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Show ILu I,,FynI or w. Old Age Meed Hold Mo Terrors Finding Useful Work Js Formula for Happiness m , tu i supposed to be endless, also cr.n v ork in n hurry. It can make or triak you in a week or a In Or even in a day. month the course of a year it can turn ever thing upside down. Especially mt K!i.r.i: Ana h't and ( ommtnlaUir. Latest I':, 'tires from the census Lurt au have rrv alrd that the postwar period has produced a re coni huhy crop a,:C0,O()0 estimated for It 10. almost a million more than were WASHINGTON 1946 the v : ' little called read I pamphlet "When Older," written straightforward English, based in on The pam- modern, scientific ideas. phlet outlines methods which make that famous poem by Browning, so often regarded as wishful thinking by the skeptical, ring true. "Grow old along with me, said browning's Rabbi Ben Ezra, "The best Is yet to be. When grasped the theme of this pamphlet. It st'.rred classic I year. , VAILS' REVIEW avocn- - FAliM INCOMK: Great Gain farmers are at 70 or 73. Perhaps this is partly because of their environment mental and physical. Cicero says farmers "are not hindered to any extent by Many r.oM)i:i Latest rotir d in a envv Linage of st.it stics apron nt'v rh st in d to make the An era an farmer Li that he is an uni eliev ably fmtu'iate man was an agtu uliure depot '"a nt report that the nations farm owners are taking in more money than ever before It was estimated that total farm cash reccq ts during tbe first eight months of l'H7 were 17 4 billion dollars, a 21 per cent gam over the same period of 1946. itself a record year. The report said that the average farm operator realized a net income of $2,541 from agriculture and government payments in 1946, and this year farm income skyrocketed still higher as a result of continuing unprecedented demands for produce. An increase of 24 per cent in prices," was singled out by the report as the chief reason for the 1 line Youth excels in this tvpe of But age does almost as well work as youth in the type classified os "power woik, the kind of job where skill is important. There is not space here to develop the theme of "When You Grow Older as its authors do so compactly in their 30 pages. They discuss the questions, personal and political, of old age security They offer a host of other specific examples to illustrate the statements, some of which booming income. I have quoted here. I have attemptBut the picture has another side ed to review rather than a sumthat of farm expenses. Operating mary, moved to comment partly because of the valuable suggestions costs continue to increase and, al.offered, and also, partly because though no estimate was made for 1947, the farmers expenses went up 9 per cent in 1946 Nevertheless, if the agriculture department's estimates are accurate, the increase in farm income greatly outweighs the simu'taneous rise in expenses. ISIS AGAIN: Life t' osp rtnvs. Secretary of State George Marshall has discovered, is hounded on all sides by one crisis after another I7 No sooner had he returned to the S fiom Brazil with the mutual Amotican Just Hanging Around 64. Like Cicero, Messrs George Law-Ioand Maxwell Stewart, authors of the pamphlet I mentioned, stress the psychological problems of old age. (The pamphlet is issued by tire Public Affairs Committee, Inc., a educational organization, 22 East 38th St , New York City 20 cents ) Old age comes with a shock because we havent prepared for it. Maybe we are ready for the last day at the ofPce or at the work bench or when we sell the farm and move to the village or city, or in other wavs break a lifetimes routine. But we may have failed to rerog-nizthe need to feel important, a need which we must satisfy one way or another. Not in the sense that "important we have somebody kow-toto us, but necessary to somebody or some thing, some basiness, some undertaking, maybe not a big cog, but something that helps the wheels of life go round. non-profi- t, e these of pertinent paragraphs "When Yc u Grow Older" offer a perfect example of how modern science and experience confirm the verities expressed by poets and philosophets of the (ast It is still the habit of many critics to praise the stvle of Ciceros "Ie Senectute but to toss its message aside as wishful thinking. liven .Montaigne, who said franklv that reading the essav made one long to grow old." pessimistically limited what he considered a useful lifespan to a mere 50 years and thought it wrong to contem- plate further existence. Cicero's physical world was hounded by the frontiers conquered by Rome's plodding legions but was long in time. Today the men of our scientific age echo tne request in the last paragraph of the great statesmans immortal essay when he prayed: . that you put my words to practical test . 53,000 FOR IV.S Cash In defense treaty tucked safclv under his belt than he was best t with calls for succor from debilitated Europe, which, apparently. was sliding swiftly down the ways toward utter ruin Insiders said the European situation really was desperate. Undersecretary of State Robert Lovett had sounded the first alarm shortly before Marshall's return when he said that Europe's economic structure was cracking up faster than anyone had expected. Dtaft time hal rolled nround I s, but sg.i.n fur mi lln.ns of ex G this time it was more in the nature cf a bank draft as veterans all over the nation fell happily into line to cash their terminal leave pay bonds. Virtually every city reported that hordes of veterans had descended on banks in an unprecedented rush to convert their hard-wo- n bonds into coin of the realm. Millions of former Joes stuffed millions of dollars into their pockets. What would they do with the newly acquired money? A few put it back into savings accounts; others bought clothes, furniture and similar necessities; much of it was squandered immediately. But one surprising fact developed: A great many ex-- I s family men now were using the store of cash to get out from under worrisome debts. For them it was a case of dire need ISOTOPES: U. S. Offer velopment market in of a flourishing black farm eqirpment, accord d dealers ing to manufacturers groups who have pron umced the sit uation fairly wiicsnrtad cirum-tance- s whirl Secondary ,of t'us partic support the ular him k murk t are t e unpan le'td height if f,.rm ineon e and the apparent fa ! u nutum of t e a-- ex'-tox- nations farm pc .1 it on to a Rarer to new levels f - e. han.l7iiori Thus, t'm di , nd for farm equ contmui s to lx- - aln ost in satiable. Even the Lea. v, unmter do nr ' I tR- -- ti.po t e ip t .se rt if indivi -- m Mg . t pr-o- i'i raeti, ( s on K one n an 'u: r n nod b t a- p irtirularly bad b k k n as ket m ( eu - De-tro- et 615 t yard of QNE cither of iw .6 p ir.ch fibres gay j. ,t. i An adorable floppy rose dec one. butterflies in'eri bro:Cr.., other. sts tn Easy aprons! J i t I'aCarn Cl, motif-.r'lmions This new. liiij-J needlework : u.in m photos, concise du.n. j Ps: 20 cents t dcn bioiili-r- . . . Sewtnc Bo i 3217 Circle San Enclose 20 Verdlemft t ranches tern for Mo Df , (4 Pi:, Name. Address. Some go up and aome go down. This can happen in baseball more than any game I know. Up and down down and up. A year ago Vernon hit above 353 and George McQuinn was around .225. Now with Vernon at .273, McQuinn has been close to .300 most of the year. A combined shift of some 150 points. Even more. But there are alwavs a few who hang on, looking the Old Doc in the eye. One of these is Ted Williams of the Red Sox. There seems to be a vague idea around that Ted has taken a dip this season. Id like to take the same brand of dip. They have built up a defense against Williams that was supposed to wreck him. He may not be the annihilator of other seasons, but he is still up there challenging for the home-ru- n title in the A. L., the batting leadership and the honors. I would say that in an off year for so many stars, Ted Williams is doing a great job. Yofl'Ubt proud ot yoor strong, bosky children when you give them Scott's Emulsion every day! Scott's is a gold mine" of na furoiA&D Mtunl Vitamins and energy-buildlolL Helps children grow nsht, deveby sound teeth, strons boa. Helps ward off colds when they lack enouph A4D ViUmn r' food. Many doctors recommend It. Economical. Bay todiy it your drug store. than just a tonic-- it's nourishment! powerful MORE SCOTtSfEMULSIOl runs-batted-- in Radioactive isotopes products of American atomic research have eases. are They tance in of paramount imporcurrert cancer research and one day may provide the clue leading to control and cure of that disease. Farmers Caught by Black Mart rupted output of the entire farm equipment industry has failed to stil1 the clamor of the hungry market. It has been common practu c this summer for formes to pay huge premiums on such pieces of equipment as traitors, hnv balers and Corn pickers, all of wh ch have custom ( rs on dealers waiting lists Tt utors pru ed at 00(1 have sold fa- - as high, as S3.OO0 or $ 3.500 llav bd. is, u r ch arc used on hay three tm s a season and ip other farm us- -, ,.e et n fin i - g buyers at in higbt. Vet non is now around 40th place among Ann rican It ague hitters, mt mclud.ng over 50 hitters in the N I... which would leave Mickey in a spot close to the 90th mark. A year ago, H ere were wordv arguments as to u other Bob Feller of .t Cleveland or Hal Newhouser of was the greater pitcher. Bob Fcler is row in about 20th place among the winners and Hal New- houser's ranking is in 42nd. A year ago, Dave Fcrriss was on his wav to winning 25 games. At this writing, Dave occupies the 26th spot on the pitching side. A year ago, Howie Pallet and Murry Dickson were the two Cardinal stars, close to the top. Pollrt was e a winner. Currently, Dickson has been in the 45th slot and Pol-ldown as low as 50th place, among those who throw a baseball for a living. These are just a few of many examples to show what the Old Doc with the sharp scythe can slip you, He when he feels in the mood. can lift you up and he can also yank you down at even greater speed. lie doesn't seem to care. Old Doc Time is a temperamental mug. He doesnt bother about names or reputations. He lets nature take its course. I interviewed him once, and this is all he had to say: As this old world goes roun and roun'. TRACTORS Gradually deteriorating prewar machines and implements, plus a shortage of rural labor, are the two principal factors responsible for de- batting average. It was reported that Larry MacPhail had offered $130,090 for Vernons eon-- j tract, as at that time the Yankees had no hard hitting first baseman They Go Up and Doicn been offered in limited amounts to all foreign nations for use in mankinds world-wid- e and fight against disease The gesture, marking the first sharing of the fruits of U S atomic ovens, loomed more significantly on The fear blowing in on the winds the uncertain frontier of peace than any loan or from Europe intensified Precaribalanced Britain remained at aid so far conceived ously the heart of the trouble, but more Described as the most important grief was ad led by tbe news that modical research tool since the bad weather had struck hard at the isotopes radioacmicroscope, crops in many European countries tive forms of basic elements are this year Most nations had been forced to use their meager produce utilized in the same manner as mafor domestic consumption rather chine gun tracer bullets Introduced than for export There was no profit into the body or blood stream, they can be used to trace life processes m that, they said and plot the course of various disIn the I1. 5., it began to appear more likely that a speual ses non nf congress unuld be called this fall to Uudy the situation and ptrhaps set up tbe ra'us lor another economic transfusion to ene strength to the uiaLemng old u oild. I ' I Transfusion ? Cicero wrote that essay when he was 63 years old and I have no doubt he W'ould have lived what he preached for another decade or two if his vigorous old age had not Philhp-pic- s produced the resounding against Anthony which resulted in his being purged (Roman style) while still hale and hearty at I Farmers Income Zooms; New Crisis Ilils Europe CIS 1 remembered Memories. that a gentleman who considerably predated Browning had said the same thing in his essay On Old Age, written in the year 44 B. C. I refer to Marcus Tullius Cicero. He said (among other pertinent things) "qui autem omnia a se ipsi petunt, eis nihil potest videri, quod naturae necessitas adferat. Which, if youll pardon my freedom with the text, means that those who seek their happiness from within can never regard nature's inevitabilities as bad. I d have worried their friends and to themselves old age, and seem to me to apearly death, s. bv proach the ideal wise man's life." sitting down and weeping over Most jobs nre of such a character their lost youth instead of get'ing that ability to perf rm them deWhen You clines with the years up, learning to take old age in Grow Older" eites as an example their stride and "speed work" I.ke the asscmldy liking it Recently a very J 12,000-foo- 61 and 1947. as roulette wheel fate kept spin- ning. For one example, a year ago Mickey Vernon of the Senators led both big leagues with a .353 A UNFIT ('LIMB . . . Member of the Harvard university St. 11 t lias expedition are shown atop a) don peak in Alaska which they scaled Just a a preliminary maneuver before tackling 18.00K foot St. I lias, greatest mountain in North America. Hie Harvard party wa (he second expedition to beat the mountain in I s j I of Jl'ST I Avocatiom Help To Retain Youth Anvlody con divehp an t X 1 Tins situation jxisi x a nutHr : problems for the nation, and ih" emphasizes the personal pfol iem The prohlem of glowing old lake many of oar troubles, re il cr unarmed, the best cure bring this one out into the Tie give It n pood shaking will ta that it in many cum-pears or that it shrinks to ut tance (if that weren't so. try wouldn't he su h a hip! warded profession) Wise men have known this for n long time and lived to a hnppv old ape Others (who 1 didn't know; it) baseball This thought happened along as of we looked over the record I o horn in 1910. Hut it will take more than this belated hurst f rejuvenation to keep the United Slates from becoming an "old" nation Old in the .sense that the .iveiai e ape will be high, with a heavy proportion of oldsters. There are two reasons for tluc Nowadays people live much lonper, thanks to medical seance. And the sire of the American family has shrunk person In KtiQ when t' e popti! itmn vvas about 3) 5 millions, Mi'i i Hi millions. were over 65 In l'H3 vvlen tie population apt roai ,920,000 persons were over 5 Ity 1970 there will be 16 rml! n over that age, out if an st mated population of more than 111 mill on-.- in V f "When one wheat farmer, fo example, has his crop harvesl ed, someone will drive up am ask him how much he paid foi his combine. The farmer might sav $2,000. When the stranger asks how much he would sell it for, the farmer, picking a number out of the hat. might say $3,000. Ihen, to the farmer's surprise, the stranger peels off 30 SI 00 hills and takes the combine off his hands, "The farmer $3,500 cause would have got if he had asked it, be- combine SI (ico the stranger took the north and sold it for Other Old Timers So is Joe DiMaggio, in spite of numerous ailments. Joe DiMaggio is still the top artist in baseball. A few of those w'ho starred last season are still delivering. One of these is Kiner of the Pirates, who led the National League in the home-ruroundup a year ago, and is likely to lead it again. Johnny Mize, always a power hitter, is still shooting his salvos. So is Hank Greenberg. But so far, 1947 has been featured by stars unknown a vear ago. One is Ewell Blackwell of the Reds, with a season in his pocket. Blackwell has been rated far above Feller and Newhouser with a weaker ball club. The tall and lanky one, the human No. 1 iron, has been the pitcher of the year. Another leading star is Harry Walker of the Phillies. Eddie Dyer, one of baseballs smartest, traded him to the Phillies in exchange for Ron Northey. At which point Harry Dixie Walkers brother, Walker, promptly took charge of the batting mark in both leagues. Working with a ball club, Walker has been one of the seasons star performers. So n tail-en- d has Blackwell. heard few rumors about Blackwell and Harry Walker a year ago But they have driven the stars of 1946 into the gravel ditch. You I outtff y ankee Stars The team feature of the year has heen the number of winning performers George Weiss of the Yankee farm system has rushed to Yankee help Tins list includes Yogi Berra, Frank Shea, Allie Clark, Vic Rashi and a few others who have tarried the Yankees along With almost no advance build-up- . the Yankee farm system has been far Letter than that of the Dodgers, rated, last spr.ng, as the best. maaI change to CALOX for the tonic eect on your smile Efficient Color teorhs tuourrW 1 Helps remove all (he natural lustre of font smde. 2 A special ingredient in C 01 encourages regular which has a tonic effect ongijOj ...helps makes them rosy.'I one up jour smile-Cal- ox! Made in jamoui MiKisio 113 oj pbrffindtctuttcM yrt and And Your Strength Below Energy Is It may be cauwd by msT pey function that PeLtiJu tor , waste to tecumulate. weak people feel tired, fail t0 when the kidneys from and other waste matter biektfk blood. You may suffer rheumatic pains, on5' retting up Digbts. leg P Sometimes frequent "d"d 1" . Ii 4 tion with smarting other sign that some rung u the kidneys or bladder. , .i.t nrsff l There should he no treatment is w ser t Doan, Pill. It Ifwon ao jV cc c cf medicine that has fgrpt on somf1 r Btjj roval than r. .. . Leira hi pn Ir'ruj |