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Show 12 f rrumnti U lv and , Hop. ptvt, Kat "Zt ch.y moved to a I rant of Burin the be eulUvated. Z, umat " "O'1'wherew ttk Hop. refuee camp 1 la in Innocent iltuaUoa that liood U confront j Zm b ,pred 'lp Andy Is w pick homewithafaln, malaria di.ablrd ho were onco friendly Vcm now and Hop U mtierabls the eanio for IL knot) 'Alljkl Srwjt;j I ilooe Pfcptrjy Slf Klanajan's farm - potatoes. the UUr toes w complain, accompanied V., ' from Ml))- 1 ftlctjj cf ten, f: Eliot- - st, feswi. CHAPTER fentidj. 14 u, re fen. !tSi" he called XXV "wait loudly. came outside. Flana-fb- g itopped ,,Hello. Mr. ja:d. forcing pleasantness. that the tall, black 4 hcg raiser was scowling. In a long time, j, f n't seen you said, making Flanagan S.g fer to shake hands. "Come in But he didnt be sociable." He B.j v - T. fccv lower, Pfo be an t i, sociable. 4 ttepUis jail, charged with disturbin the peace an attackin' a citizen with an ax handle! Then he caught Andy'a limp arm and said: Come along. An no tricks. 1 carry a gun. "I'm peaceful man. Andy said. Im not resisting the law. Andy was in jail, and not in one of the best cells, either. It was dark and small and dirty and poorly ventilated. He sat on the bunk, elbows on knees, head in hands, and gave his predicament some thought. He must see Mr. Bird right away, and he must get word to Jerry Burke to come to the jail Having sold his fish with the greatest possible speed, Mr. Eliot presented himself at the office of Jerry Burke and found it closed. A whimsical sign on the door: "Out until noon, canvassing for the next county attorney. He went then to the hardware store, where the clerk told him that Mr. Bird had already gone down to the Jail. If Ives did use that ax handle on Sig Flanagan," the no. Andy wanted to tell n to wait and let him toss the jrdle into the car, but there hardly sore are time. about my bad shot Flanagan you? asked tit all. Andy said calmly, k felt far from calm beneath it anger that he had fanned by the t to town, leer and bullying manner, for isee"Byafterthe way, Id like your hogs before he jia me some real harm, They were In my potatoes p: face. The Fi alssifp Zoc& pletely r: be or cac': asily i tlatinjS. the met! raisin hogs out there, It was a ; fanagan broke in. before you homesteaded. j!J"-gget off. or keep your belly-j- f mouth shut! He glanced at tandle, moved a step nearer I He was swaying a little. ST spoke, and his voice sounder away. It was like another il voice, some strangers, but it .fce words Andy thought: "Im fere to stay. You and your hogs importas-thet- enshi inttotwi how it hn: nperatare: given tf t! the inlr: Iran me off. Ill have to shoot thogs. I dont want to, but I can't work and raise crops km to tear up. Joot one of my hogs, you low 1 woods colt, an f Andy's fist stopped him there. 4rack with all his lean might, k.s fist slammed into Flana-- I Untati il contribute iw tempen: great is it used It iture 1 crop out there a itd I'm : and making 5 se-i- -- Andy swung again, wildly, fury unleashed, and all the strength that had come into him during the long, grueling days of swinging ax and pulling saw was behind the blow. clerk added with a grin, "itll be a good ad for us and a good thing for Sig! Mr. Bird was a citizen of influence. His appearance at the jail had both surprised and displeased the authorities. When Mr. Eliot arrived there, bail proceedings were moving v A - with other types of roofs. The cooler interiors of aluminum roofed buildings stem from the high reflectivity of the metal to both light and heat. U.S. Savings Yodora checks Bonds! perspiration WI1III SLEEP WON'T .yf , ToP odor COME AMD YOU iA 771 VOJ CAN OCWCUTANLY ItLO 1M.E lift fjflCr TUN FEEL GLUM Try This Delicious Chewing-GuLaxative , THOMAS OF AOANtA MIDDLECOFF1'1' 15 COEftVfD TO BECOSC T)C GtAtLST GCUTR M T) Hfj PVACTCE CF DlNTi5T(?Y.SC HAS UVtN HivSCLF TVC CMC CR GO BACK TWO YEAS TO BTCCWtC M CaXF AND KOW. AFTER JLTjT WINNING THE W4d U.SOPEN THE CAY3 OF HALING TEETH SEEM A LONG WAV H TIC FUTLRE. SPORTLIGHT - Wh.w hrwUwrhy lxUo-d- o UiK . . , Chew sum lusnllve. The action of chewing, a T mrdlrlne ''ertouu" the stomach. That la. It doean't act while In the atom-acbut onlji when farther along In tha lower tract. ..where you want It to act. You feel One again quickly I And scientists tty chewing makes aiveclal h, SocmtfGSr WAT Made with a f,m cream bam Yodora is actually mmthmg to normal akina. No berth chemicals or irritating tails. Won't harm akin or dulhuig. Stay soft and creamy, never gets grainy. yw rail aoS Ins all alah.(Ml and Just awtul bora uae you und TVy penile Yodora difference! feet Uie wonderful dlgt-aut- e One medicine more elfeo ties "readies" It so It the eyatem.Oet fun-a-mi- Great Golfers Dread Short Putts Ooa-- gently Into at any -- w FEEH-A-MIN- T a. fAMOVS tHIWIWG -- the m 'AUnaeiB.BA5SThHAP COM lARATtVf Br GRANTLAND RICE. TELEVISION TRICK WITH FORKS Giant Industry Is Sweeping the Country Stations Are Opening from Coast to Coast A New New WANTED IMMEDIATELY Men and Women aT0 TRAIN NOW 17 to 50 AS TECHNICIANS Radio Electronics IN Television Get in on the ground floor of this new and fast growing TELEVISION offers brilliant careers with excellent industry. pay for trained personnel. Training will not Interfere with your present position. Mail coupon today for full details. two-foo- ! ! ! j i UNIVERSAL RADIO-VISIONo. Highland Ave. Hollywood 38, California. TRAINING CORP. 1 1025-2- 7 1 j Gentlemen: Please advise how I may qualify for your training in Radio Electronic t and Television. Name Age Street Address State City I work from A. M. to ! j P.M. Phone J U-- fiefs! Geta J l 49 7$r6o-JeMlan- e! tlO&mCOTintollowFEP Atm. "dime nVtrMoca Yes, a wing of genuine aluminum metal inside every PEP package! Body of plane printed in color on outside of package. Put Z O O Ml Directions on em together package. Set of 6. Collect 'em swap em! Urge Mom to buy Kelloggs PEP today. Start enjoying crispy, delicious flakes of whole wheat. Get MODEL JET PLANE WITH THE PACKAGE 1 Hurry! ... cmRem HU, pr i - A Wztem. PROVIDES A GOOD HOLDER 70 PREVENT STRAINER CLOTH FROM SAGGING INTO Lightnings Chances According to Westinghouse data, an isolated building 100 feet square and 30 feet high is likely to be struck by lightning on the average of once every 10 or 15 years. By the seemingly simple precaution of putting a mast or lightning rod 55 feet high on top of the roof, the building itself then would be hit only once In 3,200 years. The mast, however, would be struck every three years with no damage VESSEL. ARRANGE TONGS AS PICTURED. n. 5tka cou-- h 1 r-- 159 likjUT Buy well-know- n i" 2 ThT HAM1FD brad. Tbe short one he missed to'xi7E DRIVE for pleasure. at St. Louis in the Open on the Johnny Farrell once said. final green the short one he But we putt for money. I wonmissed again for the Open in der how many dollars have been Chicago three putla from 10 or lost by putts, short putts that just 12 feet at Tam O'Shanter in the slipped by the edge of the tin cup, big Maya money tournament. possibly a half inch out of line? Or In the St. Pete Open. 1 saw Snead the putts that after today almost hit the pin with his second inch an stopped Only good things, she said. hole. He had a Or the putts on a short? thinks Iveses are you Jerry a 3. He putted two feet for the rimmed that mighty nice people, Barbara said over. He missed that one. cup? as they went to the table. But he We have often wondered how a A venerable golffit doesn't out think in you really 70 star golfer felt who had hit two of at er the age there as well as some. would consider great shots requiring power and We will, though, Andy assured himself a poor fish skill, control and timing, only to her. We'll trim our wants and t if he missed a putt and puh or stab a ways till we do fit. undo all the fine play he had used even or Mr. Bird chuckled. and Jerry three-footeBut making shots far more difficult. Barbara were talking last night of Grantland Rice But putting isn't so much a mathas what consider trying to get your daughter to come Ben Hogan and to ter of skill at least not always. to happened in and spend a week end with us. Sammy Snead to Cary Middlecoff It is also a matter of nerve control. I wish she would, Andy told and to many, many others high up. Strength has nothing to do with him. "Hope gets mighty lonesome it. A veteran of 70 has skill enough I recall a masters tournaat times. He looked at the girl, ad to be a fine putter as good as ment just a few years back. miring her fine blue eyes, her shapemany of the better pros. I've seen Ben Hogan was playing the a few of those old codgers from face so was and that ly friendly Tinal hole. He needed a 4 to 60 and up at work. Some of them open. Back in his mind he wrr.deicd tie the leading score. Ben hit a what there was, if more than fiiend can't understand how any one can drive some 260 yards up great miss a five-foand between her Burke ship, putt. Jerry 5 the course. Taking out a iron You ask her sometime, won't be almost hit the pin, the ball you? The .300 List trickling some 12 to 15 feet past What I wanted to talk to you The .300 hitter. In spite of the him a tricky, the This left cup. Mr. Bird changed the subabout, ball and a slump in pitching, downhill putt but easy enough lively ject, is this: Jerry and I are trying has regained his old place. A .300 for his 4. He ta ped the ball to get his uncle to come out for hitter today is on the scarcer side lightly. He seemed to be headsheriff. That Martin ring has been How many would you figure there for a 3. But the ball ran ing in power long enough, and Mr. are now at work in the two leagues? over the rim of the cup and and popular, Burke is In the two big leagues there some 24 inches below. stopped and he could still supervise the re at least 75 players on each This looked to be simple operation of his lumber company. side, not counting pitchers, who tnough. Bat as the return putt Politics again! Mrs. Bird said have been at bat more than 300 lame to the cup it veered off a to Barbara. times. From this list we disThats all we hear half an inch and Hogan had a around here now! covered exactly II ball players 5. He has yet to win tbe in each circuit who had reached masters. tbe .300 mark, or better, with Bringing Things Two months later, in June, Hogan or six others who had a five To a Boiling Point again needed a 4 to tie in the playchance to make the grade. good off in the U.S. open at Canterbury, Now, dear, politics must go on, It might also be noted that five a hit he Cleveland. magnifiAgain Mr. Bird said. You see, Andy, the or six are so near the .300 sheriff cant succeed himself, but cent drive. His iron to the green mark they may fall out before his gang puts out a man to hold ust slipped by the pin again and the season ends. office during the off term; then Mar- stopped 15 feet beyond. Again Ben Jackie Robinson is almost cer3 and again he tain to lead the NationaL He tin runs again, with everything set went for his birdie has 24 inchqs past. And again been between .360 and .370 the up and the machine as strong as slipped two one he missed short the short ever. We want to break that. Its greater part of the year. putts under three feet that cost him lasted twelve years now. Country Slaughter and Red major championships in less Schoendienst of the Cardinals are Its time! Andy exclaimed. 1 two two months. the next two authentic .300 hitters believe Mr. Burke would get the than You can understand why great in the older circuit where they have homesteaders votes. golfers dread short putts any putt been nesting between .320 and .330. Bartoo! so hard work They of any length. Lockman, Thompson, Marshall, bara broke in. Jerry has been canMusial, Hodges, Kiner and Gordon Sammy Snead has blown vassing all through there, and he more short putts that cost him are over .300, but they cant afford says he has seen enough to make a to do any slipping through Septem heavily than any star I know. book about modern pioneering. So ber. Musial has been putting on a Only Sam doesnt wait for the few people know what they are last green. It might happen anydesperate scramble to reach a really doing out in the swamp. He much higher mark, but Stan has where along the line. With one says it will be a garden spot someof the greatest found the traveling much rougher day. than it was last year. He has been games golf has ever known, And a big factor in the life of our Mr. Bird added. Im for Snead can look back on many a over 40 points away from his 1948 county, mark. Why? Who can say? green with a sad shake of his the homes and farms out there, more of them, and still more! Its time we homesteaders got together, Andy said. "Weve got -- TO FIX-I- T the same problems, the same By Harold Arnett along satisfactorily. You neednt wait for me, Andy mouth, crushing lips against fad tin: told him. I want to talk with the i loosening teeth. d sir let out of this hole, swung again, wildly, fury sheriff after I'm to see and Ive got Jerry." tailed, and all the strength that amount11 tome into him will be "But it unpleasextremely the the btnko long, during tg days of swinging ax and ant to go back without you," Mr. an. tig saw was behind the blow. It Eliot demurred. "In fact, I dont & Sig Flanagan to have to explain to your wife care on the neatly have been delayed. his you why snapped head back. irvest Flanagan lost his balance and "Id rather youd go ahead, 'Award. The back of his head Andy told him. Just tell Kate that the comer of the door facing Ill be along after a while, and that went down in a sprawl on this is nothing serious." iaewalk. Mr. Eliot nodded, but he appeared doubtful I go, he agreed, but )' Is Framed under protest." he W And tell her," Andy said firmly, arden well go to church tomorrow, that Ives! a voice called. It was as planned. And tell Dave to cut Jot, and he was coming as enough short, strong posts to put up L1' short legs would bring some wire around the potatoes. Im "ait! Dont be rash! borrowing an electric fence from were coming out of the Mr. Bird to protect the patch till said, "Danged if he something's done with the hogs. I 'ini, I mean!" ! Released on bail, Andy thanked caned ire something I dont Mr. Bird for his help and went to Andy slowly, realizing talk with the sheriff, whom he found he had done. at the courthouse. Jeone was tugging at the ax Sheriff Martin viewed Andy with turned and saw Mr. stern eye. Hello, Ives," he said hopes a land understood. He Mr. Why, thats a fine idea! released tersely. "Looking for me? .ster e' hlr. Eliot You people need in. broke Bird started for the to , see like (aruiefi nodded. you "Id Andy unity and a leader and youre the more1 In.t privately. therg 0 man to lead them, Andy Ives. man sorneone the me that ax handle. Andy jerked in surprise. "Why, Martin Sheriff I, sGve heart flopped nice of you, but I dont think thats for wildly, who had come No new out there. Somebody so. Offers Im Help from the cand demanc!ed the ax ha"My outer office is private enough. else a m ragg- the "But youre levelheaded and cauwarden. What is it? nt You inspire confidence. tious. this trouble of heard i',,vas didnt hit him with the my Youve And right now I'm fresh out of "I just want Elit said. began. saw Andy the "I morning, I trial! to say that it was forced on me. jail, awaiting ve that handle couldnt help what hap"You Sam and- -" here, Mr. Bird said. this morning. pened the out at trial, 'I m 8 deputy "That will come fYonra.Peat?d' homesteader, plus a lot of WeU as 8 have "Every I in. dont . broke war-sheriff the 8ame Newcastle folks, will think a lot under arrest, Ives. time to discuss the case now. more of you for what you did. reason to I tried belioa.dCt?.r!." the heavy-se- t "All right, but Jerry drove Andy home at S'g'8 bleedIn- - Get with Sig Flanagan about his hogs. tor The battery and equipI before to him talk better You'd were in touch him with the ax have to start shooting hogs in my ment for the electric fence was angry over the car. the Jerry dy said desperately. crop. And another thing. Flanagan but he saw a feB like mornings trouble, ,my flt. That, what won't be the kind to let a thing side to it. good more called tit want me any a this pass. I dont j,,t"e Itll bring things to a head, I bethe officer ordered, trouble with him. and I won't have he said. It'll help Unc to rov lieve, pipe IP.e' an' don't argue it unless he makes it. t it- .come out for sheriff. He to decide je raised the "Mr. Flanagan is a citizen of this told me awhile ago that he has it on flap of his Pock.t jaE?? his a"d showed his star. ,! county." the sheriff said, pursing good information that the sheriff put ragg-"saiMr. Eliot. weak, petulant mouth judicially. Vu'.h,, up the money for Sig to buy those traLTd! 1 teU you 1 88 w the He was attacked this morning by hogs. ' and 1 assure you that man with an ax handle. It is my Well, what do you know! Andy , to see that justice No wonder I didn't said slowly. duty ?,'rf I had a handle, but I didn't use have any luck talking with the , Bragg roared. And rmless ol coot, an Im it on him. Andy cut in. jh j sheriff about getting the hogs out of me Just as you if you'U cot toward a duty med-ge- t Ihe swamp! youve stop Tell on back to the much as you have toward him (TO BE CONTINUED) ewa that Ives is in Sig Flanagan to get his hogs where more i VAN f Q)C O OvVaTS two-foot- . at I'-- 500-yar- hogs will be hogs, row. They like potatoes when Isnt get anything better. je swept through Andy Ives. Struggled against showing It. fll have to keep your hogs off fed," he said quietly. Now, he fcrgotten that he was gripping a handle of tough hickory. All jew was that he was facing Sig agan again, and that the man him! i taunting him, belittling over tdfe Sheriff Martin shrugged. "Good day, Ives, he said. Andy left the sheriff's office wishing that he hadnt gone there. Mr. Bird was ready to go to lunch "Youre coming home with me, he said. "Don't argue, now. Weve some things to talk about fiA MtueHuf 1 I taming. so? Well, calittam: sir." "Well, Im not bad about turning down a good meal," Andy told him. "Let'a go. Mrs. Bird was a motherly woman of about fifty. Their daughter, Barbara, was. Andy thought as pretty as Hope. Maybe a little prettier someone who wasn't prejudiced "Weve heard of you, Mrs. Bird told Andy. "So glad you could come and eat with us. 1 hope you've heard a few good things, Andy said. TU need em that 55.-00- IWI fN MS T MO JUUNO fMAVsor Tic uo tx ON,fmtNt they wont bother me, end tell him to stay away from my place." The sheriff shrugged. "Your land Is surrounded by public land, state land, as much Sig Flanagans as anyone's. It is not in my province to tell Mr. Flanagan to stay off it." "I'm not telling him to stay off the state land, Andy pointed out. "I want him to stay off mine. Tell him "Now. see here. Ives." the officer interrupted, "take some good advice: Go find a farm somewhere else. Youll never make a go of that place out there. You're not the type. I advise you to puU up and move. "Im staying. Andy told him. 'Tm making a go of it, whether Im the type or not. And if this is all the satisfaction I can get out of the high sheriff of this county, then good day, Aluminum Roofs Boost Speeding Ip the Tools Standard grinding machine tools of Hins Productivity now can operate accurately at Recent tests have shown that, speeds 0 ranging from 40,000 to because buildings with aluminum revolutions per minute in roofs are cooler in summer thun everyday shop practice, according those roofed with other materials to SKF, ns compared with average aluminum-roofeegg proitui tivity in speeds of only 10.000 to 20,000 rpm poultry houses is higher some 20 years ago. than m houses II sm mu IS ALWAYS AT HAND GLUE WHEN NEEDED SMALL CORK INSIDE OF DRAWER AND KEEP THIMBLE slipped ON IT Luminous Paint Luminous paints, which glow for approximately six to eight hours after they have been charged by natural or artificial light, are easily applied. They come In several different tints, such a light green, pale yellow and oyster white. Brushed onto furniture which has been enameled in a similar color, they can be visually unobtrusive during daylight hours, if you so wish. Thomas Chippendale Thomas Chippendale was at thei height of his fame in 1754, but his1 influence on furniture design lasted until 1770 In England and until the close of the century here. His furniture was noted for perfection in. joinery, exquisite carving and rich-- 1 ness of finish. Chippendale reproductions are Important in today's market, but the trend is away from the ornate and to the simpler or1 modified forms. Theory of Evolution A new theory of systematic evo-- i lution refutes the assumption by some scientists that a type of animal, such as the dinosaur, was wiped out suddenly by an earthquake, volcano, glacier, or other catastrophic event. The history of life which can be read from the rocks shows that any type now ex- tinct declined gradually without marked influence from its environj ment. |