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Show To Kid (icrnm Smoking proven t,i live of disease, according to a (vUdmitt d Viennee pro fessor of chemistry. lie estimates that the chances of a smoker ealehing dijiii therla, smallpox, cholera or other contagious disease whose germs are Inhaled through the throat and lungs, as comone In twenty pared to the eight. lie assorts that smoking tends to check the development of hncterln and kill them. It is well known that sniok lng Is forbidden by physicians and em ployes In lalxiratorics given over to tin cultivation and propagation of germ of different diseases for experiments Sinoke kills these minute organisms, and what applies to a chemist's workshop ap lies equully to the human body. 1 Ht'iifti Is a WORLD'S ATTRACTS ATTENTION OF ITS VICISSITUDES. T'rmlorf and Drought CyrloiM Kijuatoriul Kstin Hilt Has I5en Ls DK1omm1 Thau Earopt 1 Fortunate - tar lUuord. HE exceptional violence of the re-c-e n t tornado In Paris, analogous to, but, f ortunately, far less destructive than the fearful catastrophe at SL Louis in May, this year, attracts the r e aders attention xehurtvo. Mr, Tiptllt Well, of otiurao, b tloont vsNIi to humM r father anybody who romeauUra when drove a dray. When bilious or coitlvn, eat a f'aararei candy cathartic, cure guaranteed. lOe, i!Ti cities of over 10,00) Japan has forty-onextiviiH-l- X RAYS AND A JBE-CAU- TO CtTKE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo (Quinine Tablets. All Druggie ui refuud the money it it fail tocure. c (D WEATHER. y In-- to extraordinary vi- Western Man That woman schemes BALDNESS. 1I. .n i'npleasant El' prlne. Levy of Eau WUllam Claire, Wis,, who recently had an y examination of his skull made by Prof. Frederick S. Jones, at the physical laboratory of the Minnesota State University, had an experience In consequence not generally supposed to accompany that process, says the Baltimore American. Levy was shot In the head about ten years ago by an escaping bank defaulter. The bullet has been somewhere In his head ever since, and In July he made up his mind to have It located. Accordingly he came up and sat from 8 oclock In the morning till 10 at night for a Itoentgen-ra- y picture of his head. The bullet had passed Into his skull Just above the left ear, going toward the back of the head. After faking a couple of negatives they Anally found where the bullet was located. The doctors wrapped his head In wires, which were definitely located. A picture was taken through the skull from the front toward the back of the head, the tube from which the rays radiated being, for this purpose, placed inside his mouth. The picture thus secured showed the bullet very distinctly to be lying at the Junction of two of the wires, which crossed right under the occipital bone. It indicated also that the bullet had struck the back of the skull and turned forward again, for the point of the bullet, being further from the plate, showed dimmer on the negative. These exposures had taken up nearly the whole day, but the patient felt no bad effects at the time. He had been warned that the experiment might cause him the loss of hg hair, but that did not deter him from taking the risk. A very strong current, about 100,000 volts, had been passed through the tube in making the exposure. The next day Mr. Levy began to notice a peculiar effect on his skin wherever It had been most exposed to the rays and the hair on the right side of his head, which had been near the wire, began to fall out. In a few days the right side of his head was perfectly bald, his right ear had swollen to twice Its natural size and presented the same appearance as if very badly frozen. Sores were visible on his head; his mouth and throat were blistered so that he could not eat solid food for three weeks and his lipa were swollen, cracked and bleeding. In fact, the long exposure to the while giving him no pain at the time, seenv&d to have produced very similar effects to a very severe burn. Mr. Levy has recovered from the effects of his burns, but he still has half a bald head. He Is a plucky man, about thirty years' of age, and Intends to have the Investigations carried further and the bullet removed. He has already written to Prof. Jones asking for another sitting It Is necessary now to have a negativ showing how far below the surface the bullet Is located before the doctors decide whether the operation can be safe' ly performed. cissitudes of the world's weather during the last eighteen months, says the St. James Gazette. It will be observed Inhabitant. that storms of this locally violent character, entirely different from what are properly termed cyclones, at the close of a long period of drought such as we have lately exIs a constitutional disease end rrquiiinaconcti perienced. It would almost seem, Intutional remedy likoIloorisiSnrmimnllii. Thi deed, as though nature, weary of one medicine puriilus the blood and cures cuturrh type, swung over to the opposite with the petulant violence of a spoilt child. The tornadoes which peppered the middle states of America this spring id terminated a drought which affected a large portion of the same area so severely as to allow the bed of the Ohio river to bo worked for coal, reduced tathabost In fact the Ono True Illood Purlfkr. the fall at Niagara and lowered the St. unprecedented extent. Hoods Pills r,vh,nv;rLlu.,t1B Lawrence totheanarea of observation, we Extending find ever since February, 1895, equally abnormal conditions prevalent over India, Australia and the Pacific and A W I 1 one 1 nd strengthon rot axe t weaken od Indian oceans. For example, the southViapahoAMi f IMfl alerhie orau. east trade wind of the Indian ocean HD C QT ATC Hidlng tintks. Ollite Albany A I L Un Botel 01 k, J'rnv.T. Rocket Its twin brother, the southwest and k v nlutiltlt to 6 in ee llpitiH. nut monsoon of India, were very feeble SEALS, RUBBERSTATOii lost summer, the failure of the latter WoiLt A M ly, o , Jftlrt ltvtr. in re r Hoi causing a drought nearly down to famine mark In some parts of India. MA H1NIST Retmlm of MlMVI WllVUVJ Mftihlnery. iU ripe UimhIih.; itml etim.i-- ' Nock a (un i,., IHVW js It t reight 1 levator Coincidentally with and following these conditions on the Australian sldo 4u im f ( nh r't o Ih GROCERIES elo, Punier' lion n b fit of the ami Link. hugur, atmospheric wall (htint,fn. All l'kg tniToo In, bounding the southeast trades, aa exI CR N DIN G e- V,?, 4 ,;ifw yr-"- on traordinary prevalence of hot, dry BhiNts Hup, Itueignr bn I,min: r st northwest winds occurred right on to Lnwreiica DENVER BRUSH ! Victory, April, 1S9G, throughout Australia and ims'iea f pvtuy doi rl tiou Lrl mm, I'ity ;u irr t bond fm at do New Zealand, raising the temperature In New South Wales to such a height UBSraaQBKnKr. that the government actually carried people free by rail from the Interior to the coast In order to save their lives. M. C SMITH, ParatorNT. The temperature in Sydney ran up to such record heights as 106 and 108 deORES SOLD ON THE PUBLIC MARKET. Denver, Colo. grees, and even In New Zealand, except at the extreme southern end, the famous hot northwesters of the Canterbury district dried up the crops, while E. E. BURLINGAMES the North Island, especially near AuckASSAY 0FP1CE LABORATORY land, looked as though It had been Established tn Colorado. WA Humpies by mail or toasted In front of some Titanic Are. aipreut will receive prompt and carctul attention In contrast, but evidently In correGOLD AND SILVER BULLION spondence with those abnormal feaRsflnad, Malted and Aaaayad or Purrhatod. tures, the North Pacific was unusually Addreta. 1736 and 1738 Lawrence St. DENVER. C0LQ, stormy, Honolulu receiving quite an unusual supply of Kona, or winter THE COMPANY PAYft THE FPC1CH r while California, at the boundstorms, n their new steel horse irhtm. The Leader" of the District. foist 26 ton af rock 8UI feet each shift. 1m junta Will rods ary of the oceanic area, came in for lud reliable a an entfine It can be packed mtywhna Toward the polling-place- s cbm .... No cog tolled or a similar excess of Its curiously markof strong, active, but rather per ct nt. it ed winter rains. Elsewhere drought groups wrought iron ami ted ami will bona before breaking. Over Ml in one seedy men, talking the polyglot sfang seems to have been the mle. Rome running w(t limit one The of the school of the curbstone. yur dollar etpHUKe. We make horse One, low Nile was recently a formidable better Uoisia ut price, $25, 60, Yo !(!( $ l j dressed, cleaner shaved, strides obstacle to the Soudan expedition, and around the the violent resumption of rain over its briskly attended to. corner, and Is inHe shakes hands stantly basin, in common with the similar with each by his everybody, calling change which now seems to be every- Christian name or a .dm., part of it, for I where this world land terminating and on np Hnd fornn llluKtrated ciirular to TMR time is precious this Now WHIM CO.lhiCurtiRrviMLuver. Goto. drought, is creating a fresh scourge and then he throws morning. his arm about by promoting the conditions favorable the neck of a henchman, and whispers to the spread of cholera. a sentence or two in his ear, whereWINDSOR HOTEL, It Is not easy to discover even the upon the recipient of the favor hurries proximate causes for such a wide- away. This nabob is the leader of the DENVER. spread anomaly, or to draw a practical district on one side, or perhaps an almoral; but a general survey would ap- derman, or maybe even a candidate, Only First Class Hotel in the City pear to show' that the equatorial rain and these others are his workers, Centrally Located. bolt has been less developed than who share his chances, hopeful of recogusual, and that the atmosphere over nition if he succeeds, failing which the continents on either side of It has they will desert to the opposition and been less heaped up into narrow belts possibly squeal, Or betray damaging of high pressure and more uniformly secrets against him. He is now makspread over large surfaces. ing a round of the polls in his district Where this occurs tn summers we to be sure that his representatives are have the conditions which are favor- on duty near by, and are properly disable to drought, merging subsequently tributing his pasters to every one who when the lower air remains stationcan be induced to take and use them. (American rtan.) ary, as It did over the United States in The use of pasters, by the way, i Perfect Service. Table Unexcelled the spring, and gradually becomes abrogated under the new ballot law. Election Day in New York. charged with excessive heat and huby RATES: 00 to S3.50 per day. midity into those favorable to the Ernest Ingersoll, In the November CenThe only TURKISH BATHS In the state. of local storms and tornatury. The finest In the t, comuMttMl with t be production WU'dsor. Send for illustrated book. fioe. does. The storm nt Paris was due to J. A. WHUHN. Manager. such conditions, and the result of The Laugh Cure. stagnation, rather than an increase In There is a woman in Milpitas, Cal., the ordinary movements of the atmos- the victim of several The Best crushing sorphere. rows, who has a novel cure for deWaterproof AVhen the circulation over the north spondency, indigestion, insomnia and Atlantic is more than ordinarily vigor- kindred ills. It is Coat She unpatented. ous the energy is expended In the determined one day to throw off the !n tha larger horizontal movements, termed gloom which was making life a burWORLDJI cyclones, which frequently embrace an den in and about her and establish a area as large as Russia. It is only rule that she should laugh three times when these motions are so reduced as a day, whether occasion presented or to allow the warm lower air to penenot She traiued herself to laugh t trate the upper layers In places, like a heartily at the least provocation, and, The FISii I.HAND SLICKER Is warranted water flowing through a sink, and like without one, would retire war to her room toll and keep you dry in the hardest storm. 1 he prof, It to draw in the surrounding air in and make merry by herself. Now she uew FOMRLL bl.b KtU Is n pertett ridingcoat, and hew'ireot ItMtattuue, lvuf ooverthpnnres.iddle. rapidly rotating whirls, that tornadoes Is in excellent health and buoyant spirtuv a coat If tle Fuh Brand is not ou it. Illustra-tft- l Catalogue tho. A. J. TOWKK. Boston. Man, are generated. Such conditions, though its and her home has become a sunny common enough over a large land and delightful abode. Husband, chilor no pay. m.b RFfl.WFTTIWR cured area like the United States, are, for- dren, neighbors and friends were M. hOWAN. Milwaukee. Wi$ gradtunately, rendered rare In Europe by ually infected with mirth every day, -B.ok WH'SKY OPIUM IBIS. Dr. B. B. ...I virtue of Its latitude and geography; and now all of them are healthy, happy UUU.Bl, ATLAMA, j,a. ao that we need not conclude that the and wise. I, .encea w.,h Thoaipscns Eya Water. tornado epidemic will ever find a favorable breeding-groun- d over here. flDIIILI l,ab,ti wpl rtinl871. Thouvtn.ii Over the Turtle Soup. U I U 111 c Cheapest wnd best cure. Fhkk I mau Mumson It is odd that all the fast State 1h. Marsh, Quincy, MU h. Thoughtlessness. set should be so fond of such a slow FOR Thoughtlessness Is at a discount In animal as the turtle. luihiug or Proirudni PtlAvlfj Uiiort, sur4. this practical workaday world. An Not slow in our case, my Dr. Jumiteon REMEDY. PILE Mvpmuh. lug. Absorbs tuuionu a i .rcuiArs sent fr employer once asked a clerk why he boy. He is the first to get here. ExWo. ktunuu r ualLpouuet,ure. Dll UOMANkll. Phtl.. I'. failed to take advantage of an opporchange. tunity to make a good sale. I didn't think, sir! was the reply. That is Sumptuou. CURES mm ALL EL5k LAllS. fc no excuse, very justly rejoined the Best CooKh byrup. TaHcaGxKL Use P-Sumptuous performance? Well j In time. S'ld hr drucgito. P&i merchant; "you are paid to think. guess. Y'ou remember the scene where iSLMVilT4Q Perhaps half the failures to achieve the villain discovers that he doesnt success in life come of thoughtless- cut any ice? W N. U. D,uver. Sol. XIII. No. 48 883 ness. Brains were created not for orYea, perfectly. When writing to advertisers, please say that nament, but for use. The man who Well, they use real ice there. you saw the aJvertls'uient In this paper. tMakjg wins the race. I want to know. Detroit Tribuna a, Sarsaparilla Denver Directory. 1 1mm , t ret-er- i i j Minle-Ml- n high-pressu- re "far- , , t Denver Public Works, ooinmon-MfrtA- DO 1 visS SURE CURE D.1 PILES saRsyaasasiiESi Winter Dairying. It Is on s of natures laws that all animaU bring' forth their young in the spring of the year or in early summer time, at a time when nature has made ample provision for their sustenance. This is not tonfined to the animal kingdom alone, but extends through all the works of th ? great creator, says a writWith all er in Michigan Fanner. man's knowledge of chemistry and his ability to formulate what he calls a or scientific ration, he has never been able to fofmulate a food ratiop containing all the necessary elements In their proper ratio, as that supplied by nature in the various grasses In the spring and summer time. In grass we have a perfect ration for the development of animals the muscle formers and fat formers In their proper raklo, and when these are most abundant, nature brings forth its Increase. Whenever man interferes with these Jaws, the productions take on an artificial form, so that in the winter cow we have an artificial animal in fact, in some respects, all of our domesticated animals are an artificial production. They have been improved by man by selection and breeding, out of all semblance of the original. These artificial improvements in the course of time become so firmly fixed In the animal as to become transmissible. And her is the point I am driving at, that, recognizing these laws, the winter milker of the future must come from cents that have been bred in this direction, the better winter milkers their offspring will naturally be. For a good many years we have been winter dairying and working on this theory until I a.m sure that the calf from a cow that has been a winter milker from the time she came into work, i3 our best and most persistent milker. We have had calves equally well bred, cared for In the same manner, one from a cow that has always dropped her calves In the spring; the other from a cow that has dropped her calves In the fall, and the fall calf always made the most persistent, therefore most profitable, milker. One may get a cow from a calf dropped in the spring that will give a larger flow of milk for a short time, but it is the cow that gives a good amount of milk for a long time that is the most profitable cow. ststion, allays pam, eures wind colic. go Thats vhat people say when advised to take something to cure that cough. Have you ever noticed that the cough that goes away after awhile takes tha cougher along ? And he doesn't tome back! Ayers Cherry Pectoral Inllu-tnc- Did You Ever See an Indian? t Expect not, so send a stamp to the General Passenger Agent Colorado Midland railroad, Denver, and he will send you a tine colored picture of one. What makes all the girls dislike Beatrice so much? Why, you see she has naturally cut'y hair. Yiill away after awMe. centa a bottle. Th Fastest Tra n In the West. Is the famons Union TacKlc Overland Limped, running every day in the year, leaving Denver 6:30 p. in., Ogden 1:40 p. m. and Salt Lake 6:10 arriving p. m. day, and San Franeiaco 8 45 p. m. fallowing second dav out of Denver. This train carries through Pullman palace sleepers, Pullman dining ears (meals a la and the famous buffet library cars. carte) Quickest time, Denver to California, over by nine hours. Aak about it at the ticket office, 941 17th St corner Curtis. It Is khameful that the states have to leg.slate about womens theater hats. e Well, It dhows how little by? Individual men have with their wives. Cures Coughs, two-cen- Dont Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tonr Life Away. If you want to quit tobacco using ea!!y and forever, regain lost manhood, le made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and take Vigor, the wonder-worke- I I j r that makes weak men strong. Many gaa ten pounds In ten days. Over 4X).oK) cured. from your drupgist, Buy who will guarantee a cure. Booklet and sample Ad. Sterliug Itemedy Co., mailed free. Chicago or New York. There are fewer Roman Catholics, proportionately, in Sweden than iu any other European country only 810 out of a population of 4,744, 400. What organ shall buy? Why not buy the one which holds the worlds record for largest sales the Write for Illustrated Catalogue with prices, to Estey Organ Company, llrattleboro, Vt. PATENTS, TRADE MARKS Examination and Advice as to Patentability of Invent ion. bend for Inventors Guide, or how tdGetft O'FAKUELL & SON, Washington, D. 0 Patent. FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICA or just Don't Feel Well, time tables, etc. Foreigners complain that our railway stations are so far apart. Yes, thats what the governor of North Carolina said to the governor of South Carolina. Two bottles of Iisos Cure for Consumption cured me of a bad lung trouble. Mrs. J. Nichols. Irinceton. Iud.. March 30. 1895. LIVER PILLS are the One Thing to use. ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE. Samples mailed 25c. at Druggists free. Bosankn Mod. Co. 1hila. 1a. The Acme Lamp Stove They have Invented a method of photoIs that so? graphing in colors. I see. Well, its rough ou us red headed people. Just' try a 10c box of Cnsearets, the finest liver and bouel regulator ever made. I guess Well, are you ready for winter? so; neve pawned the and got back the W W w w w w V? V Will warm your room at a cost of 3 cents per day and not affect the light. Delivered on receipt of $1. ACME COHPANY 33 Wendell St. base-burne- Celebrating in 1S07 its seventy-firs- t birthday, The Companion offers its readers many exceptionally brilliant features The two hemispheres have been explored in search of attractive matter. V! vl vf w w ompa VI For the Whole Family. Mrs. Burton or ONE THE POPULAR Harrison1, WRITERS W W W W W W In addition to twenty-fiv- e staff writers two hunched of the most famons men fully aud women of both the Old and the New World, most the of fiction writers including popular and some of the most eminent statesmen, scientists, travellers aud musicians, are contributors to The Companion. FOR 1697. A delightful supply of fascinating Stories, Adventures, Serial Stories, Humorous and Travel Sketches, etc., are announced for the Volume for 1S97. The timely Editorials, the Current Eftmts, the Current Topics and Nature aud Science Departments give much valuable information every week. Send for Full Prospectus. Vt V? vf FREE to Jan. 1, 1897, with Beauliful Calendar. As a special offer The Youths Companion will be sent free, for the remainder of the year 1896, to all new subscribers. One of the most lieautiful Calendars issued this year will also be It is given to each new subscriber. made up of For.: Charming Pictures in color, beautifully executed. Its size is 10 by 24 inches, 'lhe subjects are delightfully attractive. This Calendar is published exclusively by The Youths Companion and could nr,t be Sold in Art Stores for less than one dollar. Distinguished Writers IAN MACLAREN. RUDYARD KIPLING. w HALL CAINE. FRANK R. STOCKTON. HAROLD FREDERIC. MADAME LILLIAN N0RDICA. CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER. STEPHEN CRANE. HAMLIN GARLAND. MAX 0'RELL. W. CLARK RUSSELL. ALICE LONGFELLOW. HON. THOMAS B. REED. ANDREW CARNEGIE. LIEUT. R. E. PEARY, D. S. N. DR. CYRUS EDS0N. DR. EDWARD EVERETT HALE. DR. LYMAN ABBOTT. And One Hundred Others. Vf Vf Vf Vt Vf Vf Vf Vf Vf V! Vf 52 Weeks for $1.75; Vf jiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiinMiiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Vf 12-Co- lor M V? w V? 700 Large Pages in Each Volume. VJ vf The V W Boston, Mass. - Vf I Calendar Vf FREE. Vf V? Vf THE YOUTHS COMPANION, Boston, Mass Germinating Nuts. The success of germinating nuts in the spring depends upon the condition of ripeness and the method of keeping them during the winter. Nuts should not be allowed to become too dry before burying in sand. When gathered too early the kernels shrivel up and have but little germinating power, hence they should not be gathered until the kernel Is full and plump. If there is any danger of mice getting into the boxes where they are hurled during the winter, wire netting should be nailed over them. Ex. m Important Notice! The only genuine Bakers Chocolate, celebrated for more than a century as a'de- bever licious, nutritious, and age, is put up in Blue Wrappers and Yel- low Labels. Be sure that the Yellow Label and our Trade-Mar- k are on every package. WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd., Dorchester, Mass. flesh-formi- German horticulturist recommends a new cherry, known as the Hochgenuss von Erfurt, which produces fruit as late as the month of October. The tree is a vigorous grower, with large foliage of dark green color, the fruit also being large, of a shining bright red color. Ripe! half-ripand green fruit are to be found on the tree at one and the same time, so that ripe fruit can be gathered for a period of from five to six weeks. A ng ; ! J e, Plenty of Clover. Plenty of clover will go a long way toward making a farm profitable. Think how many ways it can be utilized for pasture, for hay, for feeding the stock or feeding the land, sometimes serving the doub'e purpose of feeding the stock and then going back to the soil in the man-nriproduct. Fear not raising too much; it will always find a market. Ex. It requires brains and gumption to Ruccd in the dairy. I I The Qu'rkest Train to California The famous Union Pacific Overland Limited. d The fine.st, fastest and train out of Ieuver, carrying through sleepers dining cars, aud the elegantly appointed buffet library and smoking ears, aii lighted with Pint sell light, and heated steam. Cali at Union Pacific ticket olliee.by041 17th St., corner Curtis, for information, rates, $ A New Cherry 35 Mrs. nighy, dirt you get anything for Tommy congh while you were out? No; I didnt have any money hut a 5 bill, and I wouldnt break It for the world. If any colonies are queenless unite them with others. Keep the brood in the center of the hive if possible and the honey on the outside. All combs that are built by bees naturally contain too much drone comb. Foul brood is very contagious and will spread with great rapidity over an apiary. Curing honey simply means a proper evaporation of the water it contains. This is accomplished in the hive by a high degree of temperature, and can be done outside by maintaining the same conditions. Colonies that lack stores for winter should he fed the required quantity in the fall, and September is the best time to do it. It should be done while it Is yet warm enough to allow the bees to seal the stores over. Every colony should have 25 or 30 pounds of good sealed stores to bring them through to the first of May, with $ if good winter protection besides. It is far better to have a little too much V? stores than too little. Strong colonies of bees sometimes become suddenly depleted in numbers, with not enough left to keep up the V! necessary warmth to hatch the eggs. W This Is because no young bees have V7 been hatched, and the old ones, superannuated, left the hive in search of W food, and were not able to return. W Repairing Barns. Do not delay in having all necessary repairs ipade to cattle barns, stables and sheds. The nights are now becoming cold and stock should be housed. If the places in which they are kept are covered with leaky roofs, or the sides, doors and windows of the buildings are defective and the wind whistles through them the stock will suffer more than if they were allowed to remain altogether unsheltered. It is poor economy to waste food in warming buildings and barnyards. Any building in which you cannot keep comfortably warm is too cold for stock of any kind, and means loss of profit in the stock kept therein. See to it at once that this loss Is prevented by the making of all necessary repairs. Ex. It Mrs. Winslow's Hyrop forchiuren teething, softensSootiung thegumi. reduces lnlhtm. ed Notes for Beekeepers In various fact you need not doutd; ways pays her calls on balmy days. When all other durnes are out. Isa o ALL al - IJ IRSOUITF.I.Y frnmTmn book!t trff. At!. STFRMNG DRUGGISTS tn ,ar? nTCeoriwtipat!on. fnsrarRtK nr. Hi, JUxi tir,. B,T,r Trip or cnne.hyt nnx easy natural rcRiilt. Sgm-RF.ttEDT ( 0., Chirjivo, Mintr,sl, fan. . York. 11 ori I 2 1 |