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Show Ktl. ' Mr ! Am ,.u of Air. can to l,ii;,ll n tho umI Mr. (Talk Y:; !i M h 1 1 "PCQP Wi 1 is ti: Just Opened We Have V K13. r:l. . Vni .h I. ( hr it ::! Ahai th. Ah ... dr.lr. ur 3 t.r t J Sunday m it!. 1,.) - tO t LCM-Mih- Id. J Ki.AnMi-?- a d, , u n- to 1 hi:, r Of Seasons ble Go ot rprearsnl. .j '. try will he had f ! i.' (itmni on be. n u!it'-ithe a:4 ifv.dy I.OiUi ITEMS. M vim A u. at u - - Thu ng wi;v-mi- tor K Tk c, th ir L:n-fAo- duv in a few rt iq I At . -- ; - Improvcmt nt .nt local company r rf- - 1 P. ' :." -II A rl r I! VL R AitJiit lHrtho!c!rm.v cf Fuji Pi" hop A. C. , I K At tho regular vchHoq for the cur rent month of the county com.wia aioueni David Andorran wkh re appointed ro.ui supervisor hr Gunuison precinct, fti;d E. J, Mcllcrfor Fiijct'to. The bond of David Audfrson i.h constable of Gunnison precinct was hIno approved, A. D. Dimmiek who "a-- ; eieited iu November declining to qualify, 8 It Advice from WdeLington through t lie prose dispatches i3 to tho effect that Paid von Nordeck has been l i;i getting tire appointment an at Gunnison, Mis; postmaster Helena Ke.; :rii3, who has resigned, will kao held the position four 3 ears and a half ou the 1st of April next Miss Kearns bus been u very obigi: g postmistress during her incumbency t: . , ! JL ii M "'X A a K ; 1 , i j I . M Cl M ifj ' AwJ 'i V f ti , i f. r p '. .. . 4 N ft The local theatre company will put on a play at the opera houso next Friday night. The piece ia a c uuedr ntrth.d Its All In the Pay ' 2 The performance will cou i i. farce entitled That Mid: night, Fob.Lhh ors, Utcitn. 1 Paid i b Produce 3 - U 0 ' v U ii Ed Ar.dw'on oi or thn Fuig-'- com; an 7, Ilu-idirld- e agani , r s ip. Gun- nison ye.trrday on hia way bon from Mt. Pleao'iut, where lie had bea to h iry his eude.ivcir to n tain tho company nt DicLCeld instead cf as v.uq intimoving to Mt. mated in lent, weeks pap.r, Agcn!t;j IDrns - Pk-oaun- t! tZ II. A. ieirr.3 has been on tho oick list during tho pa.-- t two weeks, hi-illuesx taiiog l.agrip iu severe harm. Mrs. Ivchjus came down froua tho family homm in Salt Lak- - hist. Monday to bo wim her hubaad at tho ranch i.i Gunnison during his illness. At this writing Mr. Kearns, wo are pleased to state, ia improviug. W : R R R Tho weather this week following upon the heavy snowfalls ou last Thursday, Friday end Saturday evenings ban been intensely cold, registering as low as 20 below zero. Thera has been extra demand for coal, the wood hills not being ?n n,isy of access on account, of the deep snow coming ho unexpectedly. Ron i ufe instantly relieved, and p. Ar.LtI-.c- r r. er t.gvuriatln'i C rcJ CaaaitcrLIc's Pc'.i LAU.a. Case iz ! ; ( i j 1 ; t healed it without a ccEr. all wound3 and corns, 2 von Ncrdecks druggist. ADo heala pmm.'.noM from rhe::rnati-iu h b .ck wh n elseverything fniled, mid he would not i e witlmut it. F, 7 C.. on. by Guun.r-.f m SNOW ACADEMY NOTES. A public meeting was held last Friday evening under the auspices of tha kindrrgartou class, the program being rendered wholly by the m-- m bers, with one exception. Mrs. Ida Smoot Duesenbury of the .13, Y university gave a lecture on Th Life of the Teacher, in which she portrayed in excellent manner tin value of knowing the disposition and growth of the child. Although th night was very stormy, tho assembl hall wc.3 well died and all present seemed well paid for the fcacriiice made. After the meeting the mem bers cf the class entertained thu faculty and a number of invited friends at a social given in the aiudergarten room. Various garni s were played and some excellent r. freshments served. A IS&TfERGF HEALTH hr d - M t ROYfia AbKhr, e A- i r 2- xr kvA ,, ,Y 5- . m'jso I 9 -L Pa vb . . - . Th-tim- ( 1 will-presen-t ' j v- J-- -, Ii 1 dipu-Priec I En-and- Co-op- . ty Haled, by Duekkns Ann: ii edicacy f CV.pnd'-rlah- in Pain C. Kiv. nb.uk, J.., of Niah Ik, Ya., Fahm in the relief of rhet.m ati. m is b. ieg !'non'-t-etwrites; I burnt n.y knee dreadfully d de'ly. lYikcr that it blistered cil ever. Fuciden n T' ii Grirsbr, Ya., that. Arnica Salve stopped the p;:in, aH G .i. 1. bt. rjii4 a s Pain nalm p.v.-i im No email excitement was caused among the members of tha mission . Jh t !ier Ve'slcn;. e Bpent in eooMn ary ck3 Tuesday, when most of thtm ::nr bifug. g. h: Prizes for Domestic Servants. received letters from Box B notifying ban- 'no bo ,, Mr ti A London them of their fields cf labor. e employment agent, to en old p,1 o; e in.' ; of : courage her clients to give satlsfao giaf for their departure was no ion to their '(Jiiair I.. employers, says she but they are to leave as eoo;. given, a gold watch to AlC Ia any servant a3 i3 convenient. from her agency who reengaged u: oct aupt nor mvi'-rChomberbriab' L.f jmw i mains m the same situation ci.uylHi: .uiver fva u. Americas A a silver watch to. thTableb-years; ue.v today Jor to reru Mv h.r stomach Exports aipaii.. it Liberia any who girl All the kerosene, the leaf u : sure ic. aeii. m and wile ;o tobacco TZl 4 Faatl0n tf,r two t . and ars "i. and the lumber pine used in th0Be'flo to . ncy Liberia ueusemo or gj.ne,' h is hare ale non, and h good i,ja 2.j cents. shipped from America i, the same house for one year.serves by way of For sale by Gunnison Co op. (f!.Uii..'n it 1 1 i. The Old hoiks of Centcrfield are to enjoy, next Friday ufternoon and evening, the customary annual event prepared b,r a comm.it.-'- ol yourg-'psople, Tho h. n ;j.;d gucEts will be :.eted and treated to a gOud program iu tho uftenu-onTi.o evening is to t t i! 1 sue-cocsfu- . T1 t the position cf deputy s ami making the round in the pari of the county umumraf ir, proper iDp. fir. Bartholo Iimh on working (I) is wools i; h tnew the vicinity of C nlorfield. R tty ti etc-jokjii', d .mo and hi.l l;,j 4 ; 1;. Id (tut !!.( t iblinhiu- nt uf J. ,1. Mill, r ned wid "unto ei.nrgo f Ir.j L.isiCv.- -. wit a. Mr. Mtlhr int.nd- - r t: hi j heme at Twin Ini.i d ;h tt t! 1 - it? hr? D :t? UlVirSD TO CALL U v. Fair. 8 Ifc. - V - i . Wi.-- Soli by I. Lud 'i.er., Gi:mn.'. n, WM. LouM VG.rils t rx ! Ih - - a r. ( W (, IIAT'S WtdlTil KHMOiniilllNG . 1 C U VGU Health cCicr J. A. lagan reports if Ihjbtirm the sinallj situation to be quite iij Uoni.'i 0:1 v.itft farorable. Iho eases so far are con- her parent::, Mr. ami Mr'. WilPr: tn th. thr. places rep rtf-d last i IJard'dcy. h ing the extent, or c .i a 1., ?! R f! i'ln u,. Jen..-I t alarm and it is 1. not C '.. .avid ii a ill hi: Will: key. 'i:Cj to nitric! puuhc grihi ring ). WoiIiPh ii Pro .( '(rd In ? ATKOK.d t!.e oc.viio:i for the Giv..- your slipped p mt to the pub pL v. ill duroto ALWAYS FIND QFAI.u V AND MUCH UK. Ill WITH US. UVH AIM 10 SATISFY IS PI;OYHni.?A L. J .f.Kil tLu f ct : ti .o :::; - will cif:l 1 it p t: 1 iu baud h-G- of a 10m u t. : U like!) after .VLiimi-rio- ;.'X. I 1 e MY n j r 1 . |