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Show 60VERII0R III FIGHT Is your Jewelry werih what it cost? or don't you core? 5 10 SPARKS M !, IV do butin by mall all ovr our Rood lo bo aaHafaclory and g uaranl r rotund your mony. DEATH Nevadas Governor Pass? Away After Long lllnets Due to Great Nervous Strain and Overwork. Ib-no- , Nc:ul.i Surrmmdt-- d by hh SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. li-- t amis mid daughter, rnor John Spaiks. conscious to ilu hist, rank to death at b:20 oclock wife, ihrt-- t Friday morning. Put a moment before his death the governor said: "I do not fear death: hate done my hist; I am tired am Tin be am rtady to go. Goojii. were his last words. The Him as which culminated In the governors death was directly due to overwork and strain, attendant upon the extra session of Nevadas legislature late last fall. Governor Sparks was horn In Mississippi. August no, IS 13, nnd came to . this state hi 1m.2. engaging in He owned large cattle ranges In Nevada and Texas, as we I aa a large cotton plantation In Texas govt-rnoin PJ02, lie was and again In lloC. by large majorities. Lieutenant Governor I). W. Dicker son Is now governor ef Nevada. He came to Nevada ago. Morn proof that Lydia IL Plnlc linin' cgftnhlcCoin pound naves woman from Mirgicul operations. 1 Mrs. S. A. Williams, of Gardiner, Maine, writes: ' I xvas a great sufferer from female m-nou- s stock-raising- r Catarrh Twenty-fiv- Years Had a Bad Cough. Miss e Kranston, KittloMMi, Sophia U. S. A., writes: have been troubled with catarrh for nearly twenty-fivyears ami have Illinois, 1 e tried many cures for it. but obtained very little help. Then my brother advised me to try Peruna, and I did. My health was very poor at the time I began taking Peruna. My throat was very sore and I had a bad cough. Peruna has cured me. The chronic catarrh Is gone and my health Is very much Improved, I recommend Fernna to all my friends who are troubled as I was. PERUNA Some TABLETS: people pre- fer tablets, rather than medicine in a fluid form. Such people can obtain Peru-n- a tablets, which represent the medicinal ingredients of Peruna. Each tablet equals one average dose of Peruna. the Ideal Laxative. Man-a-ll- n Manufactured by Peruna Drug Manu facturing Company, Columbus, Ohio. je-ar- GUARANTY FUND s DRAWN UPON. Oklahoma Banking Law Causes Joy to Depositors. Guthrie Okla. Wljhin one hemr lro:n tlo time H. H. Smock. fjklahonui had taken banking commissioner, eharge of the International Hank of Colgate, for alleged violation of the hanking laws, he had authority to pay the depositors In full, though the hanks cask and available funds In other hanks fell 122,000 short of the total amount of deposits. The commissioner was enabled to do this under the operation of the new banking law, and tills is the first time It has been called Into use. When the rash was exhausted the commissioner arew checks upon the state guaranty fund. Under the operation of the guaranty banking law In Oklahoma, a tax ot 1 per cent Is levied upon the average annual deposits of all state nanks, and the money thus raised la used In payment in full of all depos-Itorof an Insolvent state bank after the funds of the bank have been exhausted. - troubles, nnd Lydia lb 1 ink hams Vegetable Compound restored mo to health in three months, alter my physiriaa declared that an operation was absolutely necessary. Mrs. Alvina Sperling; of 154 Ave- - llncago, IIL, writes : I suffered from female troubles, & tumor and much inflammation. Two of the best doctors in Chicago decided that an onerntion was necessary to save my life. Lydia II Iinkhams Vegetable Compound entirely cured me without an operation. Clcy-bour- FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. l'ink-ham- lear-ing-do- wn Why dont you try it ? Mrs . Plnkham Invites all sick women to write tier for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Muss. VIIYS Answered ,0 Put You WISE Jew reasons why sheepmen get sure results and safe returns by treating their flocks, large and small, with A GHL0R0- - Posltl vely cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve from Dyspepsia, In. digestion and Too Iearty CAMPAIGN PUBLICITY. Eating. A perfect4em Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simi- le Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, D0Y0UKN0W THE WET WEATHER COMFORT AND PROTECTION afforded by a rC t Slicker Clean -- Light .Durable Guaranteed Waterproof 600 vowr A J TOwr camaoian ASTROLOGY 322 Everywhere Co BOSTON lS A. co uiTco too,to cam. or unlnky periods for Business, Speculation, Mining, Marriages and Health. My horoscopes tell all. $2 readings 81. Give birth, hour, date, place. Samuel Edwin Holt, 12th Century Astrologer, Box 12, Tropics California. DIP Kills out scab, tick, foot-rogrub and to due disease germ inevery sheep fection and sends the band to the range or railroad in prime condition. Not only cures infected sheep and enables them to put on flesh, but mellows scar of scab so that the animals pass as prime at the highest prices. Rids of lice and clears hide, thus e to soften fleece, allowing while it binds ends of staple, thus keeping yolk in and dirt out a cleaner, finer, whiter and higher priced product Permitted by the Government for the Official Dipping of Sheep for Scab t, Dla-tres- s edy for Dizziness, Nau sea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue, Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE, HAPTH0LEUM That Would Have Effect of Reducing Congressional Representation Bill South. Washington. The bill requiring publicity for campaign contributions was passed by the house on Friday by a vote of 160 to 125, with the Crum-packamendment added. The amendment would have the effect of reducing congressional representation in the southern states. It is believed the bill will not pass the senate. The bill provides for publicity of contributions made for the purpose of influencing elections at which representatives in congress are electeo, with what is known as the Crumpack-e- r amendment, prohibiting fraud in registrations and providing data for a reduction of representation among the in er wool-greas- No delay in getting supply agency near you will deliver at once. One gallon dip makes a barrel of solution. Prices : i gal., (i 50; 5 gal., $t 75! 10 gal., $12 50; freight paid. Special prices quoted for quantity. Agents wanted everywhere. 'Making SheeP Healthy and Keeping Them So' s as good a book on sheep health as was ever written. It is free , send for it now. Wst Disinfecting Co., Inc.. 43 E. 59th Sf Hew York City Omaha, Distributing Depots- Chicago, St. Louis, Denver and throughout Wyoming and Arizona - states. Case Regarded as Closed. Washington. No action looking toward the expulsion of Representative George L. Lilley of Connecticut from the house is contemplated. When trie special commission appointed by Speaker Cannon to investigate the charges brought by Mr. Lilley against the Electric Boat company submitted its report to the house last Tuesday and more so after the report had been read on the floor the next day, there was much speculation as to the probable outcome. The severity with which Mr. Lilley was handled in the committees findings gave color to a report that these were to be made the basis of a resolution of expulsion. If yon suffer from Fits, Falling Sickness or Spasms, or have Children that do so, my New Discovery and Treatment will give them Immediate relief, and all you are asked to do is to send fo a Free Bottle of Dr. Mays EPILEPTICIDE CURE s with Food and Drugs Act of Congress Complies also tesJune 30th 1906. Complete directions, timonials of CUKES, etc., i KEE by mail. Express trepaol. Give AGE and full addres. W. H. HAT, M. D., 548 Pearl Street, Net York. ounces to the package same price and 16 --other starches only 12 ounces DEFIANCE" 18 SUPERIOR QUALITY. IOWS 1 under EW LAW obtained muM W MODRIQ N Thompsons Eye Water COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS s Vegetable Gnmimnnd, inado from roots and herbs, lias been the standard remedy for female ills, and has posit ively cured thousands of women who have lecn troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that feeling, ilatulency, indigestion, dizziness, or nervous prostration. s SICK HEADACHE no THATS OUR BUSINESS Mail Ordara filled and forwarded by return mail. F. J. HILL DRUG CO. The Never Subatitutora" Salt Lake City MANS TRUEST ANIMAL FRIEND. Wonderful Love and Loyalty of Dog to Its Matter. There was a time when the dog had no human friend, perhaps, but very early In the life of the world he and man came together, and the dog has stuck ever since, says a writer In the Man has abused the dog. He has al- New Haven Register. and neglected lowed him to accumulate faster than he can be matched with friends, and The hence the dog has deteriorate friendless dog is the neglected dog, and the neglected dog becomes, not from his own fault but from the fault of man, the dangerous dog. Henoe the laws to regulate dogs, which are as much in the Interest of the dog as In the Interest of humans. To the Ideal of "one flag, one ooun try, one wife at a time, might be added one dog at a time. One dog Is enough for any man. It is sufficient for Ideal companionship. There Is something inspiringly pathetlo In the comradeship that sometimes springs up between the right sort of a man and the right sort of a dog. There Is a fidelity that might shame many a man In the love and loyalty of a dog to his master. History and literature are starred with its brightness and beauty. Pity the man who cant appreciate a dog, even If he doesnt happen to own one. Surely his soul laeki something more essential than adorn tlon of music hes fit for worse than treason, stratagems and sdoIIs. From LI Hung Chang. Impertinent questions to others, o comments on their appearance, mark bad breeding, and lead to Bharp rebukes. LI Hung Chang, the famous Chinaman, while visiting this country was known for the keenness of his wit and the fineness of his courtesies. One day when he was calling upon an American lady her little boy, who had been looking sharply at him, said: Say, mister, how few hairs you have! And, my little man, said LI, patting him on the head, "ho yr fYlt manners you have! |