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Show The UatwQ THE SlMSIQdS. V County k Voi r. Dr. NKPHI CITY. UTAHO. Miner. D- - APRIL CONFERENCE.1 iTfTSICLV.Nliiid SURGEON, Office nn 1 Main St. Nopii'. wilson coor:r. Last Days of the Sixty. IlowarJ Corner, Resident:, i Piaite jo the Tathu lenros ' SPIRITUAL AGKl-A- FEAST t LAND OITICE AGENTS jth and Sill, Provo, Beiivecu attorneys-at-law- . I THURMAN. , AETEKKOON JACOB LIG1UII THE Of TRVSTEfcS Tre. G - 'I"11- BKt in Sox lUc Co. to kl.thlith llicirClair.e. v l: faith into the future, w lien tins glonuiir ' work shall lie finndud, 1 fut tuvnns. know this is the w oik of the It, has always been glorious. Tliere aic many young folks tin have not seen the prophet, and eoiibequentiv do net know him as 1 d i. I uunk tins lip of Joseph Smith as a piophet of God was a wonder. I knew Joseph bnnth ami baw turn in ail t tie tirrmgeccnes in l I one niglit Ins tent. ljq1.!OU1j Y. XlilV CLOTHING HOUSE. j (ESStOV. Pinging by the choir and tioT : congisgv Praibe to the man who communed It KINO. Provo City. Utah. it h rHi-ir.- c( i BAILEY, T. C. uforiuationanon. A by I 1 Wiiln n'l 1 I 1 Jsmes ht n: GENTS Land Agenis s. !,oe 1, New Atturneys, Land Open, ftij t el - I eo-o- p. Jt-'jr- . i Imepbj . . , -- . 1 1 aimin'. House. Clothing , S A! T I.AL ClTV, UTMI. 11 ill prom Ms it Hi"' n eontosd and ni end- ho Inn! Ofu- - at rut hake Cite. d uf-t.- i I tab, a 1 0 0 llo at " n.ninatnii, D cmption, I (fil. n l atenlR on llo'ne.lo.d, froand upon iHioort ind 1 noir Cult iro Kntrir-Oonerul mlniniaMon Coll and Umcnl hnnd w Uh Maps, I laioHand t- - hand-- ! iraienei rolai 1 F. L. Shriier & J3ro. , 1 ATTORNEYS, 10' r to IJ, flics iu.i s ti.u-Uuo- s irJ 1 j Bubhc. bRYN N nar-.eC'nT. Ci'itili I'tfOrdr tO!)i f c The wide awake energetic young men will But the hove will "get there. get there, the old men who are hustlers will get there, and lotxof people will w get thercnnd as even body goes ith the crowd most cvcrvbod v will get there to look at tlie new goods. Don't delay, vou will be astonished nt the wonderful bargains we will give jou for voui money at i d Hickman and W R. The old credit buyer of couise is not in it, he must continue to trado where they take trust for pay, pay high prices for w hat he bins and take low prices for what he sells. . . LAh3 rropvsy, iovt (loot to V. H Ln1 OTlco , Balt laflRo OfT.c arnta lor Cltv obt un LnnB-r! and Mlreial Represented is crammed full of new goods bought dirfccf fiom Chicago markets, and selected with Great C'arc for tins trade. Tins year onr sales have got to be doubled and the spot cash buyer will lind the bonanza ho has been looking for. When we sav our sales must double, AVE MEAN IT for wo have tho goods, and they are going to lie sold, so it will pay you to be on hand. ' ' pat-.p(- nephlcht brock:, KXCKTaSTOR a," In the caceoi B Pirger is. Gt a Bieuie, ton diivs ad titional tim3 given to dt. Umlaut m which told h st itcmcnt on motion foi a new trial. Aims C ltigt v o John C Tie" " 15: Jehovah. oidei made loi j i !g. mo.it ot possi s u Prayer by F.ldcr Sevmoui It. Young. ( hiibtaiii lkiudley w.,s i.nmtU' The choireang the anthem : How beautiful upon the mountainr." itimisliip ; The People 19 I m P Dunham Trie sacrament was administered, IIIV bitting an oiheir.oid mid si 11,1 priesthood of theSeventrenth and F.lgh return .The brethren lime not ubjcd at t.ietTjtne oi teuith wards officiating. Ilnv counsels, an I the scon. go n.mti naing witnesses TRESIDEKT OEOKOE Q. ciiTNos Before we ha traveled t ir, Ihe .come. ,! ,hA LMe.nuin, j at5y aclresi-the conference. He read from scourge was in our nudst. The si in pa-- pn'ipur,,- r t laves to: an Pete con n w uuon ot wue the thic as of Abraham ,,iurntiA-the writings ronglit prophet they ap (l liim allege that tint f pear fn tho Pearl of Great Prire show- - and lie wanted to tmn it mode. Hut o Pref,, ,,,0 (Imi.t't nu ib . r. . it 'could of was faithful father tho bow tlie ins p, it1jv ,.1m.,, j,v' the (Yj'iiv ,(j called of (tod and tne foelinsr that aniU'Ln jeiiv MOKGCS turn t of Sn ( te , milt and tii it t. mated him, Inn ereat deire Iieing to c. e.. I have lejoieed tohear the Ustnnonier deti nd.Mit u i. in Iron tt.e fid of a rishteousnese producer n. I t.Mn ll,!U h.i'eU'cn nl,i'h 't'hnt 'tin 'o'lntv1 of were the' discourse giu m re the"; Among points p.r covenants of Hid, thro tg.i th i prieM we can m. et limit rthetoof iiHiiiii'tjiifis n bpta i d : chool tax ot - ) it'd dtdv in rMe to tomeel. h.ar tne voids , hood, with the fattorsof tiieir effects tn upon ml tin tax it do pi ope i tv iviiu iPf'-uburch ia now g upon the lattera posterity, the origin, the No '8 tor tin s 1, on III SSI T Bile I.) iw.l and ot Go .rutti pronr-cchi thlv mission and detiny of man, B9 and i'i tl.c manner pitsc.d" i o.i ! .ie ea-- i ti. tlie se.imits no in ule clear to the bunts bv revelation ,i law, and tb 0 the Aic s or ot ban J'ttc tin object of the Saint in building holy n K1'? mimtui- and tiny ha.e the ui's-- cuunt di dnv av.ss and Set down of gaiiuiiiv up e inples, chief among them being (l0 ejon he .i.i lit lull nil the J rnpei performance therein of sacred oniinan-,- ;' ! mannu the t to P.i j ti.x in I ie u Mnnv f totse 'di'v hai oi.ns. cee w Inch would, as the work progressed, 1. the"i (.ml) die law, which nil ass. in I bind tiic human family together from tempuMl aliai' wliidi will rot ,r vl ad required was du.v Adam to tho latest generations; the go on ti.c.r mi(c.oi,s. Tne voiuig ino and deh tquahred led to the defendant fur e . had for the i'Cttir dutns tlurs prtpire fulfilments of the eomennniS made bv Section. At the tin e the said aeqt m. t will Is c.illi d upon lo f t )i n the Lord with ancient Israel concerning wfiiili ;!ic I he SiVcnliiH will I 1 .died upon loll w ,d d. liecuel to defendant w Room No. 7, Bank Building. Olict Stop, ftead, Jhipk, F. L SHRIfER & BROS. 1 Thurman & King i The BankofCommeru Loses the Suit.' lie' tnjoyed liv Ihe Saints From Oncninc: to the CIn-- c . I LDTR No-3i- ; HO EVERYBODY! ahlrnooxh:ryki. ! tv SilIMMIS, P, BLISIIER8. COURT AT PROVO. Rcnediction bv Elder C. W. l) AttornnysMU-Ijaw-AN- Feilu 'V- -' , , First Assembly. wilson. & vkvlTn d hls neighbor!! n sendingUmi r Children to school, parents Blionld look well to it that then spiiitutil training and let was not nl together neglet tr them seek to inculcate in the in mils oi the voung the lorrcit pimcnd ?. The choir eang an nntheni, j Advertising Rates Low. 1 V I ATUKDA - of Juab Ojrt,r Oragi. 1 , i We are prepared to show to the Public the finest Stock of theirdoeeiidnntg in these diii, which to do the l.ib'ii of lei tmn, it ix alleged said spew ml noli d gut1! i n,g m (In. gooil were about to bgm to be fulhlled ; the and f i a to 2,8b twv theicin aiinmiHe'd cuds the irtli. tlie tid'd ot tiem comprehensive nature of the gosnel ; I tesj.fv that tlie ihniili i lie Inctd ten lint linmi il.nUdv piocc Ted right dead na its sa mg power leaching the ct the t ix in in the tux puuis church, Ji pli binipi wii a pi iphf I of ini. well n tin: living. Tho concluding i lmt that he has n t ) s ud tin oi the ('iiiicli m' iileis (hid, to'showiiig aal Deaaraliai of the remarks was devoted wl and ' Paper It will the same to ti e pi tinthf cxci pt tier on Dm.. "f com-! the iiccissitv of voting men in the and there is now elite t.i J i .i oi ,f 'ul,r munitv mairviiig, and of the ordinance j o. r; .v ?;. i to plaint Horn dcMciidantn I ii or''1 in tlie of marrage, hung performed Utah. way iln 1m nelit ot H.nd Hi iioni Uistru t .v Nejilii, I a c I r.f His mutm cr in which God had appointed by the mm ut ( 20, ns a hnhinco ot p a few mimil' " lut authority. A synopsis of tlm discourse Ji poke special school tax lor 1MK) lor w ii h iening of idea could not gne an adequate it, oni, t tntir lias impicescd me ei nmcii plaintilld demand judgement Hgam-- l ' to no is pretherefore there attempt ilifciidaut. The defendant denied tint during t lus conference. It id h sent one. chinch l.ving tlie turn of (2, 8('5 was collected as near to God, that tery one m APOSTLE UEI3ER J. OHAXT HUNS BETWEEN liaic n spinal scbnol tax, but places thesum t ot t2,37o, alle ging a? a special deb isc il i 'said he rejoiced at the testimonies living testimony of the righ'cousnes.s . Imcd not the seven miles ol the San Iete Vail. which had been borne by his brethren this work in hie own brui-'Iinilv and is the faetest and most com- during this conference. There was no speak of oui action of issuing he imuii-tcqt- Kiiihnad running through said sel.ool at the la3t coniercncc. If th" peo- district, subject to pay said special baints had ever fortable com enieme on the line. Loaves jov ije Latter-da- v Manti eterv inointng at B 30, reaching fejt Cf)Ua m thatxiwrlenccd by those ple did not have a tcMmnm tf the school tax, relused so to do on the o Cliestor at' 8 !5. Time between Mantl H)0( wiiilo ahroaa, proclaimed tlie riglitoGsncss of this woi k the Piniicc essment made, and lliat acomproim-v ould have lk ( n a d. atli jwiis made wall said company upon ihe ot manifesto the The of and Chester hoars and JO nnmucR. the bringing gospel. principles basis ot the anginal assessment fui.i- church. of8oulstoa knowledge of the truth, bio'v to the i i p indi.W Ik n ti d totheir islied bv the BUtierintcJideut of Saldt? are woumn who arc Therc of Gods for fiie upbuilding laboring , limbed Gkii aiid Unit said School Diet kit hv sacred which are to husbands tie. t.ts that work was load, in the greatest king iom, pmi" - What shall we do wall them? We hope 8 was paid its proportion of I f en could be Latter-da- y as Saints, they, 1 nid rfir d?i that th? crdlikr rniq(. e "jqftgftri j iiraman , Tf' : aa i eady and Hilling to respond hi mi steps to beTp these women? The pto-- ! icnunnt alleges that mid ir? ole should Siherware Rod wo ns ninicrdaml that do not promised ofi tlm said defetuve ... ... 'matters they were to go forth Without Jawjlrj R lv Mrs IVc should carry out ment, lie would not have preach the gospel to mankind, no power deal m deception. nailed one i n ins on earth or in heil could retard tlie on-- , all the (.romiscs we make and all w ill dall.ir from the suit the rail ml oils of ward progress of this work. Indeed, turn out wdl in tlie end. I do not road. Jacob Johnsonagainst is counsel loi 'e It 1 " tliere etisted no power that could check doubt it ind no one else in the chinch p! imtili ondV. K. Reid tor deftnd-alioul& It cuotfufs i dmbt it. I bow to (iols w neg-- , it now . even though thev might 11., al'ats all aa a dom. He has laid tho foundatio i of thir The cast of M E Flack A. Co s the ligert in some things, lint thev, is the bett National bank of Commerce was .signed jieopJe, would move forward with great-- , i .e.i..tut to Cannon then epoko to some to the tr rapidity if they were as faithful in all ifi hu i,i dntdl (ounsci by jury about the advisability ot liav ing ' dav aitemocu, and pending linn aigu-th(ten go other directions as that in which he had , tl' ( rf II t II Il' tone oi the farmers taught tolekii-- ' menus tlie couit ad.'.mm d til: Iccbdav mentioned. Call on a Latter-da- y Saint ,1( Bl lb!" for a donation of a few hundred dollars th"re atid impact tin h cl gant stock. when we want at w hicli time the fuial mg a U Mill hoi S skilled labor would e have to send eaMt morning, and and he sometimes hcsitnte, mcpta wire made tn.d 'ho Couit gktt 0 ri j many a time refuse, to respond to the for it. This condition of things should him his instructionh to the jaiv. U11 to last no longer. If the farmcrswere go- - matters of tact thev were the sole Ask the same man, 'however, nlgcs. BLOWING BUBBLES. 1Uak0 sicrihce of Ids timo for several ing to teach their eons to be famciP, ami if tlie Jury lound fmiii tlie C'eluni years and neglect his business in order let them teach them to be scienti'ic : lint phi. miff had icon in the s itutlon from VVtilrh (tis Host Kesults nt A j to enable him to proclaim abroad the farmers. He closed with an earnest the time the rhe ic.l , tin wat jn Can II o ObtatiK'i). of the gospel and, as a rule, Imitation to the parents toeducafe thou bank w:g Inihle foi th"p.;,i't h iltirg Next to white Castno tho mottled Cas11o lie will vield (heerfuily. i children to use their hands. from sn"ii protest. Title pi,, 1p.11 Ini' ci i tho best rosn '.3, says Thomas W. Tlie conference was then adjourned antl'oitMi the (is Iom. ant tu t t When men bad onee known that thu r h; Cni'teudcn in 8t Ntcuoias. Tho soap being gospel wa true, and then through sin until next October. di posit ill the hank : gainst III note ohta icd, a friendly druggist mnstcarefui.y and iniquity lost the spirit, tbeir lives r ulw hail in tin Uiei lant, vti.gii out Bixty grau.B (for exaetness In plaint'll weie I, -- clouded ; they realir.cd that they w liicli wti8 not the n due, hv an t AUNT SoAFFt t nia prop itlons is needful; for eatb ouneo of had left the truth ; and tin,, was the, of attachment htsstoi). ot r',o!s 'rat r That is, ono (iraclim (according to nil kinde agnuit of ler w r reason hj they would not join with tnOMt-- ii Mannf tuie 'in impui Mirli jiav mt nt on th" ( irt o p! .nti'i tnn npothocary s wc.gl.f of tho old nrith anil caskets. lionte anv other religion. When man pri.- i f c of inn nnilr umureiuli rmu v o rct.cst nnd when tho weighing is (eno.oud i.o biv o , Ain c ' Lo , " ar.d display- in ( f ' unta clnmif'f tlie mile r i epeeitltv. Ordets at pc against gospel o c.at ,a 0 ry eml f. rim hnainoss, th j lgn.g druggi-- i t.ivrk"! ' , v . lie of i. p vindictiveness tig, mist 'iigi tph oi tdiplione prcr.qitlv rp,!,, (,.c. rf til. n tie ms. 13 plan Paiin, A b ,Uie ' lh 8 liiiit'r oiii ini'ig. M A n S f . r. tn.bdti. ) is tho rement , cork next, bcucJ lr the d ti u.iiism requ to j tion, Mitr . i F i1 In ' Al.r Ann m li d !!""( s on 1; : m II ih and ciuatbc larga enoigh to hoid three or foai - f .ml ;.c her h ik cesHii iiv result "lit end Ii m lie pto- - tmica tho quantliy of sointion jou wish to ' r c r itiitr- n tro much nt ono ( i u mae Do not Hating of the din I: r r f.."' ' H ', of 'ii. t.ir.c tt 0 ranees of so ,p s mitlon v ul bo a f r a, and uttci w n htb.ig u h ' t i. ' n t,rcn aiv I v ns for tlm a Btx 01 ti v rdict good c ini t i.i'Ui, came iii'ii "i: t u it . ilia cm a '(i t .0 wiil bo nnout tho tight thing s tor p.atntiir with dam r . tr tit ,, t dr jui i - i r t " 1k Tho bo wed canned and then s. tic dl'f leic.its 2 "f an c. , c r, i 3f7kl bm,r. mj i,n,r. ( co: P) it North of Bank. 0 t w.tj b" f t water' which, 'ca ij.penl 'I r ,!.rf (an nUli1, I hv ill" w iv, s'1 ia J lo usnl f ad tin ' iK'Mtt'lk ol I s (I I f A; V, van in ic.i n V i P i 8l.V, Ad being lead,-- , tho soap li Pork was line 1110111 n"ia "it . i t t, h 0 ,r1o lie I.d i, i,g a 0 fra Mid iiau enough to enter K( t i'c i o ,sta nt I on IttnJ- e or n t isho( it" i, h i End J Kkh ,ifc i. met.. i g I, (g I, u 0 lljis e a 0 .noc rf water for made an nrainrni nt c l h c i On ,ti a ' f r the each (ha nmofr p t ,3 ran bo done nit n lltcml, n ,r g c (Vir.i tea s I t g to 1. a assignment ia a,i tl C me-- . uelput p"cnfu.s making an a Other iit'.icbnn nts w ip t ic v , bic. ,i it.it m Hit- ,( Having pen r.d tho water and put Y(Jl, may he; diatelv .ra. It n'.M- n i f pt, it tic s"np nto tlo bo o, wo have now to; III tlie (ti'C of Jnbc? f h i r ud v Lnt lie em'l d v A IV' atvap porf"t so udon, widen wid hapjam candies, E Merr am, in ulin h pi 01 ocr vt.ng pa tl e (tr."' a r f t,,l in lh" e .iirso rf two rr throe hours, If the i L., l d l'C c g.. Uu-Nut:, Elc. (' it,! liott.o be t t la a ft ( nsti t Innn oi t t moderately warm p.aco K ' t.CO 1. c lilt of in ii It pi ii, m i m Then a" j g toi .no to tho soap nolutlon, tho I .1 f. O. h I ( tll.l .11 lilit ing a qua Uv ( II. S. McCanno. gr to 1 due on he ,,1,1 it arj ing vv.th oi.r ambition I havo i, n m in tlnui .Iis'd.vi i si haul is nil, found t ia 01 e h i.f tho voninio of die solu- t. r.;- - r.cit, nr.i qiKi.il ft high' jf iir'r"a t e d on the olid k r, ( 111. t.on lAfter tho usual opening pchroinsrhs atuih v io ic it cxooi ent results, that is to sav, r, sh" coal' ! p( t"'1 tlie ban I tc Y.d'i i! "ii. tl co of wa or add ono ha f onneo to e c i on Monday, the uuthorittts of the mt r.t m" ,t ui"-ii- 'r In I'Cnd was I 3ft I si""p ' s r a No t II t 0 u 8, 'it of g cci church were presented hv President measuring too quantiiics in Aa ho wav n p -- p. d F.ccp d( tor fu (bint, it nj stead of v etghh g u em in both eases Tbe in George Q. Cannon, the voting in every, '.i !i M1 Ii. I'd iho l io colh if I, ol j. 1 ,tt e is row to bo tight v e"i.t"il anil well ilti ' instance Iking unanimous. tumpi'inn r, tc' i oi t " t me piac "ai x,s cf en n railroad con s a, on, tl "a sot asijo for two or three ik I.i i in ron e john nrvHY smith. ,pm lufc J "U il la tti a wi.y Aunt v ice t hat the pqn', ' d n .ixs scim nl " is n. ln.,rs .scio ami we sn,n.on aginn These f f al! None among us should fat) to rtrug-- I Van gr, v ta' the li ,b.' ig nvi"op hat the e t:d sc! t ol d ti a, (. (. 0 pclcds of rest nnd agitauou e music of t! " d, .turn o too a. st and nire that there w ample loom for s (icor.Mn u f( r a vhoio dav. iIf full noiorion mud Finally, -n i c t a vs lm b ".lino could it not , We ail had our weaknes-t ', e bou," c.and LnUisturlxsd nnd tight1' provetneut. collecttd Irni said conipan' so v.'tboui itsso.a. tuus cep tnd mil, u.g j sen and made onr mistakes. We daily I fur t e f f ur ail R.i hoars Buobits u m liaid a r (.tv Johns, of, ,v 'ate gi,i o (n, e.trv night the re nvi bc.T.y mav be b'owav'lib 2 t t appreciated the truth of (lie words: aci ti.t it f .1 Micit eight o'clock Undo Jacob gets and now a Man i as pione toevuiae the Fparke to err," is t ,ti, his in p to ut h's dr.nt psl g"-k as If ho passul fiv upward. 'heiefore, it is our dutv ver M -n, .ii 1,1 iar"0 on a la'tcry, and ' rv Satltact( to remain constantly upon our guard, ' uen 1jiIh ' v J in g L..c v papers gi'tiiAbi j.i viiiuin'cilruver nrd inom reof our unmindful oid not to become art . t na h"ur n .a' ai H " c. P iX h r 'V I Jr. no f B i, ,, ponpitilitifi in the least degree. Our l"adv m "ghi T 's c ,na ih.i in ii i til f. r rjt a mo. e me nts must he backward or 1 ti n i Ha' j ! s,nrh f(t p ,ts , . ' mf"..1 '.J?'ll l Aie It (e'l th" ( ho ceM j : hence every (msFibie rtTort ft mild n a jn i j ii i ti .j r L tU( u lm p'r'-prcL.' ' IP iht-- t meats at tlm erv i. to to advance in the direction o' u r .n "11 n tn aft! a I.) ( v. 'if ,) ,1 ly ,t is ami t. ith r v Ij" v rtghtPous'ifS. tl nil fiB tno t t nH ids bai - n i c far. d Io rvi-- d to tbe r.sing gcncritlvn to -' i i i I i.i i ( r r" mi j ' Lowest Li Prices. ..iiiul ottrwlvcs sortru but peu od m a d s, rr " " 'v di a 2 ctr," n.a-" criu' to r i of 6 of . nun - s, i 1.11'v ltj.ttid. In some j.ms the in-- , ' . ' ' "I j ' ,i M, a ' l In was S tbe of ll Xll htldren .s a Ij oui ti ,;i tlm ' , rp f f r vr'iiu ot tlio-- e w bo w . ? not of th faith VfcL C 1 st C'h .ii pa IBgli"-ii I ' ' 1 Alfred Haycock, ! PAINTER. i I Hiapi l, "!- - 1 ul-- , I i Dpy o'"' To be found in our City, Consisting of i Flaipti ai;d Chester goods a iotjois j o Dress goods y a- i . ' 1 " . . . ad - 11 ' , ZEPHYRS, I Peterson li- , Chappell d - 1 Scotch Ginghams, j 1 Mon-lengt- i 111 e H 111 hf-r- ) loilnas Fill y j IS5 j j PRINTS, LINENS, j , NAINSOOK CHECk H E N R I ETTA t ttm I r m . I ; , Surges, Cords, piagoga) TiVifis. fr t , jj'c j.tItx: XJtcvil. ' , )(- 1 . f- - p it - 1 . m 1 - i 11 it I 1 I ,1 i . . m-- . v -- , 11 , -- -- You should buy now as tho novelty trade is so great we have doubts as to there being enough to supply the demand. i i . I , Ke-- BAKERY flQ? ' i i I i i i i , 1 -- -- . te-a- . , 'S2S 1 p- -, 11 oe mm'-i- ! ft ' 1 kn)d ,n vtlvor stoics but if vou w'nrtt STYLE You will trade at the ,ng mvi n WITH (TIE.UNESS ,lf 111 . I 1 j 1.1 l 1 , - ' I I r- 1 -- , We j V a'-u- '.o 1 1 i , i -- st I ) U tiie ke:i 1 I -- j 1111- -- I Vickers ; Sops ji."gn r- 1 im , 1.1 in r , ' p j ,i J. Vs. Vickers, Btipi. r.i-.- t of 'i paints. tie '' u-- j Tm- h vc-'- XU ss,.a j ii'tif.n sa nrot.iro a man kr the dit- - C' . , -- f 11 1,1 - " I'rofe.stonal " Nutssuce. Ycur professed wag n a nuiMancos sort watching f r aa to tw ist tne most ..ffectirg piece of intelligence into a vk", aid it ho huve tint quickness enui ph of lus own to perpo iruto this pioco rf ohsunlitj, he is prepaied to rvuto an ct a f.icnd ef his to whom ho gues a name, w mch occurred at a placo which ho alsodc. gauds, ami which, !"ng leforo ho has prace-dt- d half way i e ns soaiutaing tour through It, you crandla'hcr tr d you wt.-- ho was dancing vU on luj kocc; tho rrsu't is, tbowaghav .rgWn tba only talker for ten minutes, nda himself tho omy uugucr at the cud of 'bat period. epper-tnnlt- 3 eLo-dot- o rct-g:- Y ; liWfi'y 3. VAts n v 111 Of man who 6it3 1 rr?rR ) R co.i-s- S ' X A tnt it ttn ntutU'.Q t t or?r ftstTK VRz.fAjiav.rvU 11 a OtJ1fT STtJT. Wfttsr MiAttkB, -- iff-r- ' ..i..itiu'.k which ( X'ct-i- l aouiid. it be- bo c. ed us to lit. u or. watebiul 10 tb matter ihnn wa toi meriv the as". Nr t toit f,c d sired to sav one word wh'l would reflfs t upon tboee wm wne 11 tbe field as ttaibers U the distii t1 h hool". and ag8,nst wl out tie had nev r 11. ard a word leading to tne euppositim of thtir (ositionSu tliat tiiey made impriss'any particular faltii or rfrktr.rn upon the minds of tic scholars; yet th( tendtnev of mankind was tv met" ;i n n upon nthets whten "eschar- i.iiprII ebon .1 a it ntie of the man hitm-el- f Inuur df f re to foster education in jssstb!ewa' that which tenid to ft . I Iatt(r.iv F1011 T , jron'or.t. s 'KTTnr( over Tit, Vp - 111 rds ,.f lie liu'ss for Selt-raa- 1 , t i i , '."'-.n- a jlutt . 1 1, 1 ose.a 1 PARKES, Supt. , (F r fnr-w- ' -- , v-- nr , j 1 T. H. G. -- o- j ; , ephi I i ri-ii- K -- Go-o- p. y mm ' J mi: qD ' rs . ' o t Dr lev Pt (,( tu li acw V a f '' l ii r a t h c v Li. HTJo8 IXEY 4s 00. aro WbolmaJe Tailor?, and tpalm tUothHKfm teaniu In rase our poodfl cannot N obUtuM dtttlrr, aji i you wish to try onr pood clothes, Bond n tho fmIL aid it ill be Pont by expiree or mall, Xffhydo t rhrn b return 1 at our erpfmtr, 'jyi'wpoH re triYi ch rf tl- refundthjcan Cue wory. Onr eleront apparel, ' fh f ' t t f i ' i? toad Rbs prrfvt lo from nubetanUai fabrics, harmoniously and nit in faahiooable style All this, with (nibprantlJil orlrtnaniihlp, ie what has brtitt vp for n tboOrentept Mm1 BiiPlncoe la tho World W claim (Hfr ( lv' in' chcvtpcot Clothing Honzev in AnwtM ) ED. L. HTOTUTT CO , , SUCH t to r and r the v rhco o m w oKd .0 Ud T7 ) i vpAthnr rncreco ' W. 1:2 Drawer 67. 134 aUucrr ft v.?v rarer, CHICAGO, n.r SEND SIX CENTS FOR POSTAGE. CLOTH SAMPLES FREE.! |