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Show JOSEPH HIGHAM STILL CLOSING OUT The Gunnison Gazette. Practical Weaver. Carpets Cloth' and the Finer Fabrics to Order. lias Published every Friday at G niaon, Sanpete County, a New Loom of Modern Make Years of Experience All Work Guarantee . For the next 30 days everything OLEDHILL &SON., Publishers LEO N. OLEDHILL, Your Patronage Solicited . BATES ! SOBSCBIPTION FRIDAY. LEWIS LARSON Farmers should take advantage of this great slaughter in prices and buy farm implements NOW. $1.60 100 00 JANUARY 3, 1908 . W. 10U All lg:il matters receive promptliand car t ulattention. I l.oan Motiey on Farms. Th Real Estate, and town property Upon the unsullied temper of a child ! over PostOPice MANTIUtah t 36RGLUND i Public. y Utah. : If there Is anything that keeps the mind Open to angel visits, that repels The ministry of 111 tls love! Lod has made nothing worthy of contempt. The smallest pebble In the well of truth lias Its peculiar meanings and will stand When man's beet monuments wear fast away. The law of heaven Is lov and though Its name Has been usurped by passion and profaned To Its unholy uses through all time. Still the eternal principle is pure; And In these deep affections that we feci Omnipotent within us we but see The lavish measures In which love Is giv- imande jSSL-iiio ' , Salt e ' 'J.ty e 2 pooit-a- t .i ' brook, at Kail Price. Pair Mens Red Wing stone jars, all sizes, your own price I Utah. Gunnison, Life's feveT oe any bright eye .h Silt Lake 5 '5u p. m. Will there for weeping l iO Salt Lake for That Im no more? Will there for me be any bright eye Manli, ai Pleasant, weeplhg interM ale and Of heretofore? - Pants Several sleeping, .oca ocli-f- 'Sa,, W'M. Gribble, Beneath the Cold Red Earth Am Sleeping. When I beneath the cold red earyj'hm ' Half Price Everybody get in for this big sale. CHEAPEST SALE Of the SEASON-- yearning tenderness of a child For every bird that sings above its head, And every creature feeding on the hills. And every tree and flower and running When Mens Fancy Over Shirt. poiog at SOc on the dollar. Several sets of Team and Single Harness to be sold at. Cost. Single Disc and Hand Plows Below cost. . Garden Rakes and Hoes, any Old Price, We see how everything was made to love. And how they err, who. In a world like this Find anything to hate but human pride. N. P. Willis. mmi I OAfJ Drugs of all kinds, half price. en And la the ft fa MENS and BOYS HATS to be sold at Halt Price Suits Law of Lova. There Is one ft law above the rest Oh, Terms Easy Written In wisdom if there is a word farm That I would trace as with a pen of Are sell and buy at and below cost. going Cor. block South of Jefferson school, One Year UTAH. GUNNISON, Six Months Three Months ATTORNEY-AT-LA- un-Utah- TOWN OFFICIALS Presi' ent W H Gribble, r.iifl 8 :00 am Trustees C. I. Christenson, C M When the great winds, through leafless d-for the south forests rushing, Madsen, Carl A. Eriokson, Anthon) Like full hearts, break; ve at Marjavale t trr the swollen streams, o'er crag and Metoall. Otuections made at Whengully gushing. Clerk W. J Gribble. - too for all points Sad music make, Treasurer C I Chris tenson. Will there be one whose heart despair Is es oo MOney Wherewithal - Cash . Marshal and Street Supervisor--Jamcrushing Mourn for my sake? P Fjeldsted When the bright sun upon that spot Is Poundkeeper Parley. P. Childs. shining Justioe of the Peace Albert Swain. With purest ray, And the small flowers their buds and Health Officer J, A. Hagan, M. D. blossoms twining Attorney J Johnson. Burst through that clay, WllL there be one still on that spot reSCHOOL BOARD pining Lost hopes all day?.1 Chairman Brigham Jensen. Cen- When the night shadows, with the- ample terfield, Clerk F. C. Savage, City, sweeping Of her dark pall, Treasurer Nephi Anderson, City. The world and all Its manifold creation A. Eentom G. A P. D. RPKY, : QOOH LUNGS - sleeping,. The great and small Will there be one, even at that dread hour, weeping For me for all?' liscovery ouwo .dKoi Eollle Frte OLD AMP ALL THROAT When no star twinkles with its eye of glory On that low mound, And wintry storms have with their ruins Trial APIUMGTROUBIES. ATISFACTOR1 GUARANTEE OR MONEY REFUNDED. Justice of the Peace Erabley. Constable Will there be then, one versed in miserys story Pacing it round?- It may TRADE-MARK- D.-SW3F- 01 k 00n Nevadas Mountains are Fill ed with the Yellow Stuff. Charles H JOIN A RELIABLE CONPANY by payiDR a Dozuiual sum Neatly Done at THIs Office. Lay me then gently in my narrow dwell- regia-terei- T be so but this Is selfish sorrow To ask such meed weakness and a wickedness to borrow From hearts that bleed, The wailings of today for what tomorrow Shall never need. OTHnartm. l promptly obtained In all countries, or NO FEE. Caveats and Copyrights bend Sketch, Model or Photo, for fres on patentability. ALL business report STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Patent pi act ice exclusively. Surpassing references. Wideawake Inventors should have onr handbook onllow to obtain and bell patents, What in ventiorw w ill pay. I low to get a partner jmdother valuable Information, t'iit free to any address. - KINDS of JOP PRINTING Its loneness crowned, A still have a chance to get it easy J. It comes in handy an v old time. CENTERFIELD PRECINCT hoary EWYWWpgWMEFTga YOU AND MAKE YOUR FORTUNE: ifTowOnly 15 cents shaire Buy before the price goes up and you will win. Send in your order at once. Lee Comstock Mining P. O. Co. 258, Ryolite, Nevada., ing, Thou gentle heart, And though thy bosom should with grief be swelling Let no tear start; It were in vain for time hath long been knelling Sad one, depart! William UotherwelL. $ Seventh St., Washington, 0. C. P j JL Rings Little Liver pills wake up like h lazy livers, clean the ey stem and clear poultice, draws out inflamation and the skin. Try thorn for biliousness oison. Autiseptic healing. Forckap and headache. lii mtv bums. .For a!e b,v Paul vou orPrice 25c.. Fox. puri hand deck. d by Paul von Nordedk. Pi ffialve Barbo Sized act -- SS33ES A. 1 |