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Show bead on didnt live long, as a rule. STRANGE ETIQUETTE IN CHINA. Then he decided the distance was too far. Decided something else, also; and Ones Own PoeiIon Always Wlwn all my romp art? ovtrr, And all the ganu-- are dona. to In Derogatory Terms. that was that he would go down and And thj whit fit-iof clover own his cost him If it kill this brute, Glow red at the act of un, The mandarin shocked me," said life, his hope of the hereafter, and I ahall return from roaming bo the missionary, the first time I dined Over the mountains of May: Nods. That boy should never Mother ahe waits In the gloaming! cuffed again. Ho would see to that, with him, by referring to his wife as Mother, Im hack from play. marital mistake! he muttered, as he crashed down into 'his Reginald Wright Kauffman, In the I But, the clearing. lnteriotcd, 'it is said that New Broadway Magaxln. The man started to say something, your lady is brilliant, beautiful and but got a good square look Into Sandys kind. He smiled awkwardly and changed flaming eyes, and decided this wasnt the subject. However, with the courso his hour to talk. Nods looked up, and of bamboo with cries of Daddy Sands! Dear sprouts he mentioned his her this timo bis Daddy Sands! I knew youd come. I wife again, calling the-clot lies.' 'stupid hand' knew' you would find me, rushed fran'1 am sorry your marriage la aa tically over and clasped his arms tightThen Sandy unhappy one,' said I. ly around Sandys legs. "With an embarrassed air be began grabbed up the boy. Sandy finally put Nods down on the to discourse on the highbinders. By ROY NORTON ground. When he did so, he saw three Kvery now and then, though, his welts on the bare skin, wifes name came up. and he called where the unbuttoned blouse was open. her In quick succession his thorn In Wejl he would have a little satisfac- the flesh, ids punishment for youthful tion for that, anyway. He made one sin, his 'hideous and lunatic spouse (Copyright) quick jump to where the man stood, and his vile one of the Inner room. 1 spoke up Impatiently. "Nods" he was called, not because he wasnt the sort of man you like. One his arm shot out with terrific force, more careful. I said, regard, thick-lipped"'Be flew Into Nods the and father as of those bullnecked, was particularly sleepy, but rather fairly ing the lady. There are two sides to an abbreviation for the only name coarse-looklnfellows, who leers In- air. Before he could realize what had ever)' story, and I must tell you that which he bad ever known, his Indian stead of smiles, and brags when he happened, Sandy was on him, one hand your unmanly abuse Inclines me very appellation of Nodawana. Maybe he talks. Ive come to get my boy the one on his throat and the other battering favorably towards your poor wife. Imgot the name without christening. "He threw down his chop-stickhis face. When the Nez Perces got a white boy, you call Nods, he said. I came heve to kill you, he rasped patiently, scattering sharks fin and The wretch dropped from Sandys they didn't go much on formality. between his teeth. Youve been beat- soy over the table. When Sandy Smith first saw him, hands. 'Don't you understand,' he cried, he was about three years old and was This was something he had never ing Nods. nebe wouldn't seemed It there all this is etiquette, pure etithat In trouble. He was about as dirty thoiight of. any He swallowed several a return as any member of the tribe which times before he could get speech, then cessity for trip, the way quette? The Chinese host by the laws harbored him. Your boy? Sandys arm was working. It must of etiquette must speak of his own said, in a dazed way: Sandy had been making a little trip Nods your boy? And youve come for have been the Iord who put it into possessions as unworthy and vile over into Idaho and happened to ride him? Come for him? For Nods? To Nods fathers mouth to say: Let mo even of Ills wife he must speak so, through this camp just at the time take him away from me to take go! Let me go! If you want the kid though she he a full moon for beauty and a Chang KIvl, or sacred cow, for so bad. why dont you buy him? when Nods was feeling pretty bad. Nods? Sandys fingers released their hold. wisdom. I have no fault to find with Seeing Nods crying, out in front of The man didnt really know Sandy, his the teepee, Sandy pulled up horse, you see, or he wouldnt have broken it Buy Nods? Buy Nods? He had never my wife; quite to the contrary; I only .swung over into the side of his saddle, so confidently. Most men would have thought of that before. It seemed so deride her In order to show proper and took a look at such an amazing sooner gone against a Kansas cyclone, I comprehensible that an) body would Chinese courtesy to you. And now, I thing as a little white boy in an In or a nest of rattlers, or a band of offer to sell anything as dear as Nods; beg, dont Interrupt again." The missionary smiled ruefully. dian village a hundred or so miles Apaches than to stir up Sandy Smith. that of all the ways he had contemin this these last "It was a bad break for mo to weary days, from anywhere. When he left In a hurry a short time plated one the been had way overlooked, make, he said. "The man was a Nods without delay trudged up later without the boy he knew Sandy a Slowly he climbed to his feet, powerful mandarin. But it Is truly alongside the pony and held up both better. Nods' father, shrinking and battered most shocking, at the beginning, to hands. Wanted to be taken up and The next day the sheriff came and cowed, but hopeful for his craven, hoar these men abuse their women away from that village; to go some alone. He knew Sandy, and loved him, worthless life, also arose. Cupidity folk. place with some one who had a kind and dreaded the trip. He knew that to in was mans every look. He was the word Instead of a kick for him. Sandy bring a posse would mean a fight in Dog and Alligator Close Friends. he fairly fell off his horse, dropped down which many men would die. He knew reaching the very end for which Jim, an alligator, and Towsor, a on his knees, and put his big, long that old Sandy Smith, unless influ- came, and for which alone he had of C. C. Morz of 173 arms around Nods and thats how it enced by reason alone, would unflinch- claimed the boy. This was his chance. dog, the property Give me your claim, he said, and South Front street, have formed a began. How Sandy and Nods became ingly fight a regiment of soldiers to all my right, now and for- friendship which is one of the most Ill deed acquainted. hold the thing he loved. But Sandy ever to you remarkable in animal life, says a him. Nods gave a sigh big enough for a and the sheriff were friends, so it They It's done! said Sandy, without a Memphis (Tenn.) dispatch. man, and, soon as he could didnt come to that. even sleep together under the platthe His moments hesitation. claim, get room, put his two little arms So it was that the big tamaracks form where their master has his work around Sandys neck, snuggled his moaned that night, and the flowers richest in all this land, the thing that bench. would face right up against Sandys, and around the cabin drooped, while in could produce the gold which The alligator, which is now six feet buy a king's ransom, could go as a And from that on company - with them an old held it there. squaw ransom for this boy. Gold? What long, lias been the property of Mr. Sandy could have died for him. It moaned upon the floor, and a bent, was 17 gold? Nothing! A paltry metal, Merz ever since it was a baby, wasnt anything he was used to. heart-strickeman old on sat wearied, though all of it in the world years ago. It is a pet, and travels all When Sandy turned round, he saw the doorstep with his fingers clutched which,with his reach, couldnt pay for over the house. were three or four blanketed bucks. But through his hair robbed desolated one He stops eating about the first of clasp of those little arms that in all the crowd there wasnt anything and alone. Duragain hugged him around his feet, and December, and fasts until June. white. They didnt look as though Of course, Sandy and Rebecky knew were soon after transferred to his sun- ing this period he remains in a slugthey liked Sandy much. within a day or so where Nods had tanned throat. gish condition. His usual diet during A powwow brought out the fact been taken. There was just one ridge his eating period consists of raw that this youngster had been left with a low divide between Canada Gulch There had been a time when a pay- beef, varied with an occasional rat an old squaw by a man who claimed to and Poor Mans Gulch, where Nods' In the summer he is active and has ing claim, a big cabin, a heap of furnibe his daddy. Said he was coming father had taken his claim. But it was ture and a field of flowers would have established a reputation as a pigeon back in a week, but a year had slid several days before either Sandy or seemed just about all in life that catcher. When an unwary pigeon off into the nowhere. Rebecky tried to see the boy. Sandy wanted. But the boys on the lights near Jim in the back yard there The minute Sandy showed signs of went across down One day Sandy gulch know, and will tell you that all is a quick snap, and the pigeon is him valued chief the the gulch and up to the brow of the these things were passed up like a gone. wanting Nods, highly. It took a day and a nights opposite hill, where he could look on pawn and without thought, when on A Tragic Resemblance. trading .to get him, blit Sandy won that other cabin. He was hungry for the following day Sandy and his fam- I believe 1 would rather be downout, being the kind of fellow that a sight of his boy. On the doorstep, ily rode away. right ugly than have a face that renever quits. And the old squaw was dirty, unkempt and dejected, sat little got up to that point you can minds every Tom, Dick and Ilarry of They to go along, too, as Nods nurse. Nods, while at his feet, cowering in see on the very brow of the hill, where some one he knows or has known, The chief didnt care. It meant one fear of something, sat a three-leggethe trail dips off toward the sunrise, said a comely southern girl to her mouth less to feed, and saved some- dog, which had already found the way the morning after. In the lead was companion across the tea table. Only body from knocking her on the head. across the hills. Sandy Smith, holding Nods on the yesterday I had a most embarrassing And she, poor wretch, divided beNods father didnt seem to like the pommel of his sadle. Next came two isnt the first Ive tween affection for her tribe, distrust dogs presence. He was puttering pack ponies with an outfit, another experience, andI it look like some one of. the white man, and love for Nods. around at something, . when Sandy, pony with old Rebecky, and then Pete, had because I got into a subelse, she went on. ..Well, in the course of time, they all sprawled on top of the ridge and peer- on whose back was packed a big at the Grand Central station train way landed in Canada' Gulch, and settled ing over, first saw him, then he came basket, in which a three-leggedog and took a cross scat opposite a woman. down into the happiest little party you over to Nods, shook him, and, when could ride. She looked at me and started percepthe dog bristled, gave him a kick. The ever saw. Right up on that point they stopped tibly; then she leaned closer to me When one is happier than ever be- dog wanted to fight, but the man beat and looked back, most of us, hope and and looked squarely in my face and fore in all his life, and has every- him off to a safe distance, while Nods believe without' regret, on the cabin, her own turned very pale. Suddenly thing he wants, and all the love he has apparently, cried. Nods father then and the claim, and the flowers, to her eyes and muff she her put The mans arms closed round the lit- - sobbed starved for through all the years, the slapped him. the tears rolled down until And the man came pretty near going tie boy, the old woman behind was heels of Times moccasins are- greased. over her coat. I was so uncomfortable out of the game about that minute. On happy, and old Pete and the three-toto of a had merfd, pipe piece Sandy and at such a loss what to do that I fel- - legged dog were willing to go along of the ridge, a long, and came up to the cabin, on- the got up at the nearest station and point of the hill, when he heard steps. low had shut his teeth, pulled a heavy after, knowing that green pastures can waited for another train. I suppose He turned round inquiringly to see a Colts from his pocket, and was taking be found for all things which are faith-ver- y I was the image of some lost daughter careful aim. Things he drew a I ful to the end. And he man as big as himself. New York Press. or sister. Back from Play Re-ferr- ed a d good-for-nothin- cc NODS black-and-blu- e g s clay-covere- d 1 full-grow- n n I d d - p - red-haire- d |