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Show 7 Tiie BasigE. , NEPHI CITY, Everything is progressing nicely for he incorporation af Nephi City and it looks as though the objections were only trifling and momentary, As it appears that wd are to be a city. The Ensign is anxious to have its readers well posted on the subject and therefore draws upon Jts limited reading space to publish this week another portion of the recent Jaw upon the incorporation of 'cities referring to the power and duties of the mayor and to the council. The article referring to the power of Council vil) appear next, ARTICLE IJ, Of the Mayor, Section, i. The chief executive of the city shall be the maywr, who shall Lg; a. qualified elector and a freeholder within the city limits, and hold his olhce for two years and until his successor is elected and qualified. Sec, a. Whenever a vacancy shall happen in the olflce of mayor, the city council shall elect a mayor, who shall possess all the rights and powers of 'the mayor, until the next election, and until lus successor is elected and qualified. Sec. 3- - During the temporary absence or disability of the mor, the city council shall elect one of its number to act as mayor pro-terwho, during such absence or disability, shall possess the power of mayor. Sec. 4. II the mayor, at any time during his term ol office, shall remove from tue limits ot the citj his office shall thereby become vacant. Sec. 5. The mayor shall preside at all meetings of the city council, but shall not vote except in case of a tie, when he shall give the casting vote. Sec. 6. The mayor shall ha ve power to renjoye any officer appointed by him, whenever fid shah be of the opinion that the interests of the city demand such removal; but lie shall reprot the reasons of such removal to the council at its next regular meeting. Sec. 7. He may exercise within the city limits, the powers conferred upon hint, to suppress disorder and keep peace; and lie may remit fines and forfeitures and releas&any person imprisoned for violation of any city ordinance; And shall report such remittance or release, with tne cause thereof, to the city .council at its next session. Sec. 8, He shall perform all duties which are or may be prescribed by law ,or by ordinance, and shall see that the laws and ordinances are faithfully exthe-C.il- ecuted. ; He shall have power at all Jliuies to examine and inspect the books, yecords and papeis of any officer or jjgent employed by the city. from . time Sec. 10. The mayor shall, re(to time give the council information lative to the affairs of the city, and shall y.ecommeud for their consideration such measures as he may deem expedient. Sec. 1 1. He shall nave power, when necessary ,to call upon every male inhabitant of the. city., over the age of twenty-on- e years, to aid in enforcing the laws and ordinances, in suppressing riots or carry,nd other disorderly conduct, ing into effect any law or ordinance of the city. Sec. 12. In case the mayor 0J any municipal officer, shall, at any time, ryil- -; ully unfit the performance of any duty, .or wilfully and corruptly be guilty of oppression, misconduct, or misfeasance id the discharge of his office, he shall be liable to indictment, and on conviction (thereof, fined in a sum ugt exceeding One thousand dollars, antj the court under which such conviction shall bg had, shair'enter an order removing such officer from office. Sec. 13. He may appoint, by and with the adv.ee of the city council, immediately al ter such change of organization, one or more conjpetenTpersons to prepare and submit to the city council, for their adoption or rejection, an ordinance in revision of the ordinances of such city, and lor the government of such city; the compensation ol such revisers to be detennined and fixed by the city council and paid out of the city Sec. 9. treasury. article hi. E,ction. 1. Councilmen . shall hold their office for the term of two vears and until their successors are elected and qualified. .Site. 2, If any vacancy shall occur in the office of councilmen,. by death resignation, removal or otherwise, such vacancy shall be filled lor the unexpired term by appointment of the city council, from the ward in which the vacancy occurs. Sec. 3. No person shall be eligible to the position of councilmen unless he shall be a freeholder within the city, a qualified elector, and reside within the ward for which he is elected; nor shall he directly or injireetjy Be interested in any contract whatever to which the city is a party; nor shall he he eligible if he shall have been convicted of malfeasance, 'bribery, or corruption in his office; nor $ Hall he be eligible to . any office, the salary of which is paift out of the city treasury, if at the time ol his appointment Jie shall be a member of the city council; Jior shall any member ol the city council at the same time hold any other office jjnder the city government. shall be the 'Sec, 4. The city council Judge (J the election and qualification of it? own members. Seb. 5. It shall tjeterming its own yules of proceediiigs, punish its members for disorderly conduct, and with of the the coucuri.ence of members of the council, may expel a member for cause. 'Sec. 6. The majority of the council elected shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller nuhiber may adjourn from time to tim,e and may compel the attendance of absentees under such penalties as may be prescribed by orditwo-thir- bars of the council served personally or left at his usual place of abode. Sec. 8. Jt shall sit with open doors, and keep a journal of its own psoceed-ing- s. Sec. 9. The yeas and nays shall be taken upon the passage of all ordinances and all propositions to create any liability against the city, and in all other cases at the request of any member, which shall be entered upon the journal ol. its proceedings; and the concurrence of a majority of the members elected to the city council shall be necessary to the passageol any such ordinance or pro-positi- ' Sec. No vote of the city council shall be reconsidered or rescinded at a special meeting , unless at such special meeting there be present as large a number of councilmen as were present when such vote was taken. Sec. it. Any report of a committee of the conned shall be deferred for final action thereon to the next regular meeting of the council after the reports made by request of any two membets of the council. Sec. 12, All ordinances passed by the city council sltaH be signed by the mayor and be deposited in the office of the city tecorder, AH ordinances so passed by the council and signed by the mayor, shall be published once in some paper published within the city, if there be one, at least once a week for four successive weeks; if not, it shall be published by postingin three public places in said city; P.ovided, that whenever a revision occuis, and said revised ordinances ait published by authority of the city council, no further publication shall be deemed necessary. The city recorder shall record in a book kept for that purpose, 11 the ordinances passed by the city council, together with the affidavits of publication by the publisher, or his agent. And said book, or a certified copy of the ordinances so recorded, under the seal of the city, shall be received as evidence in all courts and places, without further proof; or if printed in book or pamphlet from by the authority of the city council, they shall be so received . xo. DEEP WATER IN TEXAS. ing their models and drawings and explaining their inventions. The rrfodels loft by inventors form a large and inter4 esting collection, and k pt in a room by t lienis jives. The large corps of draughtsmen who prepare the patent drawings are for the most part experienced mechanics, or electricians, engineers, some of them having been connected with the U. S. Patent Office. Most of the cotrespondence is carried on by tvpc writers, and ths necessitates a separate department, where a number of experienced female type writers and stenographer are constantly employed The dark room, where the photographs of the patent drawings aie copied, and where the photographs for the department are developed, is also on this floor. On the floor above may be found the editorial rooms, compositors and subscripton room, and the engravers department. The Agricultural Department occupies the too floor and here may seen he managers of this department, and also a number of draughtsmen at woik pieparing the plans and general designs for the Architect and Builder edition of the Stienlifc American, which is published monthly, and which has attained a widespread circulation. The printing of the papers is carried on in a separate building. At the entrance of the main office, which alone occupies a floor space ol 60 by 165 feet, may be seen one of Prof, Irapers remarkable re cording barometers, with which instrument a complete record is kept of the This baromchanges. atmospheric eter was built specially for the Scietitif-i- f American, and it is a Temarkably fine and sensitive as well as a very expensive instrument. Some idea may be had of the extent of the business done at the office of the Scieti-tifi- c American when we state that over one hundred persons are employed by Munn & Co.on their several publications nnd in their extensive patent archi-teotur- e. The horse that brings $20,000 at a public sale must be a steed, hf gold high-metal- From an article on this subject in the Aransas Pass Beacon we clip the Allowing. As Utah is so deeply interested i securing deep water on the boast of Texas this artidwill be welcomed by our readers. Is it true then, that $1, 471.000 will give the people of Texas and the great west, one of the best, safest free seaports in the world, with twenty felt of water? And the necessary woik can be done in a few months, shall 10,000,000, of the best producers in Amricca be deprived of its advantages, merely for the benefit of a few greedy monopolists? We do not persume to set up our judgement in opposition to tQtt of the skilled engineers of the U. S. Army, but having studied the question closely, we hope to be excused fob making a suggestion. Since the Gulf stream runs in closer to Mustang and St. Joseph islands than anywhere else and the lattoral flow from that wonderful sea current coming abruptly against their shores is lorced to run back betwwen the Gulf stream and the islands. The force of this reflnx current must be confined to a very narrow channel. This is proved to be the case by the formation of the bar in front of Aransas Pass. Which is scarcely one half mile from the head of Mustang island. The bar is evidently constructed by the confluence of the lattoral current and lattoral flow from the Gulf stream. Where they meet an eddy is produced and tlj sand is deposited. If ajetty from Mustang island be run out beyond the bar, it is clear, that the entire reflux current be forced through the pass.augamented by the lattoral flow from the Gulf stream. Now the question is if.a jetty be extended out from St. Joseph island, will not the arrested snd pent up waters force themselves over the Island and make a new pass into the bay? We are satisfied that the jetty built by Col. ftfansfield, if completed to thirty feet of water in the Gulf, will give us that depth over the bar, and sweep the loose mud and sand, out ol Aransas bay. If Congress will give us I1.500.000, and place Col. Mansfield in charge, it is our opinion, that the government will have here in a short time, decidedly the best naval station on the continent and the best commercial harbor in the south. Give us Colonel Mansfield. He stopped the erosion of Mustang island and obtained twenty two feet of water as far as he built the jetty, and with a little more money, that depth would, have been permanently maintained. Send us Col. Mausfield if deep water is desired." The oldest tree in- the World, like jokes, is a chestnut. It stands near the foot of Mt. AJtna, - many In the southern Oregon customs district it cpst over $2,000 to collect $670 dut ing the last fiscal year. The indications are that next inauguration day will eclipse all previous events of that character at the capital. The United States treasury paid out during .November lor pensions alone $22,000,000. Other disbursements were very laige. The total amount of bonds purchased to date under the circular of April 17 is $97.i9i 55. f which $5i.394.2(o were four per cents and ,4 per cent. Great distress is said to TKll FALLING SICKNESS, WAFt. ' PENNYROYAL study. I waRrakt my remedy to others have Curb the worst case.not Because now receiving a cure. failed ie no reason for a and a treatise once for Free bottlb Send at of my iRVAtLlBLR Eembdy. Give Express and Post Office. It eoets yon nothing for a trial, and it will eure you. Address H. OK ROOT, M .C., 1 83 Pearl St., New York jan CO. Uox 940. AhiiMta, Matin of a physician w Prescription has had a life long experience : diseases. IsuM't femuta treating .reoathly wih reiect success U over 10.000 li s. Pleasant, saiask vourdrn effectual. wafers gist for Pei.iyjoyal inclose tli op sui ute n0 posi foracah i DHtiiculars. Soul bj g V 'TflF- FURFTCA all dnicrFijui:, Mfr u $ .. among the frenchmen of Halifax county N. S., fishowing to the failure of the eries. The Nova Scotia government has asked the Dominion government to with it in reduciug the distress. re te The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad company has reduced a days labor to eight hours, in the shops alo ng the entire system, owing to the suspension This, of course will of coal mining. sult in a . reduction of the amount of the wages received by the 3.000 or 4o men employed in the shops. re- - TIME TAhLE , THE MARCH OF PROGRESS! OUR LATEST IMPROVEMENTS! Competition to the Life of Trade, and If you have not aero our latevt improved good yon cannot Imagine how lively trade is. or bow hard our competitors have to work to keep wlihiu sight of us. Ask your retailer for the JAMES MEANS S3 SUOE or the JAMES MEANS 94 SHOE according to your need. unless having our name and price stamped plainly on the soles. Your Positively noneyougenuine with shoes so If you insist upon his some retailer will do not so; If PJ&MES $3 v. . , O11;' ouiiuay cai cj. iru, Trains stop at stations marked only - : t'i'iecl r' 'V ,; and Scour. 1 HEODOri BRUNALo, G(i. .A .i H. S. KERR. Gen. Siipeiii.tendenl. Stages SHOE 'UNEXCELLED IN iSTYLE UNEpUALLm CANNOT TO DURABILITY FAIL THE MOST FIT. ,S VV Such has been the recent progress In our branch of industry that we are now able to affirm that the James Means $4 Shoe is In every respect equal to the shoes which only a few years ago were retailed at eight or ten dollars. If you will try oa a pair you will be convinced that we do not exaggerate. Ours are the original $3 and $4 Shoes, and those wno Imitate our system of business are unable to compete with us in quality of factory produo. lu our linesIswe are the largest manufacturers lu the Uuited State. now visiting the shoe retailers of the Pacific Coast and Kocky One of our traveling snlesmeu who Mountain Region writes from there as follows : 1 am more than satisfied with the results of my trip. I have thus far succeeded In placing our full lie goes on to bay, "This la a line in the hands of A No. 1 dealers in every point I nave visited. Splendid region for us to sell shoes in, because most of tho retailers are charging their customers at fetatl about double the prices which the shoes have cost at wholesale. Tho consequence Is that the people who wear shoes nro paving six or seven dollars a pair for shoes which aro not worth as much ad our JAMIES MEANV M3 nnd 84 hflOES. Our shoes with their very low retail prices stamped on the soles of every pair are breaking down the high prices which have hitherto rnled in the retail markets here, and when a rcta Her puts a full line of goods iu his stock they at once begin to go on Uko hot cakes, so great lathe demand for them." Now. kind reader, just atop and consider wht the above signifies so far as yon are concerned. It assures you that if you keep on buying shoes beariug no manufacturers name or fixed retail price stumped on the soles, you cannot tell what you are getting aul your retailer la probably making you pay double what your shoes have cost him. Now, can you afTord to do this while we are protecting you by stamping ouruaine and the fixed retail price upon the soles of our shoos before they leave our factory so that you cannot le made to pay more for your shoes than they are worth ? hboea from our celebrated factory are aoll by wldfc-awnk- e retailer in all part of tbe couutry. We will place them easily within your reach luany State or Territory if you will luvest one ceut lu a postal card and write to us. & TIME Christensen Fred- rick P. Eldridge Paul. Crosby Samuel O. Decker Rov. F?plinJohn J. Curtis Charles. Jackson J. J. Johnson Matilda. Lindsay J. S. Miller Jno E. Patric Mart. Watson Wm. Winn George. 3 Woodward Chas.H t Going North at 5:48 a. m. and and January mb. 1889 Notice ie hereby given that fohoC. Wit beck of Little Salt Greek, Juab Oounty Utah, has to make proof on bis Perhaps some of our readers have filed notice, of. intention clitim No 1552, for the East 01 the visited the office of the Scientific Amep N.t W. landand N. 14 of the S. WJ4 icoZS Tp. 15 S. ican, at 361 Broadway, New York, but R, 1 tV. before the Clerk of the County Court, at Utah on Saturday, the 23d day many have not, and to such the follow- Nephi, Juab Co. 1S89 ing account may be of interest. A cor- otHeFebruary, name, the following witnesses to prove the respondent who recently had this pleas- complete irrigation and reclamation of said land: ure informs us that he was greatly sur- Orson Uowarth, Moroni Howartb, K. A. Lundy, Peter of all Creek Little Sa't Juab Co prised at the magnitude of the establish- Uth. lotorson, D. W ebb Register. It suggested to. his mind A. t. Bailey Attorney for Claimant ment. an enormous insurance company or banking house. At the main office, which is principally devoted to the nance. . " Sh.c. 7. The buy cuunoii snail pre- ent business forming as it does so pat imscribe the time and place of holding its portant a part ol the establishment may least one at be seen the members of the firm and BOOTS and SHOES made to ormeetings; Prcnided, that their able corps of examiners. Ready der, meeting shall be held each month,of and Repairing neateiy done. the access to the principals is afforded to the mayor or any two members Main Stret, NEjpni. council may qjl a special meeting by every one; and here may be seen invent- 326 a notice of it to each of the mem.- - ors from all parts of the country sliow- giving J, Blackburn. 5 c m. p.m. and arrive in Salt lake Cif 7:20 p. in. Freight trains leave Nephi for the North at 6:25 a.m. and for the roih a 7:20 p. n & 4:10 at ii.to a. ni. and Gen F. S' John Sharp, Gen. Supt. General Offices. Main City. CL & P. Ag Sliet.Sali Lak Qj - W- - H- - GAGE n Proprietor. Ol m DENVER AND tr4 Olidrgo Stoclx. of tootli Amor- - td RioGrandoW Rpsiern All AY. Clean and. Foreign WINES t-- o a' Seem Line of tbe Ml! mfL, IiIquhs Alims and pon cc AY for medical purposes w and family trade. 0 6 CO IN EFFECT OCTOBER IS, 18S8. EAST BOUND TRAINS. Uj PURITY GUARANTEED. j N? f'4en PRICES SA TISFA C TOR Y, CIGARS AND BOTTLED GOODS A SPECIALTY. Suit I ake City Provo CO CX3 CO Sprinvi!le 1 leaver Chiuago c . 8. Lv. a m Ar. li on m Ar. p 01 Ar. 1.22 pm Ar. turn p in A r. 8.00 um TRAINS. No. 7. PEOPLES MEAT MARKET moats Iilisb Great n Bemeiy. fleciiicMurrays guaiaiiteed ciue fur nervous - SAUSAGE a ail m a m a m BINUH tM AND ALTA TRAINS. Dealers in all kinds of Live Stock. TEAL a 7 00 8.50 10.10 Leave Suit Lake City, 7.50 a m Returning, Arrive Salt Lake City, 1.30 p. m. D. C. DODGE, J. H. BENNETT. Gon. Russ. Ag'L General Manager. "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHERS BEEF, MUTTON No. 9 Lv. Lv. 5.J0 p tn Ar. 0.50 p m Ar. 7.00 am springville Salt l.akeCity Ogden Sun trancisco A ' all diseases, such as Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Hysteria, Headitchc, Pain in the Back, PfoBtiation, Wakefulness, Leucoi- hota, Universal Lassitude, Senn-na- f Weakness, Impotency and general loss ol power of the Generative Organs: in either Sex, caused by indiscretion o over exertion, and which ult mately lead to Premature Old Age, Insanity and consumption. $.00 a box or six boxes for $5.00. Sent by mail qn receipt of Ll price. Full particulars in pai- phlet, sent free to every applicant Wf. Guarantee Six Boxes to cure any case. For every $5.00 order received, we send six boxes, w lir a written guarantee to refund the money if our Specific does not effect a cmp. Address all communication to the Sole Manufacturers. ' THE MURRAY MEDICINE CO.. Kansas City, Mo Call on or address Hyde & Whitmore Sole agents, NEriu. us . - Seasi. Frompt gafiention Oidors.paid to mall Wright BUT 3DE3Xji1I!S3 Monuments, . EXECUTED All & Co., P. 0 BOX E N9 LIKT -- Tablets. Head-stone- s, tirfis af SW . NEPHI. 46 Cottiiff IN THE NEATEST STYLE AND FROM THE BEAUTIFUL WHITE OOLITE STONE OF SAN PE IE. MAIN STREET, MANTI. -- P. , 0 Box 9. S, L. Jackson, UNDERTAKER. HANUUCTURCR AND INPORTER OF ALL KIN PS Cf Caskets and Coffin Hardware Home ijiade Coffins constantly on hand Embalming done on the shortest no- Coffins, THE DRUG STORE MINER & CO. Carries a full line of Patent Medicines, Drugs, Fine Toilet Soaps, Powders, Tooth Brushes, Sponges, Syringes etc. etc, Perfumes by the ounce or bottle. Imported andPoniestio Cignr?, Perscriptions Tobaccos and Cigaretts. .cajr-ful- ly Compounded. Hawls-ln- e ZOvLlldlm MINER & GO. Mam Street, Nephi. tice. He also has a good line of Furnimie and sells at cost. Repairing of all kinds done on he shortest notice. Agent for New Home Sewing Machine and Machine txtras, Neadles, etc. etc Give him a call Face Nephi, Utah. JOHNSONS SSENCE OF FOR EIFp Li SUMMER COMPLAINT8v .discovery of the day for the THE greatest cure of Colio, Cramps. Cholera Morbus, DiARBwea, rro. It never Jailt! Thy! 60c all stores. G. E. Juhnson mfr Salt Lake City OR SALE AT THE NEPHI CO-O- f V X 4 p. . Passenger Trains leave Salt Lak daily, fo the North, to connect with th U. P, Ry. ahd the U.& N. Ry.,at fc;2o a.rr CD GO t PROOF.-NOTl- CE sm 2:25 p. n South 11:35 8:18 Arrive at Salt Lake 10 a. m. & 6:40 p. r Leave Salt Lake City at 7:20 a. m. CO., 41 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass. CITY MQHOE STORE. & 2 26 LAND, FINAL GARDo Passenger Trains leave Nephi daily follows' Francis Cope, p--q t n S ATI S FY, AND PERFECTIOW JAMES MEANS pi,, C f Sanpete JAMES MEANS1 $4 SHOE MEANS - when signaled. insist, doing you supply stamped retailers will coax you Into buy iug inferior shoes upon which they make a larger profit List of unclaimed letters remaining in the Nephi Post Office lor the month of December. Allen Mrs. A. E. NO. 3. ip LAMB. Congressman Morrow of California says that upwards ol eight hundred Chinamen have arrived at Victora since last August. It is his belief that nearly all ol this number have gradualy worked their way across the frontier into the United States. He thinks the subject should receive congressional attention Valley pETE' exi FOR PUBLICATION. No United State Land Office, Salt Lake City Utah -- FITS, EPILEPSY or WEST-BOUN- DESERT SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. re-tu- rn A life-lon- RAILROADS. ettsbiisM cdcw trade all pun, by I oar placing ' food where the people can them, we will (end free to one jr,tfce eery pereoa in etch tocalit ehme made la beet sewing-the world, with all tbe attachment. We wtll alao send free a complete lirfb of oar cqstlj and valuable art that yo lumplei In mom we askthoe who abow what wa Mod, ta may call at your home, and after oath all shall become your owa This erand machine ie ,pcopesiy. mad after the Sinter patent, with tbe run oat it oid for attachments, and now eella fo 'Jg.SO. Best, strongest, moot aae ichin in the world. AU M No capital required. Plata, brief instruction riven. Those who writs to ns at once can sein the world, and the cure free the best floret line of works of high art ever shown together in America. When I Bay Curb I do not mean merely to stop them lor a time, and then have them I mbaji A RADICAL CUKK I have made the disease ol al Applicants for loans generally adopt a botruw-ton- HewineIfMhliie o at ,1 rl - |