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Show 8 STATE SCISSORINGS The PlUTF, POSEER. SATURDAY, J. F. : s November BRUNELL, tfewsy Notes Extracted from Exchanges. 28, 1896 The Argus changed hands again yesterday, Alma D. Katz, the former Eaton. and fell on the unfortunate boy killing him almost instantly. Two other boys were with him when the accldeut occurred, but were a short distance ahead and did not see the horse fall. When they looked back, they saw their companion "prostrate on the ground and the horse on top of him. They returned as quick as possible but could do nothing for the boy except to release him. Dr. Warner of Spanish Fork, happened along jest as the accident occurred, and on examination fouDd that life was quickly ebbing away, ahd the youth expired in about five minutes. Benjamin le a small plaoe, but It has a great many aooldehta of this kind, this being the fourth bby who haabeen accidentally killed within the pait yeaf. A young man named Urie, iff the employ of the R. G. W., fell from thi engine about 00 miles east of Thistle last Saturday night, and two trains passed over his bodr before it was found. The body was picked up In smali brag monte knd harried to Prove In a blaLket. A Deputy Bheriff at Eureka, In trying to arrest a tramp last week, shot s pedestrlap Urqugh both jegs. MAGLEBY & JOHNSON, Furniture and Lumber 9 o owner, being succeeded by II. W. B. Lath, Carpets, Kantner aud J. B. Bloor. 25 last purShingles, Mr. Kata, on August Baby Carriages, Doors and Windows. chased the paper from Mr. Bloor, Sub Bed-rooADVERTISING RATES. Sets, ct to a chattel mortgage fur some-tin- g I.K.WTH or TIME. 0 like $750, which he expected to 1 be able to renew, and the Outstanding indebtedness. He has paid hie running expenses elude he has been in V control and says he has materially reduced the debts- - Yesterday afternoon SOUTHERN UTAH- the chattel mortgage was foreclosed bov Double column d churned double and the transfer made to Mr. Kantner iatM and 35 per cent additional. who will be the business manager, laical notices 10c per line brevier type (seven Words to line). Mr. Bloor, whofylqmes the tripod and Twelve llne.4 of this (nonpareil) type to an Inch ' once more,., Special rates on application, libitum tea charged for same as local .notices. The closing of the doal,' between Announcements of marriages, Heaths published free. Mr. Kata and Messrs Rainer and Bloor Was entirely aihicable, and they N SUBSCRIPTION TfitiMS. parted last night od tits best of terms. bite copy, one your $2 00 Mr. Kalurr ranks as one of the fore100 most Cartoonists In ttie west and his all months I 0 60 three moutiia will a be lu line striking work tlot O jbarAdverUelng rates made known on et of the .Argos hereafter. fetidly njiplicatnin. -- Thomas Prloe of 8t. Georgs was knicred at, the post office at .Marvstale, Utah, killed lost week by tjejug thrown as second-clas- s matter, May noth, 18U6, known all over the Mate, died last benaath the wheels of a wagon loaded Monday. . hlU doming down a with In Piute couft Commissioners Oh Smithy! Where thou? mountain load, the brake 'gave Its final session next Price f td tuit the times holds ooUnty, Our readers will remember that w steep tile team to run, atld borne and tee us- (i n noil need iu the tuaue of Nov, 8th way Causing strhek a lurge boulder, Tuesday, (he Proprietor', ELSliiCiRE, XJTAfi wagon (hat Mr. J. K. F. Smith was to become Pride the to the ground, throwing li factor Iq the Longer. but owing to wheels as secretary passing over his chest. Dll ,yitH James G. Carlisle tile agreement h misunderstanding, Harrison of the treasury, for fpu escaped aud.yefit was mntiLUy rtoonsidcred and Mr. aseietanbe, bat Prloe dledboWe reach- secretary of the interior, and Mark nmiili I;) now aomewhofe In the un Hanna as postmaster general, president I home! , , kniivvti,(hafl proimlily teen drowned ing I,. G. Ball ipf I'gan, waij badly litcRInley could turn oat fisherman as lo the Journalistic sen and it. ie no has bis predecessor. in a runaway last week. , longer Krunellnnd Bmith, but Brunei injured was Bake, J. Salt J. O'JRilcy ,pf mill hlntaelf, IVe tides Mr. Smith's Nqw.ls the time for the McKinley of selling liquor to efficient sttvlfis, btt the Pioneer convicted last freest republicans to get lu their pr,ork, for Jin ceiled Mr. Smith here au I still sue minors and Sued $23.. there are several hundred Offices to 'be and Laird Fml . ms Liu railroad news dealers, were once friends supplied with Post Masters within the are now sworn enemies. They next four mouths. None but golditesj Of 'ill l.E lt the clt last week, the but on i h vr 111 a drunk iu Ziou tha other day, need apply. got uiler limt.a lengthy, conversation (TTT SEOES, BOOTS, T GROCEEIES, GOODS. Laird CRT he short when woke waB and up ", i'.ltn special Mark Hanna says be dont want agent of the genera a diamond flog valued at $150. He (ai d office recording Hie of olfioe. No wonder he dont! for he any (?flting Clflthing, Wagons and Machinery of taking It and had Tax-Paye- rs jiinber rauj the yiibllq liofqilu, of accused MNear Is superintendent of the whole works. Also good hotel accommodations, no In store evl the him arrested, but there was other county. than any hoB ijilneral. and Cheaper Who could ask for anything better? lands, i the rules end r.ghlntluqa governing deuoe aud the prisoner was discharged ;i a has Ogdeu supposed kidnapping i he muttf r ire tujjslnutjaiiy as follows JupoK O. W. Powers, Moses ' 5 Maggie Mercer being ltn with jm milts to ,cut timber, cae, and B. H. Roberts are the Thatcher, the victim. the The child dlsappeard lien ' three prominent, aspirants to the properly procured are allowed to cut tlmb-'- for the Stale uimrket from other day, vcry suddenly, and it Is United States senktorshlp from Utah, was stolen by her -- OFintidp; but no timber cut supposed thatshe. who next? secured-from who mother, divorpe $ om mlnchtl Ia,tqjs Is allowed to be ured for rtpy purpose except for domes her husband some months ago, the To btjn a newepaper without oc. State1, tic and mine Use.'iuid mines, In order to latter bejng awarded tie custody of caslonally publishing dn Item" that ds of hny mill in extended. search (filled v lake ndvantitfreof tlie.bDf, must Issue .. the child. An untrue or glveododse, la Ilka running :o:to ill raw any llgdit on the disappear t'eiliftoitte.of.cnVpIoyttlemi,(i) the mill a railroad VfRbout having amaahups Manufaotnrets slice of the child. li nt furnibhes them the lumber used and accidents. It pant be done. No A occurred at dill Jull Ogden very The snmf, ruling applies to railroad cor man in the world is so much imposed and Mouldings. Lumber one evenlng laSt wbek, wheu two prisas arf. editor of a newspaper, i poratlore In umfcing arrangements for upon aud Jolfhson, made tbelr oners, Smlti SHOULD UtteilClOCl ('it bIrJ other timbers. On tracts are "01X1618. DV continually, be had got poeeeslbn of a Pushed with wojk escape. t- They ! I )i ut rrcognlzt d, at njl. i most rely.'upon seoond and third par The (nau furn POR ORDERS J.T MILL- key to the stpolcage, and hail li not ties for information as to WMTVfd WO events 1'tdng the,timbtr must have a the I that uc is lit the employ been fur Uie alafm given by ja Uusty, that trsDipIrC. Frequently statements O. Address : would every prisoner lnthe county jail of ( he company. but reliable are received ;from people; have gotteu away.. 8oilth was- - recapi Again, if u man cuis timber, outside which are subsequently discovered to the motes aid bound of his permit, he tured pe!ar Oovlune, but hs' y'et no be without any foundation In faot. If of found. Johnson' has been LOCAL AGENT, Marysvale. H. VAN, liable to ibe government and may traoe therefore.klud' reader, you Hud yourAlfred Watkins of Midway went !S IreaTlly fined and Imprisoned for self by any statement In your huullng Tuesda Nov. lth, and full- localaggrieved that fact In It's lraiigreerlons,M paper mind.dont keep ing to return a searching party was t The attorney whu lakes into coueld-sntiio- u ofTthe handle," but go to the editor fly after the rules aiid regulations issued organized the following day, and' and hfiif for a corfectlor; and take our an allday hunt Watkins was found Vy the SecjetUjfy uf the Interior, as well word for it, nine cases out 6f ted if your Hi the lawt-iuo'fcannot mate a very silting on a log la? tho Umber stone easels jnst, you will be rsbhlved likes Have just received a carload of bad mistake, butlf he Considers the dead .The 'Indications were that 'the correction made and gentleman all kinds of . , or had be of heart failure f. either died s law alone Bud issues his ad vice Jliereou with pleasure. But, instead of this, If to froze As death'. storm had a'savere iis climtgare htruost sure to get iuto beeu rnging ln the hills, the lattef wss you gdafoQud blowing about tbeedltor (! cp trouble. decided to be the Uaute of death. The and bispaj)er dont be surprised if you treated with sdant hourtesy when I Often 111 be noticed In Country deceased was t)bout 30 yeari'of age and you visit tbe office. There are but a papers, a inert ton of Idleness and loaf- leaves a young wife and baby to mourn few us whd of faultless. are EX ing We are proud, to say that our his death. IJhe death of Joseph B. Rarryman uiiizeiia arenwi exception' to that rule,1 Somr action should be ta'ken' by , the Odr Stock is ths 4 of Mammoth, 'which occurred on tlul especially among the youth of tbe witter people regarding rurplus 11. is place,, we always notice them busy Monday Nov. 16th, the result of a that is running over tlie country. It llolwithstauding the occasloual haf-in- g lingering Ulnesa from nUner'e con- will prove detrimental to the hay about Uiwstotes id the evtnlug, sumption, removes another old timer meadows and besides la very disagree the bos vf MarytfVate and vicinity are from our mortal gne aud adds one able. more to the numtihr wfiohave goneko g ftrfifiy n'M IudusttioUs and r ) b ys. The, Idea of cout)uUally prospect over the divide. The deBkfOre election the cry ' of the forking prevAtUe hr ma.'uy'. cases, to ceased was forty-e- l x years of age and goldltes was MoKinley and prosperity. ilV; Ijtrlirf'aVof "the boys, ftiontal leaves a fanilfg'to mourn his loss, ta We now have thk former and will IbfuUteJr. ' Parents are too apt to lose whom the sympathy of the ooijntuunity anxiously await tbe latter. i t sight of the lmportaoee jd schooling will go out In their bereavement. He and let the boy remain. hat ftf 'School, was a member 6f Balt Lake Valley Dr. Wm. McCoy, an of ' that he. may earuA few1 Con tif each day, Lodge, A. O, U. W. and the funeral man Well known a and Marysvale A; here the lithe spoilt coutlnnously In service was held at Mammoth jn southern UtSh, was last Ahool would prove much more proflt-ab'- e Tuesday, under the .auSploOs of the throughout Saturday sentenced to serve term of Eureka lu the end. Lodge Wof knien, the burial of state ths in ptnlten-tar- y eight years, being in Eureka cemetery. for malpractice upon, the person -- DEALERS -The ETitor, j while lu Salt Lake IN- Burglars enterevl James Burning-ham- s of a woman Brovd. The woman at of store at Bountiful last weekend . ' (Sly last week, called otf the BeoSy die state I, and Bbarcf, and found that relieved him of, In the neighborhood died from the effect of tha opejatlon last spring. there ha.liieen filed hi .that office duly offlOO worth of goods, consisting of Jix appIleathSus for Schiuol Laud titles gloves, underwear, pocket knives, Assessor and collector, Peacock Piute County,' Garfield and Kane jewelry, etc. ' An entrance was effectus to inform tho Ibx payers request! ihree. tVe tffe dfr&ld that a large ed by removing a pane of glass from to bring along an extra 25cts, all who ilu m tier are going to lose tfieir homes one of 'the north, Windows. Three pay after Nov. 28th- i a FULL LINE OFS from carelessness, trampsvtwo of appeared to be Dagos" were seen In town just before dark and fIHTE8 NECESSITY. 1 'A ForfEibs correspondent Writes tliey are the parties suspected They WAKT v DIRECTCKY. Is hardly a tiling hat necessity Thete that the Sultan of Turkey .Is ooJ jrery seen later In Cvutrevllle and i on demands that does not lay within ,the Marysville Wants a bank, a AND A LARGE STOCK OF much preturhed." He Is highly in- Sunday motulng took treakfaet Ip, j drug Btore, another good doctor,' a goodf borders of Piute eouaty, but it only re! barber, and another good dance had. dignant ovef theactidu IhatEurdpean Farmington. In Cenlreville they en Heats and a glance to see thathCr resources Fresh' Groceries t quires For aDy of the above lines of business countries and America should Iiiterfere quired of some boys about the number, there fa no better opening than right itli his subjects for slaughtering the of stoles In that town, so it is evldeut are not utilized. There Is hardly a Specaii attention given to the Mining trade and Orders by k . here. f not be thataould beneperson greatly Armenlaus. , from this that their minds were on the ,u fited by developing these resources stores. but nearly everybody Is poor. Yet it GET VOIR MONEYS WORTH! The talk of contesting the state Mr, and Jrs. Jared Andersen, of seems I that the leading men of the election had belter be stopped. The American SALT LAKE HERALD, Fork, lost their watching our people hAveexpreesed theirseutlments child lust' week, , a severe co!4 country Blind idly oounty, Bliieat, BHjhteat and Scat. i all be should the snd ballots, through' having caused the llltfeone to choke or , DAtLY-tlO.- do' per annum, w iling to abide ! ' ' by thm, A contest todenjth. The funeral iWns held NovSSc per month. Thk Enfedern papers afe untirlDg In TRAVELING FOR ' L would only resulf in additional cr.st to ember 20th. !. Only , i HEADQUARTERS . their abase of silver and its advocates, per year, or 75o. for 8 montha !hc Qvcrtprdened taxpayer, tyid upon Fdtfie Hone, theli yeat-ol- d son Of the rsas'xu of this is I local Subscribe through ogertt all,,yyry plain, or end direct to convening, th'o . stale .legislature Henry Hqne of Benjamin met an unyou.: PLEASE AIMTO IS they are afraid, that the new Congress gSOUR THE HERAU) CO. wilf no doubl amend the elecypn, lar. timely deth last jveek,. He was riding, may hare a tendency to lean that 'Balt Lake City. Uuik. as it "pre- along tfte road from ''h'sequehlly, the matter, . to O; Mrs; Benjamin Way. nt Dsetf b US. should he Fork when the Official Paper of the County . a m FURNITURE AND HARDWARE CO. stock of all kinds! Keep on hand the largest of Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper, liiUoleUm, Pictures and Frames, Bedrobm Sets ahd Baby v S Also all kinds of Hardware from carpet tabk to a steel rahgfe Also Paints! i s IH i1 iH 1 t it e PIONEER Everybody J. OSTLUND & w i ges. . ; art Being tlie LEGAL MEDIUM CO. bommunication between , -- , t Q ! 'i ITlie mn-mlucr- r loiktoi?G i : nd tho County Officers Tropic Lumber Company.: the The largest capacity . Piute, Garfield and -- . V KaueCeuntys, Lath . i J t0. CretUlly certlfl-eaieshowti- ig Tropic, Giiirfioid C. TJtoli. Be in tho Homes of Alh MARTIN, M I U f .M M BOLITHO & LEWIS , . bieei Boxt?o0 Ca.it Hauges, gt Cooking & Heating Stoves Largest and the Lowest in Price iti Richfield. hnrd-wurk-Jh- Bolitho & Lewis! F. J. LYON & GO ; 1 , Merchandised General MINERS SUPPLIES, scarry Boots, Shoes) Hats ' Fruits Mall.t ; . . HOTEL STEWART. : SEWn-WEEKL- Y - Spanish bors8tumblc( - jr STEWART, Proprietress, Marysvale, Utah I wwe |