OCR Text |
Show iV)HCH DP VS'i an r i 1 I .r.'u.t md depirture of o.ttl. ;i aN Uv'r.h and Ml id r r , H;n' t U . oulh i h is 1...11U .u-- .'i f4 1 r t 1 VOX j 1 - hi mdl. iv uee 6 k. J. nvUTlltiboMr y. S vy. . OHl.v nt rrs! I'tnli. tl ui ITi Ho, t'l i!. Murvh 9, iy. 1s. 1 in-ti- nt . ' I I 2 . t K j ; (I v hv'i c tfj o-- .! v is kept at GunniMju d o w-- Are 1 band, Fur eale In ilic it.i. .muoie Co-o- p. It Lively .. RrrCIENC"3. r.iii n' vi 0' ivivft,, S v j ' at d pre-rente- vS A Nineteen rjl e.D cm: Id I M $rj I rrf e Cun-plaint- ; r' iu OUaiIIl' in.ui'fiinr ikIN Ml. .1 IAtMiMi. f I l fiOHfJT.&WJ.cMTs I. i1 , S I ! V sh U00 'Uf i. - r- gpriii .il S I w 111. iieiulit, cur in. w a. I it iI,Y3Ail C'i, ? a ,41 t 14 r Iln, all I', J, !. till)! HOT SUYn'XilTr,;: . J?k 1 Jblie 1 o. c siiu euq jhuoj.w .10 pujo;) A " ) I , - I I..IHM- -. o? ljta pt-nm- ii- -i , "i I ri kVTV.ii - ;rf tl Wf o,; ( A tli v py !U 7 i n! , ! ?, yryrj 4- - ' ', ' rrN.-- r k letter - io mything at mr thou I cyril Tuda i: . . 4.na you caq.r. to lew-priJ and it. R . . Ovc. X G!j. i iwi y Aw ce iozit:vs. i " ' I--.-.; V0 V i. Come in and set the IT.:-- . Torn-.queotlonablw the moX at'.r., choc paf. ? ever opeoecl ap. The piite-- ere grid to quality' of goo do :o suit I p. ;r iar.e-icow and ai I Tai.orin.g - dm the do. 'a io sin unk bv the Jal XS3 all icams Lre sewed v,;:h .sil-- , I s"uf .nijr r ; s vt i i' --m. '1 3 rj 7 ir P so r ;; v-'- l PJSi p3.il nwHU i and the Buttons dont ccme cf;. S -- -- ei vant your order and ve guarantee all that vow con ask for in the way: cf satisfaction. If thats fair come in ar.d lets talk it ovei, e , GEO. 5. FrnfMUiS, St O'.I.J.u Ao-onf- Main 1 : m IT 4. ;"Vc--, '.SC ! 1 j t i jt If there 4 . . C j j rO a. f Lets Talk It SltfyS 1 l-- s -- y,.- - . V i - .V s . If 1 -- 2S-;o- ry. If A 1 5 op t .11 p I , JO (i r-- 11 . . OTII'iS '0)G3JJ io cm qy p qo oqi jo osirmoq o.rui uott-poptcI ui s, cup ojp jpoi eqi jo 11 paw spues on.; Along jou jo jBtp noqj jjoopo v m pyoc; aieq uc, o 1 cA' ac.-- , tTOTfW V STTT.q llion, .lie 4i;n,.mjmjfsr m: .Sps-I'ia- 1 0-- sopmjo epri'p.iy Irinl - (n ri.ii, U I' r up. ,,n .t, lliiko l Ilon.iy nr l'Atril U i:loycfor,tef,,r.lir Offer.wlietli 1 llil t up .i,usualon ,u, l !r:iKes, hall auq.lrlrs l(, Jiwt Walt, Lt im posut today an Ir.ita cs er'li;n. fi e it D1L.AU CVCLLt CO. I yt. J. j;. CLioai. j, 1J. s top -- Huy ilup. t tami ilic you n.vit li T.KV'"' aou uir i oqj pio.ioiiA o.tc r.ox,. pi no its pan c psguBip 1PTP mjq pctiiojni AI eq Ppop pi a all ip We nt I:ii iri ii.iiciiul i uthT V'jJ j Ir) I , th pen Srro.i.v. rs. . ' 10 ami an ; V- - ! 2ut A n'a kiW'l-- UI1.U i (I.N INCU you tli.it tyi s .e lur inctii y lli.ni any 4 sell a letter yy-l-L .R-o-i- - 11 rro iruil. , - -- : k ,v op - t Ml I Oi. IT n HC 1 t M , T r p if t the Rewards. Tray bach in the early sixties a grer freshet swept down the Androo-cofogivalley, and the farmers io lost evervlhing but th oases many waters had sab'dfe'l, the land. After to hunt for thmir far and thev tetran lies and stock, an old banner, aj ; e?his eyes, to r. s ing, with tears in -ns: T'l sri'b him5', gv'rpnthizinr ;g si Hu A ,. ! . wall ?an?r r "O 5Cc r in . 11 e Le- a- i 1)0, UT i(J OVrTION . r Oieu CC. M-iiil- Prlro - :tvoOly .00 P- 5 y !j ( cycK 0J5?i .5 t Oil Uvo ISt;cl: j rSV' VV. h: cinniHiK 11. In i ij '3 f nv. T ' - AS t '! I ?" 4 !j ' 1 Cne Hcom. Ih investigating the df.uli uf a fh!M London lodging-housinspectors feimJ a room at ,th.e east end ir which n.ne tern Russians slept. Their hed... almost touche'1. There was a stroe ir the middle of the lorm ami no ventilation, and water was rut'Ulng down the window yarns in s' i cams. roy, Has., recently, and the Reporter to u " - rrr ki'S-Li- v declares that when the hlir.d heroin'" Torture Dy Saiaces gave the letter to the villain, suppos woman ro.no was her husband, ing it tortures to whir h Speaking of overcome by the dramatic fulness of some of the savage trib-- n in tiio Phil the movement, gave a most a sigh tha1 ippioes subject their capMvns, reminds spending sigh. It v: could easily melt the heart of th' lie of the intense sutlVring I eudnr-'(- ! Egyptian Sphinx and turn rir.fs Peal for three mouths fn.tn inflamma ii'n into a seething mass of lava. of the Kidneys, sys W 4. Sher man of Cushing, Me. Nothing A Favorite Remedy for CaPies. Bitme until tried Electric I helped It-pleH'Uit taste and prompt cures ters, three bottles cf which compile Chamberlain.s have Cough lv cured rue. Cmes Liver Remedy h favorite with the m dhers Dyspepsia, Blood disorders of scnll children. It quieklv cores and Malaria ; and restores the weak their coughs and colds said prevents and nervous to robust health. Gu.-iany danger of pneumonia or oth v.iteed by Paul von Xoideck, drug It nf-er serious consequences. gist, Price 50a. only cures croup, but when given soon as the croupv cough appeal s .tncg'gnr'OT o:p io GIT SB H.niXII b For sale will pirevent the attack. pools CAP SJ U.Oj Ggl or Oi.un Bp srqi uro.j Gunnison Co-- rfvr 1 c. (iIJ:I)IiILL, YordeekV dmgpkt Q Ji . ii r1'fl 1 V f . Tussle I , 'Owing to severe, in Him mot ion of the I lu out Hil l congestion of the Lm.gs. ' Fur 331 find Cmateat umo or all 'EE.OUii-.- 1 tl iee doctors gmve me up to die wlmn I EIIROA.T nnd L'dlTa LE3, 0? HONEY II A C7T, ;n a lat resort, I was induced trv Dr. AE,Aij 1 am New and Discovery Kings hap NEPHl Cmee py to soy, it saved fmy life the worst Coughs at d Colds. Broil chitis, Tonsilitis, Weak Lungs, lloar senesa and La Grippe. Gin ran teed CI n 7 e t ( o Office, at Paul von Xonleck's drug ton. hOc and SI 00. Ttid br.tti' lie.. i Vl'ife Gecond i.. 1 with that old enemy of the race. Constipation, often ends in Appendicitis. To avoid all seiiuis trouble witb Stomach, Liver and bowels, take Dr. Kinds New' Life Pills. They perfectly re'pilib-- these organs, without pain or discomfort. 2oe at Paul vol m-td- i. Notciry Coul.'ul Girh. A melodrama was t .1 ppc . c'ery. if . ' ! I lt I r"t A -- Ml r Pje.h.l. emth MoTver of Vuuc boro, Me., 1a ti e subject of much int to. In medic, tl frateriiity a;., a wide circle of fiicnds. lie s.ns of kin Have a Purpose In Life. A man hr.s only himself to M.n. e 1.' his life nij)' aix to hiai at any time void of interest. Kt p "vor in n.ind that you arc here for a .ernnJ purpose. Care must not drive it ert, pleasure must not dissipate it. 'I here is yood for each to do that good is thn main thing cf e::I si cnee. r; ;l o'-.in- :tprw.r, t lt II. 441. f i p. li V ' vvirjHtwcTori, ! !.! lis c r.qfi i 1 4rr.l... l.t 1 lit i. t Dritihrlv: jMturUA 1 ! ! tl. . J . PASSINO I I mi I lioa-flo- s - Ur :.i 2 : f J 1 a r i J s 11 J ' j. ..-- The Ocean Family. In school one dny tl.e teacher was uhvIrc the freesraphy rlas-- tip fn in j;-- t every family should do for PH Union. On the wall wa- - a map Win u Imp? at lut'd ready fur lo which the teacher was loinfin? an bn aMiii tlm at iimv skinr t tiesdois. ti'i. Ir!;itn s: to th I me lift!- intm'i :!.. 1 itj I fire 111m (:n.Mo or. mi. sh r v .1 . mi ! It U he arsurrei t h u. after it lia i tiled in tin ' ' ," 10 the An IoiRtlr." I ThU ft m i v h hIvi walufit !' ' 'Mi ! o r.s n: ariih.r little be a peer foi cr I'iptu children, and will .. v !?c thonolit awhd l. I r..ht a iwlt!; "I don't hr.ow, tenchc t.tmek mIimi givn powv-ii- t i r," Arctic ocean ' tli e'li.d bv ini !: h .r-- , or w V .u i; -if u.4 TKAOC'M ARH3 I' i nil ..I. 4,u PAT" ' T" Hi l.v. ;i.e M ..i..i .. . . ,u'. .... THAT PA V. M, !.vl La Jji ) tt U ,,j ii tji N'ti'l im "It 1. trtk.tili fir t.4.it . . on (nVn'jit il::y, t, ( 1 7 u1 II." V 1 r.ij-ui..- . n 01 rVU ill. 1 V. 1 in nk 1 I . ' t 1 All 1 1 Oil III" ,iMU.Jlt I I P. M. NifiOKUC. r.it 1 tl.'l 1 V It 1 I with .tit Cham b li.iir Wk.ug'd ii'Muc ly. lr pt ii.i d hi .i;r Iiujjih,1 Vi V. or of in I. llr,).'. ill'll, I, HVJ, Cii) , Mo. TllJt 1. . 1 ; ontt Money o rt rTtrn;t. J;i.tn Alwaii Kiets ChamtcrUlr $ Coj;h ifemiy !j itU lhase. V- I f: LA V. 1 iiii daily. Pu'L "ll ! I 1' N F. Y- - A T - p . p.;:t ui Sun 1 i 1 )d.e. oiidp.di ;5d 1 DiTh t r- iii rt ATT 0 -- An vu. i 1 ' 'll) : ? f - v O. .lb 4. 4 4 i m J V. J . I |