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Show sentence into the printers ears and ,f days; when that noble citizen and soldier that way. This was a new experience Phil. Sheridan went hence, the order to them and would be a lasting one ft then be. stopped until the words came that flags were to be were set up. Walls will truly in would set them to thinking for thembut for five days. He lost fifteen hats on selves. The speaker continued in an huThe situation of transcontinental thi future have ears and will speak in no uncertain tones. Every the result of the last Presidential election, morous style to show up the advantages freight matters is not good. A too, well but was sure he would be more fortunate of protection and the disadvantages of be conducted will house exists still prodeal of uncertainty great vided with slates, sponges and penthis year, closing with the assertion that tree trade interspersing bis remarks with overland new tariffs, the concerning wise as when November comes and the votes witty sayings and storys, especially when cils of a Np proof sincerity. only recef.Vy made known by some nothwill man are sweet -counted, that man (pointing to the he touched upon the free whiskey subject young whisper source. THE FIGHTING PARTY AIRS ings to his darling in articulate portrait of Harrison) will be elected and and closed with an eulogy on America ITSELF. the workingmen throughout the country and American freedom which was simply Boulanger, it appears, has man- words, for fear a hidden receiver Vill have a protector in whom they can grand and in which our reporter got so aged to raise to the surface and will grind out to interested mamma Boat into the Fiencli Chamber of or papa, or still worso some female interested that he forgot to write it. At depend. The Report of last week's Republican Deputies again on the popular tide copldante what Fred said last the close of his address three rousing Emerson. Judge Concluded. from three departments. The mer- night. Imagine a party of young cheers for Harrison and Morton were was the next speaker and was received curial Gauls delight in sensations ladies comparing phonographic given and the meeting adjourned. with much applause. He said: it is now andt are nothing if not dramatic. of some gray beard, hearing sheets, getting late, nearly eleven oclock, and bis own confessions of love worked CAUTION TO MOTHERS. At the close of George Sutherlands all good Republicans want to go hame, San Francisco is again troubled pqt by tbe crank, in a breach of remarks his father, Judge A. C. SutherChinese .Anti? the I tfver therefore wont talk to you long. Your question. Every mother is cautioned against givpromise case before an admiring land who was greeted with hearty apChinese mass meetings arp being Crowd when he called the meeting to ing her child laudanum or paregoric; it chairman, do will in court. It away was introduced and said: I am order, said there were some eminent creates an unnatural craving for stimuJield and the cry is The Chinese with the stenograph reporter to a plause, to talk ten minutes. There speakers here. Now, you have heard lants which kills the mind or the child. must go. . They make it a pqlit-jeaof print- only going Acke rs Baby Soother is specially prepared extent. The certain days question, however, which does ed newspapers nod trying eyes in are three things in my life of which I am them (laughter). I am not one of them; to be nefit children and cure their pains. I am proud I was born an I not suit tiie Republicans and gives only came along to give respectability It is harmless and contains no Opium or will be superseeded by very proud. I am still prouder that I be- to the crowd. (Laughter and cheers.) Jthe Democrats no great amount of setting type, Morphine. Sold by Dr. Miner, Nephi. Englishman; sending round, of a morning, du- came an American citizen from choice, I congratulate the citizens the pleasure. plicate sheets with the milk, to re- and I am prouder still that I am a RepHackmetack. a lasting and fragrant of Nephi and of Juab County in an of lecture been the A certain Dr. Campbell has Ingersoll peat details as in the prosperity of your county and perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents at D. O. into Without ublican. going deMi ners, Nephi. traveling through tbe state of Ken- exactly the same way it was to why I was born upon British soil, that your little town, of which, by the way While before. livered nrchaeol the on night lectures tucky giving was an accident anyway, or why I be- I have heard Considerable of late. At NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ogical subjects. lie claims to have paterfamilias drinks his coffee, the came an American, I wish to tell you least I think it is Nephi I have been No. 3029, located the Garden ofEdpn in the wonderful machine will grind out why I am a Republican. The Republihearing about, but they called it Little Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, United States. lie says that the on a side table the long speech or can ' party has always been a fighting parwhen they were telling me July 31th, 1888. city of St. Louis is erected upon the or sermon of yesterday. These and ty. It is now, as it ever has been, a Chicago is Notice given that the following-of citizens hereby the I about it. company enjoy will be Misother of site the garden, and that the performed many things settler has filed notice of her fighting party, fighting for the liberties of and Republicans in meetings of this kind, intention to make final proof in support sissippi is none other than the Eu however ridiculous they appear to- the working man. It fought that all men will be especially when I know they have been of her claim, and that said plirates River. Up claims to tQ day. should become, as the Constitution of industrious and prosperous as you have made before the Judge or inproof his absence able to prove all bis assertions by TAKE NOTICE. our great country declared they should been. May your town continue to build tl Clerk ol Juab County, at Neph, on the Bible, and he declares that There is one thing to whicli we wish become, free and equal. It declared in herself Wednesday Sept. 12th, 1888, viz: Hannah up as she has in the pas. The Jones, widow of Edward Jones deceased. withiu two months from now all particularly to draw the attention of our well as black the that tones thundering here told the story ot the drunk- H. E. No. 6158 for the S i of N W J, Lots the world will be in a fever of ex- readers It is this: It is well as the white people should be free. At speaker who was found man en leaning against 3 & 4 Sec. 5 Tp. 13 S R 1 E. discitement over hi$ original(?) known that this year money in circula- the point of the musket and bayonet it She names the following witnesses to who when asked if wall EDITORIAL 'BREVITIES. half-maste- d RATIFY. Rat-fica'io- n 1 named Are You Made miserable by Indigestion, Consumption, Dizziness, Loss or Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shilohs Vitalize, is a positive cure. Sold by D. O. Miner, Nephi. AN EPIDEMIC. A Violent form of Cholera Morbus at Belnap, Iowa, Prostrates Community. A plain statement of the facts by a Leading Merchant of the Town. Last summer we had an epidemic in this community in the form of cholera morbus. Nearly every man woman and child was prostrated by it, and it seemed to be a very violent form. We tried ev ery medicine we had or could find with- out relief. I then went to Ottumwa and Blake, Burce and Co., wholesale druggists, advised me to take home Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I did so and distributed it and it gave relief immediately; it worked like magic. I ordered more of the remedy at once, and sold it during the day at my store, and at night at my home. I sold as much during the night as I did during the day. The people here can not say Colic enough in praise of Chamberlain Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy .sj. H., Helhvig, Merchant, Belnap, Iowa. Sold by D. O. Miner, Nephi. the whole N. OliAWSOKT Manufacturer of BOOTS & SHOES Mr. Clawson is prepared to. manufacBoots and Shoes in aav style and guarantees FIRST CLASS. WORK. All ture kinds of repairing neatly done. Prices reasonable. Second door; North of Bank, Nephi. 40 tf. to-da- y. coveries. Apropos of the free wool controversy, John II. Wise, of California, who has been erroneously reported as a bolter from tbe Democratic party, has this to say as one identified with the wool interests of his State: ''I am a woolgrower, and would not willingly advocate a policy which would lesson the value of the raw material. I know since the tariff of 18G7, wool has been cheaper than it was before the very high duties under it were imposed. I also know that between I$50 and 1867 we had wool either free or mostly so ahout four years, upd for four years prices were higher than they have been before or since. The Qgden Standard (Republican) mupt have been betting heavily on Harrison. It keeps bracing up its courage with such editorial squibs as the following: An administration paper in New , York say9 that Blaine is the one man of the Republican party and that if the Republicans win it will be by Blaine, through Blaine and Indeed, Blaine owing to Blaine. may rightly say, the. Republican purty is me. This last may be true, even if not grammatical, Because Iilaine arrived in this country of Friday, Democrats lay the flattering unction to their souls that his coming will be unlucky for his part. But tbe Republicans entertain the idea that it will be good Friday for them and black Friday for their opponents. Superstition or anything else is good enough for that ODject. Since the Republican ratification .of a week ago, more political f talk(?) lias been heard in Nephi than ever before. Although the most of the talk has been irrelavent and exci- table, .it has had the effect of seating a great many of the young men to thinking. This is certainly one good ead that the ratification has accomplished as it is always de-- , sirable to have young men think for themselves. Nephi we are obliged to slate is Republican as but very few Democrats can be found in it, but those few are good ones. Very few of the young men who are beginning to think lean towards Democracy which is but natural under the circumstances. Of courae we ourselves are Democratic and would rather see the young men favor Democracy, but we have no kick if they all turn staunch v . Republicans. All we ask is that they take up a course of reading and study, and investigate the matter without prejudice against either party. Already the usefulness sons last invention, the of Ediphono- graph, is beginning to bear fruit; like tho telegraph it was at first considered a very amusing toy, few dreaming of the thousand and one juses to which it could be turned. An experiment was made by the New York World , a few days ago. A compositor set up ,000 ems from dictation from one of the machines. Two small tubes were fitted to his ears and connected by a large tube with a phonograph, which was run by a small electric motor and regu- lated by a pedal attachment by which it could be started or stopped at pleasure. The phonograph $vp Id talk off a sentence or part of a tion in Nephi has been very scarce. On account of this, the merchants and business men have given more credit than is Usual in fact they have given more than they can stand and it has been necessary to enforce payments. During the next week or so each person who is owing, or at least the majority, will recieve a statement and a note demanding pay. These had better be acted upon as it is a matter of compulsion on the part of the business men to send them, and neglect or carelessness on the part of persons owing will place those persons in a very bad position. As regular as the first of each month rolls around, do the business men have to meet their bills and although they do not wish, as a rule, to crowd their customers, they must do so in order to keep their.different businesses going. They are willing to handle grainand other farm produce where they cant get cash. We shall be obliged to collect our bills in order to be able to meet our obligations. Look out for us. We will say to those in Nephi who are owing us and who cannot spare the cash that grain and fram produce delivered at Hyde & Whitmores will be just as acceptable to us as the cash. THE REGATTA. Something new to this portion of the country in the way of sport will take place at Lake Park, on the Great Salt Lake on Thursday Aug, 30th and at Garfield on Friday Aug. 31st. Rowing clubs from the East will be present The rival bathing resorts, for o nee will meet on amicable grounds, and will pull together to make such a success of the occasion as its importance merits. As a consequence, on the 30th and 31st of the present month, the Garfield and Lake Park bands will unite and play together. On the first mentioned day the racing will take place at Lake Park, and on the next day at Garfield. The day of the sport at Lake Park, Garfield Beach will practically close, and vice versa. By this means every energy will be concentrated in making each day a huge success. It is thought that there will not be less than 5,000 visitors to Salt Lake on the occasion, and either of the roads will be unequal to handling that number singly. Therefore, the Utah & Nevada and D. & R. G, will join forces, and by assisting each other, see that-th- e public will not want for ample transportation facilities. Satisfactory rates will be given over the railroads and this will in reality' be another excursion, lrom the sourli as well as from other paits of the territory and from the East. The Deert News has this to say about the regetta. The prospect of the regatta arranged to take place on the 30th and 31st of the present month, have the credit of inre- troducing a decided novelty to this gion. The oarsmen who will take part in the contest are reputed to be national experts, and the event it likely to be a great attraction to those who take delight in aquatic sports. Exhibitions of skill in that line create great enthusiasm in the mother country, where,, on days devoted to spectacles of that kind the banks of riyers where they take place are frequently lined for miles with dense masses of excited humanity. We are informed that there has been an unusual eagerness on the part of expert oarsmen to take part in the coining Salt Lake regatta, for the reason that qp that occasion sorne of them expect tq break the natjonM record. The cause for this anticipation is the density of the water of the Lake. It is thought probable that this will afford a decided adboats vantage in this way; will sit exactly on the surface or nearly so, and the density of the water will present an unusual resistance to the oar, thus giving the manipulator a stronger pull. It is therefore thought that these advantages will enable tbe fragelie crafts to skim the Lake like butterilies or birds. Wilkes & Howe, of a church, the did all that men could do to declare the he belonged to that church replied, No, prove her continuous residence upon.and cultivation of, said land, viz: Henry OFFICE IN U. S. LAND OFFICE 8UILDIN8. Pie was glad Goldsbrough, John Cazier, John Sidwell, principles of the constitution as they are, but Im leaning that way. LAND AGENTS AND ATTORNEYS when it declares that all men upon Am- to see so mifhy enterprising people in a Benjamin Riches, all of Nephi, Juab Co. Obtain Patenti fur Agricultural tud Mineral Landt VV. D. VVebb, erican soil shall be free and equal. (Ap- town ot this size who were Republicans S. Darke, Attv. for claimant Represented by Jas.y. Paxpian, Register. plause.) Now I say that the Republican and those who were not were leaning A.3S.7 --. has been is a always fighting party, Utah, Nephi, party and thats why I like it. I am not much of a fighter myself, and dont like to see fighting; but when fighting has to be done, I like to be in the crowd. When this nation was trembling in the throes of apparent disolution, while traitors from every corner of the earth were seeking to destroy the liberties of the American citizen, the Republican party sprung.into existence, from another party, as the fighting party of the United States, and declared that every man who treads upon American soil shall be a free man. (Applause). let shall we Republicans, the Democratic party have its due. Have they done anything while they have been in power? The man who now presides, with all due respect to him, is the exemplification of what Rep publican swords had to destroy before-Thman who stands at the head, Grover Cleveland, is the man the Democrats are going to vote for. but it will make o difierence, he will never be elected again. The man is exemplifying the Buchauan rule. Why is the Republican party honored? Because it is the only party raised the American that has citizen so that the p vorest man can say I am your equal. The to the richest: in said words not only Republican party but by acts, that every man wfio steps upon American soil, no matter where he comes from, whether he may be a serf or the pet of a king, the moment he steps on American soil and becomes an American citizen, he shall be free. (Applause.) Democratic Now, I arraign the party and I arraign it at its head. I am not going through the details as there are many who can do that better than I can. the head of the family generally shows what its members are. When Grover Cleveland does certain things in the United States he intends by his acts and by his stand that the Democratic party will do the same, I want to call to your recollection one 3iJ BPJ".' thing. The great Americans have become great men, not because of their great learning or wealth, but they "have sprung from the common people and doing so, naturally are desirous of protecting those common people. For instance we will take that noble and illustrious Republican, Abraham Lincoln. In his MAIN STREET, NEPHI. NERO LOCK, OPPOSITE CO-Omagnanimity of soul he freed the slaves. his of work of results t..e Out sprang the Grand Army of the Republic. And I want to ask you how many Democrats do you find in the Grand Army? And yet I have heard it said by a Democrat not more than six weeks ago, that the Democratic party turned out in force and elected Lincoln to save the Union. Contrast that with what was done! When the soldiers had gathered together to fight for.the establishment of the princi-le- s of that illustrious man. I ask you where were the Democrats?. They were not there. Is it necessary to ask why do through their I arraign the Democrats head.Grover Cleveland? Their platform, Grovers platform, is antagonistic to the interests and welfare of this country, the country which they say they love so well, but which they know so little bout . The speaker critized Cleveland for nuN. B. We have a large and splendid stock of straw Plata and straw goods which We are selling at cost merous actions during his presidential career, and made the assertion that We are doing this to make room died he had or- Also a large slock of lawns which we are selling at a very low margin. when an dered the , buildings draped for thirty for fall goods. Come and get what you want ir. this line before it is too late. I ll I e GENERAL MERCHANDISE SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS OOHNEH. MAIX AN D DEPOT STREET NEFSI. GENERAL MERCHANTS of Groceries, Dry Goods Largeand complete stock Hardware and everything in the General Mercantile line kept constantly on hand. A ORDERS BY MAIL WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. |