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Show THE REPUBLICAN Chicago. June 18, The text of lh platform. ns adopted by the committee on resolutions, and approved by the Republican convention Is It fo- llow: prosperity In all lines of trade, com mere and manufacturing. Recent Republican Iellatlon. Blnce the election of Wllllnm McKin ley In 1!6, the people of thl country felt anew the wisdom of entrusting to the Republican tarty through decisive majority the control and direction of all national legislation. The many wise and progressive measures adopted at recent sessions of congress have demonstrated the pa trlotlc resolve of Republican lender ship In theIn legislative department to the forward march to bet keep step ter government. Notwithstanding the Indefensible filibustering of a Democratic minority In the bouse of representatives during tho Inst session, many wholesome and progressive laws were enacted, and we especially commend the passnge of tho currency till, the appointment of u national monetary commission, the employers nnd government liability laws, the measure for the greater efficiency of the army and navy; the widows' pension bill; the child labor laws for the District of Columbia; the new statutes for the safety of railroad engineers and firemen, nnd many other acts conserving the public wel fare. Republican Fledges for Future. Tariff The Republican party de dares unequivocally for a revisioncon-of tha tariff by a special session of gress Immediately following the Inauguration of the next president, and commends the steps already taken to this end In the work assigned to the committees of congress appropriate which are now investigating the operation and effect of existing schedules. In all tariff legislation the true principle of protection Is best maintained by the Imposition of such duties as will equal the difference between the cost of production at home nnd abroad, together with a reasonable profit to American Industries. We favor the establishment of maximum and minimum rates to he administered under limitations by the president fixed In the law, tho maximum to be available to meet discriminations by foreign countries against American goods entering their markets and the minimum to represent the normal measure of protection at home; the aim and purpose of the Republican policy being not only to preserve, without excessive duties, that security to which against foreign competition American manufacturers, farmer and producers are entitled, but nlso to maintain the high standard of living of the wage earners of this country, who are the most direct beneficiaries of the protective system. Between the United States nnd the Philippines we believe in a free interchange of products. with such limitations ns to sugar and tobacco ns will always afford adequate protection to domestic Interests. Currency. We approve the emergency measures the adopted by the government during recent financial disturbance; and esby conpecially commend the passage gress at the last session of the law designed to protect the country from a repetition of such a stringency. The Republican party is committed to the currency development of a permanent system responding to our greater needs and the appointment of the national monetary commission by the present congress, which will impartially investigate all proposed methods, insures tho early realization- of this purpose. Tho present currency laws have fully justified their adoption, but an expanding commerce, a marvelous mulgrowth in wealth and population, tiplying the centers of distribution, Increasing the demand for movement of crops in the west and south and entailing periodic changes in monetary conditions, disclose the need of a more elastic and adaptable system. Such a system must meet the requirements of agriculturists, manufacturers, merchants, and business generally; must be automatic In operation, in interminimizing the fluctuationsmust be in est rates, and, above all, docharmony with that Republican dollar trine which insists that every shall be based upon and as good as Once more the Republican parly. In national convention assembled, submits It aut to the people. Thl great historic organization that destroyed shivery, preserved the Union, .restored credit, expanded the nutlonal a sound financial domain, estahllslu-system, developed the Industries and resources of the country and gave to the nation her sent of honor In the councils of the world, now meets the mew problem of government with the 'same courage and capacity with which 'It solved the old. llrpabllrMBlant fader Roosevelt, In this, the greatest era of American tho Republican party advancement, has reached Its highest service under the leadership of Theodore Roosevcdt. Ills administration Is an epoch In American history. In no other period since national sovereignty was won under Washington or preserved under ldncoln has there been such mighty progress In those Ideals, of government which make for JuVtlce, equality and fair dealing among men. The highest aspirations of the American people have found a voice. Their most exalted servant represents the best alms and worthiest purposes of all his American manhood has countrymen. been lifted to u nobler sense of duty and obligation. Uonsclcnco and cour-r age In public station and hlglu-standards of right and wrong In private life have become cardinal princilaples of political faith; capital nnd rebor have been brought Into closer lations of conlldenro and Independence: and tlu abuse of wealth, the tyranny of power and all the evils of privilege and favoritism have been put to scorn by the simple, manly virtues of justice and fair play. The greatest accomplishments of President Roosevelt have been, first and foremost, a brave and Impartial enforcement of the law; the prosecution of Illegal trusts and monopolies; the exposure nnd punishment of evil doers lit the public service; of the great transportation lines, the comreplete overthrow of preferences, arbibates ami discriminations; the anteli-'oratlo- n tration of lafior disputes; the of the wage workers everyof the natwhere; the conservation of the country; the forural resources ward step In the improvement of the and always the inland waterways, earnest support and defense of every wholesome safeguard which has made more secure the guarantees of life, liberty and property. These are the achievements that will make for Theodore Roosevelt his place In history, hut more than all else, the will be an great things he has done inspiration to those who have yet declare our greater things to do. We to the policies unfaltering adherence and pledge their thus Inaugurated continuance under a Republican administration of the government. Equality of Opportunity, Under the guidance of Republican principles the American peoplein have the nation become the richest world. Our wealth today exceeds that of England and all her colonies, and that of France and Germany comWhen the Republican party bined. was born the total wealth of the country was $16,000,000,000. It has leaped to $110,000,000,000 in a generation, while Great Britain has gathered but $60,000,000,000 in five hundred years. The United States now owns of the worlds wealth and d of all modern manumakes factured products. In the great necessities of civilization, such as coal, gold. Postal Savings. the motive power of all activity; iron, the chief basis of all industry; cotton, of a We favor the establishment the staple foundation of all fabrics; postal savings bank system for the wheat, corn and all the agricultural convenience of the people and the enproducts that feed mankind, Americas couragement of thrift. supremacy is undisputed. And yet her Trusts. great natural wealth has been scarceThe a We vast domain touched. passed the have Republican party over ly Demolaw of 3,000,000 square miles, literally Sherman anti-trutreasure, still cratic opposition and enforced it aftera bursting with latent and in- Democratic dereliction. It has been waiting tothebe magic of capital wholesome instrument for good in the converted to the practidustry cal uses of mankind; a country rich hands of a wise and fearless adminBut experience has shown In soil and climate, in the unharnessed istration. energy of its rivers and in ail the va- that its effectiveness can be strengthrious products of the field, the forest ened and its real object better attained and the factory. With gratitude for by such amendments as will give,su-to God's bounty, with pride in the splen- the federal government greater did productiveness of t lie past, and pervision and control over and secure with confidence in the plenty and greater publicity in the management of that class of corporations engaged of the future, the Republiprosperity can party declares for the principle n interstate commerce, having power that in the development and enjoy- and opportunity to effect monopolies. ment of wealth so great and blessings Railroads. so benign there shall be equal opporWe approve the enactment of the tunity for all. railroad rate law and the vigorous enThe Revival of RuaineMK. forcement by the present administrathe tion of the statute against rebates and Nothing so clearly demonstrates discriminations, as a result of which sound basis upon which our commeradvantages formerly possessed by cial, industrial and agricultural inter- the ests are founded, and the necessity of the large shipper over the small shiphave substantially disappeared: promoting the present continued wel- per and in this connection we commend fare through the operation of Republi- the concan policies as the recent safe passage appropriation by the present comto interstate the enable of the American people through a gress invesfinancial disturbance which, if appear- merce commission to thoroughly acto the and of publicity Democratic in midst rule give the tigate ing Wre or the menace of it, might have counts of interstate, railroads. believe, however, that the interstate equaled the familiar Democratic pan- commerce law should be further ics of the past. We congratulate the so as to give railroads the people upon this renewed evidence of amended American supremacy and hail with right to make andto publish traffic thv approval of confidence the signs now manifest of agreements subject a complete restoration of business the commission, but maintaining al d - one-four- th one-thir- st blessings to posterity. Inla llnthe with furthe splendid undertaking enter to Imperative, ther duty, equally upon a systematic liaproeinent upon u large and comprehensive plan, just to all portion of the country, of the waterways, harbor and great lakes, inwhose natural adaptability tois the state carriers. or one land the traffic of e. Railroads nnd tJovernmeat Employees. creasing the greatest gift of a, benign I In constitutional The enactment form at the present session of conTbe Army and Navy. gress of the employers' liability law, sixtieth congress passed many The the passage and enforcement of the acts Increasing the efcommendable aa well as statutes, safety appliance of the army and navy; makthe additional protection secured for ficiency militia of the states art Inthe ing reduction the engineers and firemen;of trainmen nnd tegral part of the nallonul establishIn the hours of labor maneuvers of authorizing railroad telegraphers; tho successful ment; nnd mlllllu; joint new nafortifying the exercise of the powers of mediation army conand arbitration between Interstate val bases ofand completing Instistations; struction coaling and the railroads and their employees nurse corps for naval law making a beginning In the policy tuting a female and adding two hospitals and ships, of compensation for Injured employees new boat deten torpedo battleships, the are among of the government, and colliers steam three stroyers, most commendable accomplishments of to the strength submarines Rut eight of the present administration. navy. Although at peace with the there Is further work In this direction the secure In the consciousness tbe Republican world andAmerican yet to be done Itsnndcontinued the people do not de-athat devotion party pledges a war with not will provoke to every cause that makes for the we nevertheless declare concountry the of betterment the and safety unalterable devotion to a Policy ditions among those whoso labor conwill ktep this republic ready at und to ao the progress much tributes to defend her traditional docalt times the welfare of the country. trines and assure her appropriate part In protecting Wage Earners Generally. permanent tranquility The same wise policy which has In- among the nations. duced the Republican party to mainProtection of t'ltlsens Abroad, tain protection to American labor; to commend the vigorous efforts We establish an elght-nou- r day on the made by the administration to construction of all public works; to American citizens In foreign protect Increase the list of employees who and pledge ourselves to Insist lands, shall have presented claims for wages the Just and equal protection ofupon all under the bankrupt liability law; to our citizens abroad. It Is the unquesfor the tioned adopt a child labor statute duty of the government to proDistrict of Columbia; to direct an In- cure for all our citizens, without disworkof Into condition the sovestigation tinction, the rights of travel and deing women and children, und, later, of journ we und in countries, friendly employees of telephone and telegraph clare ourselves In favor of all proper companies engaged In Interstateat busi- efforts tending to that end. the ness; to appropriate $150,000 Extension of Foreign t'oininerce. recent session of congress In order to Into the of the secure through Inquiry Under the administration causes of cntastrophles und loss of life Republican party, the foreign commerce of the United States has experiIn mines; and to amend and strengthen ths law prohibiting the Importaenced a remarkable growth until It tion of contract labor, will be pursued has a present annual valuation of apIn every legitimate direction within proximately three billions of dolluis federal authority to lighten the bur- and gives employment to a vast dens and Increase the opportunity of amount of labor and capital, which happiness and advancement of all who would otherwise be Idle. It has intoll. The Republican party recognizes augurated through the recent visit of the special needs of wage workers the secretary of state to South Amerg means ica a new era of comgenerally,g for their of nil. But more Im merce and comity which Is bringing the than all other considerations us Into close touch with our twenty portant Is thnt of good citizenship, and we es sister American republics, having a common historical heritage, a repubpecially stand for the needs of every American, whatever his occupation. In lican form of government, and offering citius a limitless field of legitimate comhis capacity us a zen. mercial expansion. Court Procedure. Arbitration and Tbe Hague Treaties. The conspicuous The Republican party will uphold contribution of at all times the authority and integrity American statesmanship to the great of the courts, state and federal, nnd cause of international peace, so sigwill ever Insist that their powers to nally advanced in The Hague conferenforce their process and to protect ences, are an occasion for just pride life, liberty and property shrill be pre- and gratification. At the last session served Inviolate. We believe. how- of the senate of the United States ever, that the rules of procedure in eleven Hague conferences were ratithe federal courts with respect to the fied, establishing the rights of neuIssuance of the writ of Injunction or trals, laws of war. on land, restriction temporary restraining orders should of submarine mines, limiting the use not be issued without notice, except of force for the collection of contracIrreparable injury would result from tual debts, governing the opening of delay, In which case a speedy hearing hostilities, extending the application of Geneva principles, and in many thereafter should be granted. the evils of war and ways lessening The American Fanner. ' the peaceful settlement of Among those whose welfare is as promoting international controversy. At the vital to the welfare of the whole coun same session contwelve arbitration Is earner as of the the that wage try ventions with conwere nations great of American farmer. The prosperity firmed, and extradition, boundary and the country rests peculiarly upon the neutralization of supreme improsperity of agriculture. The Repub- portance were treaties ratified. We endorse lican party during the last twelve such achievements as the highest duty years has accomplished extraordinary a people can perform and proclaim work in bringing the resources of the the obligation of further strengthennational government to the aid of the farmer, not only In advancing agricul- ing. the bonds of friendship and good ture Itself, but in Increasing the con will with all the nations of the world. Merchant Marine. veniences of country life. Free rural mail delivery has been established; it We adhere to the Republican docnow reaches millions of our citizens trine of encouragement to American and we favor its extension until every shipping and urge such legislation as community in the land receives the will revive the merchant marine presbenefits of the postal service. We tige of the country, so essential to recognize the social and economic ad- national defense, the enlargement of vantages of good country roads, main- foreign trade and the Industrial prostained more and more largely at pub of our own lie expense and less and less at the perity Veterans ofpeople. the Wars. expense of abutting owners. In this Another Republican- policy which work we commend the growing practice of state aid, and we approve the must be ever maintained is that of efforts of the national agricultural de- generous provision for those who have by experiments and other- fought the country's battles and for partment wise to make clear to the public the the widows and orphans of those who have fallen. We comend the best methods of road construction. in the widows pensions made increase by the Rights of the Negro. congress and declare for a libThe Republican party .has been for present eral administration of all pensibn laws more than fifty years the consistent to the end that gratitude friend of the American negro. It gave may grow deepertheas peoples the memories of him freedom and citizenship; it wrote heroic sacrifice grow more sacred with into the organic law the declarations the passing years. that proclaimed his civil and political Civil Service. rights, and it believes today that his We reaffirm our former declarations in progress noteworthy Intelligence, the civil service laws, enacted, prosperity and good citizenship has that earned the respect and encouragement extended and enforced by the Repubof the nation. We demand equal jus- lican party, 'shall continue to be tice for all men, without regard to maintained and obeyed. rape or color; we declare once more In blic Health. and without reservation for the enWe commend efforts to encourage forcement in letter and spirit of the efficiency in national and fifteenth greater agencies, thirteenth, fourteenth and favor suchpublic leg-a- s amendments to the constitution, which will effect this purpose. were designed for the protection and Bureau of Mines and Mining. advancement 'of the negro, and we condemn all devices that have for their Interest of the ?n mineralt real aim his disfranchisement for rea- industries of our country, great we earnestly sons of color alone, as unfair, establishment of a bureau of and repugnant to the sumining. of law the land. preme Cuba, Philippines, Panama. Natural Resources and Waterways. The American government, in ReWe endorse the movement inaugu- publican hands, has freed Cuba, given rated by the administration for the peace and protection to Porto Rico conservation of natural resources; we the Philippines under our flag, and andu the construction of the Panama approve all measures to prevent the The political conditions in waste of timber; we commend the canal. work now going oil .for the reclama- Cuba vindicate the wisdom of maintion of arid lands, and reaffirm the taining between that republicKand this Republican policy of the free distri- imperishable bonds of mutual interest the hope is now expressed that bution of available areas of the public domain to the landless settler. No Cuban people will soon be readv obligation of the future is more in- to assume complete sovereignty sistent and none will result in greater their land. beways tha principle of competition and tween natural competing line of such combination avoiding the mean We whatsoever. lines by any nnd national such legislation favor the future supervision ns will prevent overissue of stocks and bonds by Inter- rovl-Uenc- nd well-bein- Pan-Americ- an well-bein- self-respecti- - be-ga- . i, |