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Show remember Id "Hs i' JV.4 "t Crntrnnul t" u! t .. . 8 ! t'.'UI ,,, l to 3 City Miss July Cedar at EnjoyTarowan Reunion horn of of July II Smith, daughter of Mr. Moron Smith of Cadar City (Kr bnda of Floyd Robinson t quirt urdd.n K on tha evening w p.rrnt., Mr Ip was Tha taramony j p(ron. by Bishop Wm. Snow j, limilir. bridr ' TK I A. f tha - has baan attending tha C. tha part winter. Floyd, the f Kr. A Mrs. Arthur Robinson served two and sinca U. S brrn employed in the young couple j PsrousnNavy A d par-fprisr- at mrmhars of tha immed- of rBt yaars with his release Cedar City are making Arr home. reception lionoring the newly. Smith home in pdi was held at the A week following Cedar City during the by At erdding. and was attended a number of local people. Officers Thank P. I. II. For 24th Support People local officers of the D. U. P. would like to thank all of tow people who so willingly assisted a carrying out the 24th. of July The ampi n Parowan; th men who ard their cars to haul people to the (.Bile, the banquet committee, the portm committee, all who assisted any way in presenting the lovely poram and the park supervisor for lii courtesy and cooperation. Their ypreciation is also extended to thos embers of the community who sup ported their efforts by their atten hue at the celebration in ) Members Asked F. A. f. i It Meet August 3rd Mr. Thales Brown would like to 'asst all F. F. A. members, at the H.(h School Building Sunday, Aug 4:00 p. m. Especially would to have those boys who are phoning on making the trip to Salt lake City on August 18th. be there, 3rd. k i at like Fel. Keeps Promise Made ies 30 Years Ago The following piece from the Gar-I- 4 County the newspaper publish din Panguitch, is especially interest's to many people in Parowan, in-- : muc! IAKOWA.v IlMtS. IARuWAN Marries 257 Adams Descendants Citizens Commended fjdjj Robinson A, l0- - NUMBER 39 XXXII yfilME PAROWAN TIMES JI III 8 P' ,,11-N- ,a F met together for a two-da- 1. 1947 Although we know that many more proyle have been improving their placet then are ever reported, in cooperation with the Centennial Braun-luatioproject, we would like to mention the worthy effort of tome of our citizens in thi line. We can't help hut remark on the unbelievable ihangr George b . Rowley ha made in the old Taylor place thi summer with the addition of a couple of room, a front porch and a coat of tucco and paint. The home and groun ds of Mr & Mrs. Aaron down in the southwest corner are something to be proud of. The John T. MukeUon home in the same section ha undergone a complete transformation also. O Winston Orton's home has always been attractively kept up, but a new coat of paint has made it that much better; but when the workers get through remodeling the Lorenzo Matheson home on upper Main street, it wo.it be recognized as the same place. Roy Adams is busily engaged in repairing the fire ravages in the D. p. Barton residence, which he purchased some time ago. Saunders M. Clark and his family have moved into one unit of his new vuto court on Main street and work is progressing rapidly on several of the other buildings which are nearing completion. Tu,-ley- com-mitte- Visit In rW pr- - '- - va W eir ft Of Parowan wad killed. He vi.ited family and reiterated the of their service, as they were r'end and had that if agreed f tl,em aurvived the other, he d visit the families of the d Announcement has been made of the coming marriage of Miss Janet Love daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Lovo of Salt Lake City to Joseph C. Orton son of Mr. & Mrs. Twenty Orton of Parowan; the wedding to take place in Salt Lake City on Aug- ust 22nd. Joesph graduated from the Parowan High School before he entered the Army during World War II where he served 3 years overseas. Both he and Miss Love attended the B. Y. U. at Provo last winter where they were majoring in business. Joseph is employed in civil service work at Fort Douglas, so the young couple intend to make their home in Sait Lake City, and will probably attend classes at the University of Utah this coming winter. v ". r- 1 d j il 4 b. lis-- J wifU 'k St Uhcp.- Jfks-- w h b.Ie in the service, a lthou gh a'Ken a long Th, f 'millet aij time, anoreciate the surely ,1 f, rm Ahlstrom and x''orPr,l leu ' ank kim for keeping the Pro - ke had made to his friend k j V"' (air bin of the conditions lu their deaths. aware of obviously by CHESTER H SPINK Staff Writer-Photographe- r, Utah Division Centennial Beautification Parowan s To be better citizens. ;n a ffood children must be reared env.ronment. home and community , le The adults must firs co home, by making the places county well planned, pleasant w . ,C Responsible P.row.n citizens are the effect the home and community have on them- Parowan s Responsibility dk now felt that he had keot Bromie to fulfill to the famili; 11 buddies the conditions ?'""ent 4 'n Fanu'tch kent old-time- Six-Rid- Continu'd on Back Page Legion Elects Officers Mr. A Mrs. Thales Brown and their children are back in town after spending the past few weeks in the Northern part of the State, Tbales at summer school in Logan and tha Mrs. and children with her family in Map-letoUtah. n, Mrs. Eulala T. Orton is back in the public library after spending tho past six weak attending summer school at tba University of Utah where she took some training in Library work. Mrs. Minaio Orton also spent tho term at the same school aad is now back home. Dr. & Mrs. Lyna Patarson, tbair son and daughter, of Lewiston, Penn, visited during tba week at tha home of Bisbop and Mr. Leonard Evana of Parowan. Tho Paterson family aro recent converts to tha L. D. S. Church having baan gaptixad on March 22nd. by tha Evans' son Bernell and lis missionary companion. Tha Doctor gave a very interesting talk in Sacrament Meeting Sunday, relating incidents wkich aroused their interest and culminated in their accepting the doctrine of the L. D. S. faith. Miss L uella Hyatt, Supt. of Nurses at the Salt Lake General At a meeting held July 25th. the Hospital, and a friend, Mrs. Anna local post of the American Legion Nichols of Salt Lake City, spent tha elected the following officers to act past week-en- d at the home of Miss for the coming year: Hyatts parents, Mr. & Mrs. H. S. Adams Post Commander, Hyatt Albert Chester Ward 1st. Vice Commander, Continued on Back Page Scott L. Matheson 2nd. Vice Comm., Adjutant, Taylor George Parcel! Miller Chaplain, W. Clair Rowley Service officer, Whitney Orton and Floyd Evans Sargents at arms, Homer Mrs. Mable RobinscJi and her three Adams & Bill Stubbs Athletic of- sons are visiting in Salt Lake City ficers, Lorin Orton Child welfare with her folk Mr. and Mra. Milt officer. Robb. !' , if - J'e Mr. A Mrs, Frank Patten enjoyed visit last week from Frank's mother Mrs, Lettie Patten and hi brother, Karl Patten and tha letter's wife end family of .Spanish Fork. They were also visited recently by some friends, Mr, A Mrs. John Fonkert of Orange City, Iowa. Plans for one of the most com plcte and entertainning Centennial Celebrations in the State are rapidly taking shape for Iron County's Fair. At a special meeting last Monday elected several night tha Jaycees Committees to handle all the necc:-ssardetails for presenting two davs of Rodeo. A rodeo in Parowan should prove very interesting and unique, because even the have to think real hard to remember when the last one was held here. Competition between local personalities to be featured. A challenge to the Cedar City and possibly Beaver and Panguitch Jaycees to a 4 horse relay should add a great deal of excitement. Another item of interest is tha e Carnival for securing of a The Williams the last two days. from Provo, one Rides and Shows of the largest and most complete Carnivals in Utah, will have a Ferris Parowan People Attend Judd Mrs. Eva Beard of Milford was here visiting during the week. Reunion At Jacob Lake and Mrs. Glenn Smith are visiting in Rexburg, Idaho for a few days with Mrs. Smiths folks. 3 M: the conditions a"d w. C. Tebbsand Ann Cooper and others & Ver many things that Happened I thi ervice. He told of th e many nl things that had happened Were Setheii and praised r key 'Shly the service they rendered country i the Great War. Mr. Urom they were loya, anJ te'r country and gave un 4ti Ve defending the rights and of their felow man. Dsryl Halterman, who has livod in Michigan most of his time sinca his release from the Service, was able to spend a few days visiting last week with his folks, the R. L. Halter-man- For Coming Year 1 de-an- e W--i Paragonah MUjs, explain - y lS which they were killed. visited with the families YEAR Aonie. Thrilling Rodeo Being Prepared For The Iron County Fair At Parowan of the ive, " A r.m i a each ' n l.ti.f s. City Beautification Efforts Hampered By Useless Buildings famili c t f) Mrs. Libbie Benson Gogoff of Salt Lake City is here for a few day visit with her folks. She is staying at present at her brother Arch's . a folk 1. hv Mr. A Mr. Robert Benson anj their family of Orem, Utah, are visiting this week in Parowan with Bob' brother and sisters. V i-'- S Joseph Orton the company of their Scout Mastei, Frank Patten, 12 boy scouts and 3 Cub Scouts of Parowan enjoyed a trip into the State Capitol last week, where they not only took in the town but were able to get a front line view of the hugh "Centennial Parade staged in Salt Lake City on the 23rd. In Mont Lowe's truck and with Mr. Lowe driving, the boys and their leader left town at 2:00 p. m. Tuesday afternoon and traveled as far as Murray, where they camped in Murray Park that night. Taking their own lunches for that evening and thet next morning, they were not troubled with having to find an eating place, so were able to be up and Continued on Back Page l.iN M.I..H! Here to assist in entertaining for their mother's birthday are Mr. Ora Macfarlana of Ogden, Mr. Clara Taylor of Provo, and Mrs. Caddie Christensen of Fillmore. Janet Love To Marry State Capitol (i Personal News Notes Rav-mue- n Parowan Boy Scouts all item of lovul new I'1 Unit! 12 50 n reunion in the town which they help, ed to colonne, the Adam family having come to Parowan with the original band of Pioneer on Jan 13th., I8S1. Coming from places both far ani near, many of the family were able to attend Church in Parowan on Sun-daafternoon where two membrrt, Milton L. Ollertun and Marion , short talks. Then on Sund ty gave evening the group met at the homo of Mr. & Mrs. Wm. L. Adams fo a visit and session. General arrangements were in charge of committees made up ol local family members with Ray M. Adams heading the amusement Wm. L. Adams, the program, and Albert E. Adams heading the refreshment committee. The outlined program began at 2:00 p. m. on Monday, July 28th. with a genealogical meeting at the Vermillion Cattle Camp. There a program was given which included, besides group sing-ing- , stories of the life of Mary A. Leech Adams by Lola Turhry and of the life of Mary B. Bol am Adam by Kisten Perkins. After dinner at 6:00 p. m. everyone gathered around the camp fire and enjoyed an evening, impromptu speeches, jokes, and reminiscences by some descendent of each member of the original Adam family. Tuesday morning found the crowd again assembled at Vermillion Cas'le Camp where they enjoyed a group breakfast and then proceeded to th: Mammoth where they spent the day visiting the old Adams Ranch and other places of interest to the family. On Tuesday evening everyone in 'he' West Ward Chapel and enjoyed a program given by various member of the family and which included vocal solos by Howard A. Holt and a duet by Marian H. Foster and Fay: H. Barlocker, all children of Estelle Adams Holt of Enterprise. A solo was also sung by Melvin Adams, son of John Adams of Blanding, Utah followed by piano solos, one by Kathleen Adams, daughter of Bronson Adams of Murray and one by Maria Adams, daughter of Ray H. Adams of Parowan. Milton Ollerton and t page five Continued n li.jp On Home Beautification Around 257 descendant of W liam Adam 5r. and hit wive. Mary Ann Leech Adam and Mary B Adam, o I AH AUGUST they are acquainted with liy mentioned in ,tory. Jim Dodda, being the bro-i- k of Mr. Cora Lloyd of this city. W. A. Ahlatrom ' lCroe, Wisconsin, waa visiting in nSutch on j Saturday, July 12m. i T the families of Earl Riggs and m dd, two Panguitch boys who their live, in the service in World 4r Ahlstrom was a buddy of th boy and had spent much time ll them up until they both lost k Hj'e ' I selves and their children but they have no answer for the next door neighbor who allows his house to become run down and weed ridden. they ask, What is the answer, the town at shack to a tin patched shiftbreeds that a sight entrance, lessness and laziness, that detracts from property values and lends to th sordid, ugly environment a tourists and give neighborhood community? cf ,he poQr mpr,ion How can we eliminate the weeddis- business in the lots ridden empty on Eack Page Cont-nued S i Mr. Gurr and Mrs. Grace Oliphant Mrs. Cox of Riverside California members of her family attended a reunion of members of the family of has spent the past 3 weeks here visit- Zod.sk Mrs. Gurr's grandfather, Continued on page four at held was which Sr. Knapp Judd STATEWIDE Jacob Lake early in the month. The 265 people who enjoyed a day of CENTENNIAL EVENTS visiting, programs, and picnicing, inCurrent: Utah Centennial Expocluded the five living children of Z. sition, Fair Grounds, Salt Lake K. Judd Sr., the youngest of which Promised Alfred Drake in is over 70, the oldest being 97 years Salt Ute Stadium, LuCinda mother Mrs. Gurrs Valley, of age. Lake. of child eldest the Oliphant being CeleJuly the family, passed away several Price. Rodeo, her of bration, posterity Hunting Dates Listed By years age, but 33 S. Archery Meet, the Aug were present including every one of Sprucea, Brighton. her children save one boy. Ward and hit Game Commission Aug. Of interest to the people of Par GrounSr. K. Z. Judd Devils, Exposition that fact is Sky the owan Grandstand. were ds Dart Judd, his and wife, Mary cf Because of the great number for a Day, NatiAug. member of the original pioneer band requests for information on Utahs It broadcast onal 1851. in through Station P.row.n who c.me to hunting seasons, it is impo.ible to chilExposition oldest Coliseum, KALL, two their that here was Therereply with a personal letter. born. in- were dren fore, it is hoped the following Rodeo, Vernal. Mrs. Gurr entertained all of bar formation is so arranged a. to an- of Follies, Expoand member, and Aug. sister, broker, swer your questions. Grandstand. both here Grounds, home sition at her families their OPEN HUNTING SEASONS i before and after the celebration. Continued on page five 28-Au- State |