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Show KT- - O JR OWN FIRESIDE, OIL.-A.'W"JS03?J' Manulaaurer of , and many roam Abroad in seaxph ol joy, J i many a stiange pursuit they go The world is wide, In many a strange employ; but youll neer find a greater joy, Though you may wander wide,' Than what you find when sitting round Your own fireside, OF PURE 009 prepared ture Boots and Shoes in any style and guarantees FIRST CLASS WORK. All kinds of repairing neatly done. Prices reasonable. Second door North of Bank LIVER OIL Nephi. hypophosphites as Tis true what preachers often say, Almost as Palatable Milks This woilds a wilderness, So can be that it taken, disguised Wheie soirows, like dark, wufuj storms. digested, and assimilated by the moat Do ever on us press; sensitive stomach, when the plain oil rannot be tolerated; and by the son. But there is aye a cosy spot bination of the oil wIMt the hypophos-phit- es Where gloomy thoughts neer bide, is much more efficacious. It is that calm and cosy spot, Remarkable as a fesh producer. ownYour fireside. The world false, tis hind to find A heart thats good and true; AH seek their own, and tiuth to tell, Kind, honest men are few; But there are good and honest folk In whom you may confide The kindly (rends who gather round Your own fitesjde.. at tin 1st V. FERRY ftoknowled ed to be the fargest Seedsmen In the world. D.HmniOo'i niustteted. Dei trip. -- ' FROM WASHINGTON. Newsy Bits front o:tr Regular Cor' respondent , The proverbial Cleveland weather," Ute sod Hired SEEOAKNUAL ordering ARCHITECTS BUILDER Edition of Scientific American. A great suocess. O Each Issue contains colored of country and oily residenlithographic) ces or public plates buildings. Numerous engravings' and full plans and specIflcaUons for the use of such as contemplate building. Price (UO a year. MUN'N it CO., PDBUDUUUi. 26cts.acopy. a may bo sheared by applying to HcnN Barbering done in First Class tyle in all its Branches. Ladies' hair dressing a speciaty. r Patent Solicitors. Owic; JUl Broadway, NUNN & CO., (iSh'SBAI. mim9 KIS OFFICE One block east and one-hablfck south of the Co-o- p store where he is prepared to do all work in his profession in the latest style. Gold amalgum and bone filling and extracting a specialty. Prices reasonable. Part payment taken in pro; 9 CO 400 head OF- - Hilk iraie Frencb ban kipt t thoM b ptoytrtr. Thore ana SpaiM Si Watch Addrtre DEPOT STREET, NEPHI, UTAH. will be on exhibition in Nephi on and after October Go IKo and will be sold on reasonable terms and at very fair figures for cash. PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER 5, 1SS8 Branch Galleries at Nepiii and Copying and Enlarging Pictures a specialty. MACHINERY, ETC., made on short notice. B. tract teath without pain Schofield Bros. & Cos Drug Store Main street, Nephi, TO THE AFFLICTED. Isaac Hardy & Co's Catarrh DR. Remedy will cure Pains in the Head, Fits, Dizziness and Ringing, Buzzing Sounds and Roaring Noises in the Ears, Ulcerated Sore Eyes, Dry Hacking Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and all Bronchial Diseases, and even pronounced consumption. If taken in conjunction . MANUFACTURERS OF with Tonic Bitters and Englsih Remedy it will remove all Coughing in Consumptive persons in two weeks and will change it in, one week. If the patient cannot lie down in bed it will accomplish the result. TONIC BITTERS should be taken internally with Catarrh Remedy; they will For Terms and Prices apply or write remove all poisonous mucous lrom all parts of the body and cleanse the blood to HYDE & WHITMORE. from all corruption in the circulation; will remove all Gravel from the Reins and Kidneys, tending to Ulceratiom and symp toms ol Brights Disease. Also, by using the three combined will remove the cause and thereby cure Diabetes. By bathing ever the kidneys witlf the English Remedy it will take out all fever and inflamation. Please write for circulars, and send two cent stamp for advice. Directions on each bottle. Sold by Z. C, M. I. Salt Lake City, NeDr. McCune & Co.. Nephi. phi Co-oand Bishop Tanner, First door south of Read and Bryans, Satiquin Co-oMr. Kirkum, Santiquin, Mona CoMaiu Street, Nephi. put up by I. Hardy op. Manufactured-anGUS. HENROID, Proprietor. 149 south Temp'e st. S. L. City. MayiSiy Meals at all hours. Board by the day or week. Lodgings, one block from eating house. mi gypsum; co, Manti Utah. Views of RESIDENCES, STOCK, Orders by Address Springville Utah. mail will receive P. O. Box 3. DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. DO A GENERAL MERCANTILE BUSINESS. DEALERS IN CAR LOTS AND SMALLER QUANTITIES OF ROLLER FLOUR, PLASTER PLASTER OF. PARIS OF PARIS. NEPHI,- UTAH. ARCADE CHOP HOUSE AND OYSTER PARLOR E, Hyde & Whitmore Dr. JO. O. Minor, Hawkins Block, SPRING-VILL- dfm, hand. Office at Miner Headquarters at 1878. ESTABLISHED Co. Keeps a fust class House in every respect. Travelers of the S. P. V. Rv. should give us a call. Horses and carriages always on PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. prompt attention. 20, iSSS. The Jolly House, Moroni, Sun Pole . He is now fully prepared to exby the use of the Vegetable Vapor. . Operations done on short notice. N. tn THE UNDESSIGNEI) We refer, here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Div., and Utah, Sept. Officials of the U. S. Patent Office, for Nephi, Circulars, advice terms, references to actual clients in your own State or Country, write to C. A, Snow & Co., Opposite Patent Office. Washigton D. C. lf iFTii m ip SALT ETC. ' imTmam CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. p, Pay-son- Meals asets. and soct$. as tl DEALERS e P IN PARLOR , HEATING , COOAT STOVES and RANGES. if S 5j -- All home made, and ao per cent.belqv.' Salt Lake prices. Before purchasing elsewhere give me Satisfaction guaranteed. a call. P. O. Box 69. Spanish Fork Utah. & CHAPPELL'S liy all IMs os ! - a e CW, Ml SHEET, E1FHI 4 a. If S"D Q. I 0 of Groceries, Dry complete stock Large and and everything in the Genera. Mercantile line kept constantly on hand. A Goods-Hardwar- e I O era i 10 fr -- 2 8 'g g. 3' m ORDERS BY MAIL WILL RECEIVE- PROMPT sO CB S- - . r; x DCS O fe CD SD .0-- 1 J? 90S U 00 s ; p, pi 1 1 o6. W do ag G- - a 2 lA, B r; cr- cd K to lit 19hd ATTENTION. 33 O S3 m W p - CD o - (t Watches, Clocks, andother jewelry repaired on the shortest notice. . BLQIX,- - OPPOSITE 0 2.33 (s cr H c0 CO HIM $3 Q. cT p - 3 n of w . IN IIAWKINS ROW, Is tie place to i 6o' ashA ta Er In ordering be sure to give name and exact number of stove. PETERSON Ci GENERAL MERCHANTS B 0 Q o o a a. H. J.MORTENSEN ,W N, Y. t3 secured; Shavhy IS, Hair Catting 26, Shampooing 25oti. Shop, Eut tide of Main St., Sephi. Second door south of Peterson & ChappclVt. ' Am SlifhrtlMdfJIhlth. OD In ensa your mark Is not registered In the Patent Oflice, apply to M N K A Co., and procure immeaiAta protection. Bend for Handbook. COPYRIGHTS for books, charts, maps, etc- - quickly prooured. Address Utah, Mato fatlcrs. ducer CD Or JEWELRY TRADE MARKS. mismm wm r3 3 Obtained, and all Patent Business attended Promply and for Moderate Fees. Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents in less time than those remote from Washing- We will trade them for ton. Send Model or drawing. We advise as to patentability free of charge; and G00J Fat we make no charges unless patent is I I All kinds of Extras and Stove outfits, Grates, Crosspieces. Lids, Fronts, Backs to stoves, etc., to any kind of stoves made, lags. Published weekly. Send for specimen months trial, f 1. 7Mr MUNN 4 CO., Pvbusheks. 361 Broadway, ri.T. ofaarrft Uouwhtld PATENTS it Bartunoauiii, is eHaU&to ihoold tend foe it Address D.U. FERRY & CO., Detroit. Mich. cm as, Is the oldest and most popular selentlfle aed mechanical paper published and has ths largest cirpmatlon of an j paper of its class In the acrid. Wily Illustrated. Beat class of Wood Hagtar- - WE . - - Nephi. Oolt, Thtaa tawplttaa iplet. M ths watch, wa are ato Free,todsriahOW f09 9 feOdth aw tore batama IIUthdACf rBtl J. Blackburn. writer. lima OFFICE BU:LDIN8. Repiesented byjas. W.Paxman, The Rams that greeted Mr. Clevelands inauguration and visited his first New Year did not desert him on the first day of this vear. The reception ,was in all respects the most brilliant that has BOOTS anil SHOES made to oroccurred during this administration. der, Repairing neately done. The crush was tremendous. The line 326 Main Stret. Nepiii. of waiting carriages reached far into streets. The public on foot were numbered by thausaiids, and when the doors closed hundreds had not obtainMs ed admission, although introductions were dropped at the end of the first half THE NEPHI DENTIST. hour, and people were almost trotted Who has been practicing dentistry in past the President, succeeding only in for the last ten years is now at Mr. Nephi Cevelands touching limp finger tips. The President was seven minutes late, and the cabinet and diplomatic corps were waiting whSn he appeared, with Miss Bayard, in the Blue Hoorn, and the red coated Marine Band began its programme. Among the select assemblage ol invited witnessea was historian Bancrolt. merry as a school boy, showyears in no line of ing his eighty-ni- ne his cheeiful face and alert figuie. Needless to say, Mrs. Cleveland was the center of attraction. Congress assembled. The usual quota of .Senatots was present, and the galleries were filled. Promptly at the close of the morning hour, the tariff debate dragged its slow length into view. And tjie visitors started to the four winds and left the Senators alone with their sorrowful duty. - The House ; recovered from the holiday season more slowly, and not over eighty members were present when it reconvened. When the call for committee, reports was made, not a committee responded. The friends of the international copyright bill seem again doomed to disappointment. They have almost despaired ol even securing a day for its consideration during the session. The opposition they believe is only negative. The committee on rules still refuses to meet. The several chairmen of House committees that have important bills on the calendar are calling unsuccessfully for a meeting of the Rules committee to arrange an order of business. Messrs Carlisle and Mills appear affraid of possible legislation, and scent to doubt their ability to control the House if the order is arranged. II they stand out, none but privileged measures will be in order. In the meantime the friends of international copyright will not be the only disappointed people. The sensational reports from Hayti had the effect of crowding the. reception rooms of the Stite Department, with visitors yesterday .The Department how-eve- f, kept its news to itself. Minister Preston gives no credence to the story that Legitime has threatened to kill all loreigners who oppose him, and that the American consulate is filled with rfu- gees. As it is, the New York Mail & Express story might carry stronger credence if Lieutenant Decring were a less lurid and perchance' a more modest mem to ell eppUeanto, ud to In reart tutfcomert withe w yw arha reay hare taiitd, yow wha wait al reaa tan ba tore af veceirtaf ia had fltareplea- - Wt pay aU arerttt, frvtffkt, tW. a ror i860 Win be mailed LAND iOnePcrMhiaMth 1. tibia CTO Have for Sale caltijr can accart oat frre. aadval lofftthtr with r'AS&W ttniHTl3W5Mtrfni ,1 W.tck. Geld until Ulclj. watch la tht world. toMkaayor. naiad. Rmv? fiuhd i 40 ff. trfFICC IN U. 8. ...... OO. mg t3 CD LAND AGENTS AND ATTORNEYS Obtain Patent for Agricultural and Mineral Lands Huaa(r Caw. Both Udmv laid f com Miea, with work and casts f aqual salat, Ferrys Seeds So never let us lightly think Of joys that are so near, . And wander far on crooked ways, And think our own home dear; Youll never find a better joy, Though you may wander wide. Than what you find while sitting round Your own fireside. fi Nii BolM toMfor est and mostitJuble house, sad they use : - FALLING SICKNESS, hi) r Wilkes & Howel A life long study. t9Ovn g,ooo,ooo When dire misfortune comes and drives Away lifes sunshine lair, No consolation can we get, No solace anywhere, ' wse Save mon g the' frie nds so good and The friends so true and tried, Tis then vve find how cosy is Our own fireside, . . FITS, EPILEPSY or CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLD8 and CHRONIC COUCK8. The great remedy for Consumption, and Wasting in Children. SM by all Dnujaists. Ambition points to lofty bights And b;ds us strive and dare, But what avails all striving? It brings us toit and care; The prizes thdt the world can give Are but the forops ol pride. But hale contentment sits and smiles At our own fireside. -- When! nay Cttrh I do not moan merely to stop them lor a time, and then have them re. turn again. I mean A KAD1CAL CliltK. 1 have made the diaeaae of I warrant my remedy to Curb the worst cases. Because others have is no reason for not now receiving a cure. failed Persons gain rapidly while taking Us Send at once for a treatise and a Frrr Tsottlb Give Express my INFAI.UULG KEMEur. SCOTTS EMULSION is acknowledged by of and lot Odlee, It eoste you nothing lor a to the and Best be Finest prepa- trial, and it will cure you. Address Physicians ration in the world for the relief and cure of H. C. ROOT, M.C., 183 Pearl Sth Nr Ygrx is OMDPim & PYPIEM. . BOOTS & SHOES Mr. Clawson is to manufac- &a 0) o 2-- i 0 V 9 u & 0 N. B. We toe just M ie a law steel ef Fall Geels coesistiif of Lais, Cliltas. Wraps, Jackets, Jerseys, HosieryJUnderyyear and Fll and Winter Dress Goods. aaLHises A a T v .. . 4n- |