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Show ' ; NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. Tintic Mining District, Utah. 1 May 29th, iSSS. j To Jacob A. Beatnan, George W.Kingslev (or his reputed assignee, Isaac Woolf, and Agustus Howe. You are hereby notified that ; we have expended two hundred dollars upon the Cham plain No. 2 mine in labor and improvements for the years 1SS6 and 1S87, as will appear by certificates filed December 14th, 1887, in the office of the recor- -' der of said district, in order to hold said premises under the provisions of section 2324, Revised Statutes of the United States, being the amount required to hold the same for the years ending De cember 31st, 1S87, and if Within ninety days after this notice by publication, you fail or refuse to contribute yourproportion of such expenditure as ers, your interests in said claim will become the property of the subscribers, under said section 2324. The respective amounts are J. A. Beaman six and o dollars, 'for 1SS7, G. W. Kingsley sixteen and 0 dollars, for 1886 and 1887, and A. Howe Thenty-fiv- e dollars, for 18S6 and 1887. P. C. Burke, Frank Salisbury, John Masterson, Ju 1 S 7 Golrom home ta hear the news. The Salt Lake 1 imes cf last Saturday has this: A blooming Nephi bride of six weeks, wants a divorce because her husband lias failed to do alf that he promised to do during his courting. The best way is to promise less and do more. There is nothing more hopeless and sorrowful than the disappointment of a appointed bride. dis- PERFECT UNDERSTANDING. Yes, I rentemoer that little bill I owe you remember it perfectly well, and, in fact, thought of it just as soon as I got in town, said a man in reply to some one who had dunned hint. Let me see. where will you be at 4 oclock this afternoon et 4 sharp? At tl e hotel., All right be at the hotel at 4 sharp. "Collins, said an acquaintance, you are a very plausible fellow. You know that you do not intend to pay that fel-io- PATENTS Obtained, and all Patent Business attended to Promply and for Moderate Fees. Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and iv e can obtain Patents in less time than those remote from Washington. Send Model or drawing. We advise as to patentability tree of charge; and we nuke no charges unless patent is secured. We refer, heie, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order liv., and Officials of the U. S. Patent Office. For Circulars, advice terms, references to actual clients in your own State or Country, write to C. A, Snow & Co., Opposite Patent Office. Washigton D. C. Which one of our newly made brides Well, no, thats a fact . is it who has already gotten tired of Then why did you want to know unable tb where lie would be married life? We have been at4 oclock? find out. Or has C. Sum used his So I could time myself accordingly. II I know where he is at 4 oclock I will be some where else at that time. In this life, my dear boy, to have a perfect underCOPP'S LAND REVIEW. standing is to avoid many embarrassing Arkansas Traveler. Secretary's Decisions Consistency there- situations. Go in Intention the Foundation Entries in Good and Bad Fath IgFRESH EGGS TIIE YEAR ROUND: norance Respecting Legal Hairdressing, Shaving and ShamA new process of preserving eggs Iras r Requirements, etc. been discovered said a grocer to a re- pooing in the latest Style. reader casual porter, and it is going to have an imto would the It appear effect on the trade. of decisions by the Secretary of the In- portant The speaker then opened an egg that Teeth extracted with care. comand terior in cases of looked fresh without and within and exlittle that muted homestead entries, very plained that it had been laid months beregard to consistency, reason or logic is fore and subjected to the new treatment Plain and Sign Painting and invented by a resident of Copenhagen. exercised in their preparation. But to The Paper hanging done at short notice. in consists the process subjecting the careful, analytical reader it is quite egg to a carbonic acid bath. Thay are And all kinds of Upholstery done evident that the decisions are the result kept in a harmetically sealed trunk that of thorough examination of the smallest is filled with carbonic acid and not taken FRANCIS SELLS. details and that every circumstance con- out until thay are on the market, the eggs this show a to treatment subjeced nected with each particular case is care- ly defined yolk and an unchanged sharpwhite. FDRNITUBE DEALER, fully weiglied and has a bearing upon Eggs preserved by a coating of'lime do In addition to a choice stock alnot manlain this condition. Carbonic acid the conclusion reached. for can tanks be nude shipment especialy ready on hand has just received a In some cases the greatest clemency and eggs thus preserved can be sent on carload of who shown to persons appears to be long voyages. A ew 1 01 k Mail and Exhave, as would appear from a casual ex- press. Fraitars amination of the proof offered, been absent ffoni their clairtis for periods of Shiloh's Cough and Direct from the East which he is Consumption great length, and whose improvements Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It at Salt Lake Prices. . offering are of the most meagre character. In cures Consumption. Miner & Co., Nephi. few New North Store doors a others, where absence from the claims of the National Bank, Main have been of short duration and where AND HAPPINESS CONTENTMENT of hundreds value the to Street,Nephi. improvements Call and examine prices be ore purchasof dollars have been placed upon the Cannot go hand in hand if we look on ing elsewhere. I on will save land, the decisions seem very harsh, and the dark side of every little obstacle. freight fron Salt Lake City. to' go to the limit of the law in the Nothing will so daiken life and make it a burden as Dyspepsia. Ackers Dyspepsia severity of the requirements made. Take two such cases and exant.ne care- Tablets will cine the wost form of DysConstipation and Idigestion, and It wjl be found pepsia. fully the proof in each. make life a happiness and pleasure. Sold that the intention of the enfiyman. as at 25 and 30 cents by Dr. Miner. evidenced by his acts and the circumWill You S.tki.r witli Dyspepsia and stances in the cases respectively, is the Liver Complaint? Shilohs Vitalj.er is foundation upon ivhich the Secretarys guaranteed to cure von. Sddby Miner Crotetors ajj action rests. The intention t) use the & Co., Druggists, Nephi. land for the actual purposes of a home is what constitutes faithful compliance A CHILD KILLED. LUMBER YARD AND PLANING and with the spiiit of the MILL. Another child killed by tiie use of ophomestead laws and tiie settler who be- iates in furni the of syrup. Soothing given cause of poverty, sickness or other mis- Why mothers give their children such Dealers in all kinds of Building Hardware fortune is unable to place valuable Such as Nails, Locks, Hinges, etc. deadly poison is surprising when they or be continuously person- can relieve the Aiiid of its peculiar troubles by using Ackers Baby Soother. It Also Lumber, Lath, Doors, Window ally present upon his claim, may and contains no Opium or Morphine. Sold Moulding and Pickets. Class of all degenijfaiiy does have a more earnest by Dr. Miner. common sizes, and a smail stock sire and honest intention to secure the of Axle Trees, Bouisteis and land for an actual home for himself and the like, which we will That Hacking Cough can be so o in the quickly cured by Shilohs Cure. We dispose of at family than the man vvoild who, by reason of his better finan- guarantee it. Sulci by Miner V Co., Necial circumstances, good health and phi. other advantages, is able to place valuaA HEALTHY GROWTH. ble buildings upon and cultivate extenAckers Blood Elixir has gained a firm sive acres of his claim, while he flits back hold on the American people and is ack- We have just received a car load and forth between some favorite resort nowledged to be supei ior to all other of and the land covered by his entry, as preparations. It is a positive cure for all Blood and Skin Diseases. The medical actual 110 bona fancy dictates, having fide fraternity indorse and prescnbe it .Guar- Doors , Windows, Square, and Fancy residence upon the claim, but still being anteed and sold by Dr. Miner. Flat Fields personally present thereon a greater number of continuous days than his (as DIRECT FROM THE EAST. For lame back, side or chest, use Shitiie world sees them) less foitunate loh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents v neighbor. One is struggling in the face Miner & Co., Druggists, Nephi. Which we are prejiared to sell of poveity, sickness and distress to acCatarrh Cured, health and sweet at prices to meet the wants of all. quire a little land which he may ctfll his breath secured, by Shilohs Catarih own, upon which his family may look as Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector Cor. Main and S. P. V.Ry.St.Nephi. a home and cease to be wanderers upon free. Miner & Co., Nephi. the face of tiie cat th, while the other is endeavoring to secure a title to a tract of GUARD AGAINST THE STRIKE. public land for purposes of speculation Afid always have a bottle of Ackers that the fatness of his purse may become English Remedy in the house. You canDEALERS IN incteased. The foimer can do but little not tell llow soon Croup may strike you cold or cough may fasten UFATIXG , COOK PARLOR, m the way of improvement, while the little one, ora itself upon you. One dose is a prevenSTOVES and RAXGE8. latter know s that for cveiy dollar he ex- tive and a few doses a positive cure. All pends upon improveing his claim he will Throat and Lung troubles yield to its All kinds of Extias and Stove outfits, treatment. A sample bottle is given you receive three in the near future. Grates, Crosspieces. Lids, Fronts, Backs free Dr. and the by guaranteed Remedy o are not the only class Miner. The to stoves, etc., to any kind of stoves made. who attempt (often successfully) to acIn ordering be sure to give name and quire title to public land by mere com-p- ! exact number of stove. CAN AND DO WE ance with the word: of the stuite All home made, and 20 per cent. below while ignoring the spirit. The poor and Guarantee Ackers Blood Elixir for it has Salt Lake prices. demonstiated the fullv to ol been people needy often go and dr likewise; someit is superior to all other Before purchasing elsewhere give me times as private speculations and again this country that lor blood diseases. It is a a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. as 'the paid agents of rich men who preparations positive cure for syphilitic poisoning, P. O. Box 69. Spanish Folk Utah. Ulcers, Eruptions and limplcs. It pun-tie- s profit by tlfeir unlawful practices. the whole system and thoroughly It is this i reting out of intention and builds up the constitution. tlr.rt judging accordingly gives to tiie Secretarys decisions an a:r of inconsisPETERSON. CilAS. tency, &nd white it will be impossible to Sllkplfss nigh is made maeiable by asce; tain beyond adoubtin eveiycasa the that terrible cough. Shilohs Cure is for you. Sold by Miner & SIGNS SCENERY. intentions' which prompt' mdns actions, the remedy Co., Druggists Nephi. Interior Decorating, all kinds of it is fair to presume that the decisions are Painting, Gilding, etc.. Shilohs Vitalize!!. is what ymt need Ornamental correct, never without reason, and where GO Center Street Address I)izzi-nes loss of for Appetite, Consumption, a reasonable ground for doubt appears and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price, Ialce City, Salt respecting the intention of a settler al- 10 and 75 (cuts per bottle. Sold by Or orders with Mr. Tingey of leave Miner and Co., Ntpi.i. ways receives ,he benefit thereof. the Nephi Co op Furniture Co. HENRY JL COPP. Prices and e.--1 i mates given on Ckoupi:, Wnoonxn Cough and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shilohs First class work. Cure. Sold by .''liner 1 Co., Nephi. ; t INSTINCTIVE CRAVING TOR WORK. BUCKI.ENS ARNICA S LVE. TEASDAIE F. Bartoor. dontistry. Painter, n' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. No. 3029, Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, July 31th, rS88. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in suppoit of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge or in his absence the Clerk of Juab County, at Neph, on Wednesday Sept. 12th, 1888, viz: Hannah Jones, widow of t dward Jones deceased. H.- E. No. 6158 for the S i of N W J, Lots 3 & 4 Sec. 5 Tp. 13 S R 1 E. .She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon.and cultivation of, said land, viz: Henry Goldsbrough, John Cazier, John Sidwell, Benjamin Riches, all of Nephi, Juab Co. S. W. Darke, D. Webd, Attv. for claimant Register. A.,3 S. 7 . , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. No. 3045 Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, August, 18th, 1SS8. Nobice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notic$ of his intention to make final proof in his claim,' and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of luab County at Nephi, on Wednesday, October 3d, 1888, viz: Hyrunt C. Kienke D. S No. 10219 for the E I N W J W S N E J Sec. 18 Tp. 12 S R 1 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence- - upon, and cultivation, of saidjland, viz: Edwin George W. Tolley, Charles Tolley, Edward Jones r. all of Nephi, Juab Co, D. Wimn, Utah. S. Vi. Darke Atty. Register. Aug 24 Sep 2S NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. No. 3039. Land Office at Salt Lake City. Utah, August 14, 18S8. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Juab Ccunty, at Nephi, on Tuesday, Sept. 25, 18S8, viz: James W. Schofield L). S. roi93 for the S j N W J E i S W Sec. 23, Tp 15 S R 1 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: John C. Witbeck, R. A. Lundy, Orson Ilowarth, Moron: Houarth, all of Little Salt Creek, Juab County, Utah. D. Warn. S. W. Darke, Attv. for App., Register. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. Tintic Mining District, August 10, iSSS. To Heber (Howard, his heirs or signs You are hereby notified that I have expended Two Hundred Dollars in labor and improvements upon the Fairvlew lode claim, situated in the Tintic Mining District, Juab County, Utah, for the years ending December 31st, ISS6, and Dec. ember 31st, 1887, ui order to hold said claim under the .provisions of section 2324, Revised Statutes of the United States, being the amount required to hold the same for the years ending December 3rst 1S86 and December 31st, 1887, and if within ninety days after this notice hy publication you fail to contribute your as proportion of such expenditures your interest 111 said claim will ibfecome the property of the subscriber , wilder said section 2324. , Richard Tyner. ai 'Miraossv auMVfflia fall Pap Main j Street, 4 BRACE BE0S.&G0. IHd3N Bailta n BURTON SUPT.. well-to-d- Cost for Casla, H. J.MOliTENSEN well-to-d- Nephi 'Wholesale and Retail Dealers in The finest line of Baby Carriages ever seen in Nephi, at hot- - tom prices. Prime life Geese FEATIEBS ol PILLOWS, ail Itieial FOLD- ING BEDS. We have just received fron the east FOUR CARLOADS of Furniture etc. which we are selling at Salt Lake jobbing and retail prices. We wilfguarr Southern dealers will do well to send their orders to us. antee them Salt Lake wholesale prices, thereby saving freight and damage on goods from Salt Lake. All orders- will receive prompt attention, C. S. TINGEY, SUPT. . saSretp apetiosear m auop Smp.vai pun SuiAavins jo sassvp py f , jo qtnos ioop ;s;y U33NION3 11 AID GNV. 30AHA3.1S 333301133 jwoj '3snoi 3 Tit M . aarjoti jsajioqs aqj uo poiicdtu i , if i AijoAtsf jaqjo put; A'mjjwav Ama-Aia- jopiiiJ AVOII iBtj c 01 . asqfl' , 4 sj S.NDIAWH XI ft-- SIGNS! - 1 -- iunq)pBg p J ADAMS & SONS, copjwp LUMBER YARD AND , It is a psychological fact that a nran of The bc-s-t Salve in the world lor Cuts, brain power is haunted and driven by an Bruises, Soies, Ulcers, Sail Rheum, Fever incessant craving for intellectual work. A the athlete suffers nuiscularirritability alien inactive so the intellectual man NOSHBlTd with all his blood. flowing to h.s cerebral STHddYHO organs, finds himself driven t mental activity. It seems a biological law, as is a social law. power is there all power lends. The bram waves of a strong intellect are so inces rant that they nra:-- vj MStuc ivqvr ho impel and burry the mind here ami there auop Ao;imu ihimTidoji uap in searchits f new pro! terns on wlrrh al-to fume. S idr an intellect ts expand -io o) opmu saoiIS l' SlOOa ways ( m; 'iweil, for inherent hi itsdf ,s Gr,:-ui.;- g the st nm.L.s to in r n wo: I:, .S'. in f'j UilLr. 9 SIGNS! Sores, Tetter, Cammed Hands, Chilblains Corns, and ail Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pav required It is guaranteed to give perfect satis- faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Hyde & Whitmore. c'tiAft, THE h hmio9 NEPHI DENTIST, ILL. jt.jw LUMBER, LATH, MOULDINGS SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS and FRAMES; PACKING BOXES, ETC. Who has been practicing dentistry in Neohi for the last ten years is now at HIS OFFICE block south One block cast and one-haof the Co-o- p store w here lie is prepaied . to do all work in his profession in the latest style. Gold amalgam and bone a specially. Prices filling and DnjarrPns Vf Thence has a marked teas malic,extiactmg taken in prolast payment ede, t on the sexu.il org n s, g the duce. ONE BLOCK WEST OF MAIN STREET and ONE BLOCK NORTH OF THE to;pid nerves, and soothing m l.toi! tv N. Ik He is ow fully prepared to I: the onlv rehablu and eilecto e remw i:'; ul PETE VALLEY RAILWAY, NEPHI pain by the use of It edy that we have. veiv palatable the Veetabli; Vapor. al io. Price, 1.5 r a b A. tie. All druggists. Operations done on short notice. re.-to- ri 1.1 . lf |