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Show Mall Schedule. Curd After Twenty Veer of Torture For more than twenty yeans Mr. LEWIS LAltSOX Time ot arrival od departure of J. D. Maey, of 3322 Clinton Si, ATTORNEY-AT-LAanail for all points north and eouth. Minneapolis, Miuo., was tor tu rod by All legal nurr recti v prompt and car sciatica . The paiu and Rutferiutf Ariva. Deta which bo endured during this time fulaiteniloit. ScUttc W. is beyond comprebeosion. Nothing Loom Money on Farms, asy Terms 9:50 a.m. 3:40p.m gave him auy permanent relief unnl I'ajette he used Puio Balm, JNorth k )uth 311 buy and dl Heal Knnfe, farm pm. I0:30a.m One Chamberlain's application of that linimeot snd town proper r has no Payette Sunday mail. All relieved the pain and made l i Office ovuriV ffioe. MAKTI. Utah and rest possible, and lees than oi o otuar mails are daily, Pacl ton XoanEca, P. M. bottle has effected a permanent cun. If trobled with sciatica or rheumatism bottle of Pain why not try a t Balm and see for yoarself how quick ly it relieves the pain. For sale by la? Gunnison Co op, oUt.ii PATlNTll kUojmrii,iirM (n. N THAT PAT. 5enterfiela 9:50 a.m. I 3:40p.tt "''if Tf' 7 ; o. B, BKHui.i , Arrapiuc Rn ucti, - - - Full. Ounnifim, 25-ceo- TRAOt-MAA- iWoEtfSSP V. Send 1 o. 43 leaves Guaubunfor Dominical Letter. Th dominical fetter la the Utter used In ecolrsUaUcal calendars to denote Sun!.!. The Romans uaed tho firs' debt Uttors to denote the days r't their nur: Inal period; the Christians used tba first seven letters to nakft their seven lay weak. A Is s the first day of January; the dsmln'cr! leacr is that which falls on Sunday. la eed Loir Juu to 4- veee. rkHca for rRKK rh,ufr on potoouMlitr. W ytanT fronko. i;H-ti- linn TAHIB ISoSI IS fJFFBCT APRIL 3. I 02 .Tram-S- K dl at our 8uR ivrrMO.: passing acrcRCNcra. irr,u write to BOJ.SOB Soveth Utrsst, IVMk on IYaAlAti WflSHinoTQN, cr. mi A r o. Manti, Ephraim Mt Pleasant, Provo, Salt Lake City ana Inter mediate points at 11 24 a. ni. Arrives at Salt Lako-yp m. Train No. 10 leaves Salt Lake for Bing.iam EJrovo Mt. JOSEPH HIGHAM Pieasaut Manti, Oucnisou and Intermediate points bKX) a, in. Sore N'ptles. Train No 142 leaves Ciunuifton fur Weaver. UVcU'd by applvinp A cure ma b Salma, Richfield, El.siuore ltd ChttnberirtinH S'itVr d iR)ii Ha t h Cloth and the Fine; Mary8valeat2:ll p.m. Arrive child la duua it oil Carpets, uursing. Wipe Conoec-tious at MarysvaleG:15p,m. f r with poft cloth allowing the, Fabrics to Order. made atThistle Junction for n trained nur-child to uurso. ail points east. use this waive with the bsut result. Gas h New Dxmi of Morleru Make I A. Benton Years of Kxpurn rce Sold b Price 23 cents pur box. All Work 0 uarai.t- ec G.A P. D. Gunnison Co op. A. J. Morphy, Your Patronage Solicited. Local u. n. gkibblk Live Stoc!c ,4 al-ay- f ii nil D sun i Practical COSTS nr thowfnir DO NOT Iv-- our FOR MAINTENANCE OF HEALTH. Few Simple Rules of Living All That Is Required. The requirements of health can be counted ou one hand. They are: Good air, good food, suitable clothing, cleanliness and exercise and rest. The first two requirements affect the blood end as the blood circulates all over the body, including the brain, every part is affected. Fresh air affects the purity of the blood. The freshest air is out of doors and It Is the duty of every one who wishes to be In good health to spend a certain amount of time In the open air. Good food Is not necessarily expensive food. Exercise and rest should alternate and balance each other. It Is quite possible to take too much exercise, and this Eide of the question must be guarded against as well as the other. Women, as a rule, do not rest suff- Cot. block flouth ot Jetbrsou S;:.o.- h-- decks Ding Store Deaths From Appendicitis t v - late. 'x deceases in the e of Dr. Kiners New L Ibeysaiu .n rea-sea- . H Pib- til e . puetej tmley eod UKA1I CVClJC CO. e.ervthl nr. Dept. Lets Talk It Over If there is anything at any price, thst better than Royal Tailoring and you ought to know it. and it is t!rinr cpitek an. I o-- fnvi - -i In Royal Tailoring Come in and see the New Spring Good"? I ionably the most attractive patterns we have ever opened up. The prices are graded according to quality of goods to suit every purse. Iu Royal Tailoring coat collars and lapels are hand padded the cloth is shrunk by the cold water process all seams are 3ewed with silk Jr.-qu- est, and the Buttons dont come off! We want your order and we guarantee all that you can ask i or m tue way of satisfaction. fxir coma i and let's talk it ovee. f ; a i ih.rom consti jvitioH jL gio. v d r S mg tu oi it. i:g ijways follow tboir use. G arantoe - . 1 - by Paul 2fo. von Nonhrk, Druggist. any we ought to know I., Positively High Value. - GEO. S. PKANU5, Av Mt iu St, Gunnit oa. T'v them. ( jru. until you Iran, tthlp cm drnout, r rA iut ratio phhm i(f . li.u-e- - . We lovet I .t FltrH Sne Martin, hii old am1 highly respected resident, of Faisonia. Miss., was sick with stomach tronb for more than six mouths. ChamU-- t Iains Stomach and Lver Teble' cured her. She ays;cu m eat anything I warn and mu tin proudest woman in the world to fim such a good medicine. Fir sale b Gunnison Co op. low-pric- ed 41 r l i: Wll.t... COM INTI; you tfc t we ell e l.tt'-,.ie to? i, , u 1' y t.eu an. . . thcr Iluy ..licet Irnm the ta lory. If rv, went to Mkn Money Earn A for nor Special Offer. Itlcycfewi ('oartrr-Ilrako- i, 11KKS, tundrle at half u.ual r1ie. J )u Not M olt, but write teem Mrs. d imxlrU - Alt mu new and wi u.leilul rro.it.cn with end mu. h tai uaAr mtrmaimn a wmt you ( r ll.e evltini;. Stomach Troubles. Catchwords iciently. Every woman should try durConcerning the term catchword' ing the day to get a few minutes rest, even if it Interferes with her regular the London Chronicle says that its oh work. It is impossible tor her to at- technical sense is familiar to those tend to the health and welfare of her who affect old books. The catch wore family if her own health suffers from was the first word of a page, which overwork and lack of rest. Montreal was printed also by anticipation in the bottom right-hancoiner below Herald. the last line of the preceding page, so as to Insure that the pages should fo A Mountain of Gold low on properly. In Latin these catch could not bring as much happiness to words were known as 'custodes Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of Caroline. Wis, guardians. The device was invente-as did one 25o box of Bucklens Arnic in Venice about 1469 and was in favo This is the oldest sens for Salve, when it completely eore i a run of centuries. in the English lan catchword ning sore on r le. which had guage; afterward it came to mean i tortured her 23 long years Greater prominent word heading a column o antiseptic healer of Piles, Wounds a dictionary, the rhyming word of t and Sores- - 25o at Paul von Nor line of verse, and an actor's cue. The Tempter and the Tempted. From continental Europe coxes th. story of a burglar who left lit. follow iug note pinned o ine r illow in a man sion he rad rang icked . u:r idb. it sajs, Lean in- not i:i,o .eipiaiiou Yon and jour show ol weal.L rexpoe.. me and I fell, though an honest working man. Therefore, you are the sinner, not I. Repent before it is tor - r Mlcj-rl,- nj. ,rnrtT ll.w 10 llarir'ree Tnal tauk.uer - Knew the Symptoms. A doctor prescribed rest and change for a small girl, saying that her ays tem was quite upset. After he had I knew I gone the little girl said: was upstt, mamma, because ray foot asleep; and things must be pretty bad when you go to sleep at the w 11 u4rMwtMVr, without irnl rrovnl M-ui- Jgent. Kr I ' Write It Bow. J, 1(. tt Chicago. Ill |