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Show PAROWAN Bites Held j For ARADE SociE TY PjrJgonah Lady 19 TIMTS. PAROWh.N UTAH SFPTFMBFR 1947 Com mut .IU..AIKI. KPCj? Father Eacalante. 20 Indian Chiaf YfafohfM 21-Ji- Bndger. Mr. and Mr,. Frna.t t. 22 Oa Team, and Coverrd Low, Guymon, wifa of Ainu moo Ond daugb. mrn.b.r. of tb.ir family. antr,t.1B.d 23 Prairia Schooner. Sjftou C.u I 24- - Handcart,. upham Jr- - "J ko at a raerptio Satu l.y armnt. hi no i Topham. Sb orin Mr. and Mra. Alma W. S Robmsoa Ship. U 7ib, al 4:45 who war, married I S.Jr Avgust in tba Spring. Th, bounty Ho.pilal of ai and pack mule. ilr option waa held in tha We.t Ward Relief Sourly room,, where a .hot! born March 30lh. 1909 Top Buggy. f0 ! rogram waa enjoyed and refra.b Iron County Utah. Ska Top Buggy. Coach. j to Howard N. Cuynion nrnta served to tha group !mbrr 24th, 19.14 at tha Koma Out of town member, of tha Lowe 32. Girl, riding horseback, kr.Jr. family who canto for tha occaaion ni. beside bar husband -- are, Mr. and Mr,. Lynn j Low, .nd Norton Cuynion, ara tba " aon of Salt Lab. Mr. Loia and Mr, T. C. City, of Mt. Buggy tb.Uian. Lron " Clifton bar Also Mr. I Jaan. ilia Beaumont, and Mri. Hen and yj a I Jr. of Para-k,,- ry Limb, and Mr. and Mra. Cecil Buggy. jt.n B opbam Orta D. Topbiothar Wilden and their familiea of Bearer; 39 Mail Man. uf Coach. dr. and Mra. LaVerr Blaka and fm-ilJ Panguilih. 4 1 Hearse. srM,,rt wrra conductad of St. George and Ward Lowe, Peddler. ftrrnun ! 2 pm. tm ,Ai) ho ia woi king and 1 da Wagon. AuBl attending W'J l,pr1, "h 44 Drlivery Wagon. .al achool in Loa Angelea. Wagon. Q,(Url Roliinton conduct- Coach. PfVU Old.mobile. "I 229 . n from page 'k cfo r of the Parowan Eaat Ward apoka Truck. ilkrrfr'V Hour". Invocaion eelingly. An Accordian Solo by Mra. R. Thomas Parka Bus Councilor b Original J Beth liurat of Panguitch. Joteph L. Bus. Barton (an unite 'A .Hum P. Topham waa concluding apeaker. Buick. ai the firat apaak- Mi ,nrdl Bi.hop Gilbert Robinaon made a Buick. few cloaing remark,. The cloaing 53 1947 Buick. R.lla Orton of Parowan fave That Beautiful tong by the choir: j.o'u A pm m written by Afton Land". Elder Joaeph E. Litter offered It will be noted that from number sistera of Panguitch J Codion the benediction. At thecemetery they 18 on to the end, are vehicles depict a Board-Mra. Ruth b ad ii let'rr to tha four cbild-4,.itr- n ang one verse and chorua of "Til ng the Evolution of Transportation. We Meet Again". Moat of these pieces are owned by bv Mra. Ruth Boardman A. Dedicated Jr. Thomaa Topham Rose-Solo b Gronway R. Parry of Cedar City, by jnid hy btr Piano the who is being hired by the County grave. Jaaae Guymon nion B'sliop Centennial Committee to produce this part of the parade. Another feature which should add materially, will he he appearance of properly costumed IKI characters riding in each of the vehicles and in some cases singing songs which are appropriate to the period hev are repreaenting, making the whole very realistic. Souvenier Booklets containing a brief record of the various Centennial events which have taken place in Iron County during the year, as well as the number and description of each unit in the parade, are to be distributed to the people in the County. AUG. Lining up in proper order out at the race track, the parade will proceed into town, turning South on Main Climaxing all livestock shows street at the Court House corner and held in a hundred years! continuing on the left aide of the street to Ray Lymans corner where DAIRY it will turn and double back down Aug. 31 to Sept. 6 the street to the library corner, and FALL RABBIT SHOW CENTENNIAL BEEF SHOW there turn west and end at the West Aug. 25 to 31 Sept. 8 to 13 Ward Church grounds SHOW PIGEON 4 H CLUB LIVESTOCK There on the green East of th 14 to 8 to 20 the crowd will assemble to 15 Sept. Chapel, Sept. see a group of New Harmony people POULTRY SHOW BANTAM SHOW in costume, dance some old time Sept. IS to 20 Aug. 18 to 24 dances on a platform, specially erect ed for the occassion. There, too, the STATE FAIR REVUE Nightly at the Grandstand - brilliant UTAH visiting dignitaries will make brie appearances. This will be followed by the amateur rodeo to be staged at the Race Track grounds. d hiI I InL from tim TK MiltKrll't outj liko to nun to .(op ift .fUr aow. or haw. o, any olha, nnj.ty . a r ,e tll t bat Stats. Fnroul to attend a in Indiana, h was an night guest of lbs Msrrills. -- ANSWER, 42-Di- ( WILL ALWAYS BE YES OH, PROMISE n f M., and Mrs. Forrest Clinrman and young son, V an, of Hurrtcans visited hnetly on Monday with Mrs. H. L VvtVlKV M.' WlSOHAay I THINK. TNfia. MAttAiAftC ia STABTINO ON the BQOCi Roy 2 5 evening mi ou them plies s rCHES .IT 1NDS BOXES Y 7 Centennial SS 59 Off A LIVESTOCK SHOW 31 to Sept. 20 Stafte Fair rounds SALT LAKE CITY WARD Paragonah School commenced here Tuerday morning with the following teacher Helen Stonra. Emma Dalton, and Idella Robinaon. Mra. Venice Cheanut of Salt Lake viaited here over the week end with er folks Mr. & Mra. Thomas A. Edwards. Mrs Byron Montague and Mr. heir children of Payton visited here ior a few days with Mrs. Montague's folks Mr. & Mrs. W m. T. Davenport. & Herbert Topham and family have returned home from Ver& Mrs. Mr. nal, Utah where they have spent the summer, where Herbert has been working. FL'NF.RAL Contiunrd the grave el the cemetery wi dedicated by I hot. K. Mutyoak. Pell bearers were two grandsons, Vernon and Udell Decker and four nephews, Delbert Bart, Vernon and Clifton Mortensen. The profusion of beautiful flowers were in charge of a group of girls who were friends and relatives of the family. Among the many out of town people who were in attendance at the tunrral were Mr. Sl Mrs. Veron Decker of Salt Lake City; Mr. & Mrs. Udell Decker, Horence Corry, Fae Dix, Mary Robb, Anfs Mae Halter-ma- n Agatha Lunt Alberta Morris Arvilla H Day, and Mr. A Mr. L. N. Marsden of Cedar City; Mr. A Mrs. Laban Burt of Beaver; Mr. A Mrs. Ben Lewis of Milford; and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Lewis, Viola Manser, Mrs. Lois Whittaker, Grover Lewis and Mrs. Marguerite Fox of Circle-villr- . Two of the grandsons of Mrs. Ward who would have liked very much to be here but who were unable to leave it- - The New Friendly WAY "Utah is one of the larger consumers of dynamite. Mines of use 10,000,000 pounds in blasting I out ores." BANK OF LOS ANGELES $9 25 (Plus Tax) Greyhound Call your local Overland and departure agent for low farea America. in tune to anywhere IRON COUNTY FENTONS PHARMACY Parowan. - Phone 2131 QOgOQGKDQQ METAL MINING INDUSTRY OF UTAH LINE8 Operated by INTERSTATE TRANSIT Invites Your Patronage Send Your Laundry and Dry Cleaning To Servicemens Terminal Leave Bonds Cashed Up To LAUNDRY AND CLEANERS FOUR TIMES WEEKLY SERVICE TO $5000 ppiit Your Banking At Parowan Mr. Clarenca Lowder and of Salt Laka City spent th recent holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Lowder. Mr. and Mrs. Thos Bettridga and family of Caliente, Nevada wera abla to spend a day or two last week with .eir folks her, They wera on their ay home from a vacation trip through Yellowstone. Claude H. Mitchell made a hurried trip from his home in Odgen on Sunday morning to bring hit wifa and two younger sons down to Parowan and Summit for a two weeks visit with relatives and friends. He returned Sunday night, however, taking his oldest son, Rex, who had been visiting here for a few days, back for entrance into school. g d . son-in-la- CARD OF THANKS Deposits Federally Insured CEDAR Mr. and their little daughter their laborp, were Ward Taylor of San Diego who had just returned to hip work from a three weeks visit Miss Patricia Adams, daughter of here, and Verl Taylor, who is labor- Mr. and Mrs. Benson Adams of Muring at an L. D. S. missionary in ray, and who has been visiting for a part of the North Central the past two months with her grand States Mission. parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Adams, Mrs. Ward, affectionately known returned to her home early Monday to a large circle of friends through morning so that she could register out Southern Utah as "Aunt Olive, ior school opening this week. was born in Parowan on May 2, 1869, a daughter of Neils and Elizabeth Also returning to her home in Los Carson Mortensen. She was married Angeles Tuesday to attend school to Silas J. Ward, a long time saw he coming winter, was Miss Karen mill operator and lumber dealer of Wright, who spent the summer here the community, on Jan. 3, 1887 in with her grandmother, Mrs. Luella Parowan and later in the L. D. S. R. Adams. Endowment House at Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hansen of carAunt Olive began a at the eer of practical nursing at the early Provo, spent the week-enL. J. Adams home. They came to age of 11, when she eagerly bathed the young babies of the family. As- get their three children who have sisting several doctors who have been been here with their grandparents for here throughout the past 50 years, the past two weeks, while Grant and she helped to deliver hundreds of Helen took a vacation trip up through babies, cared for the sick, and pre- .he northwest and into Canada. pared for burial scores of the dead Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Haltermsn Always an active member of the visited with relatives and friends in L. D. S. Church, she had held offices he northern part of the State last in the various organizations all during week, stopping in Delta, Logan and her life time. Having no children of Sahara Village. Upon their return her own in 1903 she adopted two were greeted by several memlittle girls whose own mother had they bers of their family who hed arrived died, Natina and Phoebe Benson, and for visits from their homes in Califreared them as her own. She also ornia. Jack and Ruth came up from cared for two of Natinas boys, VerMaywood, Calif, for a few days visit for several on and Udell Decker, with them and with the H. L. Adams I years after their mother passed aw y. family; and also coming from Los Her own love and devotion have, ngeles, were Mr. and Mrs. Magnus ; however, been repaid many times Rosenberg and Lois Halterman and during the past several years; for her son. since her own health has been very Mrs. Merle Rasmussen spent last poor, she has been lovingly and patiently cared for by her daughter, week at Kanab visiting her daughter Phoebe and her husband, Clifton and Mr. and Mrs. Burton Taylor. They have stayed right with Banks, also visited at Junction and her for several years, except for a Kingston going over to the jneral few months which she spent in the services of Ellis Bay. Others who Rest Home when the daughter's went from here to the funeral were; health became bad. Donald Skougard, Nellie Dalton, Ray The deceased is survived by her Benson, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Orton, Phoebe Benson Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miller. Mrs. daughter, and a brother, S. C. Mortensen of Burton Banks visited here for a few Parowan; by five grandchildren and I Jayg after bringing her mother home I one great - grandchild. from Kanab. life-lon- THE SCENIC GREYHOUND Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bigler of Los Angeles visited briefly in town this week, being enroul to Nephi to attend the funeral of Clan's father, James Bigler, who died there Min-nesto- the state annually MORE FUN per DOLLAR Adam. Mr. anj Mrs Georg II Durham, their daughter, Joyce and a friend, Phyllis Bench all of Salt Laka City, visited Sunday with relatives and friends in Parowan. They wars on .heir way for a brief tour of tha Southern Utah Parks. -- Swaau, v Conover- hhitley May Gundmund.rn, daughter of Kay Gundmundsen it her h her aunt, Mrs. Mmnis 5. Burton for a coupla of weeks. THAT If HE CAN PfLQE IT IS BELIEVED uow GiRl OF MIS CHOICE ATOP THE FTIOMISE ROCK, THAT THE ( "0 ill tOvS LOTHARIO, I ralta.hmg .ult tention - THIS RED. FATHERED, AND PITTED SANDSTONE BULGE HES BETWEEN CANNONVIUE AND HlNRilV IUE IN ClAMlE LD COUNTY WHEN LOVE SURGES THROUGH TnE VEINS OF A HE IUHOUhOOD - NCE ttr PERSONAL NEWS Cunt. ...75s2rr r d Jing dal.ouu. lun.h drink. e U ndies lh,L Mr. M L. Skougard haa bean ihaif of building and fut, thing th.. naw hut.natt and haa had numUr of I'" ... t side-saddl- OPC0fi who haa had teeetal yeata aapar.ani in the aatvita. will t ,r te and LtlDGI. CuntmurJ RAROWAN and PARAGONAH Call or leave cleaning and laundry at Minam8 Style Shop in Parowan and Macs Service in Paragonah. We wish to express our deepest gratitwod and appreciation to the many friends and relatives for their kindness and helpfullness during the bereavement of our dear Mother and sister. We also wish to thank those who took part in the funeral services and those who expressed their sympathy by their presence and flowers. S. C. Mortensen and the family of Aunt Olive Ward Visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Adams, is Mrs. Joyce Adams Ahlstrom of Hemet, Calif, and her two little daughters, the youngest being only 1 month of age. The family was brought up by Joyces husband. Dr. Howard Ahlstrom, last Thursday, who returned to his home and business on Sunday. Adrian, Don, and Karl Adams and a couple of their friends of Oakland, Calif, were also visiting at their parents home during tha Labor Day Holiday. |