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Show ITAH PKHRl'AflV lA ROWAN TIMES. lAHOV TAItiMiON.III notick him iiti.hatio. PlItl.K I MTKH MALE MTATKM lKI KH S T. (Var City HicompHiiied t lim j ART-- 1 serond largest brain li ill the lakes manage Company and ment of a To11 "r,lKe i," 01(1 Aleileo Mr. Ilohb has disposed of his home In Salt Lake and last week I1 flew to El I'aao to make urmove his family ratigements to Alotiday evening Air. I.eoua tone was hostess at a party Airs. Thelma Clow. honoring with her "Outer Air Alar) Robb of Cedar City rrotnpa tiled them ,st tiaoria to apend the day w m, ,u. ,rv lainnne.iii fain . for Sun-- i jjy T,y r,.trni., hi- - neat ami bom returned djy .il by an authorized staff rep more farm families re- - r ututive who will carry prop than city er credentials signed by an of i) o ire hospitalization the of higher fleer of the company. The (evident) because hi accidents on the lection offered by the National farms. I'suulty farmers do not Benefit plan will he available to ami families Uuve the opportunity to obtain both Individuals Residents of are who eligible. and a, .equate hospital surgical i the county can show their ap1 because they are self-em- and the benefit of uu port of ibis program by giving industrial group plan Is not available to them. Alan) who recently ridurnt'd to I tab spending several months (av ln pt,rt Lewis, Wash, where her. l.aud Management Hurra u of Allss ('list iiohliison reports was training, Thelma husband band A u wonderful trip to (tenver Iasi Surrey Office. Salt land her Utile daughter returnIii ke City, t'tah. Jan. 23, 1861. week where she visited with her ed to Cedar City to make their of section I'nder provisions ft lend l.aJean Hunt who is athome with the Clarence Lamor-eauAir and Airs Altitun Itnlle) 2456, R. 8., as amended by secschool there and also tending reMr Clow family until tion 14 of the art of June 2k. left for Milford last week for The need for protection with her cousin Elder Kenneth overseas from 4 S Sta 274 4 3 U.8.C. an extended visit with 1934 their turns Ashton of Provo is in who that heavy hospital and docA number of ladies large on 1171), and purauant to the ap-- I daughter, Lola and her family. a tor hill mission for the vicinity appears to lie 1U' leasfrom Cedar City joined with I. US church. Cleo tells us that plication of V. W. Siahell ofj to I. O' available accoiijing ing for friends here real Ives and Is on Il Washington. Ciah. Serial No. dinbelieved were the that nearfigures. Sunday girls Air and Airs Kay Lamoreaux the parly. !? rtlfiSR. there will bn offered ner guests at the home of for ly lu& of the entire population enjoyed a trip to Caliente, S'ev n the highest bidder, but at mer Pa rowan residents, Alt- - anil of this country will require hoslast week end. Eva Lou's sister Mr and Airs Samuel Abbott I Mrs. Vermi flecker who inf less than $3.00 per acre, took pitalization in 1931, That means Air. and and brother Mr and Mrs Howard Ras-J,hwith d a public sale to he held at on the average, a member ( of that, tolr of Airs. Humbert Rosenburg musaen of Pa rowan made a t rip In o'clock A M . on the 4th day oi every second family ran be to the northern part of the state d April, 1951 neit, at this xpected to enter a hospital durHOSPITAL PLAN CONT. this .Monday they travelof week, the following tract Ining d year. lower he marked in the will be given an opportunity to ed to Riverton to attend the and w ill Res lie interview dents corner 'Public sale hid. Mr. Mahonrl avail themselves of this protec- for service ,ot 5. Sec 6. T 35 3. R 16 funeral Serial No. C 01038. Sale. 10 f.V. S.L.M. I'tah 37.84 acres A M. Itiitterfleld, Carol's father-in-laApril 4. 1951. " In Salt Lake Rids may he made by the they visited The highest bidder will he ' irlneipal Abbott who is still or his agent, either Tom vitli Hui- required to pay immediately the in the Veterans Hospital. Mrs. icrsonally at the sale or by amount thereof. nt its For best, skiing nail. Ruth Abbott was entering a Salt Any adverse claimants of the many experts prefer the week Lake during hospital d land should file Rids sent by mall will be Aspen, Colorado. an operation so their son on for onaidered only if received at j their claim, or objections, Elliot returned to Paragonnh his office prior to the hour or before the time designated with his grandparents. ixed for the sale. Rids must for sale. e in sealed envelopes accom-anle- d Any contiguous owner claimAir and Airs. Arch I.amor-eau4 a preference bv or checks right must certified ing i. of Provo were visitors in 30 within such days right money orders made jafsort town during I he week. Saturayable to the Treasurer of the from the above sale date. Hill and Hill will not rp;ik y ERNEST E. HOT'SE day they called for thPlr daugh- nlted States for the amounts u to who Robinson Airs. Irene ter expert aider but it will treat f the bids Tha envelopes must Manager WHISKEY AT ITS BEST j AIKNT OF I III. IVlKItlOK I x i t sup-ploye- Mrs Simon Henson, of Roulder city v dn. spent the past wecn the Phillip Henson the authorized staff few moments tune when be calls u jUtive repr 0f 1 , I of-ic- - i left-han- : is your BEST proof of WHY FERGUSON'S the BUY!: above-describe- x i You really can't tell how uny tractor will perform until you actually try it under your own special conditions. Thats why without obligation to you we offer this SHOWDOWN demon-stratuof the Ferguson Tractor! Try it yourself. You be tike judge! See why it tops all others on ull these important point: ost-offl- SAVINGS i!f .J'l '1 LONG-LIF- FAST uv CONOCO CREDIT SxTim MAH 0IUL PtODUCTS CORPORATION, DISTILLERS NEW YORK " 86 PROOF 65 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIS Gasoline is one of the products sold at retail prices, everywhere: another, Canned Corn is another, Coffee is another, butter, eggs, milk, beans, are others You pay Cash for them, or you buy them on credit But: what do you use them for? Of what use are they? Aou open a pack of Cod fish; of what us.' is it? Did you buy buy il for use or did you buy it for cash? or for credit? Aou bought its use. you did not buy the pack of Cod fish. And. when you buy a gallon of gasoline, you buy its use. What do you want to use it for? Do you want to drive another mile to see? or do you want to clean a grease spot off your coat? or do you want ? Do to haul a load of grain to market? or go to the you buy the gallon of gasoline to see? or for transportation or for on (lie mail? gasocleaning or for information at the post-offiline is stored use, and Cod fish is stored use. But; a gallon of gasoline will let you see 15 miles, or 20, and a pack of Cod fish wont let you see anything. post-office- People like to see. so they spend more money for gasoline than When we sell on a Conoco Credit they spend for Cod fish. Card io a resident of Boston. Boston to Zion Canyon, we sell 500 gallons of gasoline, tour and retour, and give 5000 miles of sight away, no cost at all. Some would say the gasoline is used for transportation, and some would say It is used for sight. If the Bostonite buys it to see Zion Canyon, then transportation from Boston to Zion Canyon and back is given away. Something is given away on any credit card sale; whereas, on a cash sale, nothing is given away, but gasoline is bought and paid for. no use at all quoted. "What is gasoline selling at retail? (live me 500 QUALITY ATTACHMENT !P I'OIIII ARM I and (vvo-tv- i UniTlIII I, l a) st OOP soil, - 4 I II - with slfi-i- i transmission TRACTOR - with field cull., inoue, plow. All for tor ; point bit cb regular DISC. PLOW IOIN PI. Me H III A MIKE saps. Obligation Specials Vm On Hand OP) MINER Cod fish is IMPLEMENT E Phone NOW for YOUR Demonstration-N- o vh,sK-- SI. DEI,. - and heater 1 iciors Vow III. sedan with radio ITIli ORIMIR HOLE MOOCH POST c; i: (Tractor operated ) it i. fj.lfl VoiTi ffnln "Ten per cent of the money received by i: Utah' colleges come from taxes paid by our state's mines and smelters. This means that everyone of our 18,000 college students in state owned institutions receives $40.00 toward his education from mine and smelter taxes." UTAH MINING ASSOCIATION AND FINEST AMERICAS WWjT car! LOW-- 1 Tp-ry- gallons." shouldnt have time to stop and ask the customer what he is going to use it for; but, would go to work pumping the 500 gallons. That is what makes gasoline selling on Conoco Credit so interesting; some saying it is bought for sight, some saying for transportation and some saying for burning in a lamp, some for burning in a stove, some for getting information on the mail, and some forcleaning dirty clothes and greasy hands. But, none of them saying anything, yet. about gasoline being used for what Cod fish is used for. Yet; both gasoline and Cod fish are sold at retail So; Conoco Credit! is some credit prices on cash and credit. more than a simple credit on stock. One might say, I will buy, either cash or credit; but. one would not be saying, then, the same that one says when one says, I will buy, hut only on Conoco Credit; since without Conoco Credit wouldn't buy at all at this time; certainly I would not buy 5000 miles ot' sight when r paid cash for 500 gallons of gasoline dumped into my tank out of a Continental Oil Company tank, no matter whether it was dumepd on cash or on credit. We i E 3 r ,lG V ii; 1 Conoco Credit Card is a card which you use mainly while No; you are driving an automobile seeing every mile on the way. and; when you drive Southbound from Boston on highway 91 to Paro-waI'tah, it will not be long, around 80 miles, until one of those miles will turn to Lady Mountain on sight. yt of it on a perpendicular just across the lawn. That is what you bought that gasoline for at Boston, to see Lady Mountain; transportation free. And, 1 havq met men and woman on my work at Zion Canyon who transported 10 thousand miles to see Lady Alauntain. I think Lady .Mountain is worth a transport of 10 thousand miles. a B I a i. ! ; Parowau. I'tah. Telephone 2801 The Smart New Styleline De Luxe Refreshingly new AMERICAN BEAUTY MODERN MODE AND YOU'LL KNOW ITS THE LARGEST AND MOST LUXURIOUS CAR IN ITS FIELD! DESIGN BODIES FISHER BY Walk up to this big. beautiful 1951 Chevrolet with any yardstick of value, and you'll want to enter your order for it right away! Size? It's the longest and widest car in its field . outmeasuring all others . . . Americas largest and finest low priced car. Style.' One look at its new America-PreferreBodies hv Fisher will tell you it's the style car of the year. Performance? It brings you car with todays top combination of thrills and thrift, for its the only d a for the industry! engine trend-leade- r INTERIORS . MORE POWERFUL JUMBO-DRUI with Dubl Life Rivetless SAFETY-SIGH- BRAKES Brake Linings ) INSTRUMENT T . -- d d PANEL Valve-in-Hea- IMPROVED land CENTER-POIN- T Center-Poi- STEERING Design I POWER WITH MORE PIOPLC BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR CHEVROLET I AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Combination of Po enlide Automatic Tran and engine optional on fit Luxe models at extra cost. 105-h.- it Gasoline Kerosene Oils Sedan (Continuation of standard equipment and trim illustrated is dependent on availability of material.) IN ALL THE THINGS YOU WANT Bradshaw Chevrolet Company I 114 INK 180 aoo north m.ux street 9 JOB FLEXIBILITY PERFORMANCE FUEL IH CEDAK CITY I |