OCR Text |
Show tru. n Cunti'.m MlO. V ILL 1. .iLlTE Pge fore the people kuew as much said abuut bicycles ns they do now, 'lit 2 .g , . m. t Aaini ic itlto It the man who has lived pratty much ana u ttieie is any thing in it that wl 11 all over the civll'zed world, according 1897.1 In thc.r j j.lg.-ijt,J lstify furiher pro- to the Detroit Free Press, there were ceedings m the case to proceed accord I'll t l F.VlULvD d fi. m i i v e All PROFESSIONAL Dr. M. 1!. Shipp Jr. .'.lummox, . I SAMUEL L PAGE. as law Of Job Work l old-time- trim-lookin- r, g ou are hereby notified that we have expend ed the sum ot three hundred dollars in labor and Improvements upon the lollowing miningeiaims iocated aud known as the Last Cham-o- , Whale, and Whale Extension, situate In Ohio Mining pitrict, Piute County.Utah, for the year 18UC,for the annual labor and assessment v.ork reo.ulred to bold by law for said one year respective said premises under ami pursuant to the provisions of section 2324 of the Revised Statutes of the United States. That this notice shall be pub' lished for ninety Rio) days. That if you fail ot refuse fur the period of ninety (90) days after the complete publication of this notice to contribute your prOorttons of such expenditures as coowners, your interest, in the said milling claims will be forfeited to and become the property of the undersigned by virtue of aud under the terms ot said section 2324. FRANCIS 1UUGHKY AND J. S.HACGHEY. Francis Hatishey, 1st pub. June 19, 97. Attomey for Petitioner. C.W. Jokes, No. 3384. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. young-fello- Aiiuouii'-cineiit- s send-of- H.m-eii- of Lo... Utah. BYRON OROO, M. W. woll-kuow- n -- mucu-talked-- -- At This Office t U. S. Liunl Office. .Salt LiiKe City, nti.li. ( July 22,1897. Notice li hereby ffiieu tliat the tollowing-nam-oi- l mc1 tlir has lllcti notice of I. Is lntrutlon to make final iuoo( iu.suiortot his claim, and that salil priKif will be made before the County Clcik ot Ilutc County, Utah, at Junction, Utah, mi scilemlicr l, l ''07 , viz. Isaiah Howes on II K No. Soso tor tho lot 3 S'4 N W qr Seo 4 Tp 28 8 R 3 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his cuntinunu-- residence upon anil cultivation of said la nl, vi: I'uos. Cutaway 8r. Cliarles Leonanl.TiKi.,. Calanay Jr., A. J. Kargeut, of Marvsvio, llute Co. V ih. H! RON llROi I J!. Ilil, J.il-31- , Register. " a i ; i 1 v hi my. m v Lucs-da.v- s, tali. At JoiIX Hard-Time- s 1 1 i.: p .1 (nip-)tryvrv- over-ruh- ptyvlffip. Salt Lake ' see-io- No. 3409. NOTICE n. w.-i- , ) 1 gsiider-shanke- d y t Dr. E. Smith, (JDENTIST.-Richfield Utah. B;OR rtJBLIC ation. Land Office, Salt l,uUe City, Uah. July 2t, 1897. Noiiee is l.er.'liy givi n that tho followlng-naedscttlct has filed notice uf his Intention to makt final proof In support of ids claim, and tliuisali proof will ho made lielmo tho County Clerk of Beaver County, nt Reaver Utah, on September Ik; 1897, vi. lid w aid N. Moigan on It E No. 9121 for for tlm N 4 N K qr SK qr N li qr Sec 32 S 8 W qr s NV qr HOC 33 'lp 29 S R7 W. He names the following witnesses to prove Ids eon' Iniious residence upon, and cultivation ofl, said land, viz: li.onas 31. Patterson, Edward N. I'aiP'rsoi, r.aiviu Holm, Wm. (!. .Mo .vers, of ' HYRON Reaver, rtuh. (IKOJ, ITauk 1). Ifohlis, Register. 1st Attorney, pub. July 31, 1897. . U. 9. I i d. slop-ove- Register. July 3rd. 1st pub. No. 3407. Tms-t.- e aiysval Mansfield, Attorney. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 3 LAWYER fm-llsd-e Office falt lake City, Utah. June 28, 1897. Notice Is hereby given that the following named lias filed notice o( Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wayne Count v, Utah, at Loa, Utah.on August 1M7, M.: J.noba S. ll.L.tlau II KNo. 8s2i) for Rv, K i.e V , Si'-4 See. : t Tp27 S R 3 East, no unities im lul.o.iiiih wuiii ,ses to prove lii9 continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of; said la .d. vi wlln I. Benjamin1 , K. rev n, Ain li;i Joseph Eekerslcy ( Gilbert Beebe. Tins land t Neatly Done ai NOTICE OF I ORFEI1 CUE. wrioht, Job Bbkth waits, and "okcr IIall. To Kkank : some funny things happened. pkvs:ci.'.a ingiy. never forget w hat occurrtd while I was One copy, one year Further comment between court and a frieud of mine running a Uoum ai tui lu?itLUk six in nths ?! e.iuusol ensued after which le wascou-O- l visiting A young in North Dakota, ranch three mouths up . Utah. eluded on behalf of ihe State to eub- on a vacation enme Mcnrce, Brown college boy on e wheel, the first Entered at the post office at Marvsv ale, Utah peonae County Commissioner there of Koosharem and one or two other through as second class matter, May .em, is '96 one the cowboys bad seen. Their com witm ssas needed, when Messrs Stew- ments on the maehlne were amusing ADVERTISING RATES. art & Oollius will cousult with them Wonder If thfi thing bucks? as) and the witnesses already in Junction LfeMllH OF TIME. ed oufi. Rope a steer from that sartdh ,' and act on the result of that consultaan hed throw .t: tion euhsr by way of tiling a complaiut grinned another, uu so far youd never know where AIAHYSYALEj AAxlI IWure a Justice or before Ills Honor,, InIn tie much good Wouldut lit, Wm. McCarty as committing magisfighting, declared an trate, or present in verbal report tv) jun aud a young fellow that the court their findings from that cou was the dude of the ranoh announced sulfation If It should not result in suffidisdainfully that be oould go farther to warrant further proceedings cient in a day on his broncho than the rtUuiiHHUU. iirLocalaimnotices'ti 10c(rillper hue brevier typo i seven ATTORNEY AT LAW egauist the accused officers. oould do in a week. words to l.net. This wound up all business ready Twelve lines of this (nonpareil) type to ail inch. I said Tell you what Ill do, Dick, ra.es on .ipphcaium for transaction at this sitting and Will practice in all luo Courts Stall) nup Obituai ies ciiuigeu for same as .ocal notices. to the boaster. Ill bet a humirul 9 at teial. TIM3E1? -- ANOS A SPECIALTY. ot lnui'l lages, baths and Oourt adjourned till Wednesday that he can oover fifty miles ou Heaths published hce. a, m., when the Mills murder case will can on In less time time than you UT tMARYSVALE, be taken up. I was snapped on every your pony.' WEDNESDAY, PEPT. 8th. a hand, even ray friend exprest-mWhen court convened Tuesday the to tap my pile on that willingness 7th, counsel f ir thestate appointed in same proposition. I acoouiudattd them this case by Mr, Collius, said that he all, as far as possible, and the lace - At - Law. hail fuliy investigated the case and was Attorney f fir next day. The arranged indictthe the causes leading up to was like a Fourth of July et lebra. ment and the manner of preeeedure lion. A Promptness and accuracy my motto. Hying start was mads ovir n of the Com ty Commissioners au d Utah. course over a Junction, found no cauae for action, therefoie he straightaway refive niiieaaiul trail, twenty Table Fc. 23. ask.d that the casb he dism sscvl and turn. Dick waa in his gayest attin J a effect July 26, 1397.) the motion was granted. H. VAS, MAIITLW np.i when my friend gave the taoprs No 0 Arrives a Belknap. from THE MILLS CARE of reSalt Lake Oty and all the word there was a At exaotly 9;lo. the uiteniiedi.itc points, - volvers mingled with yells that uium So 5 Leaves Lclkn..p, lor Ogden, Mills case was called, with the de.salt Lake i itv an al iuier- have readied the man at the turninr me iiatc point's, fendant In court, and Powers, tstraup No 21 Arttves at Beiku.ip fioiit Uio com is. AYiil piuctice .n Of oourse Dick forged ahead s' and Lippmau and Ferguson aud Frew post. and muinieiiiate pooits w his at the aud on .ool.iLvs, partisans start, ednesdavs as counsel lor dvfeuse, ami Samuel L. and Ilidavs, at me till my wairh railing No 23 Le iv i . I,, i. ,11,1,1, foi Tliistle and assisted by Pnge, Public Prusncutor, 2' Prom jit Attou.ioii Given to All Intel mediate points, on and plu went up against their i'lnusuavs and SaturHou. Wm. axing and C. W, Jones foi Entrusted. Business valuation. Things lad quietnl 5:30 a ill days, the State. The It. G.lt. is the short line from all Southa of lot sumk SIDE JACKSON AVENUE. we done EAST down had and OrUCE eastern Utah to bait Lake Uty and all points The first calling of the jury to fill east. so time sboil. seemtd the that ing, Ii Two trams daily from Salt I.ukefVy and Thisrvi the panel of 12 was made at Id o'clock, when tle junction to 'Denver, Omaha, Chicago, St. we saw my favorite coming on of was and the examination .aims and all pads of tire Uuited States, Canada jurors his wheel as though sn electric uioloi ibid Luiope. Judge Powers for the was For l.des, ihlouaatiou, etc., apply to agent, oommeuuod. i i i supplying the pow'er. He wr.s a BaiUn: n. .t I', i 12 defense challenged the jury upon the D. C. Di mi, e. scorcher and no mistake hunaped-uGeneral Manager. grounds that the Scale of Utah lias no There was a T t F. A. ADLtiuU, General Fasseuger Agent. strong disposition to qu- - A LAViT. t k 1 IgaaaVavA jury law, and that the alleged Jury tion bis ulaim of having gone eve-hence were never the laws passed, On aooount of Peach Day festivities inch of the mute, but when Dick e ii 'i Advocate Oiiia. at Grand Junction, Colorado, Sept. summoning and impanelling ot the iu, his mount In a completo nm if 7th, 8ih and 9th, the Rio Grande West- jurors present was not lawfui. The collspse and Dick with both ham!., m lilCJlFiZLD, VTJ11. ern will sell tickets Rditn '.y to Grand challenge was demuried toby cuu.,se the air above his head, the ciowi SSarOomtly Seut Of Hevier Couutj Junction, Colo., and return at rale of for the slate and the challenge was wilted gracefully and I bad enough to exThe defense noted an $14 09, Tickets will be sold Sept. 8lh a half interest in the ranch,' id mads a staudiug challenge buy a, ion, cept for to return. limited lith Sept, only, liOEES imr (2?o allowed) G. II. Hopkins, of the mode of summoning and Agent panelling jurors to continue throughThe case against the county t 'ark J AID liliKIK ATTORNEY. out the entire proceedure. reThe examination of the first panel atul county Atty for alterlug tlie lasted till noon, and out of the first cords wo in vetigatevl iu the distrioi Twenty five years experience. Cor-- i OFFIGlAL DIRECTORY. twelve ouly four were retained. On oourt and dismiased, for the simple espoudeioce SolicLcd. for act2 p. m, eight more reasou tiiat there was no cause at reconvening STATE OFFICIALS. ion against them, as at the time of the Utah. City jurors were called ami the examination continued throughout the eutire erasure the minutes wore not accepted or approved and signed by Ihe When adjournment Fkv.sk J.Caskox f J. L. Uawliss T. C. BAILS!'. uHrx-kt box was x board of commissioners, hence was not taken at 5 thejury H. Ki.vu. Representative to Congress, I!kiiekM. Wells hausted and only seven retained, viz: u public record. A better mods of proGovernor, Land aud Miui it if utlvrney frecretarv of State, JAirs T. Hammusi Mone it seems, would be fjr the coMorgan Richard' Morgan, Elmer Nay'. Tin mas cedure, State Auditor, All Imihness ironinlly attended to. James (jiipii.aii State treasurer, Rtin , U. 1). Johnson, C. mmissioners to adopt the minutes of -5 a A, C. lhsl oj Smith, John Attoinev kx,.pei icne j eai John li. Fan, P. Humphrey, G. A. Brown. Six of each meeting befote adjourning said Suiit. Public Instruction Charles v ano Rooim.D..! the thirty lumruonpd were absent bi d meeting. yG. W. kartell It'll: i::t:ii Bi.iliinff Supreme Judges. J. A. Mi'ii" the above Darned were left out of tin vh District Judge for Sixth District. Win. McCarty Sait Lake. 24 examined. An open venire foi State Senator foi Tenth Dis'ct., Lsa Wi gilt ot r.r.v uiah bAU lamp law. His State Kepresentative, 1iuto County, Jas. oi.d' e se u .oOtd oh ao Honor, Judge twelve more jurors was issued by the apparently thinks ho bus court returnable at 9 oclock Wednes- Powers, struck the suie piute County officials, day morning. in Piutecognty aud is ridl enough Two additional open venires were ; us, we Innocent people, to one oti Thursday for 15 jurors, cnling issued, the queens taste. We would advise William T.ikf J County Cletk J unction and one i n F riday for 6. In ad, Cl the to first read and 'CtJarafit to Judge Ei.la Recorder, jurors were summon' d aod 53 exam- memory the ten commandments, then luugston ined before the requited 12 st itabr liAlll.EF EbWAitn .. take a thorough course in etiquette if Assessor and Collector, y kooslitvrein men could be found, in addition to lie desires to leaye favorable impresJ. II. rtjui'its Sheriff the seveu above were, Christopher sions on iviai jsv alt the aristocratic Piutera. JosKlii S 'iivv Khhs frettsurer Junction Kotkie, J, E. Peterson, John WhitC. E. Wm. Johnson, O. E. Elder. jupt. of Schools, Fhillipp D SchoslDjr, Cire'.cviilc taker, Janies Thomas and S. L. Vvhf. The selection of the last named gen- At a convention Of the Ohio RepubU. B. D. Mineral Burveyor. Prosecuting Attorney, Marysv ale tleman Oemv made at 4 p. ni. I riday. licans held recently, it was fully deni County Ihy sician, COUNTY SURVEYOR Marysva.e Upon completion ot the panel, 8. L. oustrated that Mark Hanna is not a Marx stale R. IikWi rr, FOR i Dm n man as 'die hi O. with the (I. U.I" P, as he Page, Pulmc Prosecutor, made the popular Selectmen, i it. bitow N, Sn, h'lonmicii was denounced cc in most the the opening JhllEMl.iil I: sms soathlrg jury, jn Precinct Justice, M.irvsv-i'whicii he set tortu Hie facts as the terms. Glad to know that the parly av'AJ HI If. IX, Rotaries Public, ami accurately Rlate expect to prove, alter whioh the are Independent of the old bulldozer. Legal papers it, L. Mills, executed. N. n. "t v, Precinct ConsLbl aud surveys promptly of examination witiiosses lor the Htatp Al.nysvale Utah. beau wi'h Fenton Reynolds as first The Kloudy ke cruze seems to be a Salina, ha witncaj. Reynolds the passed some what, It hus already en ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF THE MAlLfc ordeal direct and was undergoing bating a great many suckers, but the B.iarcu .Attorney. Chas. W. Jones, ARKiVLS. cress examination with Judge Powers j time of attraction la of brief duration. North and Eastern mail In the District Court cf the tilxtb pouring hot shot in to him, wbeu the Jouthem mail DEPARTS. Pioneer left ih sorue of excitement Judicial District. County of Piute, , and anxley at Op. m. Friday and preNorth and Eastern mail We hope the new municipal reform State of Utah. lathe matter of the Luthern mail defor sa. breeze pn may uot be confined to muni- Estate of William Taylor Dennis, fcailyEvccptSinl.lv. oo a m. to 00 m. On pared p. postoflice open from 8 Notice. but ovar ceased. ent the cipalities may sweep indav from V:ni) m. to l:eop. m. ire state. Notlceis hereby giveu tuatTuesday Registry and Money Ordfr department open m. 6.00 to p. mJ.OOa. in. 13 The Ephraim Jhiterpriseaimounces L J0JfESP. the 2lst day of Benteiuber, 1897, t its eighth birth day and starts boldly cour An examination of the teachers of oclock a. the aud said of day iu, out units new yer. Tho Euterprize Piute County was held at Circieville of said court at Junction in the room LOCAL is a creditable paper and deserves last Monday and Tuesday. The County of Piute, State of Utah, has Here s Doping it gets it. IdORT ITEMS OF INTEREST TO THF public annual examination for appli-t- o been appointed as the time and place teach in the county. Those who un- for William PEOPLE HEREABOUT. proving tne will of said the ordeal were, Emma Petederwent hearfor and deceased, Dennis The Paugnitch Progress, to be, is Taylor rson, Miss Cbristeuseu, Alice Hayes Adelaide I, Hod. Fisher Harris, Hon, Charles slow in Ann of the application ing prugresaii g, apparently. We tilts Johnson, Josephine King, MaJlorrtll and James Chaffin are oJt ap- have been watching anxiously fur its Dennis for the issuance to her of lectors tilda Thompson, andPearl Dai ton. praising the state lauds this mouth arrival, but to date it appears not, testamentary Ihereon. of t the this Wm. H. Luke, county done pat They It is expeoted that rnct-- schools will Ckrk. last Saturday. Marysvaie turned out en masse to open about the 20th inet, 4ih. 1st Sept, pubiicatiou attend the court at Junciiou the pas. f Mrs Wm. Johnson of Circieville has week, hbuco local news is au absent Mr. Cbas. Jaoobs from S. E. C. who Ueen in attendance at the court at Jun is suteresied in Gold Mountain wts iu quantity. dtion during the past week, as report-fu- r town the fitst of tue week, This is the the Herald. rout swim's uoarul Aurtbur Louder andCuurles Judson Mr. Jacobs whose fame is connected 4 two young men from Pay sou, are mak- with the BunsLtue at aleronr; SALT LAKE LLPJ-L(Mr. Jas. Long of Koosharem, ing a canvassing tour of Southern SilJest, rt1hVt Superintendent, died at his Utah in the interest of me Penrose R. M. Rogers of Richfield who Is ene ?0 D DATLY liome last week from cancer in the Tailoring Company of Bpiingfleld, gaged in the photograph buisness has Oa per monltl. T Only mouth. Illinois. They hit the Vale last organized a theatrical ootnpaoy and is 1 month fir. 750, tor Usl enroute to Panguitc'u. now at Circieville where hietronp will 4 Sfieo jufcror.Lj axivusk Olrvct tofirst their oj. peal give play, Clothing, Dress Goods, Hats, Boots rij kktlau co.. Two more hotels have been added to '.tb'f?HoeH, Groceries and etc., cheap tait IaMm CUT, L tMx Lite Junction ilst of taverns. They aro a Pitbeiineis, Mrs T. C Wilburn is stoppi? at ihe the Morrill ana Hay Louse. Htfies bouse ut Junuiiou. bUKscRirriox terms. Kinds Uncos ( y No. 3437. , ; NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office. Salt I.ake City, Utali, Augusl 27, 197. Notice Is hereby giveu that the followlng-naned settler lids filed notice of his intention td make final proof In support of ids Malm and that said proof wilt he made before the County Clerk of Wayne County, Utah, at Loa, Utah, on October 9th, 18t7, viz: Ilyrum 8. Liston II E 9795 for tilt SE qr 8E qr Seo 34 Tp 29 8 R 5 E, Jiti N E qr Sts 3 and 8W qr NW qr 8ec2 Tp 898 R5 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of, said land, viz: Beth Taft, William Meeks of Thurber, Utah, Urban V. Stewart Thomas K. Forsyth Jr. of Grover, Utah. BYRON GROO', ' M. W, Mansfield, Register. I9t pub. Aug. 28. Atty for Claimant, i U. H. ( " LOTICU. I ) , Sevier CJouuty. giatv-mei'- t A v can-fiill- i 1 LAMS. pat-rouag- e. Y t on ty Kuoiin Unto All Men Wfcdnt , May Concern: That Thin Bolitho & Lewis of Riohfield, Utah, Dolayclaim tobethe CHEAlEST Hardware and Implement Merchants In Southern Utah oj any place else. Friends, It will pay you a big per cent, to Investigate what we say, and see 9 it is not a lack Come and pi ice our goods, even i if youdout want to buy. What Prices Did You Have To Pat For Stoves An d Hardware Before ' We Went To Selling Good zf Think for ouemomeut aud see who deserve? your puti onago. All w e have to say is, that if wAs dont sell you goods as cheap or cheaper thafi anyone else, we dont ask your patrourge i W4 have the largest stock of LIGHT and heavy HARDWARE, NAILS BAR3 WIRE, ROOFING IRON, HARDWOODS, BAR IRON, 8TOVE3, RANQE9 AND TINWARS that Ibis or a ny adjoining County lia s ever lute aud we will keep it as full and complete as it e possible toili). ho don't be afraid to come fi Riel liel u for goods this year, tor we have gi t.ieni, and cheaper than you can get them at any other town in the county. We - j nc , BEST-Thinkin- boLI i Buu-dn- y Especially Ask Yon To Give Us A Gall For DERING BINDERS, MOWERS, Ofe RAKES AND 1VV.NE. ALSO, BURG WAGONSWe aim to handle only the very best good!' and we guarantee every piece of Deering iua ehtnery to he of the lightest d"aTt in the w?rV Why? because they run on Roller aud ?Yi. Bearings. Dont be bluffed off by anyone teilr' j ou that they have got Just as good. The ter nunc t oo good, so buy the best. , THE DEERING IS THE . for all von one and past patrcr,-vv.t :i ii cerely tiust tnat you will increase '. e,n. , la ;iio futiiie. ( al; nil, i address . . :o Sfanted-i- in j & LEWIS rich field, utah. - v luca ISSSs! Irotct yonr Mpm; thr bring yuu wealth ft CO.. PtOnt Attor f Write JOHN WKIDKKBUR Jtey. Whlngton, D. C., fj r their $l,9UQ prlM Off iitft vi two iku&dr4 vwiiL 1 1 $lu r ' r |