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Show itr .Tho Ensign. . OUR ARGEN'I INK RIVAL. One of those economical phenomena which periodically disturb the indus-tiia- l ABOUT TENSIONS. wot Id is now piCsepted in the enormous growth of the tradtt.ol the Argentine Rep.iblc m South Aemerica. Ccmni'i'siealed.1 at the present tune, the fin- So this great budding and tins arrnj Cutiously, incial needs and demands of. this rich of clerks are the adjuncts ol your pen' have caused securidgiiculliirn! sion system Your last war closed. I ties to tall 011region the European continental believe, nearly a quarter of a centurv houses, as well as on the stock exThus spoke to rear a surprised ago. ot both Loudon and New York. changes German Army surgeon, a delegate to The great Plata country is drawing gold medical convention the from London. The Bank of England raislast year.' What would &y Teutonic es its rates of imetest in order to check friend say had he heard Representative the outflow. The cmisequences-arthat Dockery tell the House last week that lo a tUg isthecharge for carty-in- g percent the attorneys fees in increase casj; in London, and American at f io per case, amounted to so that IJabylon ot banking cities ships -- nearly 1400,000 last year. Our pension thcnghoine to New York and a market. system is the most gigantic in the world. Argentine borrowings in Europe have Fifteen hundred clerks work year in and risen to phenomenal proportions. Meanyear out in the pension bureau adjudi- while the interest to us in this phetiom-na- l cating claims, and the number of cases financiering in tms second edition East, west, north, only increases, laws Panama scheme, or the Geoige south, travel two hundred and fifty catastrophica! South Scat bubble is the speci.il examiners investigating the more fact that all these millions- of gold and complicated of these claims. In the paper now lushing to fresh fields of offices of the Adjutant-Generand economical expenditure on the banks of 'surgeon general twelve hundred Clerks tho Rio de 1, Plata are to be returned to fill in the years searching official tecords Europe and transmitted into grain, proof service. In the Second Anditors visions, wool, 'hides, and coffee. So office over a hundred clerks are employunless a terrible fmancl.ft' fiasco is that, ed in pension matters. At the agencies to result from the-r- investments of Eu: another hundred make payments. in a few years South ropean capital, Jearly threca thousand - people are America will beat India out of sight as a .thus 'exclusively employed by the competitor of our agricultural industry. Government, at an expense, say of J40,-00- 0 Here we have a most of wheit country per yearK in salaries alone. Enor- a few years since was in possession of Inmous buildings aie devoted to tile busi-nes- dian tribes, and which dud not contain hundreds of tons of paper are con- half the population of tho city of Lonsumed and thousands of gallons of ink now competing in the money mardon, shed In die cause. In the Pension office kets of the woild with the most power"proper woik accumulates faster than it ful nations for means to develop resour"can be d'sposed of, and Congress refus- ces which are all but unlimited. '1 lie cleiks to es the necessary number extends over an adjudicate the claims within a reason- Argentine Republic as all as Central and Westaiea great able lime. And yet the last war closed a ern its futility, tocombined; Europe quarter of a century ago. the yet undeveloped wealth The uninitdted reader must remember, gether with ofitsnvncral resources, ind.catcs that it that has ouf pension system however, is well able to sustain as numerous a iccn.of si w growth, for although a as the pat t of Europe alluded geneial pension, law was enacted in population its evteut in latitude is greater than to; it was after civil until not the war, r?92, of any other existing country if g like a practice was es- that that we except the comparatively useless forto tablished, even then the practice-toaeign regions of Biilish America and of undergo a thousand changes of detail. the Russian Empire. This is the counTo-dalire laws practice of the Bureau, the decision of the Secretary and the try which, hiving exhausted the spare the enorgold of Europe, is now rulings of the Commissioner, make quite mous hoard which the tapping United States at a respectable volume. Theie are a and which in turn is to hundred grave decisions on line of present controls, be used in otJer to bit. Id up a itevv,YivaI duty, as many more as to .rights ol at- not only to our farm ag community in torneys, am avalanch of decisions on the woild, but to our tailways as transminor points, and a wilderness of rulings of our agricultural products. porters under these decisions. And lastly there Ctinipo A'u.vv, is an amazing list of lates allowed, from for allowed month the loss the $2 per ol TARS rcrrrav'GT SLEEP. uiejtu pei "iiyn'v11' 'month given for the loss of both eyes both fegs.or both arms.' There are fixed There is a notion abroad that the rates for everything but diseases. The older one grows the less one has need rates for diseases are fix,ed by guessing. for sleep, but tor my part every And here enters the fust objectionjeat I able featme of the system. All over this take it in larger quantities. The heights by gieat men reach and country are resident examining surgeons, keep. who devote a part of one day of each Were not attained by sudden (light, 'week to the physical examination of claimants. Tlete are about a thousand But they, while their companions slept, Were toiling upwards in tire night. of these people, and this branch of the Is ' a verse that lias led a great many ervice cost3 about $3oo,ooo. In dise'ase cases their decision generally fixes the people astray. The' poet dues not tell rate allowed. Of course the d ictors are us how these great mui felt m the not all unprejudiced, and those who are morning. I dont believe in this 'night not all Capable, Avery large minority wotl Arsemus used to say that one hours sleep at night was enough f ,r a may be found either at one extreme or butl am not avvaie that even as a monk; the oilier, the extreme of generosity or monk distinguished hunselt the extreme of distrust towaid claimants. never slept above three boats, Caligula a often Very paiticularly grasping Board Of suigeons u HI rate every claimant and no wmnder. The best ad. ice, I ant can be ;iveii to a Lu tin high in order to swell the amoumt of persuaded, their own fees, as the claimants Won vvorket is to go to oeJ early and go to learn in any district where the "easiest sleep for ten horns. It is true that Doctors are add, ctod to working at night, board lies'and ask to be sent there. Publics sometiipes bears a hand in they have the honesty to tell then both in this matter and in feast fixing thj rate allowed. I once saw go- patients, is nobody siViinpruJeiU for ( there ing ing out of an examining sti rgeons office as do as I tell youT not doctor,) your a hearty, bluff, county commissioner and local politician, fallowed slowly by a do as I do. The cutting shot t of sleep is one of ragged, painfully cnppled, prematurely which we poor ltteiary thesnaiesin tldmau. I was not much surprised to learn a few mouths afterward that the folks ate so often ought and slam. I commissioner-habeen allowed $t3 per What tenibie examples have not ecu in the noblest ot ns! Shakespear uudet-stoo- d month for some mysterious facial the value of Jeep uiurougl.iy and and the ciipple had been increashas written the nobles't praise of. llie ii ed to mouth his for op-and dis per worst p imshmcut even 111 his imag.ua charging wound of hip. And inv surcould devise (ora ermt nal w 1, that lion prise was nogi eater when the surgeon lie should "sleep 110 mote." Tu be it was .lotn'nated for the State Sena e, ui was noted, noi because lie hid 111 irdet-ea close vote by the efforts of the aforehts and guest vthonj;i tnat. ot king said neurjlgiac politician. ( was n prehensille ) but because course, office of a capable t,am tfing The lie had murder eJ Sifep itself, a er surgeon is a good place to diagnose moral as well as physical t, attires. much nuie Serious matter. J.t hJu Theie CQtnes the alleged neatlv dent Acts, man. The doctor examine him. lie beg'n ly yelling ?t h,n, and the claim SI I U.L WE ANNEX CAN AD.' hnt can hardly hear hir.j.- Gradually he gets him txcited apd finally is talking to him in a whisper, and the claimant hears There are a good m my leasm.s pto petfeef'y. Then the Ihjsician suddenly and cv'i. ienews his former telling, and the disIho We can na ocr 110 comfited countenance of the climi.int I m codlish eviry morn-nbreukf.ut shows then lie Ins been shamm..ig. s without emLiuihi.g with Gtc, t inter-nation- e - al creased to provide these individuils with their stale residences. Pro. Nj igura Falls would be exclu-stvel- v outs and we could util.c them to great advantage bv putting nulls on both sides or theater, w hcreas at present we are conhned to bu.ldmg nulls on one side of the river. , Con. It would be impossible for our bridal couples to say that they went abroad on their wedding tours ,f both sides of the Niagaia river belonged to us. Pro We would secure a. large number of intelligent citizens by the annexation of Canada. We would also secure a latge Con number of tilted snobs; who would doubtless Ins.st upon the additiun of a third house tuCongress for their express benefit. s, any-thin- young gills first love story always and harmoniously begins with Chap. 1. A vety-sweetl- y We pity the Wfttet bury Wat-- h Comit it cv ei h 's to vv nd up its busi- pany ness. A tat thing is no wraith, but to most g . of us wealth is a The bust way tu pte'-urapplet is from n the Expusum LL16 'le:r- keep Infallible ItLMEDY. Give Kxpress and Post Oihoe. Jt costa you nothing for a and it will cure you. Address trial, H.C. ROOT, M.C., 183 Pearl St., New Yosx Fira&apt, 945 OUR LATEST IMPROVEHENTS ne 1 retailors wUlcoax you Into buying iufcrufralioca nai ea larger uja tvhkh tlioy $3 SHOE i proOt. MEANS SHOE 3AME3 MEANS $4 UNEXCELLED IN vSTYLE UNEJ3UALLE3 IKIN DURABILITY AN 3 fcJ NJKj vWFCRFE:CT10r p FAll CANNOT UJiaper 2.15 Fountain Gteen 1 55 1030" l)ivide j.30 Ma n St. Nephi 11.20 1230 Lv. 12 to 11.25 Ar. Nepni Trains run daily. Sand ty excepted Tran.s stop at stnt-uiimarked onh when signaled. S7igej comuct a! Mro'ii frr oU path 'i Sanpete and Sci ur. 1 HEODORE BRl BACK, GemManugeT il. S. KERR. Gen. Supeintendent. to.ao CftWTtetition la (lie Ufa of Trade, and if yon have not f eon our Htet improved goods you w itlun cannot I mulae Low Uel trade U or bow iurdoor corntmtitora io woilc tokt-oKht of ya Aak ynur retailor for tho JAMEs MLA-NV Si SHOE MIOL, ox the JAUES MEAN . accor link to y ur netda. plainly oa the soles. Your I'onltively none genuine unless having our panic and price ptrtped retailer win aopply you w.th s en s stamj.e(t tl you tnsnt ujou Uoui? so, it ..u do not insist some -- fENTHAL jjfiAH h ai oen th toconfc prf'crre'is In our branch of lu v r.i that tl ire now ahle to that , Shrc is in shffs v. UicKonlv a few tai-- . aco were tli lh 1 equal to willeiuy on a pair ou will I ciuivin, . q rluf we i n 1 1 ageraio. uurs ar try I an t $1 Shoes, wi ui e w h nnhnto our s .tt p of Luiue-xara unable tx. v. nipete witu or li ai qua! it) ot fu t,ry t ro iu H . In.urliiM w an ihe ugc-- t m iuir u rurers m tire Umreu States. O t of 011 it avilnf huh now Niaitlng tho sboeuiaiiGis .f the Paelrte Cjai and Eocky hih Itu t un Regiou w rite) from there os f dlowa I am more than satUhel with the uf nVtiia I h tve thn far ?ueeeeded In plaeim? our full If ' goes on to sa , 'i his is a I Juno ' hi ted 1ne in t lie hands of A No 1 d altrs in c ve-rfor us to ell Rimes In. bci a ise poiut most of Un mii'ih are hair ng tneir untomeis at uplcudui Tue nu t qu neo is that the r mil a out tinuliio the rl os wi l n the tho h ivo o- uc w holesjl or v tn dial s n jair for sin es ' i h at e h t v oi tu as much os our ies ire p i ln I tii who v vr i es ,1 4 '8 S" IMIW'' Our hoet, w ith thetr itixl Ih4 ry I w n taii stainpei on t! e hoiew of pvei v purao tre ik ina dow a the in hi ices wiiRh haie hnhe, to tilled in t lie retail I uu Kets IPptu, oi v.e Legin t j lo off lUe hot cakes, so great a..d wnon a iu uVr put. t iuti Luc f goo is m ins bit-uUitj lithe demand f r tfajii. o farasyou are couceriud. It Novv, kind toad, j, just stop and eons! hr what the above fIri8( es vou i hat if ou keep on i n i .z icts lieariarf no i iuiufa',wrtrs nac r tixtul retail pi n e t mq d ou the soltii i oil tr.nnot tnt what ) oa ar.- rttu i; an I ) nirret'uiir is inoocbly inaiting you pav dou)le haw tosl him. Now. isn yon nfloni to do tins w hlle w e are protei ting you by bt Hoping wh'it you; sln-eour nmoe an i me fixi d i ote o! price unon toe mjVs of our sho s heiore they ltae our fuctoiy so that jou anr ot ho inn !e tjaymo-fat vfur shoes man tin y r woith? Him n from VVour eelidii tiled furiory re wold by xx retailers In nil parts of Un m eosuy w.tum eui reaxh iu mix Slate ( r Territory ir you xwil ia.cat one ic will rv. ron hi Ihp in a sial nud an, xvnte t u. vut p Suth ha-Jaim u Means f cr ten dollars. If vou 04 TIMUiAliho" Trams leave Nephi follows 5 4S a. ni and 2 25 p rt South 11 35 " A, 8 Arrive at Salt Lake to a. ni. &TTi. r. Leave Salt Lai, Ci'y at 7 ao a. m. and P. IF t . GITY IIOLOl ST01E. r43 ts i c. a T I!- r0 luuiKit GAGH - vK. i (5 a y. Stools, of 'bctli 4 p. ni. Trams leave Salt Lak Passenger daily, (of the North, to connect viith tin U. 1, Uy.aud the U X N. 8,2ua.r. 6: 4 to p.nt. ai d arme m iv,,ai Soil lake Cit it tl to e. m. at.d 7 2 p. m Ireigtit ti.ims le.,e Ncph- fa: the Nortit at 6 25 s n. and lot the oi 7 "20 W p--i daily N'tth at Gomg H Lincoln St., Boston, Mass. JAMIES MEANS A CO., Liii-r- ofn Sharp, Cen. Si.pt ,, Gen F. & P. Geneial Oi.ices, lam Street, Citv. O Aa I.ah j DENVER AND tr-- v W RAILWAY storji Piic O v.'inde ftnd Poroiga X7?TII5Srj33- g IO cxiacl FOB TScenic Liuejfjhe MW A SiBELS foi b ex.ixpos;oje3 ' c' rt E2.I iv Ei'irer ftxxcl. r, ts. tirctdo, family L ni PURITY GUARACsT ICKi). 00 "si ti g p--2 t- . G rrictcJ-iGcx-I - orr--iu:- t cj 7 Pleasing Sense cf Health and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort ta CIO A Sirup of TcmIows the use of at U gently on tae PRICES 1 ig-.- . et CIGARS 1; Headaches and Fevers firi-'- ail !' 1.00 ( r VEAL Barbel .Mc CUNE, A H B ing dure in I ' , Hair Cutting 26, , .V yf I of VuMi outh f 'ftf, ,C CVyj tt C U - Itr Ni U i o xato3atioxi Orcdoiis. lit n d ,P' 0 of tfie t a i beed. house, and tnoy uea tW paaB t6t to laxgt aadmufct re liable Fearys Seeds D. M. I'ERRY N an'kiiowle-dge- ytfSJ-arffas- t CO are to be the Seedsmen In the worm. D M Febut Co p m u, i r Ml ) a in 1tv? 2 II lLi ' & P. 0 to j XX3.AT:11 ii'ss Ail cf THE i . I Z F aCHPiSONs SUVIWEf? COMPLAINTS. TH 8 greatest discovery of the day for the I cure of positive Colic. Cramps. Cholera Morbus, D.arrhta, etc. If Hirer nils' in, hoc u!l stores. V. Juhmon nfr batl.ide City r Ok I and C ffin s 0 fat Ciife EX i. CUTI O IN THE NEUT.Sr STYLE; AND FROM WHiTL OOLITE STONE OF SN 1E Of NO X Hard w ate l C It n - u on baud LtnhJ.n,! g d me .n the .shutlest in,- ie als has a go 0 In e ( tl f iirniLie and s 3 at us, Kt Mirmg ot all done un he shot ect iiuine. Agent lot Ne lume Sew mg Machine .did aim hme exti.is, Neaoles, etc. etc Give Inin a call Nephi, Utah Jii! INi ablets. Hecid-stones- .T OF ALL -, 43 NEPHI. :D thus, i me made p0 1 i Co., DOX C ! i& Mon uments, , I S. 1.0. w r 77. NLl HI CO-O- P BEUi;rUL ; f blaftyd3t , Uluatratedpnp. MAIN STREET, MANTL ? 2 SEED ANNUAL For 1880 oUPTlTAPi'lC--i XHiJ'vVill ail 0oliAwf Iv&rllaat to asiatowe I I I D.BB. FERRY '2ii P V'1TIN U CV CO. Dm-- . 1 Solid Qa!) uutll iaafr vrSirwac ft iu the wrlJ PaCtLt 'I 1 S tnabm..p : w. ' arST.: luolu vmUj . GV i or j .i V rf.wM'hoIJ f bMf aaropl, as watrto, wi ni aa this' r iji 1 ree, and aftr v ohaekrtt lham In vcir homo for Si ff mha and tboto u th , x rmv hnvocxllt-- tinvNxre.meojr owe Ti so xvio v n t at utuo an ha furs ot reoowtntr th ul Smnpiea We ell Aainsa prta Yefat,orc VUnimif ca.a jar Hili, 1ortuiud, 0. THE DRUG BTG I.V tu CO., Detroit, Mich. h H"X I without or Jennif it Inmin vkUtoaH Every pewon uxirjs Oardon, ITie5 J or rlownr Seed oold send for it Address V'ht-- O 'l FREE twir.-i- l. 0 apj'hcaDts, and i ( rV y to iaet years customers I 1. in Ar Ar l 1 1 3. L. Jackson, UNDERTAKER. L Seja mtow rs HU 33 lid -- tomi B.000.000 ; t ro . ,1. i 1 : t. .1 1, 1 Ar r A imi'WfAClUfi'.i 'k'vY.vo'--- . Class Jfi, t Y. lf((ic!i Wright Style :n all its Brandies LaduP f,atr J es.iing a tpeciadj. Shw'rq T '' vlfF W ml Prompt irr--t I. I Y . ,EV EC 1 tllilcll'-- Hi ' ' ft r ur h FIG SYETT? CO , V. I I.v uU Elly 1'n S.'irini 1I11-- I f ini r Ii BEEF, MUTTON l?y s JkYwijvO, C hi sviiL .Donlers in itatlug XaeaUing; on. i Ascpu.rt r-- CALirCRXIA n WHOLESALE AND RETAIL RUTCHERS rwRi oi' Livo Stock: r.ll ccnstipatioit the or in without tveakp-.- l on u inui it iicta. I'or ;;le in 50 nml A N D B O T T L E D G DO O S A S IHTND TRAINS No --- PEOPLE'S EAT MARKET Co-.u- e irATircrAii EAS CD J 'AESI-Iid- 77 Bowe.ls dlv leatiMitg the System "alien or L.l.ous, Itispolhn.' and pci'Miinuiily SATISFACTORY , L4) Knvxrvit Liver Colds, V t j llSfecH ' - X f t 3. To takt effect Monday, October 22, 1888. eflectual. Ladies ask yourdruj Going North. STATIONS. Grit South g eist for Potrjrojal Wafers asd No I o. 2 take no substitute, or inclose postr a. Sold scaled for ni. iariouars. by p. rn- ' nape .er box. Adoess aii 9.tx I.v Chester Ar. 3 'ATz ( fIIlF EURFKA CTIi Irtroit. Mih Moroni 9.3 Lv. 230 14 ' oni-elv- r ' THE 1ABGH OF PROGRESS! CU3 - (Cm, Wc duii't ail oi u, uant p AoG up io tiish Lu.rj niuj.in;j tor Breakiasl, ami it isdmd.y i.ga to compel sm h There are other white caps wh eli in iti as partuMilaily dopiie that u.s'i spire even greater terror than those Cf po't with our Jiare of tho surplus lor the Ohio and Indiana", They are ttsiallv bene 't of those who ate add clo' tu the encounteied by the fellows who insist pa Ltd up eudusii habu upon using a shoe buttouc-- for a rfigl-In) Oat Ampri.att key. TIME TABLE NO. i 1 CIS d lint, tin of a ihtsiJau ftho lncripticn bad a life experiern'e u trvafir feitutle lng dispftbes. Js jt ti monthly with ierfct success ly s safe ovtr 10,uu0 g of my CVS neu-tulgi- WasningtonT' C. WAFERS. PENNYROYAL study. I warrant my remedy to Curb the worst casos Because others have failed is uo reason for not now receiving a cure, bend at once for a treatise and a I uesHottlb F wwihittw 1839 FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, t 1P y jam When I say Crras I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have them return attain I HbAV A KVOICAL, CbiUE . I have made the disease of Atife-lon- RAILROADS. jfR'To ai cnee establish trade m utl parts, bv f flump our ma bmesj (Tvuds vtherr the peo le cojj A we will send free to ona parson m cetii I H4,tt,tlie very bebt sew iuf st-lime roadc m world, hi' h ell the attachments, a complete he wtllalso seed line otour cosiiy and valuable art amples In mum we ask that you show what we send, to those who may call at your borne and after oft month all shall become your own This grand machine is mpertr Tad after the hinder patruta, which have run out btf.irt pauma wuhtba ion Gttt it sold for atT'chnirltts, and bow sUs for Bsl. atronyett, most uto- -' machine tn the world. All 1 Ko raptUl required ) ... Ham, brief instrm tlona frtvcu hose who wortfe to ua.at once can secure free tbe best in the world, and the America. art fv toKrthcnn "IUIJK Ac CO., Box 740, Augusta, Marne S And so it goes through the whole list of reasons for and against. The pros and cons are about equally divided. Wete we Canadians we should earnestly desire it. As citizens of the United States we are iedifierent, but upon one point t,be Press is quite fitm When the two roimtiies become one, Canada should pay an initiation fee. There is no reason vvhy we should pay England for the privilege of confeirmg everlasting benefit upon one of her colonies. N. KS'tu. Senlne.Hafhinf1 ' would have no convenient rendezvous to run into with our money if Canada was outs. Con. If all our American cashiers were caught and put in jadthe taxes of the community would have to be in- s, '' bill .It T' . ( v iiciin - - . Fj: . !'pvfngt, fcninp5 etc. ' g Iimjm d an .rt'-- i T u- -r its. Uauu.ounilf 1 1 1 I) u.. Building M HYPOPHOSPHITES fir et, -- OF FORE COD LIVER OIL Almost as Paiatabio as Tiik. i1 Perfumes hi o '"irs, A j'l.i So dtigalitd that it can be taken, digested, and assimilated by the most sensitive stomach, when the plain oil ..r.ru.t L"iciu irri ; P.nd lay tho son. dOC t. blnatinn. of the oil with the hypophe. ( i I phltoss mack Eemarkfibla as a He; It predaerr. Ffrsoas gala lapll'y wf'.c taidsg IW SCOTTS EMULSION is aeknowlgfiged by Tuybicmus to bo the Tine it and Bestprepa-ratio- n in the world for the relief and cure of -- 1 MINSK iinst If & GO; Mtin Ftreet, Nephi. CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, CENCRAL DEBILITY, WASTIfiO DISEASES, EWIACIATiOir, COLDS and CKRCN2C COUCHS. The great remedy for Consumption, Wasting m ChilJnn. Slid ho all - r$! Jli V and |