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Show j I In any case were the system requires WEEKLY REVIEW OF TRADE. building up, Dujardin's Life Essence never failed. It will succed where every- Correspondence Ensign. thing else has failed in bracing up organic New York, Saturday, November, 3, 188S. function. Price, $1.50 a bottle, all drugThe interruption of trade by political gists. excitement has increased, as is natural, and yet the volume of business continues NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. larger than usual, and probably larger than in any previous year, at this season 18SS. Tintic Mining District, August 10, The single fact that bank exchanges outasTo Heber Cloward, his heirs or side of New York, in the last week but signsone of a Presidential campaign, exceedYou are hereby notified that I have ex- ed those of last year by 10J per cent, the labor Dollars in Hundred Two pended clearings of last year having been "excepFairview and improvements upon the tionally large, proves that the volume of lode claim, situated in the Tintic Mining legitimate business is unprecedented; for District, Juab County, Utah, for the years only a part of the increase can be attribuending December 31st, 1886, and Dec. ted to excess of speculative operations. ember 31st, 1887, in order to hold said Indeed, the speculative markets claim under the provisions of section to have been more effected by appear political United 2324, Revised Statutes of the interest than other departments ol BusStates, being the amount required to iness, and in stocks the sales here have hold the same for the years ending Dec- been only about 1,100,000 shares for the ember 31st 18S6 and December ist, 1SS7, week, in wheat about 36400,000 bushels, and if within ninety days after this notice in cotton about 350,000 bales, and in by publication you fail to contribute your other markets rather smaller than usual. proportion of such expenditures as coThe reports from interior points inowner, your interest in said claim will dicate marked improvement in the volbecome tne property of the subscriber ume ol trade at Nashville, Memphis, under said section 2324. and Detroit, and satisfactory business at Tvner. Richard nearly all other cities, but at Philadelphia, Pittsburg, and Kansas City the prevailing quiet is attributed to political exDESERT LAND, FINAL PROOF. NO- citement. The money markets appear TICE FOR PUBLICATION. well supplied at nearly every reporting No. 3095. point, with the usual rates maintained, United Stated Land Office, but a shade of stringency is noted at Si. Salt Lake Citv, Utah, Oct 3. 1888. Paul, and an active demand at Kansas Horace that Notice is hereby given with some doubt about business City, Lake Co., of Salt Iake City, Salt in Western Kansas, which prospects Utah, has filed notice of intention to leads to caution in dealings with that make proof on his desert land claim No. section. Otherwise, reports of the con2208, for the unsurveyed: S J of N E J dition of trade are better than usual, and VV E S VV the J S and N J E of S i i Ei in collections is noticed at improvement VV SecN of J E Sec, 7 also NEJ and i Southwestern and Northwestern centres. tion 18 Township 13 S Range 6 east beIn all the larger branches of industry fore Register and Receiver U.S.Land of- a disposition is observed to wait until fice at Salt Lake City, Utah, on Saturday, the election has passed, and vet transacthe 17, day of November, 1888. tions to meet immediate necessities, and to witnesses He names the following others apparently prompted by the exprove the complete irrigation and recla- pectation that sharp changes in prices mation of said land: C. B. West, W. J. lollow the election, make up an agFlorida, John F. Heath, H. O. Heath, ail may gregate which, it is safe to say, has never of Salt Lake County, Utah. been equalled in any previous PresidenD. Webb Register. Oct 5 Nov 9 tial campaign. In the iron business, though the sales in Octobei are thought to have considerably exceeded productDESERT LAND, FINAL PROOF. ion, other transactions of considerable NOTICE FOR PUBLCAION. magnitude are noted, including sales by No. 3,oq8. the Thomas Company for 18S9 delivery United States Lnd Office 0 at i8. The closing of contracts lor 18S8. Salt Lake City, Utah, October 4th for rails roads tons Vanderbilt the Notice is hereby given that John S. made the week one of exceptionally Wright of Nephi, Juab County, Utah has large transactions; but quotations are filed notice of intention to make proof still $ 27.50 to 28 at Eastern mills. Bar on his desert land claim No. 1369, for the iron is easier, but prices grow more irregN W 4 S E 4 Sec 33. Tp 12 S. R. 1 E. beular, and former quotations for nails are fore the Probate Judge or clerk of Juab not quite maintained. The wool maiket Co. Utah, at Nephi, on Tuesday, the 20th is firm holders being indisposed to sell 1S88. of November, day at present, except at full prices, and He names the following witnesses to while manv manufacturers are deferring prove the complete irrigation and re- purchases, other are buying freely. B. Riches, clamation of said land: James The dry goods ttade has been comparJoseph Broadhead, John Fowkes, Joseph atively quiet, tlie demand for ntens woolC. Patten all of Nephi, Juab Co.' ens and knit goods being moderate, and D. Webb register. for dress goods queit irregular while cotfor Claimant. SW. Darke, Atty. ton goods are generally turner without large transaction. It is reported that an advance of 5 cts. in carpet will be soon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. effected, ami 111 the clothing trade an in(No, 3,114.) Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, crease in the consumptive demand is noted. Boots and shoes are selling freeOctober 13th, 1888. Notice is hereby given that the follow? ly at full rates, and it is lemaked that settler has filed notice of his there has been an exceptionally large intention to make final proof in suppport demand for boots especially from tire of his claim, and that said proof will be West. The coal trade is just now someInter-Stat- e made before the Clerk of the County what dull, and the action of the Commission is awaited with special Court, at Nephi, Juab County, on Satur- interest in the instituted by day, December, 1st 18S8, viz: Norman W. Coxe Brothers proceedings for alleged discrimination Elertson D. E. 1374 for the S. W. 4 N by the Lehigh Valley. But the output of E. 4 Section 15 Tp. 11 S. R. 1 W. anthracite continues unprecedentedly to witnesses names the He following prove his continuous residence upon and large. The stock maiket, after a little deprescultivation of, said land, viz: George G. Cloward, Eli Robinson, Ephraim Elert-so- sion, is less active but stronger, and the of Mona. Juab County, Utah, and average price of the more active stocks is a fraction higher than a v eek ago. George H. Hobbs, of Nephi. to desires who protest The Preasuiy has taken in during the Any person week $4,400,000 more geld than it has against the allowance of such proof, or knows of any substantial reason, under paid out, but has put out $3,000,000 more tenders, and the law and the regulations of the Inter- silver certificates and legal money market heie is fully supplied ior Department, whv such proof should the not be allowed, will be given an oppor- with low rates unchanged. The exports inmentioned time and crease a bttle, exceeding those ol last year tunity at the above e the witnesses ol for the past four weeks aoout 3 per cent., to place while said claimant, and to offer evidence m about the imports fall below last years 7 per cent. With wheat, corn, rebuttal ot that submitted- by claimant D- Webb Register. coffee, lard, and petroleum a little lower Wilkes & Howe, Attys. for claimant. than a week ago, the general average of prices nevertheless remains substantially Oct. 19th, Nov 23d. unchanged, the quotations of articles not objects of speculation being qffi the whole a little higher. DESERT LAN 0, FINAL PROOF.-NOTl- CE FOR PUBLICATION. The business a irie .occuir ng throng! NO. .1.141) out the country during the last seven United States Land Office. days, as reported to K. G. l)t-- & Co Salt L'ke City Utah, October Ut tavi Notice b herebv siven that John 0. WitbeoK of The .Mercantile Aganry, Friday, ot intentiled notice Nephi, Juab Count,ltih has by telegraph, number, lor the United tion to mUte proof of hw deport land claim No States, 2)3, and for Canada, 32, or a total 15 2 for the Kof NWandNof SV l43oc.io Ip. of 275, as compared with a total 254 last 15 SK. i West before the Clerk ui the Countv Court tho on Wednesday Utah, Juab County, at Nophi week, and 224 the week previous to the l th day of December, IN. week of He names the following witnesses to prove the last. For the corresponding complete irrigation and reclamation of said land: last year the figures were 245, made lip Juab County Ltah, of Melton JenmniiS, 225 in the United States, and 20 in and Anon Uowurlh, Moroni llo arth and A. 1. the I tab. Dominion of Canada. Juab County Juab of Lundy a confession. By w. cross-examin- -- , I). Wkbb KkgibTkr 22-- 7 Holes, Nmatls, ALL loxvost prices And then walked homeward arm in arm, Beneath the crescent moonlet new, That smiled on us with silent charm; So glad that we were married, too. Ah me, tw as years aud years ago When alHhis happened that I sing, And many a time the winter snow Has slipped from olive slopes of -- pring. And now oh, nonsenco! lotus toll; A fig for laugbof maids or men! You'ILhide your blushes? I'll not Well Were ten times worse than we werq then. Century. VARIOUS. The suspicious nature needs watching. Cash or Merchandise paid for fat calves F. Barr. PETERSON & CHAPPELL'S IX ll.UVKINS Is tls pics to tu ROW, ill Ms JEWELRY Will You Suffer t H. J.MOItTENSEN DEALERS with Dyspepsia and Shilohs Vitalier LiverComplaint? guaranteed to cure you. Sold by Miner & Co., Druggists, Nephi. is Watches, Clocks, and other jewelry repaired on the shortest notice. 11 For lame back, side or chest, use Shilohs Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents Miner & Co., Druggists, Nephi. IN PARLOR , JIEATJXG, COOK STOVES and RANGES. All kinds of Extras and Stove outfits, Grates, Crosspieces, Lids, Fronts, Backs to stoves, etc., to any kind of stoes made. In ordering be sure to give name and exact number of stove. AH home made, and 20 per cent.below Salt Lake prices. Before purchasing elsewhere give me Satisfaction guaranteed. a call. P. O. Box 69. Spanish Fork Utah pro- Our offer under the heading" For Democrats for old and new subicribois alike. Is It is not always convenient to preach wliat we believe. '1 lie supply of truth must not exceed the demand for it. Nature has not turned out a multitude of geniuses, tor wise reasons; if everybody wus a genius the soil would remain unfilled. quickly cured bv Shiloh's Cute. We guarantee it. Sold by Miner K Co., Nephi. Shilohs Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. Miner N Co., Nephi. Croupe:, Whooping Cough and Bren rinds immediately relieved bv Shiloh's Cure. Sold by Miner ix Co., Nephi. 0 FURNITURE HEALER, HEECANT1LE ASSOCIATION. In addition to a choice stock already on hand has just received a carload of Main Street, Furniture aei Tall Paper Direct from the East which he is offering at Salt Lake Prices. New Store a few doors North of the National Bank, Main Street, Nephi. NEPHI, BURTON SUPT., H. GRACE BROS.&CO. Contractors aiU tisers. Bniers. LUMBER YARD AND PLANING MILL. Peter Rasmussen, Root and Shoe maker, is the place to take your ordors tor good cheap and substantial work. Ono door south of Peoples Meat Dealers in all kinds of Building Hardware .Market. Such as Nads, Locks, Hinges, etc. Sit right down and enclose your address and two dollars in an envelope and mail it atonco to Ihk Fission F'nr reason, read our notice headed Also Lumber, Lath, Doors, Window For Democrats. Moulding and Pickets. Glass of all common sizes, and a small stock did school teachor faith Jacobs hy Sunday of Axle Tiees, Boulsteis and in Godnever waver' never had to wind Bad hoy Cause he the like, which we will Watch. He'd cuss if he had to wind mine. Areola Jieiord. dispose of at aWat-erbur- Our offer will make The Ensign a paper of general circulation throughout the Territory and make it be ter able to be an expounderof Democracy and a consistent supporter ofthe Democratic party as it will continue to be. Our scheme for raising campaign funds has dawned upon us so recently that we have had no timo to arrange for agents in the different towns ot the Territory, but we teel conlidont that wo tho have friend-i- n each town sutiicient to pu-scheme so that its full bonofit might be felt. Gray Green is remakablj till and thin, isnt he? Black (laughing) estrian conte.-i- . Yes. We call him tho Pedestrian contest Yes. A walking match, you know. Courier. G B. Help tho We have just received a car load of Flat Pickets rmfiun DIRECT FROM THE EAST. Which we are prepared to sell at prices to meet the wants ot all. Cor. Main and S. P. V.Ily.St.Nephi. every payment of one years subscription to The Ensign m advance, ono dollar ot it shall be paid to the Territorial Democratic Central committee to help defray tho campaign ovpcnses, we shall expect old subscribers wbo may bo owing this ofli e to pay up all arrearages as noli a the two doiiais. offer for Nephi, First dame- Did you read Howells last novSecond dame. Indeed I did. lie's no author; beaiu't anything but a ignorant scribbler. W hy, would you believe it, he tells in one place about making bread, and when I trad it according to his receipt I .spoilt the whole batch. Philadelphia liicord. el? He knows what be is writing about. Mr. R. I McLeod, druggist, fleminglord, Nob . savs: took a great varioty of so called cures for Keen diarrhoea and cholera morbus, but from a personal trial ot Chaniborlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I regard it ai the medicines in the market, tor diarihoea and all bowel complaints. It saved tho life ot our Sold by D. 0. Miner, Nephi. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is tno most successful preparations evor procured lor Summer Complaint. Cholera Morbus. Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Bloody F'tux and Chronic Diarrhoea, and thousands of persons will certify that they beliove thoir tiros havo been saved bv this great remedv. It is tho ono preparation that and every family every traveling man should be rovided with, especially during the summer months. Many cases of Chronic Diarrhoea that had resisted all other treatment and baflled the skill of good physicians, have been permanently cured by it Sold by D. U. Miner, Nephi. -- lie-t- Do Americans refer ilambug F igi? Because they cure constipation. H hy do Englishmen pro'er Hamburg Fig' Iiec iuso they need them while traveling to keep m 111 perloot health. " hi do Germans prefer Hamburg Figs? iiocauo they cure bilimisees. Why do F ronchmen prefer Hamburg Figs? Rcciu'c they cure pile. M h do Hi amards prefer Hamburg Fig-- ? lie, ,io'o llic., cure liver complaint. V hx d everybody prefer Hamburg Figs? r aiea iyotalii.eci iruit caiharic, v,"2-;- 0 in- d and clloctive in action. F Hamburg 2o cents a lgs are sold everywhere, box. Dose one Fig. (h lie ol v i 1 1 ' t u live ju.--l to study. 1 warrant my remedy others have Cure the worst cases. Because cure. a now not for no failed is reason receiving Send atonce for a treatise and a Free Bottle Give Kxpress Of my iM'ALLlliLB Remedy. and Dost Office. It costs jou nothing for a Address euro will and it you. trial, H.C.ROCT, M.C., 183 Pearl St., Hew York ii, f 3iDo o r - ' !'-- i -- r t v-- FALLIUG SICKNESS, A - , Fil'filEB $ niton- etc. whit h wo imSouthern denlers will do well In tin tee them Salt Lake wlmh au ' ago on gooda from Salt La ' - FITS, EPILEPSY or jl 1)mJ.m-- ; IK When I say Cure I do not mean merely to stop them for 1a time, and then have them return again. mean A RADICAL CUKFj. 1 havo made tlie disease of (,. FUmUliE.ITlIOI.STKIlY.nv. Prime lire iiooso i u to-- 1 pi' a ) i . , , r . i . ' . at' it . 4 .d V Y L i' , Q W t ' life-lon- g J. ADAMS & SONS, & BUI! J LUMBER YARD AND !- No- - ;ni t I This offer is good until Wholesale The finest A merchant after selling and lining an article for years knows something ot its mer.ts. Mr. W. li. llallor, Druggist, Blair, Neb , sajs: "I htne ued Chamberlains Colic, Choloia and Diurihoea sav, that 1 think Remedy, and do not it the best ot all medicinos foi diarrhoea and bowel complaints generally. Bold by D. U. .Miner, WHY IMeohs Doors, Windows, Square, and Fancy Boston ntributions do no more, subscribe tor llin Ensign now and you will get your two diffiars worth and moro. and have tho satisfaction that at least one dollar of your rnonoy wontior tho good cause. In our Cost for Casli. Ped- good work along and sond in your coto the campaign fund. If jou can tusoappinnmtoit. ember J th so fk Wt ill & FRANCIS SELLS, We shall lose money by our offor unless we extend our circulation to that extent that the value ot our space will materially incroae to our adverAil partio knowing themsolves indebted to the undersigned are herebv requested to call and settle accounts at once and save further trouble. B. F. Barr. ft H b R orders. by An opportunity is now offered to Democrats that terrible cough. Shilohs Cure is who may wish to contribute to the camiaigo funds at no actual cost to themaelvrn. The Demthe remedy for you. Sold by Miner & ocratic Territorial Committee is incurring consiCo., Druggists Nephi. derable exoonse in carrying on the presont and in order to assist in the good work wo make tho following proposition. is All Siiilohs Vitalizer what you need persons desiring to help carry on thi work for Consumption, loss cf Appetite, I)ii-ne- s and who alo wish to subscribe for Thv Ensign will pay m entrant r the usual subscription and all symptoms olDjspepva. Price and price (ft OOi will receive the paper one year and to and 75 cells per buttle. Sold by w i't know that they have contributed ono hall tht amount Hr tho a nve purpose, h wo propose Miner and Co., Nephi. That Hacking Couch can he has just received from Salt Lake City and New York a complete stock of FASHIONABLE SPRING AND SUM-MFMILLINERY, Which she offers for sale to her many customers at reasonable prices. S. 25. Every Domnerat in tho Territory who secs this issue of inn Kssigx will tako us up at our offer. Call and examine prices before purchasIon will save II. M. McCune & Co. are the agonts for the cel- ing elseivhere. elirated Iron Fire Proof Paint. Give them your freightfron Salt Lake City. jtor democrats- Sleepless nigh is made miserable by R. Goods sold cheapor than over for cash or duce at H. F. Barrs. 111 Catarrh Cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shilohs Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Miner & Co., Nephi. iCO Dealers in Iu sunny days or winter weather? Manufacturers of Do you recall lu younger years To part a day was bitter pain? etc. Harness, Love's light was hid in clouds of tears Till meeting cleared the sky again. WORK W RB A TED. Do you remember how we two Would stare into each other's eyes. EXPERIENCED WORKMEN. Till all the earth grew heavenly blue And spoech was lost in happy sighs? They keep a full line of goods on Do you another thing roeall, hand which arc disposed of at That used to happen ofton then ; How, simply passing in the hall, Wod stop to smile and kiss again? Depot St., Nephi. First door West ot Do you remember how I sat Livery Stable. Plait orders wilbe promptAnd, reading, held your hand iu mine, ly altaiaed to. Address P. O. Box 321, Nephi, Utah. Caressing it with gentle pat One pat for every blessed line? Do you recall how at the play Through hours of agony we tarried? The lovers griefs brought us dismay; MRS, II. W. WHEELER, Oh, we rejoiced when they were married . u, BROADHEAD I Do you remember, little wife, Iow years ago we two together Sav uauglit but love illumiuo life , ing-i.am- j. hkxdersox. - OF PURE 000 LIVER OIL BYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as 31!k. that It coa be taken disguised and assimilated by the most dleiedt oil sensitive stomach when the plaincom cannot be tolerated; end by the the with oil blnation of the hypopheft phitos is nmch more cfiicacftoua. rouble 3 a fell producers Bo Persons gain rapidly while taking IU SCOTTS EMULSION is acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and Best preparation in tho world for the relief and euro of ccrjsuwnF-Tiorj- , scrofula, CEKSRAI. DEDtLiTY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUCHS. psx. biiw LUMBER, LATH, MOULDINGS SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS and FRAMES, PACKING BOXES, ETC. ONE BLOCK WEST OF MAIN STREET and ONE BLOCK NORTH OF THE The great remedy for Consumption, and SAN PETE VALLEY RAILWAY, KEPI II. Wasting in Children, Sold bv all Druaaisls. |