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Show TT 'I bct goodi ia tke world, made i:t th- world, r,d o!d Store in I't.'K Jtwt'rj Tke belt ficteriei bnt Tbit tic to keep prices is - Vilu.'e Jon. itory, exupt tke lj I j the tilt that were about the fijlt hou? anJ then CANNON AGAINST GULF CANAL. I laced a ma-- k unr his faro to prevent him from tanning," as h dt larc h Hating maud the image f r the puri oso of rearing the crows away, the mention looked m umar.ny and stupid that Mrs. Hart gicw nfi.iid t.f him, and ihoueh !. ift.-- iluvaiencd to dismantle her miMu:i. sh grad-- j ually fell under the spell of the obsession and pc I Ittlt ted the object of her fear to remain on earth until It grew Into the nature of a ghtt, Being an intelligent wwni:tn who had read many hooks, Mrs. Hart named the Image Frankenstein. She proposes to let Frankenstein remain out In the cold field all winter, hoping thereby to freeze the searo" out of him. n 3r MAIN ST. HRS. HART, OF HOLDEN, ME FALLS UNDER SPELL OF FRANKENSTEIN. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. MADE HIS HOME A FORTRESS. WOMAN FEARS OWN CREATION Tenant Had Neat ;Way of Shutting Out Undesirable Visitors. "Alterations to suit tenant" was a part of the sign In a Philadelphia building, telling that a loft over the store was to let. One day lately a prospective tenant applied and expressed himself as pleased with the location and quarters, as well as the terms. As to alterations he had only one thing to suggest, namely, that the stair steps be fixed to the top floor with a pair of stout hinges, and cords be attached so that they might be raised and lowered, In a way best Illustrated perhaps by the attachments of a fire escape. Anxious to get a tenant and seeing no particular objection to this arrangement, the landlord complied. His tenant, a quiet was wont to go to his quarters man, early In the forenoon and at once draw the steps up to the ceiling. A few only of his many visitors, those, In fact, who gave a peculiar whistle, were accommodated by the lowering of the steps. The others were Ignored. The landlord, fearful lest some unlawful transactions might be going on in his building, called upon the tenant for an explanation. Oh, was the reply, my friends have the whistle. The other fellows are creditors. The hinges are still working. - ICELANDERS ARE LC.NG Had Often Threatened to Dismantle Figure Which Gradually Assumed Nature of a Ghost Hopes He Will Freeze. BROTHERS ROB AND KILL AT SET PRICE Holden, Me. Copeland hill. In the western part of Holden, Is the highest " point of land In southern Penobscot SAID TO BE HEAD OF PARIS Its to county, and, owing commanding MAKING MURDER ITS position, residents of Bangor drive to FAVORITE LINE. the top of the eminence on clear days for the purpose of seeing Mt. Katahdln Paris. A crime syndicate, organized1 for theft and murder, Is the absorbing story of the day that startles France and all Europe. New' details are coming to notice of the criminal operations of the brothers Antony and Francois Thomas. These two men seem to have combined the minds of Borglas, the loader of the Inquisition, and the robber barons. They poisoned, tortured and stole for years, undetected, until, becoming bold beyond fear of detection, apparently, their carelessness ended In arrest. For years continental churches have lost priceless treasures mysteriously. Jeweled crosses, chalices, statues, pictures and tapestries from the hands of the greatest masters have disap peared in a night. So widely separated were the thefts that they were laid to local criminals. No one dreamed of a crime syndi- cate. Average Age There Double Mean Duration of Human Life. If any part of the world beats Iceland in the average length of life of its inhabitants. It is shown in the census of 1905 that on an average the people of that island live to the age of 61.8 years, which is very nearly double the mean duration of human life as it w?ua computed a generation ago. Sweden and Norway are regarded as very healthful countries, but Iceland takes the palm in longevity, the mean dura-tion of life in Sweden being 50.02 years and in Norway 49.94 years. Some of Icelands earthquakes are but on the whole the lives of most of its simple and industrious inhabitants slip along with few incidents that unduly stimulate or depress the pulse. Summer and winter the same old mail boat from Leith steams into the harbor of Reykjavik every three weeks, but very rarely brings news that touches Iceland so In closely as to make excitement. fact the little island enjoys many of the advantages of civilization and avoids most of its drawbacks. Christian Advocate. nerve-rackin- g, v. A Hard Task. A Chicago man tells of a resident of that city who had been unsuccessful in one venture after another. At last, however, he made a large sum of money by means of an invention in car wheels; and very soon thereafter his family, consisting of his wife and two young daughters, were to be seen taking their daily outing in a motor car. One day the three were being driven rapidly through the park, while a look of painful ss overspread the features of the inventors wife, as she sat bolt upright, Now', looking straight before her. ma, came in clear tones from one of the daughters, whose keen face was alive with enjoyment, now, ma, cant you loll back and not look as if the water was boiling over?" Youths Companion. In Spending Money Before it Is tn Hand. Wa-hingti- -- u: com etitiu.i i j jVi-sid-n- t p of 1 ifiy the .!! 1 to the it s - to K Wnttiwajs ;o ' ia:i fj, Ka.u..r. :n end U. tie-)- . by j i i - at-- i alb o. at Ho BatthnM: i MU-mi- l, da and Thur .i Cannon Speaker to nil gre s prerented a lucmoii.i! pi : .ting lor national aid for the procanal ject for a lake. t the-gulm and for aboard, along the Atlantic MipjKirt of an appropriation of (oO.ooo for the impro ::imu of harbor and. inland waterways recoct-mende- d harbors by the risers and 1 f congress. Speaker Cannon sai l that while ho heartily favored the scheme of wat erways Improvement, ho did not believe in spending money before it was In hand, and," he said, to talk of a bond Issue for that purpose at this time would be absurd.' "SYN-DICATE- LIVED. It would be Interesting to know Doct Not Believe It Grew Into the Nature of a Ghost. miles to the north; Camden hills, miles south, and the mountains back of Ear Harbor, 70 miles to the 90 60 southeast. The farm of Charles Hart occupies the very top of the hill, and Frankenstein is the most important personage on the entire farm. Members of the Hart family say that Frankenstein has been photographed more than 500 times since last May, when he was dressed up and placed out to keep watch over a patch of early peas on a rocky knoll. By the time the peas were big enough to sell in the pod, Frankenstein was moved to the family strawberry field, and from there he went to another part of the field to stand guard over a potato field, coming back later to perform police duty among some early green corn. By this time the second crop of green peas was coming on and Frankenstein was moved again, shifting from the pea patch to act as guardian for a field of stocked corn, and ending up his seasons work as custodian over a field of third-cropeas. He has been on duty day and night from the middle of May to the middle of October. He has worked without sleep and without food and without pay. The English sparrows have come and built nests in his pockets. The summer visitors have come and called him cunning, and photographed him from many sides and in many conditions of weather, and Frankenstein has. not minded his notoriety in the least. Mrs. Charles Hart, the widow of the man w'ho owned the farm where Frankenstein abodes, is responsible for the origin of Frankenstein and his name. She constructed him from some brilliant and threadbare garments p The Thomases comprised Its work ing part, stealing hundreds of thou sands of dollars worth of plunder and finding a ready market among dealers or private collectors. When apprehended the Thomas tome was searched and evidence tend-n- g to prove that the brothers conducted a private assassination and criminal operation bureau as a side ine was unearthed. Apparently some cf the foremost men of their homo town and neighboring district were among their customers. The list of poisons found in the tome contained many unknown to French chemists. the Instruments, character of which indicated the nefarious business for which they were intended, were discovered by the po- Will Render Verdict In Pettibone Case. Boise, Ida. The Jury which will try the case of George A. lettibono for complicity In the murder of former Governor Frank A. Steunenberg was completed and sworn In on tho afternoon of Friday, December C. Tho Jury Is as follows: J. II. Frazier, 25, student; E. L. Evans, 28, farmer; A. A. Tillotson, 29, Too Much Absinthe in France. Paris. The sea serpent has reappeared. FIsermen of Calvi, Corsica, saw it a few days ago in tho Gulf of Porto. They thought at first that it was a chaplet of floating bodies, but on going nearer found that it wa3 a gigantic marine monster about k 200 feet in length. The terrified to hastily tacked shore and told their friends about it. Soon the entire population were on the cliffs, gazing at the sea serpent disporting itself on the surface, of the water. The local When arrested they refused to discuss this, saying many of Europes greatest families were implicated with them. Letters compromising many throughout France were turned up. These showed that they received large sums for assassinations. The Thomases are known to have fish-erfol- inhabitants are They are afraid to venture any distance from the shore, and have addressed a request to the naval commander of Ajaccio to send a torpedo boat to rid them of the terrible monster. gem-studde- d energy rather than their erudition. Washington. The Republican national committee, which was called to meet here to name a time and placo for holding the Republican national convention next ear, was in session for an hour at the Shoroham hotel on Friday, but aside from the election of Acting Chairman Harry S. New to fill the remainder of the unexpired term of Secretary Cortelyou, the session was confined to preliminary details. Mr. New had no opposition, He and the vote was unanimous. made a brief speech accepting tho election, promising to devote all his energies toward providing for a fair A formal and impartial convention. was to visit the president during paid the afternoon. union. It is believed the brothers made it to remove undesirable persons from the path of those who Chinese Educational Movement. The growth of the educational movement has been so rapid throughout the Chinese empire that the demand for instructors has far exceeded the supply of competent men available for the position, with the result that In the province of Shengking, while there are undoubtedly a number of excellent men engaged in school work, the majority are remarkable for their Secretary Gar-rech- a business stolen the magnificent reliquary of Ambazac, valued at $40,000, and many other gems of middle-ag- e art, including the crown of St. Michael. It is also charged that they engineered the unsuccessful plot to rifle the abby of Conques, the treasures of which are valued at $200,000. Cortelyou as Chairman of Republican National Committee. Succeeds merchant; W. A. Palmer, 40, liveryman; William Stahl, 69, prospector; Newton Carper, 36, carpenter; Joseph Singer, 48, placer miner; A. C. Boot. 52, printer; Charles Wilmot, 45, fan mer; Arthur Estes, 38, farmer; C. R. t, Smead, 29, liveryman; J. II. 40, butcher. Boot Is an active member of the Boise Typographical lice. were willing to pay liberally. NEW IS NOW LEADER. panic-stricke- n. I Rescue Daughter From Gypsy Camp. St. Louis. By means of a writ of habeas corpus, secured from the Clayton circuit court, Antonio Thompson and his wife of Los Angeles, Cal., have secured possession of their -year-old daughter, Marie, from a band of gypsies encamped on the eastern outskirts of St. Louis. The par-.ent- s sixteen- declare the daughter was stolen fiom them a year ago, and that since they have traveled thousands of mile3 and spent practically all of their money In serehing for her |