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Show ICAMRRH OF HEAD CREW DROWNED ENTIRE If You Have Foresight KIDUEIS 'Mmm THROAT Another Terrible Disaster Cff the Coast cf Nova Scotia, When the Captain and Sixteen Men Met Death. LUNGS" sto; ?ACf ; ' - .t ' v't Cl I uU -u No. .ti.ur Tu bin, ll.-ul- . Th' or. t !i 1 You will Mt down ritjKt now and write us about any Jett dry or Silverware you want for Christmas. You can draw from the largest stock of tfootl Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds and Silverware in the west. 3 The old established store Established Nor-- j r tap- - n nun, crew of mi d in a ttrrifc futin gib which swept nur Nova Scotia last Friday. t on mi l 3 !t The coasting steam r E!a i R.. which arrived lure Monday lnmi Mud island, brought now h that on Friday about o it earner, supposed to 1. m. a h;rn Rock he the Turbin, struck Black o.T the south coast of Province, lodge hacked off a few minutes an I then disappeared in the raging sea. Persons on the island who saw the steamer strike on the ledge were a considerable distance away and owing to tremendous sea running it was impossible to launch a boat. Colonel Arthur L. Hamilton, of the 7ih Ohio Volunteer, Xu Ooovlalo street, Columbus O., As a remedy for ca- writes: tarrh and tdomach troulla 1 can fully recommend leruna. Mrs. Hamilton, wife of the I aa ardent11 gallant Colonel, 1 friend of leruna also. SHAW CONSENTS TO STAY. j $1,000 To Be Given for Reliable Information We will give One Dollar for a Postal Card giving the first reliable newa of a chance to sell a horizontal steam engine of our styles, within our range of sizes. We do not want inquiries at this time for vertical, traction or gas engines. ATLAS ENGINES AND BOILERS have for years been the standard for all steam plants. Best of material and workmanship. Our big output enables us to sell on small profits. An Atlas, the best in the world, costs no more than the other kind. Writ i today for our special offer, ATLAS ENGINE WORKS Sellins agsncie in 11 cities INDIANAPOLIS Coriis Engine, Highspeed Enginn Water Tube Boilen FourValre Engines Compound Engine Tubular Boiler Automatic Engine Throttling Engine Portabl Boilers Atlas Engine in errice 3,000,000 H. P. Atlas Boiler in service 4,000,000 H. P. Secretary of the Treasury Will Not ' Resign for Some Months. Washington. Secretary Shaw wil remain as secretary of the treasury in President Roosevelt's cabinet until the conclusion of the approaching: session of congress, and pernaps for sex era months longer. It has been understood, In a tenta five way, that Secretary Shaxv ex pected to retire from the cabinet about the 1st of February next, or sooner with a view to greater freedom in pro moting his candidacy for the Republi can presidential nomination in 1908 although the secretary himself never has announced his intention to be candidate. At a conference between the president and secretary on Monconsented Shaw day, Secretary to continue as secretary of the treasury until the close of the approach ing session of congress, and perhaps some time afterwards. MANY LEFT STRANDED. -- BEST DEALERS 7j3KfJ9 A. J. TOWER CO. ESTABLISHES 1834 BOSTON NEW YORK TOWER CANADIAN CHICAGO CO..L(mitd.TOROKTO.aN. HOWARD E. BURTON, A5J7sf.ND Specimen prices: Gold, Silver, Lead, 1; Gold, Stiver, 75c; Gold. 50c; Zinc or Copper, $1. Cyanide tests. lilt sent on applicaMailing envelopes and full price tion. Control and Umpire work solicited. Lead-Vil- le Colo. Reference. Carbonate National Bank. 170 Main Street, Salt Lake City Showing His Friendship. At the annual business meeting of a country church in ihc western part of the state several of the brethren spoke of the annoyance caused at the Sunday services by the habit In which some persons Indulged of spittiug upon the floor, especially in the nrich borhood of the stove. The pastor suggested that if they had a couple of cuspidors in the church perhaps the annoyance might be lessened. Whereupon a pool deacon arose: 'I move that Brother A. and Brother 1L be appointed as cuspidors for the ensuing year." Philadelphia Lodger. Whisky 100 Years Old in Church Wall. Concealed somewhere in the old Presbyterian church at Fairton there is said to be a bottle of whisky at least 100 years old. When the edifice was being built, it is said, the workmen struck for whisky, which in those A days seemed to be a necessity. quart was furnished them, but according to Ilosea Husted, then an apprentice, the liquor was so ornery" that the men couldn't drink it, but buried it in the walls. Robert Wescoat, who relates the incident, says tha bottle h still there. Philadelphia Record. JWIHME Really Man's Superior. "Many a woman In her secret soul knows that, alihiuph she may be different from her husband and inferior In matters of importance, yet she is as good a being as he is, and, perhaps, in the nobler traits of character, really his .superior. Still all she has to Mibmit to his domination on the fal.-- e and hollow supposition of her inferiority. Occasionally tJie liiKsbami will excoil the wife intellectually, b.it this does not prove her to b an inferior being. On the contrary," tajs Gen. Booth, go back to the beginning of her life, and she will not be far behind him, even if she Is not fully his equal in this re- ject. Indian Princesses In London. Throe Indian princesses live In an old fashioned red brick house at Hampton Court on the Thames, London. The house, which is called Faraday House, was given them by Queen Victoria, and the girls are Bamba, Catherine and Sophia, the daughters of the late Maharajah Dhuleep Singh. They have bten brought up entirely In the English ma.nner and live the life of young English women of rank. t Antt-Orlpl- ne TEA Road to Bullfrog to Be Finished torajiy MAIHST. Prince Louis Sails Away, Leaving 25 Cts. PRICE. PB'TFE Many of His Sailors Behind. New York. About two hundred 111 mv 2 f. IN ONE DAY sailors from the British squadron IS GUARANTEED TO CURE commanded by Prince Louis of Bat V.jf .. GRIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. tenberg were missing from their ships to a driller who wont (hiurnie I wont poll when the squadron made ready to sail HAS NO EQUAL FOR HtAhACHE It. Call for your M OX EV KAMI IP ITHOVTCUKE. K B',iiicwer,JI.B.Manutaoturcr1Sprtiiiift(, Mo. Monday. Several of those who had overstayed their leave were turned There are men who never think of away when they tried to board their unless they go by a graveyard. ships in the morning. As it was with- glory in a few hours of the fleets sailing time when they made their belated appearance, the officers treated them as deserters, refusing to let them step Gossips are not the only aboard. The officers said they were willing to lose these men on the prinFOR WOMEN tongues tea loosens. ciple that they are worthless and their with ills peculiar to troubled loss is a good riddance. Many of the their sex, used as a douche is maiveiousiy uc- of water If life the have you you cessful. Thoroughly cleanses, kills disease germs, rejected sailors wept upon bein& re- will not need to water lifes stock. 6tops discharges, heals milammation and local fused permission to return to their goreness. ship. Paxtine is in powder form to be dissolved in pure TEA CLARK LETS CONTRACT. $5SIai-- E ALLTHF. r By Are you acquainted with tea? Is it tea that you know ? Are you sure you water, and is far more cleansing, healing, germicidal and economical than liquid antiseptics for alb TOILET AND WOMENS SPECIAL USES for sale at dru.tqirts, 00 cents a box. Trial Box and Book of Instructions Free. The R. Paxton Company Boston, Mass. April 1. Salt Lake City. Senator Clark, in an interview here on Monday, said: ST, MARK'S HOSPITAL know tea? We have let the contract for grading the line from Las Vegas to BullSermons that afe easy on the pulpit frog to Deal Bros. & Mendenhall of may be hard on the people. SALT LAKE CITY Springville, and they are preparing to Q. C. HUNTINC, Superintendent begin active work at once. Grading on the extension will be under way by December 1st, and we expect to have When Anrwering Advertisement the road completed and in running The best cheap tea is Kindly Mention This Paper. order within six months. The terri. 1905. hot water; dont spoil good W. N. U., Salt Lake-N- o. tory in southwestern Nevada is openwith the and shipup splendidly, ing water with trash tea. ping facilities the new line will afford the amount of development there will CURLS WHERE ALL ELSE Your grroeer return your mone J. you don't Cough Syrup. Taste Good. Uso naturally be increased, and we expect like Schilling' Pest. In time. Sold by druggists. to see a great mining region opened ONSU MfMMQNi up. Cant is the devils creed. TEA 4-7- ) |