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Show PMHFIIL SCIATICA TRAIN DITCHED EVTEY SUrrERER7AKTSTHE VERY are Injured. Six of the Passenger Two of Whom Will Probably Die. QUICKEST CURE. Mr. Jrtnt ntt Think th XlMncdy I'.ril Of Him villi Jnl lh m.trLubl Sur tur it by I lloin, tin 1U-Mr n who lmvo t tl difficult nm danger, work on (!e trie line nt nuy liuert-- tl:iy or bight, cant nfToul to have miyihiiitho uiaiu-- with tin ir health," Mid Mr. l)oiiuu!i. Ymi can imagine, thcrcfr, how pun h I was Inlanm-- M ione winter day in r.ui, wluu wui It i ml my right ). ip that ju-- f hy n lu.i'h it difficult fur lee to walk home. lod hy t!i time I reached tha It w.h le n. that I was oblige! to ge btraight to I 1." Did that relieve you ?" No, the juin grew more pevero nna kept extruding downward along my leg. and ho mku deI t for n cide:! that I had sciatica. In n few days the whole nerve was affected, and tha least movement brought on terrible lt I Where the Money Coe. Societies Give Farmer Machinery. The American people spent as much There are no leu than 54) agricultural societies scattered over Servla, money last jear for gems and Jewelry which distribute modern agricultural aa they spent for pianos and other and more than machinery and Implements among the musical instruments, farmers. These FoeietU-- have a cen- ihree times as much as they spent for tral office at lUlgrade. sewing inachlres New York Sun. s Doctor It. V. during the winter. the founder of the Invalid ilotel end surgical Institute, mid a and practice, of large jk was The J:ii to make up an alterative extrml of root. hrhs and barks, with- la ted the Past Four Months to Wreck Passenger Train Four Attempt In f In PP-rce- , phy-alci- Same Place. OF AM'ojIul. ou NARpullies the blood and tones up the Momuch and the entire stem in Natures own way. The Is Just the Golden Mediral Dico.-ry- r OFT Fmporla, Kas. Santa Fo passenger train No. 17 was ditched bv train wreckers a mile east of town at 2:2') Sunday morning. Fix passengers were injured and two will probably die. This Is the fourth attrmpt in the last four months to wreck trains In the same plate. Previous attempts were made hy piling ties on the trade, hut without serious results. The wreck Sunday was caused hy reof moving the spikes and two rails on the inside of a curve. The engine passed over the loose rails safely, hut the mail car left tho track and was dragged a hundred yards along tho embankment before the train was stopped. Tho next Jive cars, i !;e express and baggage car and smoker and two coaches, went into the feme ditch across the d .! 1 pas-nge- M-n- fish-plat- agony." "Did your condition improve under tho doctors treatment?" "Quito tho contrary. At thy end of two month I wasn't a hit better, and at times I feared that I Would never bo able to leave my led." How did you p t out again ?" unable to " Wie n I was lying in in fie.di,u friend move and wasting away visited mo and told me alut tho wonderful cures brought alsmt by u great blond and nervo remedy, Dr. Williams Pink Pills. He strongly urged me to try them, and I luckily h.ul sense cuougli to take his advice." D-d- , " right-of-wa- zig-zag- J . Did you mend quickly ? Yw. Ch.it was llm astonishing tiling. I tiiiticeil ft slight iiniirovttaerit la foro I had quite finished tho first box of the pills, I could get out of bed while I was on tho third box, and I was entirely cured by the time I had taken five boxes. Mr, Joseph A. Donovan is living at Plaistow, New Hampshire, and is lino insiector for the Haverhill, Newton and Plaistow Electric Street Railway. Dr. Williams Pink Pills are the remedy to use when the blood is thin, as in anaunia; or impure, as in rheumatism; or when the nerves are weak, as in neuralgia; or a Double lifeless, ns in partial paralysis; or when Rejected Lover Enacts ns the body as a whole is Tragedy at Los Angeles. in general debility. They are sold by Los Angeles A. Brightman shot all druggists. and killed Mrs. Charles II. Gurney and Wretch! The Unappreciative then committed suicide here Friday. Is a womans Unrequited love was the motive. Mrs. Contemporary asks, Not with lamb kiss worth $50,Q00? Gurney, who was 19 years of age, was a New cents 75 York at pound. chops formerly Miss Dona Vincent, and Herald. came here with her mother from Min- Favorite Remedy lr. David Kennedy's Im.l IieapOUb, 1U1IIU., nhnut a yCctl aU. She steisln nml khlnv ived my life! Albert Merrill, l'ark l'lace, N. V. SI a buttlo. recently married C. H. Gurney,de-a newspaper man, after, it is alleged, Japanese Hello! an offer of, marriage from The Japanese Hello at the tele- clining Brightman. phone is Moshi moslii, or Ano ne, with the accent on the nay. Arizona Pioneer Suicides. Phoenix, Ariz. Henry Wickenburg, SG years of age, wTas found dead Sunresidence at is better than most of us day in a grove near his town a small fifty miles Wickenburg, know! good tea. Why do northwest of here, which bears his name. In his right hand was held a we drink common stuff? 2 calibre revolver and a powder-burne- d In every package of Schilling's Best Tea Is a wound in the temple indicated booklet; Ilow to Make Good Ten. suicide. Wickenburg has been melancholy for some time. He was one of Japanese Customs. hands are and rare the oldest residents of Arizona and shaking Kissing was widely known, being the discovin Jan?r.. ly practiced erer of the famous Vulture mine. 1 J'AltlUJ w K l.i h -- " buihhr and tonic you require wlen recurring from a hard cold, No matter bow grip, or pneumonia. the stomach Is coiMitution tho htrong -of kilter" after u long, apt tow le out hard inter: lu comequenco the blood IS diM-red. for the stomach Is tho labortk-u-e f til atory tor the constant manufactureDis-of blood. l)r. Pierce'! Golden Medical covery strengthens the stomach put R insi.Kpe to make pure, rich blood helps is tho liter am! kidneys to cxjiel tho from the Lody. lf you take this NATt n u. i;i.oui itiuitku and to.nio you will as'M your sjstem in manufacturing ea h day a pint of rich, arterial that is stimulating to tho brain and bld. nerves The weak, nervous, condition which so many enpP experience at tlih time of tho year usually the ctTeet of tsiisons In tin) ; it is often indicated by pimples of on tin skin, t no faco o Itoiis comes thin you feel "blue." Dr. Pierces Gohlen Medical Discovery cures all blood humors as well as being a tonic that makes one vigorous, strong and forceful. Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery STAN PS AI.OXM as the one medicine for stomach, liver anil blood that has the ingredients printed upon the w rapper of every Imttio leaving the great lalM.rutory at Buffalo, N. Y., which cures in natures own way; not only dues it stand alone In respect to Its Ingredients but also as tho only spring tonic and reconstructive whica absolutely contains no alcohol. "I was taken with a severe cough, weakness lu my back, a glimmer over the eyes, had a bail breath, and stomach was out of 11. ixd-soi- e . The end of and lodged in a tho baggage car went up in the air high enough to ground t ho telegraph Two Pullman sleepers rewires. on the track, The passengers were asleep when , , oreurrcl. ami became great "T excited, but soon formed a wreck ing crew and went to the relief of the men in the overturned baggage car. A window was broken and of seven men in the car, six were found injured. Stretchers were made from car doors and the wounded were carried to a nearby field, where a hospital was improvised. An hour after the wreck a relief train arrived from Emporia and the injured were taken to Emporia. A CO! ICS, r y t . run-dow- Extracted From Forest Plants . Natures laws are perfect If we obey tlnon. but disease follows ilNolietlj.-ncestraight to nature for the cure, to the fore.--t : there are mysteries here that we ran fathom for you. Take tho hark oftho trie, the root of man- , . wild-cherr- rot, queen's rend, MKKlrut bio-..1- bo-G- apM-arin- y drake, stone , and golden seal, make a scientific. tuU-- , alcoholic extract of them with jn-- t the right projHrtious and you have Doctor Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery. It took Dr. Pierce, with the assistance of two learned chemists, eight yeurs of; hard work experimenting to make this vegetable extract and alterative of the greatest efficiency. Just tho sort of spring remedy you need to make rich, red blood, and cure that lassitude and feeling of nerve exhaustion. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical liaddls. of 14:13 South Tann Discovery bears tho stamp of public order." writes and has sold more largely in Avenue. Tacoma. Wash. "I felt sluggish, approval not care for anything, had no life, it was tho past forty years than any other blood did almo-i- t misery to move, appetite very poor. Tho refreshtonic. stomach and 1 purifier read Ir. Pierce's Common Hense Medical Is extract llko Influence of this ing Adviser and went right away and purchased Natures Influence the blood is bathed two lot levs of Ills (oklen Medical IMw'ot-er- y. In tho tonic which gives life to the blood and before I had taken all of one bottle tho vital tires of tho body burn brighter I felt better. If any doubt tho truth of this and their increased activity consumes testimonial they may write to me." Dr. Pierces Pellets Cure Constipation. tho tissue rubbish which has amnnit- , di-oni- I ....WE.,.. TREAT anil CURE CATARRH tod all curable diseases of the eye, ear, nose, throat, luns, stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, bladder wnd all chronic, nervous and private diseases of both sexes, and diseases of children. Home Treatment Cured. AVrlte for free symptom list If you cannot call. Consultation Free. I ! 1 TEA I DB. YOU . J. WISH SnOllES. Spssial Offer in Private DR. G. W. SHORES. TO YOy RSELK. KNOW THEY CAN CURE AND DO CURE SEXES PERMANENTLY, and to PROVE their .kllL In thi. class of alUnentt ther frert and oure such cases before the patleut Is required to pay Drs. Shores one dollar Or th'ns.whoMftfw may PLA demand all Cash. In exchanee for empty promises. Did you ever hear of VFakrr'refJndTnr a no ohanees you cannot penny sto a duped patient? Take if of so called ' WEAKNESSES OF MEN " Se eimSw the w?lt of Inflamed PR08TATE OLAND-D- rs. Shores new LOCAL TR E ATM K NT f or su c h oaLr Ta RL ABLY CURES ask other Doctor how many oases they cure under utatei treatment for this trouble. We cure LOST MANHOOD. Seminal Weaknets SDrmlterrh. GONORRHOEA. SYPHILIS VARICOCELE and kindred tro u b es !n less tlme d for money, than any Institution in the west, every case is oonfldentlal-- we never ns. & D&,ne f a secret. Consultation, Examination and Advice FREShy OFFICE HOURS: 9 a m to 5 p m; Evenings f to 8; Sundays anihoflday. 10 a m to IS. DRS, SHORES & SHORES, Expert Specialists, 249 South Main Street Nine-tenth- li h.S Sait LaksCity. U' Santa Ana Rheumatic me a little joy in the world in tiie reach of the is and Kidney Remedy poorest. Fifty Years a Pensioner. Pennsylvania railroad. Miss Patter- Piai: n, of Jamaica McCardle James remained in her car until 8 oclock Mass., one hundred years old, has when she left the train and proceeded since 1852 been drawing a pension as home-of All mem- her a to the at parents. day. sixpence a British soldier hers of the party were in good health an infallible is for Consumption Cure Pisos irit3 The trip from New York and medicine for coughs and colds. N. W. Samuel, was without incident. Miss Patterson Ocean Grove. N. J.. Feb. 17. 1900. refused to talk of her future. Will Be Wanted. Knows What The business district of the town of to a mother , visit her goes When takes her she always kitchen daughter Chief. Kan., apron. Troy, Diseases l'KS SHvRES' TEA There I ilora' fi-- e. ssOAansnneen Loss, ?200,000. estryed hy an ik-nc- e DO YOU WANT A II03IJE? uintah iiomeseekers club the 8 now organized. For circular, descrip tive of the Reservation, write and in- close stamp. T. M. PINJE & CO., under Walkers' Bank, Salt Lake City NEW PENSION LAWS Apply to NATHAN BICKFORD, . 914 F SL, Washington, D. C. A POSITIVE CURE FOR Rheumatism, Gout and Disease Kidney New That Makes Marvelous Cure ft Discovery Some Cured in a Day Nearly every box a cure if directions followed, A CURE FOR A DOLLAR THINK OF IT! THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. BY MAIL, $1.00. AT DRUCCISTS OR Kindly Mention This Paper. When Answering Advertisement THE SANTA ANA CURE BUTTE. MONTANA. COMPANY |