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Show NEEDLEWORK Sinking KATHLEEN NORRIS Pi$kln Previews Failing Marriages i fu'ufrt STAGESCREEN.'MDiO - B.'U s.iid'Cale By KAIIIIKI.N NORRIS WNU Pineapple Edgings Are Dam. K Sew Some Colorful Pothold ? Canada N U U I S T. SA'-- ' d hdl in this dis ; a for'y ribs snuthea-- t of Swift Currei t. .n d it seems lo Li old disapi e irlr g f ' !y favt. One timer said that in 1909 the hill was normal exiept that livestock shunned it In 1911 the hill began to crack up and portions sank from six to eight inches Now a valley three quarters of a mile long and W feet deep has devet Tl,. iv's tin Released ty WNU gratuira By INEZ GFKI1MU) ft MKRICA comes first with me in everything. Ninety-nin- e times in a hundied she stands head and shoulders above the rest nf the world In the hun- Iu!u Hill Lo II A L I, m Dynamite Is Magic Worker on Farmland of September, RADIO, if you say "Mary November still lie Margaret" everybody knows "McMust Be Carefully une d'O.triie to windward Bit Bride" is understood. The fabulous things are Impi emng now tlut will Used to Prevent Harm oped. affict the coining autumn such aa dredth c.i e I pan as lightly over M. M . far handsomer than her picOne engineer surmised that a been slicd told me tures indicate, Es-arranging f otball schedules Dynamite is the Faul Bunyan nf vast bid of quicksand may lie her shortcomings as I can and forred into everything she had done the modern farm. Like the Others cully the schedule that Notre hope- - and know- - that coming genthe underneath ground. publicity, newspaper work, radio. JJjme will fice. giant lumberman who could erations will correct them. suspect underground water ero She must have been an excellent and do other remarkIt mlgit Le mentioned here that trees So one evening some weeks ago uproot sion. she Is one of the best inNotre Dome, a for all the hullaba-loable explosives, properly I was made really unhappy by reporter; things, terviewers on the air, yet has the d i d slightly the and carefully used, can perform quite Innocent and unaffected better than all talk of scores of labor savmg tasks about certain French professor. r-'- V Asks Southern We happened, as we sat about the farm, according to F. S. Eldred, ' "A I , Methodist, Tulane friend's fire, to get on the subject manager of the explosives and powif I and North Carolina of European marriage and the enTo der divisions, 01. n industries. East e J offer three of the tirely d fferent attitude in which Alton, 111. better ganica of the young persons overseas apjiroach Farmers today are findirg they year. A commission to find can save much labor and time in tremendous subject. DETROIT. tins Meth-od.Southem And at I listened. I had uncomout whether the United Stales is digging ditches, blasting out stumps, w a a South out fortably to admit tn my soul that rushing toward dictatorship has making post holes, cleaning western champion theirs Is a wiser attitude and a trees even holes and Bricker water Sen. John planting been suggested by lust full, and probwliolesomer plan Uian ours and R Ohio). by the use of explosives, Eldred will be ably again ona calculated to build better Bricker expressed concern that says. this year with Doak homes and children, better But caution is the watchword, the federal system was being abanWalker and Kyla and better men and he warns. Like L re, dynamite is an doned and with It Individual freeItote back In action. Tulana haa women. excellent servant and a terrible doms. one of the best teama in the South. Bricker's suggestion wai made master. When the farmer uses it Naturally Marriage Accept Tulane and Vanderbilt look to ba with full knowledge of the great Marriage with our women," ha during a four-- an panel discussion labor-savintwo aouthem leadera next f.ilL work it can do, as at a meeting an accepted state. It Is the "is federal of system said, Xjjmmmmtm Ml North Carolina will hava the brilwell as the fearful damage, he has a not an experiment. The girl beof state officials liant Justice and the able Art Weias definitely as comes a wife giant farm hand who can almost Bricker declared: MARY MARGARET McBRIDE ner back, but there will be many she is a Frenchjustwoman, blonde or state governments are an perform miracles." Maybe gaps to f.ll. Carl Snavely will till dark, short or tall, hardworking, rare gift of making her program expensive, archaic, manifestation of them well He usually does. s o or somewhere between. sound completely spontaneous. She a bygone day and should be These three additions to the Irish a forbid she and her husband can such Heaven solved. Married, whome she she chooses guests slate are hooked up with a far afford so much or so little; he Interesting, feeling that they ommendation but if they are lets tronger Navy team. Southern Caliresor In the needs her help shop must Interest others also. And she fornia, Purdue, Indiana. Iowa. Michtaurant or farm, as a secretary or accepts only those sponsors whose no State and igan Washington easy with the hospitality that maintains The proposed commission, patproducts she believes In; those em march. This la better than the his position. They want and are thusinsitc plugs are completely terned after the Hoover group average schedule. It haa no dewhich studied the executive branch, expected to have children. sincere. liberate soft spots that ao many he said. They face the facts. would study the division of powers others have. It will certainly be They do not attempt to deny or Novelist James Hilton, whose between levels of government. It a total of eight hard garnet. elude them. They make the most Hallmark Playhouse Is on CBS would also determine appropriate Notre Dame, like Michigan, of what they have. Our women Thursday, is celebrating applying fields of taxation. Figure 1 North Carolina and ethers, will like the quiet certainty of mar- for U. S. hi The senator said the commission by writing citizenship a bugbear to farmers. are Stumps lose good men and return good riage, with Us plans, protection and first novel with an American locale. should be composed of representaEach la a problem in itself. The mrn. But you can gamble If It won't be Hollywood, where so tives from the three branches of farmer must study the type of you like to gamble that Frank of hi books have been federal government, from the state stump, whether it has roots that many first-cla- ss Leahy will have o and dramatized, many of government and from the people. run along Just under the ground, or squad with fast, The discussion brought out that has great tap roots. Then he must whosa stars have been on his prorunners and at least two good gram. He feels it Is not truly cons'ant growtn of national govern- carefully plan how to blast out that passers. Yon can also be fairly of America. ment was due chiefly to failure of stump representative with Again dynamite. will sure he have a good lino. states to assume responsibilities. f caution is the watchword. If not What about Armya schedule? It Columbia Broadcasting Syssure, the farmer should consult an has a number of soft spots, but it tem seems to be aiming at the explosives expert But the typical of Boom Town Oil Today also haa some rough-anrocky to blast a stump is to place alogan "You name em, weve way One to cross. of them la Quiet as One's Back Yard bridges as near as possible the got 'em. shortly after Bing This is what underdynamite Michigan. Thats a sure thing. RANKIN, TEX. the center mass, or under the Crosby switched to CBS, Red Others can be Stanford, Pennsyltown. an boom for oil passes today Skelton followed; come fall, he'll largest root. If there are two large vania and Navy. It's as quiet as your backyard. Join their Sunday night parade. roots, it may be necessary to plant But outside of Michigan, there la Gone are the brawling boom days the explosive under both. IK trouble ahead. overThis forces too when poor men struck it rich 1. shows the proper way have Television Figure Hollywood may much pressure on the Michigan drank of when roughnecks night, to remove an evenly Is nothing wrong but there loading scared, game. A defeat here can play bootleg whisky like water and rooted stump. The charge is under the with motion industry picture havoc with either team final in muddy streets for the the center of the stump. that pictures like "A Letter to Three foughtof , . , u.t feel that w gain more . . . ranking more with Army than sake fighting. Sometimes there are stumps with With Wives a wont cure. perfect a not us with It is with Michigan. 1920s companionship. That happened until the late downward roots, called tap central an excellent story, fine direccast, it is a deliberately springboard; wherever new oil fields were found, roots. In such a case, as shown in Army will have a fine bark-- Century-Fo20th this tion, producchosen new way of life. We give from Pennsylvania to California. field and uncertain line strength-witthe charge is placed 2, tion has everything that takes payup much old wavs, old freedom, still happening In Canada, oil Figure auch stars as Yeoman, It's the tap root on the down customers into and theatres alongside ing But feel old we that amusements. men say, but in the Nnited States side that will Henry, etc., missing. Her ends bring it as near as gives them the worth of their the boom town has grown stolid. we gain more. will be her strongest point. possible to the center of the stump. is low, among the money. Alimony Changes in machines and men Navy, again, has no chance to great body of France's sober and Another great labor-savintask and laws are behind the boom beat her schedule, the toughest in industrious at look If the fire you closely of the great midpeople new town's respectability. football. The 1919 menu includes dle class the The Man people whose scheme scene in Columbia's Workers used to have to crowd Southem California, Notre Dame, includes in 18G5) Colorado From (set youll into an undersized hamlet near the villas, cars and country Army. Pennsylvania, Duke, Princes holidays and a couple of steady see an airplane in the sky. It got field, or live in tents and ton and others of heavy calibre. servants, whose position is in accidentally was patrolling the family on because their the job 1949 But the Navy squad should quite as definite and respectable area for any spreading of the fire. rattletrap cars bogged down In move well up In the year's ranking. as those of their employers. narrow roads hub deep in mud. Oklahoma will be strong again. Let's get it straight about No Need for Pretense Now they can spread out, as far Bud Wilkinson has a winning grip reaction to the great open she tny apsaid, "Youngsters, away from the field as they feel on the situation with a team that said Jane spares of Arizona, like driving over paved highways. can exchange class with anyone proach marriage with care and of RKO's "station with the help of family interest and Greer, In the old times, hardly a day around. west. It Isnt true that I advice. Their parents know the passed that a man wasnt hurt on tinted when I saw my first young man, his background and a rickety rig. Now equipment is Figur e 2 attlesnake. I merely screamed his record. The girl knows what Ivy League Returns safe, and tested to make sure it can be performed with dynamite. so that people came running money she will have to spend and There has been a tendency in reThat is the digging of ditches. stays that way. from Flagstaff, 30 miles away, cent years tor other sectors to look her mother and father advise her Amongs todays roughnecks youll Dynamite can be easily carried tnd when I saw a big taranfind college men with a certain amount of scorn on as to outlay. Everyone knows petroleum engi- through the woods, swamps and tula In the toe of my slipper, I neers and geologists. Theyre get- other country impassable to horses Ivy league teams. Part of this was everything, so there is small need was leaving my tent anyway. for display or pretense. justified, although scholarship reting ready to be executives by or machines and, once there, can in Once married, she is married. the quirements learning the horny - handed end of quickly do more work than dozens league are well William Holden is a great outthe business. above the average, no matter what Her house, her linen, her children of laborers or several machines. doors man. But now he is under ard her hospitalities are you hear. Wildcatters, who drilled wells to her. Her husband comes orders to stay out of the sun As far as 1949 is concerned, the He with barely enough money to buy FUSE first. He must be comfortable; he plays an escaped killer In "The baling wire to hold their rigs toand univerIvy covered colleges must be made to feel himself loved Dark Past an dhas to preserve a gether, went out of business when sities will have no apoligies to offer any section m the matter of He has faults, so has she But prison pallor played without benethe big companies started leasing tradition and training save them fit of make-up- . football ranking Last fall. Cornell and the states began laying down r- r both from many pitfalls that your and Darthmouth would have been the law about where and how close and know an even match fur most of the young married persons The new March of Time, On together wells could be sunk. of which they become victims. leading teams of the Midwest, Rankin, with a rich new field In Stage, shows what only InsidSouth. Southwest or Far West. her lap, is still a peaceful town of ers usually see what goes on The families and friends do not WATER o EARTH TAMPING behind the scenes of two sucranchers and storekeepers . This will be true again thla drop in on them unexpectedly durcessful plays now running in ing the first year They are not year. Few of the better teams New York. They are "Anne of In any section will have backs expected to take groups of young Figure 3 More Than Brains Needed the Thousand Days. friends to ex ensive night clubs to match the Big Red or the starring But always the words safety-firs- t For Success in Careers Rex and foot the bill Children are ex"Red Harrison, and must be kept in mind The Big Green. I mean such barks CHICAGO. Why does the college-traine- d Gloves, as Johnny Clayton of Dartstarring Charles Boypected, and with the coming of farmer should know his explosive, man frequently fail at his know the children the woman finds herself er, both of whom appear in the mouth, a passer of the Ber-tel- li type of soil in which he is first job? more impoitunt than before. She picture, along yith many other type or Frank Miller and and should not trust his operating The answer he is still a child own famous people of the theatre. is wife, misti ess. mother, houseIf there is ever any Jerry Heischmann of Cornell. judgement. in one way or another, because he keeper That she remams balanced he should consult an expert. doubt, Lefty James ai d Tuss MeLaughry lacks one or more of seven basic and self contiol'ed and equal to Mutual's delightful Twenty Ques Ditches are dug by dynamite not had two fine teams last fall. They traits doing her duty means that everylions. now in its fourth year, stars would have been even bets against by placing one charge, blowing out That is the answer given by Dr. a hole thing else in the household goes three members of one family Fred then using another charge. any team in the Big Nine except Robert N. McMurry based on a wed. 3 VanDeventer. the well known newsMich. gan which is favored over shows the dynamite Figure me told He that psj chologists do caster; his wife. Florence, and their survey by his management firm stick by stick at regular inplanted many This new season they can not do a 1 which studied 167 trainees directly good busress in France, son. Bobby. Their skill and Inbe joined by Princeton and lUr-vaitervals so that whole are , hired from college by 247 compan- - blown out at the same sections in the Scandinavias or among genuity are likelv to make their fatime. In this Sw .S3 and Polish wives These mous g lests on the program seem Pnnceton's outlook is good So way, the earth does not fall back He listed the seven traits as: are women with a job, a posit'on Is Harvard's into a of the ditch already dug. Both can be first longue tied, while the audience, The ability to stay long enough One ofpart class Brov.n can also move up. and affectionate home tics to keep mowing the answers, laughs and the advantages of digging with to a balanced them company repay the inPenr slyvama is never weak George istens. ditches with dynamite is that there vestment in training. Weigh these three elements and Mu- ger loses Chack Bednarik and are no spoil banks. will see The the w'at to in is you lack'ng ability accept responsibilOn an Arizona location trip Guinn a few other good men, but if you lives of so many thousands of our IV lliams v.on a .22 target rifle by ity. keep track, soar after year you'll young married women Our young Perseverance, or the ability to Knowledge Is Valuable find the Red and Blue a rattier first in a tin can" lacing follow a path to the end. wives do- 't now where they s'ai d ;vent He donated "flying to his a barrier. To Those Purchasing Eggs rugred prize And too of'en the husband is as unSelf reliance. a 'fie for the bencf.t of a veterans Columbia is definitely below U. S department of agriculture fit for and as confused The quality of being agreeable to Won over Dick Powell, 1918 form, even with the reas the wife She wants amusement: nopital marketing specialists report that d fferent groups and different perdoubtable Lou Little in charge. knowing where to buy eggs and how she wants her sitt ng ron-- torn to imong others. sons. Columbia is never flooded with to keep them are the two ways p.eces and done over; she wants a Identification his of William L. Shirer was later and personal that consumers can only material, and no team can lose be fur coat What she wants has no sure ol with of those the goals firm. r to Sunday din-te- r 12 of its best men from a small reference at all to what money sue a;i getting home having a quality product at all And the ability to exercise author-it- j his broadcast Mrs. following squad surh men as Kusserow. has to s;are for it She and ter time. without belligerence. Kossides. etc. and hope to have The homemakers first step in this husbard go to cocktail parties aid hirer was irked, til she found that "Absence of these trais, or any le wa staving to talk things over much left. It will take the full direction is to buy from retailers one cf them, indicates failure of an evening bars, quarrel, come home vith John B Now she just half-sicgenius of I ou Little to win a or wholesalers who keep eggs undei wh a sense of frustration. sae Kennedy Kennedy individual to grow emotionally," to dinner. game here and there proper conditions. Her next step is laid Dr. McMurry. to keep the eggs cool THE MoNTll-- and PATTERNS pi make-believ- o, Bricker Study See America Faces Dictatorship right - 'S' st : com-mumti- fyy g ft Brighten dis-say- well-to-d- rec-fin- ; Crocheted Edgings POUR handsome edgings in the popular pineapple motif that you will enjoy making. The widest measures 2 inches, the narrowest 1 4 inches. Accent your bed and table Lnens with crocheted edgings easy, quick and inexpensive to do g bunk-house- co-st- Kite scraps youve been sa faces are embroiders stitches after the holder ished. 1 To obtain applique in'B structions and color foatu-- To obtain complete crocheting lnstruc tioni, stitch illustrations and complete dlrecttnni for Pineannle Edrim--s (Pat. tern No. 5669) send 20 cents In cotn, YOUR NAME, ADDRESS and PATTERN NUM BER. of the t ii ers Potholders (Pattern Ni cents In coin, YOUR NAME and PATTERN NUMBER. SEIVISO CIRITB KEEK. Weill St, In. 20 cents totwc 530 bomb No Enclose Name. Address. hard-hittin- h Your Give your kitchen a t look with these amurz ers. Each one is su width and can be madt Bread crusts, left over after the preparation of certain dishes, should be dried and made into crumbs, then stored in the refrigerator in a covered jar. When making clothes for children, buy an extra card of matching buttons for each garment. Such buttons are priceless when it comes time to replace lost buttons. Few patterns for little girls call for a placket opening into the skirt: but a sash just cant pull in and conceal excessive inches of dress material a zipper in a placket and two waistline darts, front and back, will make a surprising improvement in the fit and appearance of Relief For Dry Eczema the famous ointment blissful. 70 degrees fahrenheit. thjij lingering relief itch of common skin from imuiiou Grot High-Scho- ol CHOOSE YOUR IN A CJ GKOY PROFESi oiiea to girb m high school pl college girls more oppoftmo year forthegrl Baked potatoes should be carefully timed in baking and promptly served to avoid the loss of this vegetable's valuable vitamin C. Cream whips best when it is very cold, but egg whites whip best when they are at room temperature Ito "It's wonderful'" "VVouldn i k ill" That's what they sav it the garment A coat of spar varnish applied to wooden drain boards in the kitchen will provide an extremely durable finish. Beyond i - best preparation foe both e marriage. -- ask for mote Informal!1 at the lioapilnl oliere rw would like to enlrr nursing I Buy U.S. Savings Ask Mother, She Knows Clobber Girl is the bakinj with the balanced doubles W Right, in the mixing bowl) the oven. I d Bel-g'ao- - XT Soothes IRRitateq C '"tv. A1 ErtSRArlES... -- - part'-esshi- n 1 UNC ORS'r Quick relief MENTHOLATU Don't give in to bed misery get Menthols Mentholatums famoui nation of menthol. and other ents help thin out thic s lessen congestion sod nostf soothe smarting soreness eases up. k to clear, you can bred75s, . , - REC |