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Show !- - KEIUOU8 QUESTION. the slate L g ,! mi ili ii s all ov.-are q lestiouing the validity of the late eh ction hi Uti li. "All elections shall be by secret halthe lo', says Hection 8of Article f!ONge. LflUNELL SMITH, &. J, F. BRUNELL, Public Ert3. Editor It set ms 11 -- lVf St :tl roliHti! ut loll. RATES. ADVERTISING F. J. LYON & r i DLALERS CO., I Newsy Notes Extracted from Exchanges. Groceries I fiSTBpccial attention given to the Mining Trade Utah. Schoeber, Sevier County. Smniii Lrow n of Kichfh Id Is in J ul cl. argil! wiih assault to commit rape daughter of John upon the i Butler. HEADQUARTERS FOR TRAVELINO MEN.ii Mis John Hamilton of Buysville, near Ileber, was thrown from her DFOUR AIM IS TO PLEASE YOU buggy the other day and received a I bad cut over lie eye. Mrs. O. Marysvale, (barbs Roberts if Ogdeu bad a vvim in a big vat of beer Monday, He - At - Law. was walking bv the vut, loat his footA out. to swim ll had in. He ing and Promptness atid accuracy my motto. Ivl Logan, ft I Ityanand James Ryan -iiiui.e Into the eicamety at Kaysvllle INDEALERS Utah. recently and stole 200 poitnds of butter, n.cy wt te caught and are now in jail. McDaniel, ! John and Ann Mountford of Balt Lake are under arrest charged with ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW. .stealing $1 85 from James Tucker, a PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS. Lath, Curpeta, miner who died suddenly at their liume last w eek. Richfield, Utah. Sliiogles, Baby Carriages, sou of John Calvert Bed-rooThe Windows. and Doors Sets, Web'T county was thrown from a & JENNINGS SNYDER. horse recently and fell against a post. His skull was finctured and bis life is ATTORNEYS AT LAW; despaired of. I)r. William McCoy of Balt Lake Mr. Jennings has practiced twenty years, In E HSS CTA was found guilty of performing an the Supreme Courts of the States ar d United States. lie will attend in person all the District abortion upon Miss Iloiinelt of Provo. CO. Courts, heklln each county of this district. Sim Dugglns escaped punishment by turning slates evidence, Mrs. li. I. Hunter of Brigham City, U TAH, went to Ogden on election day to cast lu r first vote. ,Bbe is ovir sixty yertrs old atui remarked that il was quite an SAMUEL L PAGE. to rote. miles to go twenty experience F. J. Emerson Is under arrest In Balt Luke, charged with being the man who held up the Union Pacific traiu JIAKYSVALE, UTAH near Uintah. lie was arrested at h resilience at of the cards social game of Louis Cutler, near Bingham, and Sheriff Hardy is thoroughly convinced V 'that he ha got the light man. The suspect carried a nbtlCe froiif the conATTORNEY LAW. ductors brotherhood and had two ' switch keys in his pocket. The prisAdvocate Office. Proprietor, ELSINORE, UTAH. oner tells a very improbable story of when the job was Ids whereabouts RICHFIELD, tTAII , done. lie is a cool customer, and Ibe sheriff undoubtedly has au Important CSTCounty Seat of Sevier County. ; prisoner. Bart Dolton of Parosvnn w as bitten by a rattlesnake las week, lie had . . stooped down to remove the hobbles from a horse when he heard a loud rattle. He plue- d his hand behind him THAT AT LAW to raise up when the snuk8 struck WiU practice In all tile Courts State him, fastening its fangs in the end of anp Federal. TIMBER LANDS A SPECIALTY. his little flog. r. lie jerked his bund GOODS. GROCERIES BOOTS. SHOES, DRY up and Hie snake followed, clinging to MARYSVALE, UTAH the finger while Dalton swung and Clothing,. Wagons and Machinery enH in the the air flashed through than any other store In the county. Also good hotel accommodations deavor to whip the demon loose. After Cheaper flesh Several attempts of this kind the $ of the finger tore out and the snake was dashed lo the ground, lie was Il-y- ur-ol- Utah. Salina, nro like house Hive; thry minim tciiiby while It in lot, hut ns fon ns tin Ir siason D over tli y ians Gilbert Beehe. Utah STEWART, Proprietress, -- r)'itK JioVo Enqulier mnv cotu.r out ni.U e.iJls ( E. Allen u trnltor unil Fr (.iinon k i w ii Ilm n boy, anil 'iits It looks like iiu'i. ImfieJ. piy. . lot. dy It Is how, since 1 fie elec Iion Isovtr. Time bus been no one aiouiid lo pat ns on the hick unil eiiy, Aloni'oe "Y ti're nil light, my boy, for more lliiin u nuk. The monotony Is drt'iul Ii'Ait Diiuoeruts lire milking great j'r piimionsio cell brute Jackson day I.uke ity , and have Invited at Will in in J l'o vui to addriss ihem on tm day, If be adepts the Invitation j! wilt bonne of the grandest political celt bullions in ihe history of the state, C t. I'ltoM appi Hi anots the assurance of iMeKu lej s i b c;ion is awakening the all over inilu-urlo- Ihecoun-ti- y to in w lif aid ri in wed neilvltv. AV littl the pinplc w ho eo'itrol these en-tus u basis f if their reasonsec prises ing is imt isiblo to us, but we only ) ei lliCi invlgbraling breis' will Imt oilier see not rencb, only Utah, tarns of the west. ! po j Ox the third page of this issue will lie found an article under Hie caption, School I hi ml Title, to which We cull c pecl.il attention.. Kveiyone should vital interest to all rend L, as it Is to make application for whoexpict f spell lands. Ail applications should be mail.' mil eirit fu.ll.s and corn ctl.v, ft r If any rnr i cctirs therein a plications cornction, thus rpust be returned Incuriing loss of lime to both npp'icaut and boatd. for Hope iM, mil nn.kiih 1 ( elekllri? FURNITURE AND HARDWARE Keep on lmnd the largest stock of all kinds RICHFIELD, of Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper, Linoleum, Pictures and Frames, Bedroom Sets and Baby A550fKY A5 LAW Carriages. Also all kinds of Hardware from a carpet tack to a steel range. Also Paints Jontr Meteer, Oils. Windows and Doors. AT Ji Everybody Knows wt il K-ip- . 1 ild Uu-- bitlli: m 'jguuient preseutid godile orators. by the W, to August 31, 1896. I -- tn trcaVirv I'toeinber aist, Front lii oiiies in g r pio-pl- V' J4 93 30 00 5 LnmTo or, gTOrders .1, A'O tt'AITLXQ Address! O ae- - 1 ltecorUer's lees,, .,. Clerks fees yeomi'y portion).: TotnL. I 0 01 ,15 107 05 h rt 81178 Paiil out, as per warrants reileemeil 1,2,47 04 To fees amt salary lo prosocutim: attorI Secretary Carlisle n.-il. clans that be is tired of politics un.it will not be a candidate for UuiUd Hint s senator fn.ru Kentucky. As Kt Mucky legislature-eleis ltepub-llixiit would stem to be only a ease of tour graies. .When Renhb'lioatis a working legislative majority, not likely to seek for cundl-- d me Huy i;is to repr. sent i.htm iu the senate fioni mr.o.ig deiii A? the Demo era He camp John J. Carlisle is a j'ujfiticjil Lem d ct Arnold, and future gcaujitions will only know cf him as ct lae .m u, ney..., prison expenses court eiei!i's roail appropriations sick anil inilm, nt To books ami piiblisliiiig To misiellaiieous To assessor ami collector To county recorder 441 To just io lo lo .8" iui) Liabiiities, as r warrants unredeemed Credit lamoimt due from state on sam. ji'is? 04 175 00 $062 34 . in-- rits) I hereby certify that the f, , correct statement of IlmmWal,ini, u An! e.miity from Slst, to i, 1st .Ust, Is. 41, as ami nil bv ttie county 011 sioners OctolK.r loth, ts36. Anil I'mt' ifottACR Moukii.i,, County Clerk. Marysvale. 'V'HAVian. i Kangesy 7 Cooking & Heating Stoves Our Stock is the ROBBS MINIUG ATTORNEY. Twenty five years experience. Cor- Salt Lakfe City n. VAN, Utah. MARTIN, LAWYERS Will practice In All the courts. deg.16 No. East Thence North 00 deg.45mipi 600 fee lo.l the jilace Commencing at t to corner of beginning. dold Belt, whicji Belt Extension, and running ,, , Thenoe North 88 deg. West 600 feet to corner No.2, which is identical with corner No.2 of the Gold Belt Ex tensiom Thence North 10 deg.10 min.East 1500 eet to corner l4o.3,which Is . identical with corner No.3 of the Giles.,, Thenc South 88 deg.East 578.4 feet to qomey No.4. Thence South 29deg.l6 min. . , East 83. feet to corner No.5, 600 feet to corner No.2 which Is identi- cal with corner No.2 of the Gold Belt. Thence South 23 deg.East 1431 feet to. corner No.3. Thence South 88 deg. East 000 feet to corner; No.4. ; - . ' ! . -' being no conflicts. . ' The said mjninR claim befrg oi record in the office of tiie Recorder of the Ohio Mining district at Marysvale Utah, fn the Uohn(y and State, aforesaid. The presumed general ephrse or di-- . rection of tire said Hidden Treasure, fiord Belt."; Gold Belt Extension, and GffH, ConOcmdated , mining claihi, vein, lodes or mineral deposit hhd the number of feet claimed on the Pd5 ill 8scll ' direction from the point of discovery upon each of said claims as sulveyed and platted being shown upon the plat posted on the claim as near as can be determined from present develop cent; , find being as follows; the Hidden Treasure rune ; North 29 deg.09 min.West 1319. 7 feet from point of discovery; the Gold Belt rails.North 10 deg. 1200 feet and South io deg.16 niin. West 300 feet from, point of discovery; the Gold' Bel Extension runs North 23 deg. West 3 feet and South 23 deg.East 1431 feet from the point of dis r covery; the Giles runs Ncirth 10 deg.16 min, East-75feet and South lO dcg.ift, lujn.West 615 feet ' from point of discovery; the hearest known lo- cations being the Hard Cash, lot xo.47; the Pearl lot No.Jf.and the Edward lot No.55. I direct that tills notice be published In the Pivte Pioiebr published at Marysvale Utah. tire newspaper published nearest the said oonsol- -' ldated mining claim, for a period- of ten weeks,' '. Attorney. "Prompt Attention Given to All Business Entrusted. .. ' Utalj. Thence North 23 deg. West 1434 feet to corner No.l the place of beginning.Cammenc-- i iug at corner No.l of the Giles andi Thence South 10 deg. 16: running min. West 840 ,feet to corner No.2 Thence North 88 deg.Weat 130 feet to corner No.3 which is identical with corner No.3 of the Gold Belt. Thence-Sout10 deg.10 min.IVest 525 feet tc corner No.4 Thence North 88 deg; West 470 feet to comer No.5 Thence North IQ deg.10 min.East 1365 feet t? corner No.6 Thence South 88 deg. East 600 feet to corner No.l, the place or beginning , , The discovery' points of each of said lodes embraced in said consolidated claim being ehowd on the plat posted on the claim and filed with the application for patent. From corner No.l of the Hidden Treasure, U.S.M.M.No.l bears North 7 deg.19 min.West 3517.4 feet distant.' Frnm corner No.l of the Gold Belt,1 which Is Identical with corner No.l of the Gold Belt Extension, U.S.M.M.No.5 1 bears North 1 deg.51 min.East 5812 ..3 feet distant. From corner No.l of the GileU.S.Sl.M No.l bears North 3 deg.57 Inin; EasS !3o00. 2 feet distant. Said consolidated milting claim contains a total area of G8.88I aerts, all o whicn is hereby applied for, tfierfe , Marysvale TenP9 South 10 deg.10 min.West 1471 feet tp oornerNo.l the place of beginning, Commencing at corner No.l of the Gold Belt Extension, which is Identical with corner No.l of, thq Gold Belt. Thence North 8 deg. West Fratlk D.Hobbji . v . ,.y OFFICE EAST 8IDE.iJACK8Cft AVENUE. la Identical with corner No.l of the Gold 3 .. BYRON GROO ". . . Itegisici Ftr3tpub.Oct.l7th, ; No.3030' ; NOTICE FOR FUBLICATldN; I j U.S. Land Office; Salt Lake City, Utah; 1 September N otice is hereby given that the following-namesettler has filed notice cl his intention to. make final proof In Support of his claim, and that said' ! proof will be made befcretteCcnrty Clerk of . Waj-nCounty at Loa Utah, on Nov. 7th, lS9f viz: William 5L Richardson H E 10118, for the' SH SWM SWK SE'4 Sec. 20 and N Wit NEK of Section 29 Tp 29 S K E. He names the following withesses to prove his continues resl- dencenpo'n and cultivation cf, said ,ad; viz; . Rndolph Nazer:JosefH Cook,. A. George Richardson, cf Teastlafe, Uit-I ( 26, 1896. d BULLION HOTEL. e MINERS HOME! Largest and the Lowest in Price in Richfield. Wiire mid Kiiig, 00 10 67 55 101 13 247 30 23 I Hi tJRI 00 If, 2 50 " Liabilities, In excess of credit AGENT. TJtnli. Casti Rangesi, .II. W To shenlt s saUiry, eoustahles' fees amt Total r Stool $ 81t 78 arrants mireiteenieu 1 said that LOCAL V- - respondence Solicited. Have just received a tarload of r all kinds of . . i is ;q; AT MILL. BOLITHO' & LEWIS 1 It ORDERS FOR H. VAN, MARTIN, DISBURSEMENTS. .W Richfield - Utah. LAUD ASD Oarfleld Co, tigli .Hie sirste. ligislHiure to Total i . . 8'., 043 72 make mm Cniteii rSiati s- - senator from EXPENSE ITEMS. Ms state. U he Hitt J nlge Iowil'S is wv.r.l. ihe li gh honor oi lot, we are To A. J. Sariient, for prol'ate court, ,e- eeiutier, t'.ir, f 5 20 nut p.tp,.rtd to suv, l.'.H ii j uiw in To liielianl l!ri)WH,seii.,i'outitj eoimnis-60 00 sioner I'.unu g out b I'l'Jjr uekiig for, in- To James Whitaker, comity eimnnis- t o i f .s'ouer 2S 00 stead Hying ptucure U by uiutcr-gii'i- i. I W. II. Lyon, county commivsioucr.. ,1 () d w vlmu.d command To county i locks sui.oy to July Kt 58 uunpeiisation tor the lo UeaMuer's the ,u'nili'tiim of all. year IS'A. 4000 I I ath and Mouldings. 3S4 1 1, 'li transient lieril eounl, iiuil uropeiiy Ve)',eeim"t 8lier ill's tefs,: LDEKTI.ST,-)- ; ' :o:- by mail carelully attended to. Il-opit- -, RECEIPTS. roles. fax niTOiuit, rownft's' fur feslgn-iili.e i luditnansbip of Hie Demo cwitic S'ute ei nimittie, issind an address to the voters of tYtiih,iSi Which e he i pen ly and potntidly usk9 llie pc hoe 0. Piiite County, Utah,, From December 3 i, 195, Df. E, Smith, , Manufactures" CONDITION yt-icu- ATTORNEY The largest Capacity of any mill inthe'State, -- or- OF Utah. Lumber Company rropic STATIOI lSZVT FINANCIAL C.W. Jones, k msliioi-e-, - 'A Qu irtir of a Century of lriois, is the m me if a flue 9 b ntitlc pam-pliijompiled and wutteti by ' Daggett id yyo f f m r.d Kllsw'.orill elt Lake City. It gives tabulated iijid eoiii'ise iiguns show li g bow much gold li is nppn ciutid and siltjtr ilepre-- e ia d in the last twenjly-jvyetus, or mid , without argrhunt attvaiinj pU'seuiing t lit ui it c, cipher to miughl - J. OSTLUND & CO. or words to that ill'ct, was lenTnany ihikuis since. The letter , ncci ping if Thomas Watson, the vice presidential nominatioii from He 1opulisis, Ibe publication of which has been long jb fi rt e i. lias at last liberally disul with whiskey and it is hem made public, and in il Tminij thought ho will reo ver fiom Hie in Show's bis d;- sneplij d,s)i)si;ion ;o Hie j'l'T- fylleal extent, tu:ul it w ill have a nauseating i Ini ' upon those w 1m take the tumble to pet use it. lijeart, 1. m SOmnEBiX ftd. numerous' Bean and m flow 1 MAGLEBY & JOHNSON, Furniture and Lumber Ai: t;r the first thing lliebgUhilure kb.mihi do would be to amend the election laws and piovlde for the reimnie-ruiio- .i 'f judges of eleciiui, for the Work is much too arduous to he done for no Attorney Junction, on the back. October 12, 136. Practical Dentistry Heats and Fruits Phillipp and to Orders by Mail.a HOTEL STEWART. United States Land Office. City, Utah. Notice Is hereby given that the Gold Belt Stilling and Milting Company a corporation existing under and by virtue oi the laws of the State u Utah, by J. J. Stewart President and authorized agent, whose residence and post office address ALL KIXDS OF is Salt Lake City Utah, has made application fov a United States patent for the Hidden Treasure, . DEKTAL WORK CAREFULLY DONE Gold Belt, Gold Belt Extension and Giles, consolidated mining claim, consisting of 1319.7, 1500s 143,4 and 1365 lineal feet respectively thereof and surface ground as shown on the plat posted on the claim, being survey xo. 3273 and situated in the Ohio Mining District, Piute County rtsli and described In the field notes and plat of the I D- C. E. official survey on file iu this office, with magnetic variation of 16 deg. 20 Inin. East as follows at Writer No. I oi the U, B. D. Mineral Surveyor. Hidden Treasure and rtiiihing COUNTY SURVEYOR Thence South IQ Ueg. East 1000 feet to FOB Thence South 10 cleg. comer No.2 30 min. East 823 feet to corner No.c Thence South 66deg.45 min. West 297.4 Legal papers carefully and accurately drawn feet to corner No.4. TheDce North 29 and surveys promptly executed. min. West 1320 feet to cornet Marysvale A I.AItGE STOCK 0K1Z3 STATE SCISSORINGS Fresh Poi.lTH LINE 01'l Boots, Shoes, Hats and Dry Goods upon. its lccfpaet it si,e mill new cli.lhcf? A FULL ( J salt Lake ( I SCABBY TILSON, IN- - -- d MINERS SUPPLIES, as is done uiuhr the Australian sys-- t on, reiidi r Hot. i not sreret, and cite Mt'itc (India oa ) In h M) ill eidi d. If hey ire not si erel, tin n the elect inn must be i o isidei'i d void. Hi re is something fr the difeulid caminlati a to work Notice No. 2131 DR. Merchandised General ut iiumbi ring Ibe ballots, APPLICATION FOR PATENT. PROFESSIONAL. BULLION AVE. Bolftho & Lewis mm uzomeek Is the Official Of Piute, Garfield and Kane Gos. CLAS8 Accommodation. it. VAN MARTIN, Notary Legal care- fully prepared. Deeds, Mortgages, Quit Claims, Leases, eto. ' Powers of attorney drawn, and ac- knowledgements taken. General Real Estate Brokerage BYRON GROG, Register,' Fir?t pub. October srp . NOTJCE TO CREDItdRS. 3?ullic, papers promptly and 44 Ffank D. IIgIjIis, and Mining transacted. Gall on him. MSflTE or Point CROFttr, .'I J Notice is hereby given by tB tihdersichfdl administrator of tb? estate of Polly CrbsatW, deceased, to the creditors of and ail persons ll!linis tne said dceeased to exjH' hibit.'othem, witliagainst the vwtehers, within four montbs after thenecessary l!rt publication of tills notice to the said administrator, at his office in , e the buiidiug, tn Salt Lake City, iu the comity of Sait Lake, Utah. Hf.nhv Administrator of Estate of PoUyStrivgh.ut,. Croshuid, dec! Elated Uctober 26, 1896. R. D. R. THOjrpsotr, W Attorney for Estate- Hooper-Eldredg- - 31-- et |