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Show I s, yesterday, two appropriate A very picas int afternoon was spent. - We are showing LOT OF pre-eat- K It . Ludvigs R u li'iMUmill while ai day and A NEW on Memorial the ei has since been eoihucd to his bid. lie is improving, but not able to I o from L.s bed ut this writing, Friday in.t'-r- y egant alurnoun. ALSO A NICE LINE 01 nc ruii. When our woiuiern went lo Cuba and tlm Philippines, health was the W illi-most import n. iiicoii.-ititratio- T. SerreiiitAt Comuna-a.geant L. S. A., of Rural Route 1, l was t.w Concern, X. 11. , ha : yearn in Cutia and yens iu the Philippine.--, ami I emg subject to S .e.v COkln, 1 UXk Dr. for Consumption, which kept u, i iu petit d. lit allu. And now, iu Minati, y lens Boys and Ulllfti Cll io il, Xevv Jiainp-im- e, T Bi--c- wo liud it tho UOid.E::. S ' Largest and Dost Line ever - carried in Gunnison ott We can Fit and Suit Anybody. Prices Right GUNNISON CASH STORE j. W. ED W AIMS, PropT haw bsl medicine in the world lor coughs, cukis, bronchial tumbles and all lung diseases. Guarantor d at Paul vuj X oi decks, diuggi-- Jl.bu Price 5l'e and t. Trial buttle free. MAYFIELD. bo Seventh day A Ueuti,-t- s pitched th.-i- r tru;- - near tne nchoo. house and will hold services nightly, 1 Thu btdss bind, uu l m luer-hi- p in tkiug rapid and marked ' i piogre-s- . talk at the K. S. nail Too boys give outdo r concerts every S'imiU) evening exi ina,or y of the Mnuiay evening. :i j . r All the nmnevrs of tho grad l.U'.ng Egyptian pvir.mid, Cheops. u Uiiuni-oami vi class of Maylield public scuoul passed Mr. Billings is in vi.aij ior the purpose of talking up the ex un. nation. Awn n.iu.mi by of a protective Trustee George A. Wnitluek and in.- - organization b itmij among the farmers and is to Principal P. C. Anderson they attend with t.u.u t meeting the people next ed the commencement exercise) at with that object iu Moroni list Friday, having as their jvi.Mum) evening . VlUi'. class motto: Nothing ventured Xoth-iuK tt It gained. Tho names of tho eighth inf funeral of luger Marie Xicbol-- t grade graduates are as follwvs: -uii, who died last Saturday at the Rosabella Whitlock, Harold An home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Woodruff Caristiausen, Cara il urn- Fredrickson in this city, be Anderson, Leona Hanson and Elizi-betl g in the 01st year of her age. Mrs. Campbell. Xienolaisou was ku jau best among Maylield s most successful school Scandinavian circles, more widely in Ouiriield neighborhood Old age year euded enthusiastically Friday and debility caused her demise, she evening, May 11. The meetinghouse was tastefully decorated with bunt lining bedfast for about four weeks She was Lorn in Lorslev ing, evergreens and dowers. The ju-- t prior. Xeudaysael, Danmark, January 16, children occupied the stand, while the parents filled the auditorium to 1M6. overflowing. The parts on the pro R ct H There was a general response on gram were well rendered, the children Decoration day to the town boards acquitting themselves most creditably invitation for the oublic to turn out in their respective parts. All the and assist in clearing olf the cemetery childreujwere dressed nicely for the giomds. People were going to and occasion and thus formed a beautiful lro all day loug and the' resting picture back and among the pretty Xo more places of the dead were made to look dowers and evergreens. Le iutiful for the time. Witu all this successful event was ever enjoyed by ho cage under Ihe aril condition of the people of Mayfield, the band also our cemetery, whit would it not be if being out to s.ir theaudience with a irrigation were only possible 'at that number of good selections. Princi-ii N. E. Noyes of the Snow acadespot! Until some plan for this develops, the community my' delivered a very timely and do well never be contented. queut address. It It K Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 33. Doper were Death From Lockjaw tendered a testimonial from tho Relief never fellows an drescsd with society of the ward yesterday, tho Rucklons Arnica injury Salve. Its antiseptic occasion being the iutended departure and healing properties prevent blood shortly of this aged and respected poisoning. Chas. Oswald, merchant, couple fur Cache valley, where some cf Renerehorsviiie, N, Y., writes : It of their children and other relatives cured Seth Burch, of this placs, cf the reside. Brother and Sister Rcper sore on his neck I ever saw. were made to feel that they were not ugliest Cures Cuts, Wounds, Burns and altogether forgotten and will carry Sores. 25c at Paul von Norderks .ill fi r) besides pleasant memories store. 'e - spri' dbering at their home drug very tC 5. NKIL59N. thu able of .Msriuus Thnnpsou, lo . ler-so- n. JY' A nr if C. JU-'-r.- . f rusKcct Vi: r .4 5 t- . c X -: ca pi ia r, xi - 0. F. WALL. Cashier ' P F J TT f avlegs srun.us DIREO TORt. vr A A l 'Coasercfe? aad mtt-restiu-g g f. President ErFkMin, Bank - .Tjmuo - Anderson, Rn-ir- us Jacob Jrtiiu-A. C. Wall. Ol if F. J( Drafts tlrawi o.i all 1 1. , pr'uicipi1 ci'ie- - of th United State and Europe. cd .: u iiler. , A ner mpo.inded i id lo,.d- F, Cheek and Savings I, th and oooht Jiu Accounts arn ,' fu!l v -- ".iciv I AM nm1nrn-r- s wil1 receive cour an I their boGc'- - os': r ropr attention. teous ireatrn-ns- , wm tre nuld'ijr ion s urou tho following rate of inter At m-eOn loans from $100 o est : 0.- $10) and )e-- a, ivr cent r er mouth. $500. 10 p-- cent per annum : Shod and upward. $ percent yer annum. John-.- Eo-i-;ulo- n, s r, ! D-po- S-ri- ti-- ni. 6Uii-au-n'lill- -it.-, 1 r.p - nt 1 - i u p accom-p'ishin- . , g L Parry Bi Sous, MASONS and STONE CUTTERS. Granite and Marble Monuments, Headstones, Mantles, Grates, Jk IRON and STEEL FENCES. Saiteste MANTI, ELEMFNT SFCLRiTY OF Co. Uakcovvn When you deposit your money in a bank you should know what security you have for its return. This Bunk has a paid-uCapital rf 50,C-C- .GC inda Surplus of $o7,0UC.C0. The stockholders aro also ikbla for 1.V. ,000.00 additional, makmg DEthis Bank must loe AN Soc POSITOR can lose a penny our ad iu this issue. Mt. Plkabant Commescial & Si VINOS 50,-00- ive-.'or- Bane. 0 UTAH. Friend., Tkere are many people who have used Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with spbndic results, but who am unknown because they have hesitated aluut giving a testimonial cf hear experience for publication. Thssa people, however an none the Ic39 friends of this remo. dy. They have done much toward making ir. a household word by their personal recommendations to friends I and neighbors. It is a good medicine to have in the home and is widely-knowfor its cures of diarrhoea and all forms of bowel trouble, Tr" E n WhrL They Expect. y lie pf : poor." 'it T r r 1 ct rTf ' i o.. bi.T d ' i"':n'-dce- . v i ' or v by GuDnison Co-e- p |