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Show i,i t f .a ."- ' i f J Y f . ( Vv t: Feilb & y'y v s II PUBLISHED EVEBI FRIDAY AT ISTephi ' Juab Co, U.T. eSs Rollo Publishers. Prompt attention paid to all cotnmnnica-fionAddress: The Ensign, P. O. Box a hJ 05dV tsjfs f;TS235T VoL Utah. NEPHI, UTAH, FRIDAY JANUAKY II f i 9 & i n Jy A' THE ENSIGN. y SuBSutlt'llON One Year, Six Months, Three Months xS' s. Nephi, O 11, y ? 1880" No 32 Advertising plication. - ' RATES: ' - fa.oo - - i.as - 75 on Rates forwarded ' . ap- , A small brown colt, 8 months old The Y. M. & Y. L. M. I. A. conjoint it is unequalled. Please read: I used Scotts Emulsibni n a child with white strip in face and botn hind meeting was well attended last Tuesday cash prices. feet white. Finder will return same to evening, which was indeed eucou raging eight months old with good results. He Selling. Edwin Booth and be rewarded. Buying, to the officers, as the attendance of these gamed four pounds in a very short time. Tho. Prim.M. D Alabama. Wool, 1 yrs. growth, ft lb 12 to j6 meetings heretofore has been very light. I gave Scotts Lmulsior. to a dramatic company A good programme was rendered and The Snow-Hou- tz 8 Hides, 1st class, gentleriace your notices an, I announceare in Utah County heading southward one fully as good, if not better, may be man 65 yeafs old, Hobbled with Chronic 2d 5 Advertise your wants m.The En- -' 3d Nephi may expect them. The are very expected on the evening of the first Bronchitis, with the most excellent re- ments to the public in these specia 3 , v sign's' special columns . highly spoken of by the press of the Tuesday in Febiuary. In the mean time, sults, J. C. Cason, Brokeu Arrow, Ala columns. Teiritory. each Tuesday evening there will be meetings of these associations held DARWINS THEORY. John S. Lindsay and his troupe, most separately to which all are invited the in of whom are from Nephi, are playing in the Tabernacle and the Mens Ypung Fresh Fish for sale at R. F. Barrs. Darwins " theory-- of the "survival of the A rLEASING SENSE Ogden tonight and tomorrow night. Young Ladies in the Vestry. The profittest is simply that the- weakly die This company is meeting' with big sue each evening at each meeting while the robust and Dont t8 gramme advertize in our spec- ..Pifhealth.a,ni?, strength renewed and of mm forget cess and are well spoken of wherever we can thrive anc comfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs. guarantee, will be interesting ve. How true this ishardy of seed growth ial columns. they go. ats iu harmony with nature to effectually aud profitable to those who attend. The and how sow dense to necessary that system tv hen costive or bilious. For If you have any notice to give or an sale the 500 A meeting of stockholders of the programme for the meeting of the young which is suited by nature to only in aud f bottles live and nouncement to make to the by all leading drug- First National Bank of Nephi was held Mens Mutrual Improvement Assoiatlon develop. public, do. it our through special columns. last Tuesday for the purpose of electing to be held next Tuesday evening, is as D. M. Ferry & Co., the Seed officers. No change was made, the follows: A Lecture on Repentance by Growers and Seed Dealeis great of Detroit, CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED . Our report of eiirrtkt Nephi Market same efficient corps of officers were re- Isaac H. Grace; a select Reading by Michigan, supply only the best and purJohn IV. Householder; a lecture on est, raising their own seeds elected. to is be relied is It prices correctthe most upon. Please inform x 10 tif. I haveEfitro.readers Elementary Astronomy by F. W. Chap impioved methods and with bythe 1.00 ed Jarley" " a positive remedy for the yonr great- L. every Friday by C. Andrews & Co. above named Our creditors cant well collect from pell. Young men, dont lose this op est 1. 00 r.oo bus. vVheat A. disease. its & By use thousands of hopeless care, to Bailey, Co. their business and & Wright timely bringing the Hyde of oases have been permanently oured. I shall be doz. 20 25 us unless our debfors pay up. We portunity improving your minds. invaluable aid of more than thirty years Whitmore. Eggs two bottles of my jjad to toany send remedy 25c are anxious to pleaSour creditors and 25c. Gutter ft Their Seed Annual for experience. of your readers who hare consumption guw The this Remember debtors and alike. both is now Nephi Bacon Bakery, owned is and address" '5 a real help to the gardener, and 1889 Imported .and postotfice DEAD. C. MORRIS W. T. A. Slocum M. c. Respectfully, Horae Cured xo should be in the hands of all who desire conducted by Mr. John W. Householder, I2j come up to the front, you who are owPearl at. New York. Mr. Woods having recently sold out to 17J ing this paper. Breakfast to and true seeds. purchase Send pure A Young and Well Known Utah Artist him. Mr. Householder 7i Ham Imported recently came to your name to the firms address at Cut Down in the Frimt of his theEast where his regular ocThe Hariy Taylor dramatic company Horae Cured I2j Nephiiom IS Detroit, Michigan, and they will forward 85 which consists of a number of first class cupation was that of a baker. He is pre Bran and shorts ft cwt Usefulness. you a copy. fared to supply his customers witlj the Croup is a terror to young mothers, espeoiallr Salt Dake actors are billed for Nephi their winter months as it ia then best of bread, cakes, buns, etc. And during in 22nd 21st Sin and W. Sor and Morris C. of Salt Lake City, well valent. It can always be prevented, if most preJanuary PUBLIC NOTICE. properly row guarantees honorable treatment. Give treated as soon a the first and "Not Guilty. The Nephi known and very much liked thiough out In ,,the County Couit of Juab Gouty, Utah symptom appear. Hoars ness is ths first symptom: this, is soon him a call. fol theatre goers may expect a treat. the Territory not only on account of his lowed by a peculiar, rough cough. If Cahmber-luitbe In matter of incorporating Nephi city. as an artist, but on account of his A 1 Cough Remedy is ability a soon given as by over one hundred qualitfiese symptoms appear, it will invariably pro. Ho, the merry school days! The Ne genial spirit and kindly ways, left his fied ot tho proposed Nophi City, vent tho attack. There is no danger in giving together phi schools are well filled, but we are home about three weeks ago for New Wth electors an accurate mp or plat if the Territory Cash or Merchandise paid for fill calve by R. the remedy, as it ountaina no inj urous prosubstance, t sorry to note that many young men are York intending to further complete his posed tv be incorporated, and affidavits ai tS the F. Bair. bold by Dr. Miner & Ue-- , Nephi. Municipal Election number at inhabitants bnving been tiled herein, about town idliug away their time, education as an artist. On he leaving Good and examination sold tho upon of same the by cheaper than ever for cash or procourt, who could as well as not be spending it said: T ani going to New York to study and teetimony takon in relation to the number ot duce at R. F. Barrs. Neplii, Monda3r, Feb. 1 lib, 1S89. profitably in school. in the Academy of Arts, not only for my inhabitants; U hereby ordered by the Court That the folil. M. McCune & Co. are the egont for the benefit and gratification, but to en- io Jt .When you desire a pleasant physio try St. Patwi nr fieson heel portion o Nephi Broeinct in IrD Fir9 i i'oof Dont be afraid to ask your friends to own Give them your ricks Pill. They oan always be depended able me to I Juab classes and tan teach County, embraced organize within : will for subscribe The do not nauseate the stomach nor gripeupon, and Mayor Ensign. They the following limits ,tu wit: the and thus do good in the community. bowel. bold hy Dr. Minor 4 Co , Nephi. full it for besides value All their Alma Hague. money, Commencing at the centre of Soction nine (9) get parties knowing thomsolvos Indebted to the He had fondly cherished the hope of Township thirteen (13) South of ltauge one (1) undersigned are hereby requested to call and setwill help you by, assuring you a better able to receive such an opportun East of Sait Lake Aleredian; thence running tle accounts at once and save further trouble. Councilinen : paper, as there is no .incentive for im- being W eat two hundred and rods thence N ortli R. F. Barr. in a paper so good as a ity, lor over a year and when he found one and three quartor seventy miles; thonco East two provement CAUTION io MOTHERS. that he could for Jambs II. Myndtrs, few a months away go Peter Rasmussen, Root and Shoe maker, is the hundred and seventy rods; thence South eighty growing subscription list. to become better acquainted with his art, rods; thence East one had mile; thence South one place to take your ordors for good cheap and sub- . Every mother is eautioned J. A. Hyde, against giving her mile; thence West one hundred and torty rods; stantial work. Opposite First National Bank. child laudanum or paregoru; it creates which he ha'd already established a thence an unThe Scientific American can be seen bouth one hundred and twenty-fiv- e Chas. Andrews, rode; natural for stimulants which kills tba craving most excellent reputation, he felt thank thence W est twenty rods; thence South thirty-fivat this office. 'Subscriptions for this very ful tiund of the child Acker's Baby Soother is A. Cazier, and rejoiced at the prospects before rods to tho place of beginning. prepared to benolit children and cure their best of American publications to those and the came is hereby designated as a mms. Xt is harmless Mid oontanis no Opium or Peter Sutton, Several years ago Chamberlain interested in science, art, mechanics and him. His postal cards, sent from vari- efUp, the third class, to be known by tba name City Co., ofDes and ous places along the road, to his brother, style of Nephi Jity, and that an election be held Moines, Iowa, commenced the manulacture of uorphiuft- - Bold by i O Minor, NephU E. R. Booth, general information will be taken abounded'with cough remedy, believing it to be the most high spirits, joy and sat- atthe Qiunty Ikurt House, in Nephi, in said aprompt Jas. Jenkins Jr. and reliable preparation yet produced Special rates can be given to subscrib- isfaction. Juab County, Utah Territory on Monday the 11th for coughs, colds and croup, ers to The Ensign. Call in and see cf bebruary A. I), lx), for the purpose that the PEOPLE day no jjJYERy WHERE he true merit, and in time it wasrublio However, sooner, scarcely, had the question whether the said certain to about it. Ci'y Recorder: locoiue Confirm Their landed at his destination and settled 4wihi City shall become incorporated, proposed most our statement popular. when We say that Ack and for sanguine hope been more thhn realised. Over tbreo hun- er's English Remedy is in every way superior to down to the work before him than he electing a Mayor, seven Councilinen, a Recorder, have J. R. Hickman. a Treauter, an Assessor and Collector, a Mar- dred thousand bottles of Chamberlains Cough any and ell other preparations for the throat and Henry Knowles is budding a wheel- was stricken by the hand ol death. The shal andtwo Justices of the Peace for the pro- Remedy are now told eaoh year, and it le rec- LungSe In Whooping Coughand Croup it is mag-1- 0 wright shop between the building used news came over ognized as the bostmado, whorevor it is known. and relieves at once, we oiler you a sample the wires that William posed Nophi City. and the had Schroder, by tbe Misses It wHl cure a severe cold in less time than any bottle free Remember, City Treasurer : AmUta ordered this Remedy is told on 4 further that notice ef breathed a case public of in gas, resulting Mhertreatment. Sold blacksmith shop of Reid and Booth, Hr. Co Miner by 4 saidAutienbe guarantee. a by positive given Nephi publishing certified Edwin Harley. at the same time a front is beins ppt on asphyxiation. The survivals from a case oopyTT tie foregoing order in Tug Ensiku, a published within the limits of said the blacksmith shop which is a much ol that kind are rare indeed, but not- fiewspaper proposed Nephi City at least once a- week for lour withstanding this fact the devoted suocessiv City Assessor and Collector ; needed improvement. woaka- , . . . sweet Gatarr H 'GtmxLD. ' friends who were with him in New York TntruoiSnf ; . V PIMPLES OKT TUB FACE. me T. J. y. Paxman, Clerk breath ' secured, by Shilohs Catarrh Denote an Vm. A. C, Bryan. arffhaf County of Jaao ) of the County 4kurt, lo and from Lake Salt money, iZkyr.'dkt state of blood tbe are and Ills impure Charles GracohaB returned from Juab County, an Utah Territory, do horeby Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector looked and hope could do for him.' ' But to for upon by many with suspicion. Ackers that the foregoing order is a true and cor- free. Miner & Co., mission to the Southern States. He ar- care iff certify Marslia blood will remove Elixer Nephi. half all impurities and leave Vity past four last Saturday rect copy of the order made and entered by the rived in Nephi on the evening train last no avail, at Morris the complexion smooth and clear. There is nothMr. breathed his last. County Court of said County and territory this V. P. Riad. ing that will so thoroughly build np the constituHe was met at the morning . Wednesday. 29th of DedemberA. I). day 138, The deceased was 44 years of age, and tion, purify and strengthen! he wholesystem. Sold For lame back, side or chest, use Shi- and In witnoss whereof I hereunto set depot by a host of his relatives and guaranteed by D. 0. Miner. Nephi. my hand and afhx the soal of tho lohs Porous Plaster. friends and a very pleasant reception leaves a wife and seven children, the 4 goal Price Justices of the Peace : 25 cents in auditor Jnab Coun- Miner was given him at the home of his uncle youngest a babe a few months old. An ty, Utah County Court, &'Co., Druggists, Nephi. Territory, this 29th dayW ilocembor A. R. Black, daughter, Cora, was taken ARE YOU SKEPTICAL? H. F. McCune The Ensign bids him ill 188. the day after her father left, with J . W. Paxman, Clerk of tho County Court, in T" Wm. Stout. welcome back. so we will convince "yea that Ackers English If rheumatic fever, and is in a very precar- and for Juab County, Utah Territory. Will You Suffer with Dyspepsia and for tbe lungs is eaperior to all other prepLiver Complaint? Shilohs Vitalizer is Remedy Invitations are out for a grand dinner ious condition. She has learned of her arations, and is a posMeve cure for all Thaoat nod this afternoon in the Social Hall at fathers illness, but owing to the rheuguaranteed to cure you. Sold by Miner Lung troubles, Croup, Whooping Cough and We guarantee the ppeperaMon, and will Colds. matic affection & in settled the in m. Co., and dance tonight 12 30 p. honor having Druggists, Nephi. give you a sample battle free. of the NephiTabernacle Choir undet the region of the heart. She dare not be auspices of the Stake Presidency. After made acquainted with the sequel, lest it Dont forget to vote for incorporag- - diunej a programme of songs, recita- would bring immediate death. When IS LIFE WORTH LIVING! Sleepless nigh is made miserable by ion. tions, etc. will be rendered until 4 30 p. he child notices signs of grief on the that terrible cough. Shilohs Cure is Not the m. A recess from that time till 7 30 p. countenance of her mother or any-oif you go through the worlda dyspeptic. Ackthe remedy for you. Sold by Miner & ers Dyspepsia Sickness is still very prevalent in m. will be taken when dancing will family ij affects her seriously, and there 1 ablets are a positive cure fur the Co., worst forms of Dyspepsia.' Indigestion, Flatuenry Druggists Nephi. the is her utmost Nephi . of commence. A day anxiety concerning genuine enjoyand Constipation. Guaranteed and sold by D. O. insafety. These circumstances tend to Miner, Nephi. News items in and around Nephi are ment is promised those who receive make the case one that calls out deeper vitations and attend. is Shiloh Vitalizer what you need scarce since holidays. sympathy for the bereaved and afflicted for Consumption, loss of Appetite, Dizzi-ne- s AH the stock for the telephone has family. established has Householder V. and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price John been subscribed, the necessary papers 10 and 75 cents si lunch stand in connection with his BUCKLENS ARNICA SALVE. per bottle. Sold by made out and other work pertaining to A POTTERY FOR NEPHI. Miner and Co., Nephi. bakery. the contract done, and the money and William Norton and Tnos. McCune shares are lying in the bank. It will It is possible? Certainly. Would it are both lying ill at ' their homes with therefore be seen that there is no pay? Most decidedly, if run by men That Hacking Cough can be so The best Salve in the world lor Cuts, will of failure a be win know their business. Is it and Nephi change cured by Shilohs Cure. We Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever typhoid fever. quickly probable? teleconnected with northern towns by From presesent indications we can say it. Sokl by Miner & Co., Ne- Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilguarantee 21 A Thomas Wright Sr. has been suffering phone as soon as it is possible. Work conscienciously that it is as near a cerblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and phi. from typhoid lever lately but is now on constructing the line will be com- tainty as those positively cures Piles, or no pay required. unare things A Health generally Sense of Pleasing menced just as soon as the frost is out til they are in active It is guaranteed to give perfect satisprogressing nicely. operation. of the ground. or money refunded. Price 25 and Shiloh's faction, Cougii is and well It known and Consumption is that there Renewed, any Strength Chas. Andrews and Herbert Burton of is sold by us on a guarantee. Cure cents box. It per amount of of the best potters clay Those who u'ish to keep abreast of Nephi went to Salt Lake last Monday of Ease and Comfort cures Consumption. Miner & Co., Ne- For sale by Hyde & Whitmore the industrial and scientific progress of in the Sevier River country twenty on business bent. phi. Follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it the day cannot afford to be without the miles from Nephi and farther south. acta gently on the Nothing of a public nature other tlian Scientific American, advertised on anoth- Nephi is the nearest convenient railroad the question of incorporation is stirring er page. It i fully illustrated with the point to these beds and it is customary Croupe, Whooping Cough and Bron FIRST NATIONAL Kidneys, Liver 03 Bowels chitis in Nephi at present. best class of wood engravings, and each tondfreight clay much further than this immediately relieved by Shilohs over worse much when roads where the Effectually Cleansing System is in as treated i & Sold Cure. Miner popularan.au-nesubject Co., by Nephi. Many are still owing The Ensign. We Costive or Bilious, Dispelling- the nature of the theme will per- Queensware and similar products are are not the oest of dnnnersbut still we mit. asThis manufactured. So that encouragement a first name made for Colds Headaches nnd Fevers paper like to collect our biils. THE NEW DISCOVERY. itself in 1.345, when it was permanently for good potters to establish - a business is sufficient and success is in and permanently curing Nephi n wafers aids established. It is published by the The use of Penny-royYou have as a market for their wares HABITUAL CONSTIPATION patent soliciting fiim of Munn guaranteed, the school girl in attendance she is talking about it. You may yourself be one of is waiting and this clay is equal to the OF the many who know from personal experience & Co. price is $3.00 a best never at home ill. See ad. without weakening or irritating tho orin the world. just how good a thing It is If you have ever year. Copies may be seen at this office, tried it, you are one of its staunch friends, beSome time ago Mr. Thos. Butler of gana on which it acts. Advertisers should always bear in and subscriptions received. cause the wonderful thing about it is, that once TJT-- A Sevier sent a specimen of this clay to For Sale In 60e and 91 .00 Bottles by mind that the columns of The Ensign is given a trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever all Druggists. Leading holds a place in the house. If you have de- some friends of his in East Liverpool after in The of set five number books, Rates are medium. rqpsonable. a good ONLY EV T! never used itaud should be gltllcted with a Paid Capital termined upon by the Territorial Ohio; these friends worked up the clay f50,ooo cough, cold or any Throat.Lung or Chesttrouble CALirOBNIA PIG SYBU? CO wafers con- authorities of the Young Mens Mutu-r- and pronounced it far superior to any I have kept Penny-rovsecure a bottle atonce and give it a fair trial It Sas Fraxcisco, I i now Cal., and American for or had refunded two hand and touched on Associations years every time, be used money to clay they guaranteed Improvement Surplus stantly 12,500 Few Yoek. N. Y. Trial bottles free at Hyde 4 Whitmores store. Possess a robust constituticn. Mary as a course of reading this year for equal to the best European clay that has Louisville, Kv., Geo. C. been Whitmore, President ever friends are these associations, have been received Arnold Lecturer. imported. These FINAL PROOF.-NOTI- CE onasH. Erekson Vice Pres. in Nephi from the Contributor Office, three, brothers Davidson by nave, two DESERT LAND, A SOUND- - LEGAL OPINION. FOR PUBLICATION S. Hills Notice of a city election to be held in Salt Lake City. They will be found on of whom are at present managers of dif- United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. E Ralnbrldge, Monday Esq .County Atty , as. H. Mynders, Dee. 15th. 1888 Nephi February 11, th 1889, are posted sale by Adelbert Cazier at th'; clothing ferent potteries and the third is a forei her.by given that Joseph S.Wiog Sen. Clay Co , Tex says: Have used Electric Bitames E. Clinton. up about town in conspicuous places store ol Cazier Bros. Sc Co. They are man and all are well fixed as far as ofNotice Fairview Sun Fete County of Utah ters with most happy results My brother alos Alma signed by JohnKirgan, presiding Judge exceptionally cheap for the style and worldly goods are concerned and anx- has filed notice of intention to Territory Hague, Cashier. make proof of his was very low with Malarial FoverandJanndice, but was cured by timely use of this medicine land claim No. 1053, for theS.lS E of Election. quality of the books, costing only ious to come west They are much ta- desert satisfied Am his S 27 T 13 8. R. 4. Elife Electric Bitters saved of Utah before Deposits received subject to sight draW for the five books. They will ken up with this clay and have written Register and Receiver at Territory Mr.D I Wileoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky .adds Salt Luke City, Utah John Phillips has been lying lor some $2.50 information for 2nd day of Fob. 1889. He names a like testimony, saying: He positively beon the valuable a addition the make to Saturday, regarding any library. prospects An time very low with pneumonia, Or check. for establishing their business. By con- the following witnesses to prove tho complote ir- lieves he would have died, had it not been for and reclamation of said land: Electric Bitters ulceration of the intestines has develThere has been no little talk upon the sulting the maps and from erther sources rigation s well-aB Will This great remedy B Jonos of Milburn Utah, 1 hcir.as Houseward off, as Miner streets lately oped and his physician Dr.OfD. O. recovMoney loaned on approved security. concerning a probable they have determined upon locating keeper el Milburn Utah, Lorenzo Cox of Fairview drasall Malarial Diseases, and for all Kidney, his expresses very faint hope Liver and Stomach Disorders stands unequalled Collections made with prompt returns at change in management of the Nephi in Nephi if anywhere, providing induce- Utah, Lindsey A Brgdy ofD Fairview Utah. 50c $1 s at Brice and 4 Whitmore Co-oHyde Webb, Kegistorlowest rates. ery. The facts are that Cazier Bros. ments are sufficient. Inducements and & Co. and Grace Bros, after considering A could be not belter. encouragement sell We 1 he Nephi lovers of skating have to the matter, consolidated for this purpose warm welcome and a exchange pn leading cities of the NOTICE TO CREDITORS. guaranteed suc- , T- . they and offered to the board of directers cess awaits them. United tates, also furnish sight drafts or go a long ways for their sport, but skatof tjie Co-o- p a proposition to take the get there just the same. Many a remit funds to all prominent points Territory of Utah, I Lund Attorney, Etc. County of San Juan i st ing party are seen windeng their way to store on a certain percentage. A meetTO HOW GAIN AND FLESH M. Barton deceased, of Amasa Estate Europe. US'Rock Springs pond, about five miles ing of the board was held on Thursday, to Office next door Land Office Balt Lake Notice ii hereby given by the 'ondsrsigned. AdSTRENGTH. City northwest of town. Estate consider M. the of of to Amasa tbe Barton but ministratrix 3d, matter, January Desert and deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons harObtains patent for Correspondents after some discussion, a week longer was Use after each meal Scotts Emulsion and Mineral Land. Agricultural, The five year old daughter of black- take ing claims against the said deceased, to exhibit shareholders the time to tp give with is solicited within and as with the It Bullard ten information vouchers, necessary palatable them Correspondence last Hypophosphites. died given New Frank York. Kountze Pros. ' Monday smith iiiuntus after lue uietimoiisauuu of unsiioncS from his home consKier the matter. Last night they as milk, and easily digested. The rapid- by Represented at 8 p. m. and jwas buried said Admisistratrix athor residense the to fttBlufl, Chicago, Union National Bank. met and decided to let the store qpt on ity with which delicate people improve . last Wednesday at 1 p. m. Cause of R. Hickman and W. A. C. Bryan, San Juan PCounty, Utah ierritorv. of J as Lake City, Deseret National Bank these Salt by suggested its gentleuse it with percentage Use and try isvonderful. Harriet Barton, Administratrix theEstate resulting from men in their death, internal inflamation Notaries Public. and left it op- - your weight. As a remedy for Consump-- 1 of Amasa M Barton deceased proposition San Pacific Bank. of ear ache. Francisco. attack severe a Dated at Bluff, San Juan Ojunty, Dec 22, 1888 ii for bids. County jucordert Office Nrjhl Utah, lion, Throat affections, and Bronchitis, NEPHI MARKET. Lost: SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. , - ' A li 1 CITIZENS TICKET Ter-utor- n potitioa-slgno- d . - - 1 e spe-iul- ly A Ja. eight-year-o- , s? "'"t ld LOCAL ITEMS. I f ANK well-know- al he-ir- NEPHI, al IJ al - p. G BAILEY x . |