf south of Co-oNew Zealand, Iceland, on the banks of the Nile, and even ' MONUMENTS . ;n the Holy Land. The book of " Mormon is now published in "sa many languages. On this contifI nent they are co'ouizing for reli- Headstones, Tablets Mhatcrt .hies, Sills, Caps, gious and politic d control, and A T T A R N E Y AtLAW , Arches, Corners, some ofthc best .portions of Ar'-- . New Mexico, j etc., also dealers zona, Wyoming Cq mk Sa in the celebrate San Idaho, and C lorado,- are, to Pete V1 iite Oolite Stone, some extent,under Mormon domOilice at Court House ination. P. O. Box S. The above shows hmn ignormt hhLY 77, UTAH. j the Mormons arc. The extent of their missionary Lbor, newspaD-' N Mtm; II. OLSTEN, M. i n a pers and books publi-hcnumber of languages etc. 2hr ' on. hriiicum aiul ignomnt. j Li. ! . BAR SG- He naui s tne following wit to prove his continuous g t .x MerolianciiQo.- - al nes-e- s account the 4th., all over the o l MOUNT 21 E. 13c. 3qc. and see for your elves. Salt Lake, tele lt:. plied a highly sens-tiuna- 3b per doz 5 to 7c. per lb 1211 Eggs ei Lund oilice at Salt Lake City, Utah, July 7, 1SS5. Notice is hereby given that the f 'Rowing named settlors have filed I'.odee of their intention to n .. make final proof in support of w W tV-iclaims, and that said proof will be made before the judg or J Dealers in J in h:s absence the county clerk at Manti, San Pete county, Utah on Saturday, August 15, ltRi G-onerviz: Mette Maria Strate, w don of John II. A. Strate, II. E.5U7P, Trans. D. S. 07 17, for the E. ot the largest establishment in the county. Gallon us for the S. W. $ and Lois 3 and 4, Sec. 30. T. 15. S. of R 4 E. - 0 0 D G A I N He names tbe following witcontinuous nesses to prove his ANDREW MADSON, Superintendent. residence upon, and cultivation C1IA S. HAMPSHIRE , Solemn n , of said land, viz : Isaac M. All red, Nils B. Adler, Meremus Lund, Joseph P. Lund, all o' Y is Spring Citv, Utah. u Reor be Also lore the Register ceiver at Salt City, Utah, on Saturday, Aug 1st 15, 1Sn5 viz: Jolm II. Shi fir, Declaratory Statement, No. 9202, fo the S. E. i S. E. 4 Sec. 1, and N. E. i N. E. i Sec. 12, T. 26, S. It. e Juhn Reid, Manti b-- . Ft S3J)SIB IK t'orXl'Y OFFICERS. The lilt e infant f Loin- Dove. oux, ouiii.cd witn me m r NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION No. 2021. Uouncdini n, L. T. Tuttle, cf t FRIDAY, JULY IT, 1SS5. SAN FETE COUNTY, UTAH, pe$t!c-me:i- Miss )i:m te TJO.Y: , yt-ur- St i Tiis Homs Sominsl: ' me u I Vu S: r A ! r r U 9 I (b . F P -U-R -No-I-T-U-R pZi:-(- -- E-.- "ST tN3; The Woven Wire Mattresses at $6.00. R-"an- . p. PICTURE FRAMES YIADE TO ORDER. ,V IT , i !U j Ilean-h-stonos- - - 1 , J osIMSit'l- - d DANIEL HARRINGTON. .THE PEOPLES CHOICE. ' ! ,d vfi. to. e at, Sentinel office, Manti Utah. SHu X. "it .hXs. EPHRAIM CITY , UTAH. :Spf - i tx2 Office at Drug Vto.e-iS'uvgeon of the San Pete ;i Con-ultatu- Notary Public. Notary work carefully alien & j ; 3oo2 ptR -- Bread Office, Moron 4 ir.daV, rom 1 2 m. t "Mt. fleasant even p- m T.i Hess. - P nm1 i 4 '41 P i 2- - c, , t rjcr EHlt!i5agf a |