Show Ran Han Francisco chronicle rho The Western Wot LOt ot the Pre Pred dint dent d nt which were the occasion totally long Ion periods of Dr residence In the West YUI la made him perfectly lerl eu fa ill milton with the questions ot or Irrigation anti forestry tor lf H JI lie has seen leon n the arid val Icy heys of oC the mountain states stairs develop un under u tIer der the tho power potter of at lIter into fertile plains yielding a luxuriant growth ot o nil all that Is u required for mao man anti and boast beast b nt Nowhere tire nIt the results so t attractive us Its In California for tor in tn no other part of oC America do the products ot of Irrigation tion Upped appeal so po powerfully to tile the he eya eyt and the he imagination It H is J unquestionably dUp dUO to t the Presidents Influence that fiat the nation hat ha formally committed Itself to the development deell ment of ot its 1111 western by Irrigation and while what lid hf ha hI hae done hoc hll been based buM on knowl knowledge edge of oC the tho results of irrigation what he Is II seeing In this state will vIII deepen anti and strengthen tho the convictions already entertained |