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Show mtstm MISCELLANEOUS DOTS. David candla.nd. MANTI RADIES troops of ingenious youth wshall II. 11. Du EE, J. E. BuoUI, lie gathered round it, and hen tliiUri ia llei-t- . to the other!' Envelopes were first used in tecy.i Ladle Fu.ruiM)vj Geode Glass the me shall sjH-aRulUM'd hy pruvo FOUNDRY , . pf it objects, the purposes of its ua'f, Uruc(;it4, etc. , constructh.n. and the great and and Prices as low a j ths lowest, jIAimlNGT.ON A JAKEMAX glorious events with which it is Anaesthesia was discovered in - . A, J COX, SEO. M.UHINK COMPANY, shall rise from 1M4. connected, tlu-ratREBECCA the breast ejacuWAREHAU, SrpT, every youthful All ind- - of Manuf.u tuivis of Steam Ku-gl- u-, iom. The tjiei (toil, I 40) was made Boiler-- . Feeders, Manti, San Pete Co., U. T, lation. "Tumi Pump, OI- EI.XS in.y CAS tin 18.7.1. (m on .!io kV a. d ki;ts Castihull Danjei. Webstar. , Front-fur Ur..i-hr- d Mill 1 ng.Store Work, oil nrt lioticc, A WHAT IS HIS CREED? The iir.--t air pump was made line o Coffin,, and Coffin IVjiO- - Iron Wmk for .ails, Bridges in 1804, Util IT MISTAKE. FELT BB03 miifg- - kipt i no I., i it v mi bait, . huilding, I eiadug and Sash. t (By Q. W. Bungay.) Ma, liinery for Lath,)1 Weights, -- - Fimyo News The fir-- t dall v paper fjppe:uvd ill HIM, hlWi.S There is a young editor wanDepot,, Saw. (iii-- t, Mining and Molasses lie left a load of anthracite in earth the of i;A. Mill-preto and order ; In front of a puor widows door, dering on the face up j Books, Stationery, Magazines, S who formerly published a paper i pa iied. lxr). tlie deep snow frozen and Periodicals and Newspapers of io Jueifer maRlf The first white, fit Storm hake, Iowa, lip left anl t all kinds, ;(1u:,li'lM'1;'ir rT'l7 Temporary 17.L8, Emba!mmq miule hf the . there a day after the issue of Jonuetli' known as W rappel sir.tet and 6quare4mouu-tflinjpui Tho Best Supply House south a Spi Did Iron bought, of Halt Lake an4 moor. last paper, and is supposed to lx Cjulf.- - Hall. City, 0 i o fhe hrst iron strain smp was v i..,,.... crossing he State on foot hr get That was hjs deed,, Orders by mail solicited. HI.SI Mi, SAX I'H 1 t nlNH, mil. in built female infuriated 187). front L. S. WutTEHEAJ), irilpt. air away lie did It wU, ' CENTRE ST., FROVO. population. It seems there was What was hjs creed?" in lawere The watches imJe fipd a concert given by the young I mn npt ttell. Wit. II. OLSTEN. M. D. dies of the city, and the gallant Nuremberg in 1477. it:oit,es Durn stoke, Blessed "in his basket and hU young editor wrote it up in splenI GEO. M. BR0WM. and The area of tab is given t Surgeon, j J'AI I VO.V .NotiOEi K, IUOJ'lf ETOK, J. E. IkhUII. hpirian stme, did stylo. The same day he had -, ioile.short-horcat 8J.U70 snuare visited a herd of BOOTH k BROWN, ) fn sitting down and rising up; Dealer in I TAU, vEl'llllAlM in the a CITY, farmer tie owjt'vl ha the Jw by re When my ATTORNEYS Si COUNSELORS AT LAW. gave got, The hihe is the best hook in - inn re, icinity, nnd W wrote up the cattly Toilet Fun Ihemieals, Drugs. Office immediately north of 'dm Aduiu. foreman of the world, Articles. Wines and Liipiors U'itlwlding not the crust and dtp. also. 'Jhe cryss-cye- d First National Bank, Provo City. articles mixed of lice the Valthe for medicinal got lie took tlje lend Surgeon of the San 1cie puriscs. Attend to all kinds of legal busithe makes tlun nnnd tfie "The concert ris as follows; In each good task. Up (uiuijJlaUuii- at Uajl;n. d.t-'.'Hi ness in t" iV.' all the counties of the comi . ...71 Irescriptions accurately liliicc, Moroni, even given last evening by sixteen of body ri('h, What was hi creed?" Territory. Special attention pounded. Ktoriif hake mokt beautiful find .i.u.d.i v, mm 12 in. to 4 p lo. I did not ask. to s anvil was the settlement of the esgiven The was first ladies interesting young KITIUAIM, SauleteUo., UTAH. tates of deceased 1 SID, " in to botli America were persons, hrnuglit highly appreciated. They His charity was like the snow, local and foreign and to the colin a and dressed fall ; its sang elegantly Soft, whit?, and silent in lection and management of legaEvery absurdity has a eom-- j WILLIAM T. 11EN, Not like tile noisy winds that lily w most charming manner, winning cies and inheritances. Attend ; error for Jt defend audiof the entire is; pamon to Front shivering trees the leaves ; a the plaudit tn land LAND & BATE '.WiMid. ITU) entries, final proofs, conATTOKXKl the alwavs HR them talkative, pall ence, who pronounced tested short-horn- s and all kinds of entries, in the breed of finest For dower and weed, MANTI, - UTAH. ( Mlii-hand buMiiess. in dislike a A them of few of What are another; you country. E3. grouping balmy. rich brown itelor.but the majori- person take care to correct ill What was his creed?" ty are spotted brown and white, yourself by the gentle reproof, The poor may know, NOTICE TO ('IIEniTOllS, 5 Several of the heifers were fine Sj.i'at, E6 Niitiee Im hert-liA wise man will desire 13' the d no, animals, and THE Jle had gFeat faith in loaves of bodied, K. ef the Hiilli)Hstr:inr unil'lleneil use he v. than more urn to get O justly, may good pert bread. promise T RNF prove ., tSl:iO-iJ allies ,lecen-ei- l, to LiAVY, RV. i lie eieilit r ami all soberly, distribute cheerfully .and iFor hungry people, young and old. DnVing . leave eontentcdlv, Xtrifl. o'7 Saniii xitl If (V, Chili. , lo 1 And hopa inspired, kind words he , u ry i , tilt II, e rHUXXVGHAlHS g said u e Dio u,ur m m i .eter t tourt lloti-- e, 1 came from (lod. and Im To those he sheltered from the llielii-- l I'lililii Mi 'on ill 1, .ml .repo r John Maepherscm cold. ing hack to Hod; and I wont; he S;,i, H,l in -l lalur ill litre In Was a remarkable person ; have any gaps rtf deatli in the lVe iniini) , U i, Unit i we must feed, Mmiii(Sso For pi e Ini' llie tieilie t hi He stood six feet two ,i middle of my life. (iionji As well as pray, 'iliMi'C'i-IHilili of MlMUil the shoes. hi Within Ihimil'I. What was his creed? eon 1. y of Km IHe. slew he was And lLlli-Hi M e.l i, S in iele I cannot say, At Waterloo. Siiiitnl, iss',. April I.u rii i:u T. rriTi.K, In works he did not put his trust, j Aim oi- -i r ilnr. Never Shirt of "Its the Syng ; wurds never writ he Jlis faith in To Laf Too Mend, . Jle loved to share hi cup and crust Boot and NOTICE TO ('Him emus. With all mankind who needed it. KN 011(1 ( BOHNS ) A Attachment Tender In'Aime of need M iker. I ENSKN OKU ( E ) Dudes l.udding Mustache. No'iee - he ehv given hv the A friend was he, OKU ( " ) W knsen nnd l'sigiifil the administraior was M, What hjs creed? Be abbers! of the Estate ol Janies f. Shoa. t stys Fat, 1EPA111IN& He told not me, who was born on the last day or to the erediliHol. it Sp 'ei.tll v. . ' - w here I had the and all Encourage delayed year, J lie put hi trust in Heaveu.andhe having cfainis Worked well with hand and head ; would I been? against, the said deceased, t 'exini Sti'itt. Ladies are said to he working Sii oj: Home Enterprise hibit them ttiiii the in ee And what he gave in ehaTjfy - alvoitidiers itidn I' hi Sweetened his sleep and daily their way into tho watch business, ,"! BOOT. SHOE, and HA UN FSS because handsomer - firs m the ter produce they pnolii',-,,j ibis bread. and the advancement faces and delicate more hand ad said tn tin notice. take Let lis heetj, . than men. at Uanti.Snn Pele eu nt v, U. T. For life is breif. of intelligence by patronDated at Manti, ail l'ete Co., What was hia creed? A gentleman, when making his ; May 1, lSSA. What his belief?" will, added a clause that his wife Ieorol Ss.nv, izing' the County Paper. should which, he exA.iii.i.i sirator. (. JENSEN, A UO. DUTIES OF AXI ERICA N CIT- - plained, was to insure "that lie Every Merchant, Mechanic, Ar- 8. A.IK would have one person at least to IK IZENS. NOTICE TO (III EDITORS. r his death. deplore We have indulged in gratifytizan, ini! Professional Man who J'.S ATE of Join E. Christian-m'li,ileCome to with recollections the love, Is lielel.V given the me, m ing asi'if,Nntli-tf past, ' ' ait ( 13' the unilei.-ivneithe prosperity and pleasures of flush of the summer, says a Cleaning and Repairing dom-- ; desires to nerea.-i- - hD laisines- - anil tat noni.sti'at fix, of tlieministrator estate of the present, and high hopes for poet. We should think a royal at the very lowest price. Clo iKiiansen, UeceaseiJ, to John E, can distance a at the future," But let us remem- flush weuld he more useful ; but People living the reilit,irso'', ion) all persons havber that we have duties and obli- perhaps the poet dont under- apply to the firm for a box in will invife" tlimugli ilte ing claims against thesaitf ileeeaseif, which to send their watches by to I'Xhil'it tlieni wltli the necessary gations to perform, correspond- stand the game. Puck mail. voneiiers, m ithin four months after 0 ing to the blessings which wo en- s. llanife-Saddles, Harness llard-eolutnnsof rm; Si.xtixel. All r the first pulihriitiitn of this notiee, A A dootor in Warren, N. II.. ; , S jyto the sat. i aJoiinist rator nr war , Whips, Bridie-- , N ' Let us remember the trust, the makes his visits on snow, shoes. Tavern Clocks Made to Order at their residences in hags, H hl.Jl-S- , advertising judieionsly One lie in sacred a to ; l'fpliraiui ' City in the County of the day got caught trust, hedge, attaching .San IVte, CL . rich inheritance which we have and five of his patients recovered Four blocks east uf Borg A Jen-- j ' Zt I), Heil 1,1 Ephraim City U. T., Utah. Kiehtii Id. sens Shop, received from our fathers. Let before he was discovered and exdone wifi pay well A pi ss. I us feel our personal responsibili-- I tricated. Iliilimton Cirr It m ItKU,. Aiimiiiistiator (jEnHlilM- I). 'll HIST! ANSkN, ty, to the full extent of our povv-- J fm invest- ,, Ailininistrairix A er fdr and states that" the preser! influence, country paper of .inloiE. Christiansen, of the et.-itvation of the principles of civil several quarts of vest buttons nient j and religious liberty. And let were found on the floor of a pubI us remember 'that it is only re-- i lic hall after a humorous lecture Nolle for Publication. ligion, and morals, and kiiowl-- l the previous evening, and adds : r What .No. 1915.5. can to? concluedge, that can make men respect-- ) . speak more DRUGS HP Repairing promptly git tided DRUGS ! DRUGS . able and happy," under any form sively to the . excellence of 'the : .and Cilice at Salt Lake G'itv, of government. address? . . U. : o Let us hold fast the great truth Apiil ;l(). 1885. i Notice J that communities hereby given that are' reeponsi- Hold was first discovered in named settler has the as following well as individuals ; that Ualifornia in 1M4S. ble, filed notice of his intention to no is government MADSON A OCKEY respectable, if 4 make final proof in support of which is not just ; that without Sliips were first "copper-bottomehis claim, and that said proof ItditK in 17s:. unspotted purity of public faith, ilnio him! Fancy he made befoie the Probate will without sacred public principle, or in his absence the ' ,iidge ir ' fidelity, and honor, jio mere The entire Hebrew Bible was DEALERS IN ithfff Clerk of Emery county, forms County of Pr government,' no ma- printed in 14SS. U. T.. at the County Court to. of California can Leather. laws, chinery give dignity Dale. 17, 1., on House, at Ca.-tl-e to political society. In our The first steamboat plied the day 1885, viz: 15, ..line Monday, and generation let us seek to Hudson in 1,807. Pure Drugs and Medicines, Fancy Edward Smith, Transmuted II. raise and improve the moral senGoods, Toilet Articles, Toys, E No, 59;S(5, for .the S. W. j- N. timent, so that we inav look, not Thi Franciscans arrived in W. To-1 for a degraded, but for an j and hot 4, and W.-- S. W. Statinery, Candy, Englandjn 1224. Sec. 4. Tj i. 19 S., It. 8 E. (1(50 j vated and improved future. cnl J bacco, Cigars, Etc. Iiucx) And when both we and our uftefi The first lmrse railroad was He names tin; following wit-- 1 children shall have been con- built in 1,82(5-2iff. nesbcs to jiriivc his continuous signed to the house appointed attend mail Orders residence upon, and cultivation prompily by for all living, may love of counCoaches were first used in Engsaid laud,iz: Peter Ander- of, try and pride of country glow land in loti'.).' ed to. ei , ,ohii Y. Jensen, Azariah with equal fervor among those and Ro) rt Johnson, all Utah. Main io a; Tuttle Street, Richfield, our names and our The first baloon ascent was lira Castle of Dale, Emery Co., U. T. Of Located at Manti, opposite blood shall have descended. tnade in 1798. II. Me aster, Register. And then, when honored and StavncrA decrepit age shall lean against ' Simmons, Mahomraed was born at Mecca 7 ' Attorneys. the base of this monument, and jin 570. Office icuU. Poet ProcnpUy building. Store, in hs HomeSentinsl CO-O- I P, undertaker funeral director. e - I 4-t- . ! - Bra--an- s, ! -- I Cu.-tine- J ut ,9 t . I n JS fc - $ & I saw-mak- er - , - j ; tight-limbe- r , j Y-f- lt-1 iai-,,1- ki-im- .!, -- voiM-lier-- ex-lilt'- v iio-ie- ll m-- , go-jDl- I i - I II I Jacob Fikstad, MW; liKHIflii. oe d . ShoelUrl A . ! A J-- l!ns ,1 - .ifi.vr. , i H- i . niiii-ir-u- , ui J , -- - IMJojjt r iff U-Il 1 c e l, i f i eu-fo- m 1 -- - aifniin-istratrl- . t b g'-- Pit, - te - - i r OlM'l-HStl- l. , ! ! ( ; 1 5 l!, 8 ! d I lT jrJ ! i - Job PrihtipcT! 1 zu 7. 21-1- 00 j -- B Co-o- p. v x, |