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Show si t. t , Z' t 4 f t THE ENSIGN, ISTephi Juab Co, TJ.T. P A , r , "ZzV - ;EfiE ENSIGN. PUBLISHED EVERY FlilDAV AT Feild & Ono Year, Six Months, Three Months Rollo Publishers. ... Prompt attention paid to all communications. Address: The Ensign, P. O. Box 2 Nephi, NEPHI vVool, i ARKET. to 16 8 to 20 80 ton Lucern 1.25 9U f 10.00 $8.00 6 to 5I lb 15 10 15 15 6 5i Corned Beef Pork 8 MERCHHANDISE Flour P cwt Oats Parley to 10 PRICES. 250 275 x.25 15 3.00 1 bus. doz. Wheat Eggs " Butter 90 125 10 I2i 12 250 25c. Bacon SUPPOSED MURDER. On Tuesday last the sad news was meeting of the shareholdflashed across the continent in all di- ers of the Nephi Social Hall Association The Richfield Advocate of March 13th rections that fudge Emerson was dead was held in the Social Hall March 15th, Mart-ene- s He died in Ogden on the morning men- 18S9, Edwin Hailey presiding. Meet- publishes a long letter signed by Andrew Anderson Anderson, and troubles. tioned of heart ing was opened by prayer, offered by Samuel Deaton which gives an account Place your notices and announceof last the yearly John Brough. of the finding of the corpse cf Antone Adcerthe your wants in 11 The The troupe that played Lost in Lonwere tead and approved. Af- Anderson, meeting to ments the sc tin are in last a before week who was in hetder public don here special sheep Nephi ter some discussion ro and con, a mo- evidently murdered special columns. to take the play with Felons Bond to tion was mysteriously. The cola in us. a bodv was declare to and tarried put of The found by a randier named April. Tintic on the 5th and 6th dividend of fifty cents per share. It was J'tseph Hews. Bews went to Andersons people over there may expect a treat. moved that a c iinmittee of three be camp and seeing no one about pioceed- - j of board new a to nominate wish who appointed If you wish or have friends ed to lift the canvas cover at the j U M. MoCitno Co. aro tho aout fF the col BUCKLI.NS ARNICA SALVE. The back end up to purchase a good home in a good loca- directors for another year. Gained. nomiof the wagon and there saw ehmti'd Iron Firo I'ruof 1aiiiL uive them jour were ordor.-tion in Nephi call yourself or bring those following named gentlemen the herder sitting elect with one hand on the stove and the other on the! A U imrtiw knowing themolve Indohted to thn friends to The Ensign office. Tlie right nated, viz: 11. K. McCune, Wm. Anrecommittee and The Ord. T. exceldrews, some Tlie best Stive in tiie woild tor Cot on be can to box, and his throat cut from ear umlorHitfned mo horoby rojiiosted to cull and put parties tired tor consultation, and returned with togrub at one and ave further trouble. Bruises, Soles, I'leets, Salt Rheum, f ev or lent offers. ear. There of evidences a wete K. F. 1arr. the following selection. Wm. H. WarSoles, Tetter, Chapped in the wagon and the fact that lands, Chi'-bl.iiPeter Hanson is now delivering pure ner, President; T J. Schofield and Thos. straggle all and Corns, hkin Voter the and Unsimissen. Hoot U and Shoe En.iions, was cover the fastened on the maker, wagon water for culir.aiy purposes, hauled from Ord, Directors. Thos. (3rd was named for outside and smeared with fdat e to take your orders for good ohoa and sub- positively cure s Biles, or no pay requited bloody linger Harwork. of stantial Opi03ilo First Nuthmul iiuak mountain springs, to the citizens Nepln Secretary and Treasurer. President It is gunriaUed to give perfect satismarks is conclusive evidence that the at the rate of 3 gallons a day tor Si. 00 ley put the above names separately and man was murdeted. faction, or mun.y refunded. Buce 25 An old dull cents per box. per month. Those desiring less than 3 were unanimouly carried. On motion of butcher knife covered with blood was A sett At OF PAPER SAVES HER LITE. gal. per day can get it at proportionate Wm. H. Warner a vote of thanks was found on the ground near tlie wagon. For sale by Hyde & Whitmore. was each the to tank board. rates only by going Meeting given the retiring No clue to the murderer has been found It was just an ordinary serap of paper, but it dismissed by prayer, offered Dy Thos. In this letter also are some scandalous morning with their buckets. saved tier life, Sho ws iu the last stages of Ord. remarks concerning some of our Nephi told by physicians thaO-hwas incurGolds-brougThe genial Uncle Harry and Could live only n short tune, she w olgh-ewho are hetding in Snake ableless last Monday was taken most The subdued murmurs of important cowboys The than seventy pounds. On a pioc of supposed murder happen- wrapping paper she readof lr. King's New DisGYPS M violently ill very suddenly and for sev- real estate transfers in Nephi being on Valley. in Nevada some time between the covery, and got a sample bottle; it hclpod her, eral hours his life was despared of. His the tapis as well as important contracts ed a she it her more, 2nd bottle, bought and large helped of 9th February last, and why another and grew bettor fast, continued pains were caused by kidney and blad- for the erection of residences and houses these who had nothing what- bought MAN U KACTU R ERS O E its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, ptuinp, der trouble. We are pleased to be able for business purposes in Nephi being ever tocowboys do with the should be matter welgetnglW pounds. For further particulars is and our he to state that ears, entered into, continue to reach recovering rapidly W. send to It. Cole, Druggist. Fort Smith. that we nrav soon again greet his hearty but with all our ferreting we are unable given such a scoring in cosnection with Trial stamp Mottles of th wonderful Discovery Free smiles upon the streets. to get at the root of the matter so that mention of the murder, seems a little at liydoA Whitmore's store. JLJ we can intelligently inform our readers strange unless the writers wish to convey s are Yesterday Luther Chase made a visit of what is going on and wiiat is to be the impression that the ECPKP8Y. A i'v II to Ids home and no sooner had he made done in this line this summer. The only capable of all kinds of depredations his appearance on tiie street than Sheriff answer we can get when we think we upon the sheep men on account of the This is wbat von ought to have, tn fact, you Sidwell nabed hint. He was caused to are onto something is, Yes you are on trouble that exists in that locality be- must have it, to fully oupiy life. Thousands are for it daily, and mourning becau-District tween eerrhirig of the the they For Terms ami Prices apply or write ofliceis the men. rested and be at by cowboys speep the right scent and there is a big item find it riot. 1 hoosands anon thousands of d. ilium Cout tat Provo and was this morning for you, but you cant get it yet. Wait We quote from the letter: are spent annually by our poople iu hope dial to IIYDE A, WHIiMOKi:. "When we were coming back we saw they may attain this boon. And yet It may bo taken to the Gaulen City by Deputy until all are completed bv all. U o guarantee that Electric Hitters, McLellau. It is understood that the and the arrangements It three sheep herders who had got a had concluded. transaction if used according to directions anil the use perJ terrible of from is on that the beating gambling. cowboys charge sisted in, will bring you Good Digestion and seems safe to state, however, ttrat sev- first of oust demon talked and 1S89. We Ihe Instead instill day Dyspepsia March, investA man named Wm. Brown was around eral eastern men of capital have hand- with them on the second of Match. Tlie Enpepsy. We recommend Electric Milters for ed in Nephi really and that some D of Liver, Stomach aud all He pepsin etc. last week names of peddling rings two of tlie herders ate H. D. and Kidneys. Sold at oOc. and Nephi residences and places of business fl. per buttle by found sales dull and commenced gam- some of di W hitmore. American Alf. and Casner Boley FIRST NATIONAL Fork, Hyde and will summer be this them erected by etc. with cards off by cutting ing them will be of Porcupine Mountain; one was a small fall before comes that the him-hNephi e A complaint was sworn out against she is boy. The cowboys were ike Preston, was tried and found guilty and he is doing much more business than Tom James Litley of now various and that doing enterprises Joe andand an Carter, now languishing in the County Jail in will be unknown mail. This was Nephi, CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. now men not who are started consequence of not having the necessary in the city. It by is also hinted that ex- between Tooley flat and Snake Valley. line. his which to with pay $2u.oo To Tub Editor. l'loaso inform your readers tensive improvements and operations The cowboys rode onto them full speed, that I have positive retnedv for tho above named rope iu hand and demanded what in the disease OF are the commence on to Those gypsum shortly its timely use thousands of hopeless contemplating Important: G d nation do you call this, Polygamy oases havel(yboon I he shall cured. of works mouth the the at would or other trees permanently shade of conyon. the buying or unlawful cohabitation; get out of ftere, glad to send two bottles of my romedy do well to consult Mr. Alfied Gadd. He NEPr-II-. A rais- sheep and all, G d you or we will girrK to any of your readers who havoonnsumpt'on was excitement an of Something has in addition to his already large Hlhey will send me their express and iiostoUiee dr out with our The on ed the in you last week . tg M. addrn-sX. A rope. people Si.ouuM poor Nephi C., Respectfully, stock of the ordinary kinds of trees, a of Deputy McLellans haul fellows were pulling out when we saw tl Pearl st. New York. Iaid Capifal 550, rug) good supply of Elm, Ash, Black Walnut, learning from this of Friday last. The dep- them; they were 15 miles from any ranch place for suUable and Purple Catalpa Catalpa, and were uo harm to any one. Various other uty arrested one Thos Winders on a The five doing Surplus 15,000 cemetery planting. cowboys had the courage to get That Hacking Couch can be so charge ot polygamy and took him to plants for sale also. Prices reasonable. Provo before Commissioner Hills. He down aud thresh the poor defenceless quickly cured by Shilohs Cure. Yve Geo. C. Wliilmote, Iresident I married one Clara Skinner of this place sh 'ep herders. Ike Pieston dragged guarantee it. Suld by Miner & Co., JonaslI. Li Vice Bres. According to an exchange, a pretty and has one wife L. S. Hills Direflois, living in Provo and If w Sampson 2 years ago with a rope Druggists, Nephi. sixteen-yeay-olgirl, living in Canada, the man is i the Jas. H. Myndeie, - not a Mqrtnoji either. Jf .all 3i4,t Lew A J' cripiqffe today has existed fir the past seven years on is E. do not know, Clinton. James true that we hear about this man, he diaggmg." Ike Pieston we nothing but water. Great Scott! Why is a For lame back, side or chest, use Slii Alina Hague, Cashier. holy terror on marrying. It is said but tlie other boys we have seen since were her friends ever foolish enough to the letter and they assute us loh's Poious Blaster. Brice 25 cents let this get into print? All the uiimar-tie- d he has five wives two dead,wifeonein who reading Deposits received subject to sight dratl the that ail that happened was that the Miner & Co., Druggists, Nephi. editors of the country will be schem- has deserted him, his legal Provo Asylum, driven there by his treat- sheepherders mentioned wete met by The for a her wile. to girl poor ing get or check. boys and asked to move their had belter start eating i! she knows when ment, and his last victim who is just the other Will You Suffer with Dyspepsia and in Nephi tn a very delicate condi- sheep from the cattle range; some hot now is oft. well she Money loaned oil appiuved security. tion. The ntan plead guilty to the words were used aud probably some Liver Complaint? Shilohs Vitalizer is to cure you. Sold by Miner Collections made with piompt letums .it guaranteed arwas Commissionbefore but of were done, swearing things charge polygamy The jury in the case of E. A. Rillington & Co., Druggists, Nephi. lowest rates. ranged amicably between tiie cowboys who w'as tried last week at Provo be- er Hills and his bonds were placed at and of and Clara invited and latter Skinner the those at sheepherders fore Judge Judd on a charge of attempt $500.00 sell exchange on leading cities of lit; We the former to eat dinner with them to rob the Nephi bank in November $200. They both secured bondsmen. Catarrh Cured, health and sweet United Inti s, also furnish sight di.ifts or which invitation was We aie the with an 1887 by being accomplice breath secured, by Shilohs Catarrh remit funds to ail Chamber of Commerce ball and asked to state that accepted. The the sheepherders piomiiitnt points in, boys justesen and Allied, were out from reception given in the Provo Opera were not flushed and that no threats Remedy. Btiee 50 cents. Nasal Injector last Friday afternoon until last Monday House last Europe. & free. Miner Co., Nephi. Wednesday evening was a were made. afternoon when they returned with a and most enjoyable and sucverdict of guilty. The jury stool at firs! gorgeous C uiersto v,t cessful affair something to be long is eleven for conviction and one for acJooiip' , WilonpiNG Cou1.11 and Tlie several committees N v' Bd s. Call at Hyde K: Whitmores and get Vikk, koiu.'.e immediately telieved by Shiloh's! quittal. did some tall rustling. A large delegaCure. Sold by Miner N Co., Nephi. mull Natan al Rank. Ctiiiii.i), tion of visitors, ladies and gentlemen, sample fashion sheets ftte. Joe. Draper last Tuesday got himself came from the north and were met at I, AKi Cl n , National Hunk into a Lttle trouble by falsifying in order the depot by the Provo Silver Band and I'.ui:.- Bank. and Consumption San ! kami-c- d, Shilohs Cough to get 52.00 to pay for some pool play- escorted by the same as well as the reIt Cure is sold by us on a ing and drinks at Gage's. Tile proprie- ception committee up into town and Some men lose an hour in the morn cures Consumption. Minerguarantee. & Co., of tor the saloon would not trust him tliete were treated most royally, a large and he went out to rustle the coin. share of which kindly treatment it was ing; and look for it all the rest of the Through a sham conversation suppos-edel- y the pleasant lot of this serine to enjov. day. I E M.ERS with .Mr. Chas. Foote outside of The IX evening was spent in the social Sleepless mgii is made miserable by PAVJ.ni:. his store he induced the cleik who was nnw d nice and a more pleasant evening it is that terrible cough. Shilohs Cure at the time veiy busy, to give him $2.00 was never our lot to spend. The hall ADAMS AND SONS, J. I & t. Miner for Sold the STOY'AS . an you. by remedy cash on account. We understand that was properly decorated, the music and Co., Druggists Nephi. he afterwards made matters right and All kind ; ot Exlia - ainl Su,.e outliis, prompting were the best, it is a lovely NEPIIlS CONTRACTORS lie had no trial. ANI) floor upon which to dance, and the fltates, Cios- pici r.-- . Lp ., I' on is, I.ii BUIDERS dresses and appearances of the Shilohs Vitalizer is wh. it you need to stoves. etc., to ,mv kind R vc. iu nh . It will be renvunbered that at the elegant for Consumption, loss of Appetite, Diz.i-ne- s the ladies, and the especially gathering, AssoI11 meeting of the Wool Growers and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Brice refined and aesthetic vivacity of Have rcc tired the agency and right otdetiiig In- siid to give name an ciation of Southern Utah held in Nephi polite, bottle. Sold by exact nUiiiUu u, ..love 10 and 75 cents to excellent the and with the Combination all, per manukieture gencoupled some time ago, that it was decided tiiai control of the ball by the man- Wire Fence for the Counties of Miner and Co., Nephi. All Inline made, and sopor ccnt.bcluvv tlie Assoc atioii should form themselves tlemanly lent a pleasent fascination to Juab and San Pete. Tlie fence is S.dt Lake piiccs. into a corporation. Tnat the new boaid agement. affair that is rarely experienced. the of directors appo.ifed a committee to well known, strong and durable i ; c R'cvv here Bef lie puri u give me CAUTION TO MOTHERS. We have been furnished a table of esget legal aid and get up articles of in the cheapest and best fence on S a call. ..lui.mteed. uui. done has cumniiuec: Tins v Anaof as done the what coipoiatioi) timates by the market. No. 1 Pine pickets. Every mother i rautinnad agiiint-- nivina her 1. ( . Box u,. o, i.viii-- li D'oik Utah. its wotk and last End.tv and Saturday conda Pluming Company and Anaconda child laudanum or parogm ie; it creutm mi h vvhh liDls tne ttiinulania for a meeting of tne ditectors was held, Smelters, which was burned on the 14th For prices and further pat titulars craving mind of the child. Ackers llabv Soother is these aiticles of mcoiporation tead and inst, from which we cull some facts and call on or address prepared to honolit children and euro liiuir PETERSON & CHAPPELL'S considered and other business attended give to our readers that they may form & pains. It is harmloss and contains no Opium or Adams Sons, to. Notices have been since sent to each some idea of the tremendous loss to Morphine- - Sold by D. 0- Miner, Nephi. IN HAWK IN'S ROW, Nephi, Utah. member ot the Association giving him Montana to say nothing of the loss of the privilege of taking stock in the in- over $r 000, 000 to the owners of the corporation or his share of the money smelters These estimates were made Hyde & Whitmore are headquarters is tte pi ce t) 11? ail tiii'Is 0 that lias been earned by the Association out for private purposes and not for adTEOiI.E KVITT'WHIT.M and inviting him to be present at the vertising, and me may depend upon them for garden seeds. Try them. s Confirm our statement when we sty that genetal meeting f the Association to be being down low so ax; to be in safe figEnglish Remedy is in ovory wav superior to held in Nephi on Apiil the 4th. The ures. It is safe to say that the actual and anyandiill other propitiations for the ltnn.it is he - magas to the known Utah TOURISTS, incorporation hooping Coughtuid Croup it Lungs. In figuies are even higher than these we a vou Wo oiler onceample at Wool Grower's Company. ic and relieves give. We give only the most important. a Watclie-- , Whether on pleasure bent or business, bottlo tree. Remember, this Remedy is Clock , ami o liter jevv el V The table was made last year. should take on every trip a bottle of positive guarantee. The meeting of citizens in the north Wood flamed in 1887 Cords 55,000 school house last .Monday night d.d Estimated for 188S Syrup of Figs, as it ads most pleasantly repaired on the short esi antic 65,000 aud eftectually on the kidneys, liver and some good wot k. After discussing and Wood flumed daily during Hunting 11 t bowels, preventing fevers, headaches " informing themselves as to the probable DIMPLES ON TIIE FACE. season 500 and other forms of sicksess. For sale plans the City Council will follow in im- Wood cut per year 68,000 Denote an impure state ni tho hlond aivl are in 50c. and Jt.oo bottles by all leading proving the public square they decided Wood now at stump Acker s 85,000 looked upon by many with suspicion. druggists. that they were willing to very materially Cost of wood per cord Elixor will remove all impurities and leavo blood $3.50 7; a5c.ir2.OZLX aid and help the Council in its laudable Number of choppers per year the complexion smooth and clear. There is noth300 ing that will so t hoi on gh y build up the vvotk, as they were convinced that the Number of laborers, teamsters Sold whole he and r strengthen! ? purify ADVICE TO MOTHERS Council, after deliberation, would imand guaranteed by D. O. Minor Niophi. llunte men and others 250 prove the square so as to be to the Miles of flume in operation 46 grtatesi benefit ai.d suit the greatest Cost of flume per mile $3, 500 iniiibei .iii'l to petition tlie Council to at Teams used daily Mrs. Winslows Soothing Svrup, for 90 ARE YOU SKEPTIC' A 1.? urn e ;necd wi.h the imptov inents Torn) of of merchandise 18,37 i,2oo,oolbs children teething, is the prescription ige v and b. off.-- v.k 'ui,. r t is p soldo ;o Coiil' of vv a,d If o wo wilt ronvince you that ArkvrB 1nvti-l- i 250 one of the best female nurses and daily ry snu-lteall "th r a ti:. pur,), so .. cui.i- - D ms f coJ in the United States, and has, Domed v lor Ihei lung- - i supsnorfort nl. ;'!itu. by smelter 300 get Thsu-a- t da.ly uni I . rd Me sr.C, ntit'ee otnpostd Divan's, i.g v, li .if a (.'.aily 5500 Been used lot foriy enrs vvitli never-- ) Limy uoiiol-'-- . I non.. Whooping Cough and First dour out n m K ad a i will M.iin Sticel Nephi Wm. N .non, David Notion, John Chap- Number ot men employed at mi o of success millions forf luothois 'on, pvi.ii (oldg'iur:int(" failing by man, J. is. Real and Maiun Larsen to B: pBcn I. 1,800 then children. iXuing the process of givo .vou a umplo bottle lrco. smelting vvotks directly foimulate the petit. oil, secuic signeis It reUntil the Smelters are telmilt all this teething its value is incalculable. Mv i.v the d ty or aid 1 he-sIn .1 l.ib dn Uilei it and and s !p. lieves the child from pan,, euros dysenuuik vv .11 be stopped. is Lit e won til living: nde mw n ii.iu-s.mci. bu y it vv oik and chairhnea, griping in thg tery r tg if you go through tho world a fi tv lab st SO that vv and e n u inis non a and Bowels, By givine or-Not r tiie el ia ablet- - aie a outo e I'.tre A fruit for few sale. choice the sho'.t tune trees public to the child it Indige-tiohealth inavei;. tests the mother wor-- t form- - ot llatoenu' squaie Meal- ?5 In and 5'Tls 22 tf u 1! ,q' e..r t veiv much bettet ad Vail. Good baigin. Apply at this cilice. Brice 25c. a bottle. and Constipation. Guaranteed and sold by D. 0. Miner, Nephi tage than .t 110a d ,v.-- . Kn-shin- 5 3 12 7 9 Beef Mutton Bologna Sausage Advertising Rates forwarded on ap plication. No 42 1889 ? 2.00 1.25 75 SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Selling, class, Deerskins bu. Wheat Oats " cwt Barley Hay KEPHI, UTAH, FRIDAY MARCH 22, Vol. II Utah. CASH PRICES. Buying, lb 12 yrs. growth, 1st 2d 3d Hides, M RATES: SUBSlTPirON 15 Imported Home Cured 10 I2 Breakfast i7i Ham Imported 74 15 Home Cured Bran and shorts B cwt 12J 85 ; net-tl- o h NEPHI p0. D I ILl) LOCAL ITEMS. The cow-boy- Manti Temple will be closed on Thursday, April 4th, until April nth, next. Thursday, D. H. Wells. Onions for sale at M. McCune & Co.'s W. P. Read has gone east on business S. L. Adams is spending a few days in Nephi. Read Hyde & Whitmores Spring advertisement which appeals in this issue. Time Every business man should advertise n dull times. When you begin a letter, does Neph City look natural? The Celebrated Bultenck Patterns at & Whitmores. A Real Estate Agency is to be sta rted in Nephi in a few days. Plenty of bran and shorts for sale at 15,','de & Whitmores. Deputy McLelJan yesterday Nephi one of his flying visits. Q M -- o TsTEP II,- UTALI. A W jK -- bent. Hyde 's made For profitable employment address H. A. Hess 123, 1st. East St., Salt Lake City. Fat calves wanted at Peoples Meat Market. The highest market price v ill be paid. Ed. Williams is building a place for business just west of Read & Bryans store. The present is naturally the dull season of the year. Things will liven up again very soon. Spring has set in in real earnest. Lovely weather, and the farmers all busy as bees at their spring work. Miss Sulie Lindsay has returned from Greenwich, Piute County, where she has been teaching school all winter. Wanted: Live energetic agents. A fine selection of best selling works to choose from. Address. H. A. Hess, 123 1st, Fast St., Salt Lake City. Lawyer King of Provo is in Nephi looking over the ordinances that have been prepared by the City Council previous to their adopting the same. If you know of any one desirous of purchasing a well cultivated city lot in Nephi not many blocks from Main Street, advise him to call at The Ensign edict-. Before another issue of The Ensign the incorporation of Nephi City will be complete. Next week, theiefore, we shall add the word City to our date line. What a blessing was Mr. Hansen's water tank last Tuesday morning when the inhabitants of Nephi awoke and found water red as blood in the ditches. A local troupe are to ptesent the Drama of Comrades w th a farce at the Social Hall next Friday and Saturday evenings. Mrs. Geo. Atkin is one of the troupe. Messrs Burton and Pettegrew tire to build a large place of business on their property on Main Street now occupied by Ed. Williams. Work w,U commence in about ten days. R. S. Hines and Sim Duggins of Provo were found guilty last Monday before at Judge Judd of allowing gambling their place of business. They were to receive sentence yesterday. Francis Sells is disposing of the goods be carries in stock at figures away down. His goods are as good as the best and llc sold as etienp as the cheapest makes a speciality on wall paper. Give him a trial. The number of beautiful cottages that the south and north are going up ends of town as well as in the east por111 tion is astonishing. The building boom is to renew itself again tins summer. de-ir- c us of purAny partv or parties or building spot ui home a good chasing Nephi saould call at this office helot e making inquiries elsewhere. The ed.L,r knows ot some good bargains. 1JT IT el-s- d E1011-chiti- s I cl N'e-ph- i. : - I ; 1 -' .I.-!,- ane-iui- ly Ack-or- JFwn lIYI Ft -- 1 ' t -- 1 r phy-mIxi- is chop no 8F oystei: clt LOK. -- ti'-e- d -- 1 -- 11 .L. -- e ' I uul-coli- j i -- I |