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Show xn Immigration Law Now in Force Is Best for 50 Years, Says Davis rm hit (Catbnl m,) reserve tor Ks future, no Industry that pays peer-wathat 'la noth-In- g but' a machine for eut dividends- for Its owners, deserves anything- of those who live within Its shadow. It is not a benefaction, but a curse." Touching Indirectly on national politic". Secretary. Dav! said: "When I think of the turnover In Industry I am reminded of the turnover In government Itself. Ever since our president stated that he did not uP0,".' to run 'a"1". I have been men or over that is going to taks me turnIn place the department of labor. Every has his boss, you see. My boss Isman the president and he's a good one, too. Yet even the president of the United 8 fates has his boss, the great American people." United 8tates Senator Hiram Johnson, addressing the convention during the morning defended the direct primary session, law; urged support for Colorado river development and appealed for eternal vigilance on the ,or of hul part.iof.labor mantty to see that labor's monument tai gains were not lost Labor-- , he said, had been triumphant in the original purpose for which unionism was devised " suarq, ne declared, dur-It- FA LUNG HAIR i cause for alara on follow Lgrytn "T ed In time. J f heri-- baldset is anlen check-- l u NetobwHerpldd 'The duality HalrTenic' eld br Oiuaaws engaged in the production, of more coal of. than the industry can taka-carCertain laws, he said, had been blamed for the eosd situation. If any such laws existed, he pledged his continuing effort to set them aside. Davis placed responsibility for rehabilitation of workmen crippled in Industry squarely on the shoulder of the Industry Itself. "The prosperity of a nation Is In the pay envelope of its workers." he concluded. "If any man thinks In terms of low wages, then a commission should be appointed to examine J hlra mentally." Invitations were received by telegram from labor leaders In Lakeland. Fie., and Dallas. Texaa. for the holding of the 192s conventlonlnttustl, "' Applied by Bwfcess ing "this age of prosperity and this era of materialism." LITTLE PROGRESS. little progress was made today In the real business matters of the convention. Another volley of resolutions came from the convention floor and were referred to committee. The convention heard reports on near east relief by E. Guy Talbot, while the .teJJ Industry situation at Passalo, N. J., was described as much tltl deplorable, by Improved, but Sarah Conboy of New York, secretary of the United Textll Workers. Midnight tonight was the time limit set for introduction of resolutions. Resolutions in committee ' for submission to the delegates Included one by the International Association of proposing an elgh-hoday for New York City Others were: demanding the withdrawal of the war fleet and marines from China, 4 CURT1SS FIELD, V. T., ."Oct. Haiti, Nicaragua and other countries (AP). Mrs, Frances Wilson Grayson, armed accompanied by an a'.ternate pilot and occupied by .United States forces, proposed by John .Sullivan of a navigator, plans to tske off for Old New York. OrchardMe., In her Sikorsky amphiProposing that Mexico, Cuba, Haiti, from plane "Dawn" tomorrow, Panama Canal tone and Independent bian p where shs' plans to make a countries of Central or South America, flight to Copenhagen, Denmark, she whloh are under the nonquota reg- announced today. ulations of the immigration law, be Mrs. Grayson plans to maks the placed under quota law. to Copenhagen In honor of Mrs. flight a federation declaration Ade Ancker Proposing of that and Aiken, in favor of an American merchant 8. C, her financial city backer. Mrs. marine, offered by Andrew Furuseth Ancker Is In Copenhagen, swatting (he of the International Seamen's 'union. fliers. A stop will be made In France Columbus, O., was urged as the site or the British Isles, depending on of the 1M1, national convention In a weather and gasoline supply. resolution offered by the Ohio state The alternate pilot Is Wllmer Stults, federation. veteran aviator, and the navigator Secretary Davis brought the "whole- Is Bruce Goldsborough, navigating Ine strument hearted greetings of President expert, who will have charge to the convention. of the radio. Digressing from his set speech, the secretary declared that one serious asThe vast scope of The Tribune pect of the situation In the coal In- Wants Includes nearly every avenue dustry In this country was due to the of business and embraces nearly evfact that there are 300.000 employees ery legitimate human endeavor. -- one-sto- Creme Oil Soap 4 for 25s Set for October 24 12 for 63c 4 for 28c Colgate's Coleo RELEASED FROM JAIL, pedal to Tbe TrlboM. BLACK FOOT, Idaho, Oct. 4 Ralph Steelamith, who was convicted on July 17 of petit larceny and has been confined in Bingham county jail, was released Monday. Packer's Tar Every Item 6 19c 3ic Ipana Tooth Paste eteeeaeeeeee Colgate's Tooth 25c 3 for 70c Paste... T 2 dozen for Indigestion Anacin Tablets Mentholatum, "Pfflir-TTT- afsk gQg 43C American Oil. Marmola Tablets . Ointment..... . . 79C Henna. 7UI Fairyfoot Bunion Plasters, Bunion Aeuei . . op. Tonic Murine, Special 3 for 97c ,3fca SsshrsVssnavJoasaeosja ...... QJq gas....'.,..:... 73c Rochelle Salts, ounces jf 97c American Mineral Oil, Pint , ; . . . . . .43c 27c Aromatic Castor Oil, 4 ounces . . All reg. 5c' Chewing Gum. .3 for 10c Beechnut Mint & Fruit Drop 3 for 10c Drsaa k 23c 37c 0 hmm Dr. Wett's Tooth Brush EOo Prophylactic Tooth Brush 47c Pace's 12c Football. Genuine leather cover. Size SI. CO No. 9 Vim Alarm Clock. type. .. Al.50 Pocket f Back-Bel- l tasaM i ii r w Ben Watch Polar Cub Elec- mi M- m- $4.93 43c Playing Playing Cards Poker Chips, 100 in box... 15c Wash Cloths. double 3 knit....... (L00 Rubber Tea Aprons, Attractive color combinations....... Side opening Garment Bag. Keep clothes clean. Large size ffiz 3 Imported China Bridge Sets. Attractive colors and decorations. Service for four. $1.19 Electric Cards. Bicycle ga $249 tric Heater $5.75 Universal Heater. Special Bee thirtyof years 43c 63c Soft, (or 28c $1.93 ' Parry, Mrs. June H. Miller and Miss Edna Hanks of Salem. His father, George Hanks, and a brother, Wilson Hanks, also survive. SNOW BLOCKS HIGHWAYS. Special to The Tribes. ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo., Oct. 4. Light snow fell over Sweetwater county Sunday morning, but waa gone before noon. Reports from Plnedale, Daniel and Big Plney state that six Inches of snow covers the ground and traffio has been aompletely blocked In places. Edwin G. Ervln, Plnedale a contract to actually banker, whose wife is at ths Rock HERE' new hair or not charge Springs hospital, telephoned yesterday that he could not get through on ac- you one penny. Science's latest discount of the snow which waa drifted covery makes it possible. In spots. Recent experience in 200,000 cases TWO CASES CONTINUED. of baldness and falling hair TOTed 4 Oct. POCATBL.UO, Idaho, Judge in 90 hair roots were not dead John W. Peter continued the case of that in 150,000 Vldul lourle and 8. Diss, who ap- but merely dormant that, peared In police court this morning of these cases hair roots were revived. charged with malicious destruction of until material witnesses property, Your Barber Applies It could appear against them. Frank illllllll j" Dependable Welcome 5 g m.J I mm 90-d- VAN ESS - Your Liquid Scalp Afsseof Sells Drug-gis- t It Merchandise Only, jwiiiiiii slx- - m m Compare Paris Values g ( 8 and Quality, 8 8 DEPARTMENT STORE SB a I The new scientific way does this. A recently discovered liquid is massaged dJrectly info hair roots by means ol a special rubber applicator. Infection is stopped hair roots are rejuvenated. ..Dandruff ends hair stops falling new hair grows in 90 days or your money is refunded on treatment. a Make this amazing test today.. Go to your druggist he guarangives you tee of new hair or money back. Don't delay. , cMeo Conference and State Visitors hir la wmy rowg new day or TEST IS FREE - New $0 H TODAY! A .Spectacular Frock Event of Unusual Come! Significance to All Feminine Salt Lake Sale! 100 Beautiful New IGlotli Sport Dresses M M H tl M M M M M SI SI M H M M M S M M M 8 M m Designed and Made by REGULATION. "An Instrument of such magnlture, fraught with so great a power for good and humanity, naturally requires national and International regulation and control, to the end that there may be the most perfect order and the largest possible uniformity In Its uee and enjoyment. Tt is to consider methods and rules for securing these results that this conference has been called. I commend to you the adoption of the polFashioned Fine icy of candid discussion, generous i conciliation and wide cooperation. t i r m n s i Lighttceight Woolens i This is a field where It will he ex- ceedlngsly easy for a single nation to render uncertain and .useless a brosd area of surrounding territory, greatly tn the disadvantage of Itself and all A large opportuothers concerned. nity exists for an economic treatment of radio problems through standard, ization. A uniformity of action among different peoples Is always a most Sixes Missest Important step. In advance. "In many fields our country claims 16 to the right to be the master of Its own Independent development- - It corSixes Women, dially concedes the same right to all ethers. But In the radio field the 36 to most rvmp!te development, both at home and abroad, lies In mutual and cooperation. Tour main endeavor will be to dlseorer the rules which will be for. the mutual advantage of all those who are connected Lovely new dresses of inimitable "Nelly Don" styling and workmanship, at a price with this great Industry and who are so attractive that you'll want to choose at least two of them. Styles that are decidedthe users of this means of communication. . . . materials of smart extreme in . different durability delightful models for ly "This conference recognizes that brown and blue.. in solid shades the radio has become a great Influbusiness, school and utility wear. rose, Tans, greens, ence In the world. Like every Invenand combinations. See them in our windows today! tion which Increases the power of fur guod inan. It may for It can serve the cause of unevil. Vl V V WWTW W W V VBSr' S W s ss derstanding and friendship among people and among nations, or It can he used to create 111 will and dissension. The world will not be benefited by this Increase tn the scope of Its power unless there Is corresponding Increase In moral development. Tour main object will be to raise this erest Industry Into the realm of public service. M BEST. WISHES TO VISITORS,. M '"Those of you who are present here M from foreign lands I trust may gain a deep appreciation of the cordial H friendship which this country enterM tains towsrd all of you. I hope you may have the opportunity of coming E J? contact Into cloeer with the sllfe of our ipeople, that you may secure a ' helpful knowledge of our commercial T)ype end rflltloal Institutions, and that out of the deliberations of this conference ElseM there mey oome an Increased power M for the service of humanity. " N I I tiir, ii of . r r con-c'"l- . Wool Crepe Wool Jersey Kashmir Cloth for 20 42 Dresses for Business, School and Utility Wear be-ts- pnrJnr sre' ssjrr,s'WrsjrwJ"r"Srrrr An Event of Qreat Importance to Mothers! bene-flcte- nt . Sale of 300 Tots Long Waist ed Tab Dresses of Dr&ses Trje Rock Springi Orchettra Arranges Fall Program ROCK SPRINCiS, Wyo., Oct. 4 Rock Springs Symphony orchestra will a series of toncerta during the give 1917-I- S season. The initial meeting of the orchestra for this season was held Sunday afternoon. Annual election of officers resulted as follows: J., J. Bruegremann, director; Dr. Doyle Joslln, president: L. R.' Ceretto; vice president, Marie Endrls-s- l, secretary, and Helmo Loye. treasurer. It Is pisnned to subdivide the entire orchestra of more than too pieces Into units, with a director In charge of each division, to facilitate the work of Chief Director Bruegge-sn- d several applications have been filed for associate memberships. Injunction Lifted on Decimo Clab gfjg tySQ 4 Men in 7 Bald Before 40 for (t0 Le OKFHOS .Tooth Paeee i gfjg 18c 21c OfiPHOS TOOTH PASTE for 29 cans I SnSli Him TiAm fmmmmmtm Guaranteed Glue. coupo IimH 78c 23c Free zone, Special 50c Bristle Tite Tooth Brush THMCXX7TONMwbTHe7 43c 83c Pabst Extract Malt and 6 OStUSarV urday afternoon from a heart attack. Mr. Hanks was stricken on the street and was dead when picked up. Mr. Hanks was a native of Salem and always had resided here. In to his widow, he Is survived by Mrs. Cor-- 1 the followed daughters: nella H. Oerber of Spring Ijike. x 23c 43c 73c .'. Paul's 'rnVVv low price of 29c with coupon I ' FEW DAYS ONLY ACT QUICKLY! 708 37c 73c Oil.. Big 50c Tube for the amazingly 37c 73c ISC Mulsified Cocoanut OUR OFFER. Phillips' Milk gc 34C of Magnesia. Nature's Remedy Tablets Refli101 3C Danderine, Special ago that the transmission Intelligence by radio began. For almost twenty-fiv- e year It was largely oonflned to government use, mostly In navigation. Within ths past five or six years has come the enormous popular development which has brought the radio receiving set Into such general use tn the home and the construction of so many privately controlled broadcastThe ohief marvel and ing stations. usefulness of this modern Invention lies In. the Instantaneous service H Is able to render over great areas of ths earth's surface, using as Its medium of. transmission only, the natural elements of the atmosphere. In military defense. In navigation. In commerce, in education, in musical and theatrical entertainment. It has coma, to play a great part in the life of our REQUIRES Hair TOLrVB READ ot that wonder tooth paste. ORPHOS that erase tbat detested "Yellow Mask" and releaaee the natural whit naas of yomr teeth . Parke-Davi- s 43c Oil Half-poun- d 18c 33 c 65c $iltf Penslar Beef, Iron and Wine, Pint. Doan's 37c 25c Can Hillrose Theawith each PurFree trical Cream chase of 65c Hillroee Almond and Benzoin Lotion. 50o 1 Extract of Witch Hazel, Double Distilled, Pint. 15c 33c Tonic i .lrtiWtfHHVm .... Pint..... Ess-Jay- 's Special m 1ft Bay Rum, Scholl'sZino I9c100, 49c Pa4.. Blue Jay Corn 21c 47c Plasters. Aspirin Tablets, s, . Special Free Offer .... I9c 37c 69c Lavoris, special I9s 37c Special OLD. "Communication Is one of the Important supports of civilization. If we glance at any of the backward portions of the earth we shall see at one that methods for the transmission of Intelligence, are lacking. In uch places there are few and poorly constructed highways, railroads are lacking, telephone and telegraph lines do not exist, newspapers do not circulate, the radio Is unknown, and, finally, there Is almost nothing tn the way of postofflce service. These are the necessary equipments for a, people desiring to live according to modern standards and become partakers In modern progress. I believe that the radio holds great promise of reaching-intthese dark places of the earth because the cost of Its Installation and maintenance will represent almost nothing In comparison with the ctwt of the ttther means of cornmunrt cation. To use It does not even require an elementary education of reading and writing. Its main weakness appears to me to lie tn the fsct that It produces no permanent record for future consideration. the The ............ I9c 3 for 55c Soap Lteterine Tooth Pastel Is of ounces..., Bath Castile Soap, 3 bars in package Reeinol . YEARS people. Camphor, Glycerine and Ammonia, K Lotion. Ess-Jay- 's Hufeland ONLY THIRTY "It Is scarcely . s. 6 ounces. 12 for 85 c 4a.EE. less. :.. Water.. tht fr THEY PREFER BLONDES. Jack D. Who was that gentleman I saw you with last night? Key That was no gentleman. I'm a brunette. Catalina Islander. Glycerine and Rose water, 12 for 83c 3 for 25 c . . . . . Pluto- -. sidered. ' address The text of Mr. Coolldg-e'follows: Is "It my privilege to extend to the delegates to this conference a most cordial welcome on behalf of the people of the United States. Seldom has a more representative world conference assembled. Tbe presence here of delegates from so large a proportion of the nations of the earth Is of Itself 4Ufflctent evidence of the Importance which will attach to you deliberations. The large number of subjects to be considered Is at once apparent when It Is rememberedof this there has been no conference nature about fifteen years. Meantime there hsve been many improvements in transmitting and receiving radio messages and a perfectly tremendous expansion In their way. ALBANY, N. Y., Oct. 4 (AP). The court of appeals today sst October 14 as the date for arguments on the appeals of Mrs. Ruth Snyder and Henry Judd Gray from the death sentence Imposed on them after their conviction for the murder of Mrs. Snyder s hust. band with a S1VID1 Kleenex Cold Cream Remover Physicians and Surgeons' Soap Bell-an- Hearing Snyder-Gra- y o Unfailing High Quality You Always Find at Schramm-Johnson'Prices Speak for Themselves i The conference adjourned until tomorrow afternoon, when the question of rules of procedure, committees to be appointed, lansuares to be reoof-nlie- d In the conference, the yotlng power of each country and other matters of orfanliatlon will be con- Wednesday and Thursday Here Offered for the Benefit of Thrifty Buyers. ft retariat. Ready to Hop s. llwlfl k Soap frequency bands for each service was necessary. PAST MEASURES FUTURE. In recalllnf the enormous strides radio science had made In the last few years, he said the future probably would hold a repetition of that aa, wlJMU,.tbftMi)h tory conventum be so framed as not to hamper Its progress. S. H. Davis, one of the American delegates, was nominated vice president of the convention. Colonel E. V. Peeke and I Whittermore were secretaries to the prestdent, appointed while - Henry Etlenns, head of the bureau at Berne, was made head of the conference sec- Woman Flier s, (OsstlaMa from Pace Ose.) number of radio activities rested Monday at ths request of Shoshone authorities, Is being held la the city Jail pending their arrival. Rolland, colored, charged with intoxication, was given a waiver on a suspended sentence. Albert Phelps, ar te The Trtsaae. SAXEM, Oct. 4. Funeral service! i were held at S o'clock this afternoon to arold. Interference. Beoretary Hoo-- 1 at the Salem ward church for George er said the apportionment . or radio E. Hanks, 61, who dlsd suddenly Satmo us Six promi- 4 - TWO DAYS ONLY Soap. Oct TOKYO, 5- WORLD RADIO Heart Disease Victim PARLEY OPENS Laid at Final Rest Japan Decorates U. S. Bankers (AP) nent American bankers have been decorations by the emperor granted for asalstano given Japan since the earthquake of 1931, the Imperial household department announced today Thomas W. LaMont, partner In J. P. Is now in Japan, who Co., Morgan t will receive the decoration of the second class, Order of the Rising Sun. The other decoration ..w.JjUA Kill be delivered'- - Thrttigh .'the foreign office . ' are: To J. P. Morgan, flrsttclnes Order respectlv""cms.""-""Following a brief talk by Richard of the Sacred Treasure;' to Mortimer I.. Cophock, visiting representative of the Schlff of Kuhn, Loab 4k Co., second adclsss Order of the Sacred Treasure; to building trades of Great Britain, Co., journment was taken unU 1:30 a. m. Otto H. Kahn of Kuhn, Loeb tomorrow morning, third class Order of the Rising Sun; to Charles X. Matchetl of the National City bank of New York, second class Order of the Sacred Treasure, and to George F. Baker of the First National bank of New York, third class Order of the Rising Sun. Cool-idg- First ihimnoe sHH Ttr Sots tees imMy - SALT LAKE TRIBUTE, WEDNESDAY MORNING; OCTOBER 5, 1927. XTTtV TORK, Oct. 4 (AP). A tem- porary Injunction restrslnlng the Decimo club from selling membership certificate In Now York state was lifted by Justice Rlegelmann In supreme court today. As the defendants are willing to proceed with trial on charges brought by the state bureau of fraud prevention. Juettr Rlegelmann said he did not feel that the mere allegations d a permanent Injunction. 69 Usually Sold where at 1.95 and 2.95 Strictly Fast Colors Ages 2 to 6 . s ''M v 6 Pretty Styles Made of Fast Color Prints With Organdie Trims M M M M M M M 2 Styles Pictured m One of tte Best Value Events the Tot Department Has Ever Held m m Thrifty Bothers will weleoma this special sale of tots' dresses, for li brings aetoaJ savings at 6 to" 128 ea onsMtrlng. every frock, and which la some this; wort Cots little lonfwalated styles of splendid quality, fast-olprints, with ths popular flax skirts. Trimmed with sheer organdie and contrasting color materials In many pretty ways. Truly, this Tent should prompt scores of mothers to ears real money by selecting a whole season's supply of these dresses. m M m M M 3 n M H H H M .AaAAA4 UAA g laiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiisiaiiiiiiKUffKrnifEiziiiiiixzisseJSij 'A AAAAA aa A, AA A A. A AAULa..A A |