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Show VOL. IX STATE LAND BOARD INSPECTS HIGHLAND J of tbe t s oiHMs in mb - nd c- - iatm-- April H, HHR Monday to Uto Urird of o cruft! aud i' prom are Kecking to borrow of tho fl.itnH money. A gr ai $!5,WJ t-- r of money Inn already d--- il b-e- u hpent by th4 compi'iy huI $15,000 h r- - to complete tho project. Tho j roj-e- t will bo the means of biii.ging unuer cuUkhMju a largo ieclixi of country iu tbia viciuhy. I ha ct'inmiHM u- -r Kpent Monday J .ukiug into the Kciieino and the lauds huh it is proposed to reclaim, ami ou ih-- lr uni m Sail Liko will settle up m the questiou of the loau. i if The farmers of this vicinity were pleased to see the state board of laud commis-ioner- s aloQg the Highland !I;me Mlssiomrics. canal this week. There iu muck Center field Fred J. Christiansen, valuable land hero which cau bo brought under cultivation that will Jr. aud fied Hillard?-!- !. Ephraioi President Liwis Ander- make many good homes and help to beautify and build up this put cf son ami Ernest Madsea. and the couuty. Fay etio Andenv Peterson Charles A. Cos. Mrs. Sfeua Sorenson and family UuuuGou WIs O. Anderson and Mayfield were visiting with J. C Xowtou E Xoye s. Haueeu and family last Satutday. MauU Pres. h Y. Jensen and Mrs. Jens Tjgerson d Ephraim U. Wu. Barton wu,i non, Ala held Pm?. Ezra Shomaker spent Sunday visiting L. C. the at James, Thorpe HU Ve!ji.v;UU L. UttH. Mr. Henry Jensen h aves today for ;.!!!' vK Jige Trtjiorand Eric Pangtiitch lake to begun- fur the i' Gh--.,- .i, . he hM ,! the re-- - su miner. l Jo-ep- lu-- r i S-- . - - i.i 1 s v 1 tjund'av after- - v !nl jiV. in, I. 4 i- "-' ' - Oulv a very i, U.w ) J ill leSIJOMst- - tU UlU i r i -- III Uf to Pigs for Sr'o, have burn h Ju-tt- I r ; 51 :) 0. K t burns S5 pi r toil. Buyth'COAE th C rgluml. 11. r. M R c from r Last evening the Mu'tinl Improve association gave a farrwell dance in honor of Marius Sim.ursHU who w.ll h ave in n few days for a mbhim ii Denmark. The allir was a decided Miccess. I rrn 1$ im-u-t I R R tt Trustees and principilsof Srupeto pubhc scLools will meet in Ephraim tomorrow, April lSih, when the followwill bo considered: ing eubj-ct- s Trustees aril principals reports; care of tho school books; hiring consol-idateach-'r- s ; tnnsp irtatiou aud hi ; 8 ti grade ; ti exercis--- . tz d i el.-'- e ; oiit-hr- ili : j jrlesdparters For Mug for. st Uani-acte- u-- ; STG2I Luces, Er.ibr ddcrl t. y , i Uhitc Endcr.sXlrts, Corset Covers, flight Gowns, a:i . every tiling h, Ladies ITirtiis!;. it:s th.it yon can find in any store. up-to-d- ate Oh I Bearskin Ifryc tor children cannot he h at. they stand the Wear and Tear. . H i ! feed:;. sualhi:i:g. r.-- i ; n QU j j kind you ha Mtiooi 4 j i's Al.r-field- cairo out Saturday C GUNN i D -- The county comhiissioners nut iu w P) .!. ucy. iiu:!'-.'ip cial tex levy t regular session Monday and Tuesday their uguiar routiue iu mpruve rhe school and iu Aside from this nothing biuinese. b .i Coal! CaalS cl irrpoi tance was taken up exs ut. at the meeting vu r- cept the consolidation of tho school ot t i iiori-p- . cud trix of Good screened Iuu;: o' .iu lie Lv.it h not ea 'igii fund.-'d- d dis. nets of the countv. This matter ' Morrison mine 5u . ; u at com-id- t rabie length IM l:.OlZ'i.l to liaiiH mipiove- - was Screened nut coal at nnuo 32.75 and it dew loped that, the board was r . itK4,i ton. Delivered at your hot''.h,r f Ever Oi..' pm erP. v is tu i opiu ou uijaiiimouls iu favor oi the move. It 31.75 per ton extra. Apply to Lorenzo mi the .roper tiling to do was bond was decided to take the question up at Ed wards, Gunnison, or t tt e mine. the diMinci, ami get. einogli m viey tee next regular meeting and uivite Peanut coal 31 GO per ton. O m )ri inn ) O boil il i ;l i III I e the citizens i ho desiri to be heard iu ttie mailer to be present at tho meetso imuruveineiPa n Messer ger. The Gazette $1.50 per yer. tax was vote down. ing i S;Ii 'j.; " Tf - gtadh.g of papers; canmenctment Do.it Want S;j:ial Tax 'k. - - Hcpublicau county convention has Jieen called to meet at Ephraim, on Thureday April .'IU, 1JOS, at 2 oclock p m. for the purpo-- o of electiug -- J delegates to the Kepublu nn, s' ,H cooveutioti, which will tueit at Salt Lake City, May 7. Ilk'S, amt for iln lh U- publipurpose of can county committee, 'ibe apportionment of deleg.ues fiOUl toe outb-ern pirtof the couuty are as follow-- ; , Gunnison, 2 ; Ccntcrm id. 1 ; 2; Fayette, I ; Meilmg, 1. A The greatest erent of the season was tbe farewell party given last hall in Monday night at Niel-on- s honor of J. C. Hansen, who will leave thia month for a mission to D nmark. Alauy were present from neighboring setthmeiits and rtll m joyed them stdv-- H in dancing and social chat. Au elegant supper was served to all present. Music for the occasion was furnished by the Centerlield oaud. I3ro. Hansen has been presiding eld r of this ward for many years and by his goovl exunple and ways he leaves many friends who. wih him a pleasant journey aud ruc-ck- s in his labors. at Gunnioti into th Highland project for which w-r- it t Recatlican Convention Atril 30. AXTELL NOTES. RESERVOIR PROJECT. Th- Al'Itlh 17. Illfls OUXXISOX, UTAH, IlMDAY, Wo have a lieu1 lot of hadies Waists, Skirts, Celts, di-cuss- ed ;r i ( PJ r ; I ! 1 t-ssai ! R tt vs Death Va3 Cn His Hands. P. Alorriss. of Skippers, Va., h;.d a clou call in the spring of 1900. He says: An attack of pneumonia left ms? so v.eak aud with such a fearful cough that mv friends declared J- comple r;- ; txi: or - Shoes, Cwei5? Tj I , f rt w i i. f, r; - 57 C G W a V ;; b 4 ? ci its cl Sti Gunnison blooK V irts. Utah. ettit of Main street. - - ,- coaeumptioa bad me, and death was cu my heels. Then I was persuaded t try Dr. Kings New Discovery, it eeliied me immediately, and after taking two and a t alf bottles was a well man again. I found out that New DiscoveJy is the beet remedy for coughs and lung disease in all the world. Sold umGr guar'ntfe !t al! druggist. 50c aud $1.00. Trial bok tie free. When you want anything nice to wear give us a call. You will find us ever ready to serve you. Yours for business, J.w. |