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Show 1 as piTsi.u'-unwurth the s. itur dinner with them I of Ai .ir,'.ni utizc.a-- . kindness. name their resist proffered A WctUy Xewi aper. A writer in a. Boston journal, I was aske i on our way home ft-months ago, says that b a Devoted to the general interest of what was my religeous the abandonment of polygamy, peopleof San Fete and surround-- in:ltiou the reply seemed to con- - Mormonism is likely to improve vul-- e her Ids Counties she did not f dnt hut and become one the respectable i time before she Christuin sects, as its some i" it was ' natural her resumed appearance ; teachings are the suno as those IX Id uiuixgto.v, Editor 1 tlrink she had invit d a Mor- f all orthodox churches. .That mult to dimer and more than the system did not come into ex- SAX TET COUNTY". that had given me rooms in their ' through the jc H,JK ,f rebefore time a was h aw. It long sn,aulJing manuseri it lts theolotlieir to invit'd was To the established person itjj semblance to agxui must te apparent that in uoi.it! hospitality. It was nut long, gy led the author of the Book of ! T .'I1.1" Mormon to imitate its antique gm.Tal in bjw . our books, and the r.s,.ro doetrins were As the Spaulding story is i nee, S in Pet-0l,a 'I nut so false as she suppos.-d- . And is'now exploded some other inby any o her county of the that I comman led respect not- vention will no doubt lie resorted Tcrritorv. C rt i ilv in many withstanding my despised relig- to. It is an absurd idea, they !s a paramount ion. respects she think, th ,t there has been any to a lady elo- modern revelation, and they do introduced was I borders her Within position. we iind not only suei ior agri- cutionist the oilier day, by my nut seem to realize the fact that cultural resources winch have landlady, and in conversation, Mormonism was opposed before wo n for this cction the she asued, an how far have pulvgamv was reveale 1 or prae- y i of tlie granary of viu come to attend enllege? tked. appdlition IdSOlTS, Utah, but this county contiius O.i, about two thousand miles, Indeed, so far, and Ann Arbor, May 30, IS S3. fine and almost inexhaustible de- I answered. Utah." s for where is teat, posits of coal, good seen I have inder w ; then fair Water and lumber you supwod, arc TOWN INCORPORATIONS. out Morion withtin is ova there, rs an and you wabT p plies I a am al owing to the extensive moist riot nri", are you?" yes, The importance of this exigenlire and high altitude of the repr curative of that despised ! are indeed Sect. .a Weil, cy is so apparent that in my you ei uiity good gra.ing country which has already giwn quite an the first live one I ever saw, I travels I h tve been surprised that the towns have not come impetus to the stock in lustry. must take a good look at you To le sure there are muiy other you look like oilier people, and under the law passed by our counties in the Tcrrit ry which ratlu r good natured I should legislature relative thereto. The Oh yes," said the lady slovenly kept streets, the lack of po-- s say. many of the above f house. tho income of local If all the Morof the it wo th.it maintiin but would be a ddlieult thing to fin mons are as gentlemenly and dram shops, the nuis nice of ' I would sheep herds, the 100 and 1 powers pleasant as Mr. any one county in the briner all prejudice. couched in the said law seem to my ritory which contains so mmy lose out me of Israelites dm there manv Are s paramount .importnatural, iuate advantages as asked elocutionist. the w there? Take liieh live. ance that the people of tho--we in the one Salt Lake county, for iivd nice, Do you meanMormonites.4No, towns of requisite p filiation should immediately avail themthe most densely popu! ited and wli it do they call the Gentiles has ; selves of its protection. Among richest county in the Territory, yes there been quite an increase of late the poivejs vesta I conspicously and we find that it lias not a 8 coal mine within it, limiK years, etc. The question of are- these. 1. To purchase an 1 h d I real Its timber risounvs nr. ery polygamy was then brought up but I took my departure about estate) etc. Its agr.eultur.il meagre. for that time for school. 2. To prevent, abate, and are quite inad-qiiu- 'e are absurd remove nuisances. adopt measurthe demands, and were it net. Many questions that it contains tho eipitalanri ask d, and much sympithy is es for public health. ; 3. To purchase, hoi 1, own, liwtrojiolis of tiu Terrporv and expressed tint such anioe young that it received succor and pat- man should he a Mormon. .Our and lay out graveyards, or Cem-o- t irieS) regulate the burial of tho ronage from th surrounding people have been described so counties its plane, so far ns long as degraded, ignorant hea- dead. 4. Tojestrain the running at trinsio imbpenderico is cunCerii-od- , thens, that it is surprising to would lie greutlv lowered. strangers to learn that a person large of animal etc References might also be made with ordinary intelligence can be f. To provide fur tlic profec-- , Mormon. a to Utah and other counties which tion of shade trees, etc. I met a young man here that June the semblance of weiltli G. To license, tax, etc. the and posterity, ami yet our coun- had trouble in Utah, and he told selling of liquor, etc. 7. To license or suppress ty would lose nothing by com- me that lie had been asked mapy parison. Still while it is proper times if he was not afraid of under some circumstances shows, that we should f el somewhat ex- being killed by the Mormons, exhibitations, etc. ultant that d ime nature lias be- while lie Was there. 8. To restrain and punish vacan I ever stowed her gifts so luvi-hl- v read an scarcely Upon grants, prostitutes, libertines. the county in which we live, we eastern paper without noticing ft, To appoint policemen and should not forget that there is some slur at the Mormons, espe- watchmen. much for us t do in developing cially by the professed Christians, 10. To prohibit g unbling, these natural aiLan'agcs. We generally snubbing us as worse drunkenness, riot, noise, disorshould not fail to see to it that than tho Chinese or other hea- derly asSv'mblage. 11. To levy and collect a prothe governmental affairs of our thens. The following goes to show the scribed tax. growing and important commonwealth are ad frugally and pro- spirit of boasted free Americans ; 12. To la out th6 stVeets, gressively, administered in the - The arrival of twelve Mor- lanes, alleys, sidewalks, prevent future as they have been in the mon Elders with four hundred encumbrances, etc. 13. To lay out and repair past,- so that our county may converts, by steamship, in New still continue to bo solvent anil York from Europe, calls atten- canals, water ditches, etc. that we may command that re-- tion to the means by which the 14. To prevent horse racing cot an importance which our Muriiloa system is kept up. If or immoderate driving, and position so justly Congress should pass a law au17. To prevent the running warrant. Again too, the near thorizing the arrest and punish- at large of dogs and to tax the ment of Moralon agents who same, etc., etc. future 6 VMM see some fine industries stArb'd, for, bring recruits to this country, i?EC. 8. The ho tad of trustees bejt known we have facilities the sending back to Europ of can sue and recover lines and far such enterprises and it would the converts and fininjg steampenalties, thee have prescribed ruuteijally add to the Wealth of ships which land them on our less lhait the Territory has preour county if we had not only shores, as may bo ilorid with pau- scribed for like crimes, etc., etc. several pood wtfoleh mills estab- pers and criminal?) this pradtico As it now stands the towns arc lished here ; but wo could with might bo broken up. Chinese powerless in all of these things, the great t propriety establi-- h are forbidden to land in the except suits are planted in the other industries, smell ds tanner- United States, sd are laboring name of tlie people, etc., and peries 'gypsum or plu-to- f of Paris men brought over under contract haps somewhat on the opinion of to work, and it is' equally easy the Work, etc., etc. prosecuting attorney as to These points afe of the great- to prohibit the introduction Into feasibility. est co corn to the. citizens of the country of other undesirable Beside all revenue as to license lies county, and we trust that emigrants. Surely as it 1 a props from liquor selling, pool tables, Some of our euterpriring men or to pprohibit tho assisted Inlmi- - etc.) Boats to the county seats will foim companies and estab- gration of men Under contracts the exigencies of the tratlies are lish industries and en'erprises that debase labor, it ought to be left to the local infested with the that will furnish gmd employ-me- n equally easy to prohibit the as- pest. for many of our people dur- sisted immigration of the dupes The necessities of quarantine ing the long winter season. For t)f polygamous Mormons who do regulations are held subject to it not infrequently lleppeiis fhat bast? Womanhood. and There has bedn d time that unpleasantwithcontingencies, mauy of our farmers spend More no provisions as certainly or as much during the winter this country was the asylum of to ways, easements, etc., we need home for tho op- some legal Season than they have earned the free--Hi power to determine. during (he summer, alid this for pressed, who dardd to believe m all means let little towns By the simple reason that there are God according to the dictates of incorporate and have protection, no avenues by which weft k fan theif dwh conscience ; hut it ap- revenue, law and order. YZ. be reached during the wintah pears to be no niofe. m4. This country was cVen thd as FELT BROS.", ylum of conVcts whoii the prisMORMON QUESTIONS, ons became too crowded in England, and Virginia wils made up Provo NeiVu Depot, EniTOR Se.vtixex : About the of paUper element Until resented firel question out is asktM by by our" independence. Books, Shttionefv, Magarines What would have built up t!ii' strailger'b is, what denomiilatlon Periodicals arid Newspape'g bi do you belong to. or what Me country if the' persecn all kinds. vour politics? I had ,ta!tn tions of Europe religious had not driven rooms with a Methodist family, away their best blood f And.agalh, fend seemed to hrfvp gaiind tldr what Would have, Built up Utah THe Best Sfvippiy Houi tAhu good graft. Attended fhuhdi and made the deSert waste So of Lake City. oocnriunally, ntld the landlady feitileif it bad not been for bUr Konld oftin invite fne to remain emigrants, striving to Orders by mail eolicited. tof S'nrJday sc'ho ff which being hifuy serve God. leaving the edns fi dinrsos hour, I declined. Upon quencps of farfmn? to falMvr: CENTRE ST.; PROVQ being Ths Heme Sentinel 1 as-- ur tiu: I could take S: III ! ar v e 1 d1'-c- r.. coulluot"1 j 1 ntial , t : I , ob.-trv- I- a.l i - 'P" pl ! 1 1 -- ju-tl- pb-ase- re-ou- ru ? 1 s-- j by-road- Cjf MEVW cJ V'S Ha CQU 1 Eft I s, O 50 IttilON SQUARE 1 I), fOR HEW YORK. SALE BY Ie the largest establishment in the county. wm mi - pn-iluc- GEIERAX oUT OF ORDER. ts &ood Call on us for Bargains. 1 t ANDREW MADSON, Superintendent. 1 GUA S, HAMPSHIRE, SiUmu, r liumu Him. dES5 - Lp TO THE FARMERS. THEt farmers of San Pete are invited to call and ex msN - amine the new Improved S I man-piifacturi- and world renouned snysya , , Waite A. Wood Twine Binding Harvester and Mowe at the MlTCllEL WAGON Yards, Ephraim. t!S5?0l a: a. mmm j The Mitchel Farm and Spring JohnDdfere&Co, Wagons; bC- - Sfflky and Hand Blows ; Gale Chilled Plows ahd Hay Rakes, and otlntr First Class' Farming Implements will be fof sale at the following place? ; S OOmiPTIYEa TO The aflvefllfer hTln been prtnnn?ntl cnnS Of that dread disease, Con.nmption, b7 a remedy, is anxlone to maka known to hi the mean of enre. To all who deair H, be will eend a copy of the prescription naed, (ran.) with th direction for preparing kml uelnr fct wme which they wiH lad a sure Cur h - iil1amilirgh. N. SL.-V- yt-n- Y- - J. P. MADSEN, rs ftUw-uflere- ,Asthma, the PraaortoriLsox, MANTl. - B. HANSEN, . . . : C. K. JvIAlTHOOD , 8lt I I ' h h bis youth. arivl lucvosrtwnuAl oi IriIUimIj ? , .j t'r fr'j fountain green. .. lin Of new by iutrodiicina ffOoas.indispamsable toall lamilie. will address fi hi U p.rtifiuiara. HKAI.TH POOD COM-PA- If. vn - . . Si. IS 4th ATcnne, Sew Toil rr JZr TrrtxTT3 JL U W r. fcure, cure. bifj, Irect.'ans, J. cured amrinpent 2 $1.01, Arid ht otlffr places in thcCoilntv: S b tm riiiian py msil w.V cent PRf itk for AVetrae) StwTytC) tfANSEN & CO.,..'. FAIRVIEW. h. ih Olsen, 4a vhvt.vl r.lEftCHArjTo.u. their profit, a Pleasant - t cyuiiiKihyTdery,U3tit4t h fa. low o uxai Dy iRUi.b Ca.,'a. 4 W. iINK,UY, Ai Mount GRANT ODELL A CO. . , |