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Show The Gunnison Gazette. PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP N.S. NKILSON. PrtslJcot NOTICES CVrjiult fount y Clerk or tho rypocil ve lytier for further Information. ,.Uk C.t:cf NOTICE TO CHHDITOHS. ommercial and Savings Bank Cr Jl of M.irrii K. N y. their claim with voucher for Mil to lb umlrr.lgntd. i her rMJenev, at . Cent lu Counny, ou or before . of th2oth. day MI.LI8A i:. NAV, AdmluKtrairU. Jacob Johnma, Attorney At Admin. ftON.v PutlUbcrs. rlii-U- N. 0. P. PrcsMtst MT. PLEASANT Published every Friday at Gun nisoo, Sanpete County, Utah. tlLEDUILL P. C.JCNSfiN.VU - $s7.UKU0 AND SURPLUS Erickvun, Ruarnus Aihhrsmt. Jut-jJohnson, Oluf Koseulof, JaireM F. Jensen, A. C. Wall, (stratr.i. first Publication, AcgiuiM l... Drafts drawn on all the principal cities of th United Slab umI Ku.rpo eemlun-.mially- . 1 per cent interest allowed ou Sating D jxnK In the District Court. Probate I)Mlon, lu Municipal, bonds I wight untl s.!d, JJ.itb Cluck and Savhgs and for s'a!i l County, Hiate of Utah. In of tin estate of Udmuml Namier, All ctKlonvrs v.iJl receive Accounts are respectfully solicited. divr:etl. Notice. -- The petition of V, II. OrlbbSo and ReuU-hrLfenson. iterators treatment, and their Imsiuevu ca:r prompt attention. of l ho ost.a l of I almond Bunders, At present wh are making loans ujmn the following rate c.i interfur confirmation of tho rule f tlx following desciit-neitute of isald decedent, to wit: est: Ou $100 and less, 1 per cent p- -r month. On loans from .100 to of keethm Snutbed 8 of 8K IV. and JE ofI 8 W and STAX), lOper cent per Rsoimi ; .00 and upward. S per annum. t township south, range oast, CAPITAL DIRECTORS lleo-mticr- (iicJhltl, Maoifer. comp-vatMe- r tuiir-toou- a n l How Woman Danish P. Al. Yoongr 1 r-- l- -2 C 1- -4 -l 1- -4 1 jK-rte- Certl-Hea- of Mate of Utah No. of !Hri!unl3. bmialilp of 8L In Denmark the law wake it tho range I west, and Ld I of woctloit K township IS south, range I oast of Salt l.uku Meridian, duty of tho postal department to Nsnpcte county. Utah fur the sum of flfiaj. t: tie following tornCah, stamp single letters Boot through tlio I 1JAna ui.n cent at time of hale. balance ou of sale thereof. un a pours from the mail, should the Bender require it. Hale rC l- -l 2.LT0 I- -l on the iVnouth $2,00 a week to-wi- 1 jK-- r t'1 Halc- 1,1 1 whole II lur, rr fur hearing on Monday th loth day of.Sep-- 1 pL-J- P at luoVoick u. hi., ut the & sh?tt of stamps and mad a bunch of tnr.ur. a, n, in the court room of Louse, four county own ho must do his letters, stamp aid Court. In Munli Id cao a mau wanted to buy a 1 - r- N b, to ixv NX tI 1 Rvj k, St col. Siarf and Cook Free City, Mininte rouufy. licking, and has no right to demand Utah. the clerk of friild court with the the services of the podoOico for this M Witness ai thereof uttlM-- thin 23d day of August, A. I). IWri. purpose. The letter of the law was (Seal.) K. I. ANDKK5U.V, Clerk. invoked by a young woman who had A. II. ChrUtenson, Attorney. a spite againbt the postmaster at Stool and Book Free Odense. Perhaps ho had snubbed NOTICE. her, as the functionaries who have United States Lind Ofileo, the public ut their mercy have Salt Iailte City, Utah. July Ct, t'.ftsi. f sometimes been kuowu to do. At To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that tho State of any rate she had resol veil to got eveu Utah has tiled In this office, list of lands seE D I S O X S VIC T OH SI. 00 a week ; :t00 Fre;t. with him, and she did. With a big lected hy the said State, as Indemnify School fl Lauds, under section of the Act of Ooncress bunch of addressed circulars under approved , Tho follow lnjr July lfl. her arm and A determined expression I embraced In said lists, are found to he within six miib.s of a minim location, claim or " oa her face, she took up her slatiou try. viz: MM and NW HIM H'ic. 6. T. outside tho wiudow, Sha handed out Lit SIM 228.. U. 3 K 8. U M., ere braced in List 7.1. ono envelope, placed her change on SIM 8 W Sec, 6; SUM XWM Sec. 5, T. 22 8.. fu List 74. M.. enil tha sill and asked the postmaster to It. 3 E.. 8.ofL.said so as they relate t fai ilsit, Copies mail the letter. Then she watched silt! tracts, by deserintlve subdivisions, have been conspicuously posted iu this olllee for him, while he found the stamp, took Inspection by any person Interested, and ly her crown, gave her change for it, the public penurally, Within the next duys following tho licked tho stamp, placed it in po- date of this notice, sixty under departmental of January 10, KUO, protests or sition, and shoved the letter into the against the claim of the8tate to any of box. Then she handed him another the tracts or subdivisions hereinlx-fordeon same scribed. the is the more that jrround letter and a half. crown. The post- valuable for mineral thHn for agricultural master begau to wonder, but he went purposes, will be received aud noted for re25-2- 7 port to the Oemrul Land Ofllee ut Washingthrough the same process patiently. ton, I). O. allure so to protest or contest, considered When she handed him the third within the time specified, will sufficient evidence of the charletter, he tried to shove it back, but she acter of the tracts, and the selection thereof, reminded him that it was his duty to belief otherwise Iree fro;u objection, will be recommended for approval, lick the Blamp. He licked it. When FRANK I). HOBI18. Register. 3 Sept 28 Auy PROPRIETOR OP she handed him tho fourth and fifth, and the bystanders gathered around to take ia the show, he was NOTICE. ready to lick the young wTomn, but United States Land Office he wreut through the performance Salt Lake City, Utah. August ti, RWti Whom I Jlay Concern: like a man. When he had stamped ToNoilce Is hereby given that the State of tho 250 letters which she handed out Utah lias tiled in this office' a list of land AND DEALERS IN by the said Suite, as Indemnity to him one by one, he was in a state selected School Lund, under section ti of the Act of of nervous collapse. The crowd by Congress, approved July 1G, 1SK4: Tho followtracts-- embraced iu said list, aro found this time filled the postoffice and ing to bo six miles of a mining location or entlry, viz: Lima of Qottlesct Goode extended way out into the street, but claim Ourare N El-- SW1-- Sec. 24, T. 18 S., R, 3 W S. L. M. Simply Elecyant., GUNNISON it fell back respectfully and opened a A copy of said list, so for as It relates to POOL TABLES IN CONNECTIONS said tracts, by descriptive subdivision, lius wav for the young woman to pass. been UTAH. conspicuously posted in this office for The postmaster wiped his brow. inspecctfon by any person interested, and the public generally. When his enemy presented her byWithin the next sixty days following the self the uext morning around with date of this notice, under departmental instructions of January 10, 1D0G, protests, or another bunch of envelopes, he had contests against the claim of the State to any some etudyiug of the Jaw himseif. of tbe tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore on the ground that the same is He had taken counsel of the city described, more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes, will be received and noted fathers, and they, beiug men, had for report to the general Land Office at declared that 250 letters, even when Washington, I), C. Failure so to protest cr is now- contest, within the time specified, will be presented one by one, were to be eoniildeml sufficient evidence of the character of the tracts, and the considered in bulk. Armed with this selection thereof, being otherwise free from legal decision, ha met his persecutor objection, will be recommended for appsoval, FRANK I). HOBBS. Register, triumphantly, and she had to stamp Oct 12 Aug; her own letters that day. The crowd, .JST TEAMS ARE WELL CARED FOR AND KEPT which had assembled to watch the mscent-EIN PRIME CONDITION FOR DRIVES h,wont ground developments ot the case did r.ot give could be have the day r v nearly so lespectluily MY HACKS MEET ALL TRAINS. lantern and $2.2 5 a week d dl' FM S5 CZs Tallciog Machines Ne-dl- eu 1 1 trs-its- Freight Paid. ; No ! Interest. ne-e- Ae cheerfuHy snxite your patronage, cu:t-tes- ts Baynes & Romney Piano Co. East 1st South, Salt Lake City. I- ! non-miner- al L. Ludvigson, i ) Choice Wines, Whiskies, Beer and Cigars, , wit-bi- 4 4 The non-tnlner- . al Utsder New Management. . hum-r:iu- . . Jour- iu F. T. - Dennis Beauregard, Gunnison, iTtab |